#bd/sm slave collar
prouddomme · 1 month
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You've finally found your place. You're a pet
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sluttilythings · 1 day
You should post a picture of you wearing a collar
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Ask and you shall receive 💕 this is my fave collar 💁‍♀️ but I have another that says "slut" if people want to see too
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augustblackleather · 28 days
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Who’s handing over his leash to me ?
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jackherrington · 14 days
”What’s that noise?”
“It’s the pocket pussy I keep in my basement. Give me 10 minutes, it sounds like it’s hungry.”
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sweet-omega · 2 months
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prouddomme · 4 months
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I still love playing with dolls.
What about you?
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endprodukt15215 · 2 months
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Mein Dom und ich hatten überlegt, das wir hier bei Tumblr nur "Fetisch-Bilder" (Leggings, Daunenjacke,Badeanzug etc.) zeigen.
Allerdings auch mal "Alltagsbilder" wenn das Outfit passt 🤣🙈
Die anderen, freizügigeren Bilder kommen ausschließlich in die Telegram Gruppe !!!!
Da wir keine Lust haben, das mein Account wieder eingeschränkt oder gesperrt wird.
In der Gruppe werden aber nicht ausschließlich Nacktbilder gepostet!!
Ausserdem werde ich mich auf Tumblr und Telegram auch mal mit Gesicht zeigen. :)
LG 15215 ☺️
Steckbrief von 15215
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zeusmagnolia · 4 months
How To: Collaring
This is an adapted version of traditional Old Guard collaring. Feel free to modify as you see fit. Kink is a wide world and no two dynamics will ever be exactly the same.
Typically there are three collars that are given from an owner to their submissive.
Consideration Collar / Trial Collar colors: blue
This collar represents the ambition of the master to own their submissive. This collar can be removed by either party at any time. It is not a promise to become collared, it is a symbol of intent. During this period both the owner and the pet will be able to learn and develop what their collared dynamic will be. They should discuss what a full collaring would mean to them, what their expectations of the other are. This period is a courtship period where the dominant and submissive have decided to learn each other and discover their dynamic.
Other doms and masters will typically respect the sight of a blue collar and leave the submissive alone- this is appropriate unless otherwise asked for.
It is blue to represent a blue sky, a new beginning, a fresh start. If the sub is willing- this can be the start of their new life.
Training Collar colors: red, black with red trim, or chain
The training collar is given by the owner, and can only be removed by the one who gave it. After spending time with the consideration collar- the submissive should be prepared and clear on what their expectations are now that they have become a full time ward of their collaring dom. The training period can be several weeks to many years. During this period the Owner should be very clear and exacting. They should be sure to enforce their rules and hold their trainee up to the highest standard. This period is the greatest gift a dominant can give to a submissive. It is a time when the owner has dedicated their focus and energy into permanently changing and molding their pet into their desired shape.
A dominant may end the period of training by giving the pet a permanent collar or by releasing them to be uncollared but forever changed. There is no shame in releasing a submissive once they have been trained. Life can lead us to each other and it can again lead us away.
A training collar may be removed physically but the sub will be forever molded in some ways by the one who gave it. In this sense- while a training collar is not a lifetime commitment- it is spiritually permanent. The giving of this collar should, as such, be treated with solemnity. A small private ritual is appropriate.
Its colors are red, to represent the blood that is given to change someone- or chain to represent restraint.
Permanent Collar
colors: black or metal
The permanent collar is the deepest commitment the master and slave can make. It is spiritual and physical. The master has agreed to care for, guide, and control their sub for life or longer, and the sub has given fully their body heart and soul to their owner.
The collar can never be removed. Even if it is destroyed physically the collar remains in spirit. The giving of this collar should be treated with equal or greater solemnity and seriousness as marriage. Often times friends, family and loved ones are invited to a public collaring ritual. There may also be private ritual here at the master's discretion.
Other Collars
Often there are other collars given for special purposes, like a thick play collar for bondage play, or a more subtle "day collar" which can be worn when in public. All three collars can have "day collar" variants depending on the needs and desires of the master and submissive.
Discuss with your partner what your collar means to you before you give or accept a collar. Talk about what your relationship expectations are before you give a collar. Will you only collar or be collared by one person? Do you expect the dynamic to be full time or will you define boundaries to it?
The nice thing with this three collar system is that it allows a relationship and dynamic to develop and grow in intimacy over time. There's no rush to put someone in a permanent collar. Take your time and allow your dominance and submission to grow into each other.
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herchainedpup · 2 months
if ur partner is an ADHD sub, this is how u fix them:
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(ADHD doesn't need to be "fixed", i am jus jokin about myself)
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prouddomme · 4 months
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mistresslaurasslave · 27 days
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Have been permanently locked for 1150 days for my superior mistress Laura now
And denied 940days (no permission to cum)
I well be locked forever
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angel-in-shibari · 6 months
a slave's collar is their most important accessory. not only does it show that they're owned, but with stylization and customization, it can also show who exactly owns them. Mistress prefers a nice rose gold band with floral engravings. to the unsuspecting, it looks like a fancy metal choker or extravagant piece of jewelry. but to those who do know, it's true purpose is undeniable.
the collar is equipped with the obvious essential features: gps, microphone, motion trackers, proximity sensors, and various devices that monitor my every movement. of course, all those features would be pretty pointless if Mistress didn't have a way to control me. that's why there are five electrodes placed equidistant from each other at various points along my neck. the electrodes can be controlled manually by a secure program that only Mistress has access to. all five can be fired individually, with 25 levels of intensity. 1 is a mild tickle. 5 is a painful shock, but relatively manageable as long as it's not prolonged. 10 is enough to bring me to my knees as I cry and beg for her to stop. she has only ever used 11 once, and I blacked out immediately. as for 25... don't worry about it
the collar features an incredibly secure and tamper-proof locking system. as it's locked, various circuits are armed. if the lock is broken and those circuits are broken... um... well. maybe you're thinking I can just wait for the battery to drain completely before taking it off without issue. think again, because there are two batteries installed that last quite a long time without a charge. the collar itself doesn't use all that much electricity, but in the case that one battery is completely drained, it will switch to the second battery. both batteries can last about 5 months each, so I'd have to go almost a year without charging for it to even reach depletion. also, once the final battery reaches its last 5% of charge, all the remaining electricity is released at once through the electrodes at level 25 until there is nothing left. basically, my collar isn't coming off with me alive.
I never have to worry about low batteries, however. Mistress has installed a number of radio frequency wireless charging devices around her mansion, meaning that as long as I am inside, my battery remains at almost full charge. the only time it has ever dipped below 99.7% is one afternoon when Mistress was extremely mad at her father and decided to take her anger out on me. whatever makes her happy makes me happy. I'm glad that my suffering is cathartic for her.
alongside the chargers, proximity detectors are placed on the outside walls. if I get to close to an exit, Mistress is automatically notified and a level 1 shock is admitted. if I get even closer, the shock is amplified dramatically. stepping outside is a level 25. the only way I'm ever allowed outside is if Mistress manually disables the 'electric fence' as she calls it. but when she does that, she has a separate system that acts in a similar way that shocks me more the further away from her I get.
you might think that all of this is unnecessary. all these systems and programs are what you might call "exceptionally overkill" or "horribly sadistic" or "just plain cruel". but the main reason they exist actually isn't to keep me in line. even if trying to take my collar off didn't kill me, I wouldn't ever dream of removing it. I would never go outside unless Mistress made me, even without the electric fence active. even the 25 levels of shock are a display of power. I'm small enough that level 13 would probably be enough to kill me.
the reason all these things exist is actually to show everyone that every single aspect of my life is completely under Mistress's control. I already know it's pointless to try and escape or fight back. I realized that before the collar was ever locked around my throat. all the ways in which Mistress has power over me are already obvious to me. because these precautions aren't for me. they're for you. to terrify you, and show you exactly what happens to people who wrong my Mistress. unless you want to end up like me, I strongly recommend you stay on her good side.
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harmonycorrupted · 2 years
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Collared, pigtailed and clad in fishnet …аt your service💜😜
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ambrr0se01 · 3 months
I wish cock could fit in my ears. That's like 2 extra holes to ruin
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