Getting to Know You ~*~ [Siren]
There was something going around. (Besides the flu). It was the 36 Questions that Lead to Love. Attina had--known about these for a while. Of course, she’d tried it on a couple boyfriends, but none of them had gone through the whole thing, and she had given up after a while. 
Love wasn’t that simple anyway. That wasn’t how you fell in love with someone.
But, now that it had resurfaced, Attina had that itch again. She contemplated doing it with her sisters but--that seemed a bit pointless. She could do it with her girlfriends, but she--didn’t want to do it with her girlfriends. She wanted to do it with a boy. Not because she wanted to fall in love with them...but...because she wanted to, alright?
Conveniently, there was a boy, laying in a bed, in her apartment. 
She knocked quietly on his door, the blinds were drawn. It was dark in the large spare room with it’s five beds (two bunk beds, one single beneath the window, where Percy was). 
“Hello,” she said softly, “I brought some tea and biscuits.” She held them up, scurrying to his side and placing them down and then sitting daintily on the edge of the bed. “I know you’re--probably tired, but--if you’re bored. I’ve got an idea--it’s...these thirty six questions. They’re...supposed to--help you get to know someone better. If--you want.”
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Splash Down ~*~ [Shriek, Swim, or Sing]
In which Attina and Aquata run into a mutual friend at Pixie...
@aquata-the-bold, @panicked-percy
[tw -- an awk situation]
AQUATA It had been a long time since Aquata and Attina had had a girl’s night with one another. While Pixie’s wasn’t Aqua’s typical scene, it was one that she could definitely vibe with and when her older sister suggested a night out, Aquata agreed.
It’s not like she had anything better to do anyway.
Dressed in a skin tight, blue dress, Aqua met Tina at her apartment so that the two girls could head out together. And okay, maybe she had had a couple shots before actually getting to her sister’s apartment but she didn’t really need to know that, now did she?  
ATTINA There was a rotating schedule that Tina tried to keep with her sisters. This way she made sure to get one on one time with all of them and have fun--mostly to check up on them but also remind them that she wasn’t just some order-giving robot. Of course, this didn’t always work depending on when these shifts fell. It just so happened that last time it was Aquata’s turn, she had been at a swim meet. So, it had been a while.
But, that was alright! It’d been a while since Attina had been at Pixie, but now that she had a boyfriend, going out with her sisters was much easier because she could use the boyfriend card to ward off creepy dudes and she wasn’t feeling desperate and distracted.
And! She wanted to dance.
(Also, Tina totally knew about the shots, c’mon.)
But, she linked arms with Aqua anyway and into the club they went, the music pounding through their feet at once. “Do you wanna get drinks first?!” she shout-whispered into Aqua’s ear.
AQUATA No matter what, each time that Attina had suggested having an outing or acted incredibly sissy sissy with Aqua, it felt weird. It was no lie, or no real hiding the amount the two sisters seemed to butt heads with one another, so yeah, sometimes it was awkward going out with Attina. Especially because she always mommed Aqua so hard.
The shots that were already in Aqua’s system though made it incredibly less awkward.
Her arm stayed looped with Attina as they walked into the club, leaning her head closer to the redhead as she screamed out over the music. “Isn’t that the point?!?!?” She shouted back as if her sister wasn’t right next to her and instead on the complete other side of the club.
ATTINA Tina winced a little at Aqua’s volume, but hey, at least she could hear her. Going to the club with Della was always terrible just because she was so soft spoken. But, Tina smiled and dragged Aqua to the bar, where she ordered a cranberry vodka for herself.
When the drinks arrived, she clinked her glass with Aqua’s. “Cheers!” she giggled and tossed some of her drink back, making a face at how strong it was, but she had asked for a double shot since she obviously needed to catch up some.
“Oh my god, I think there is a whole bottle of vodka in this!” she squeaked.
AQUATA She stumbled up to the bar, using the countertop to rest her weight on already feeling the affects of the two shots she had taken before. But she ordered herself a Malibu and Coke, though was veryyyy specific with the bartender to give her like, all Malibu, and just a little Coke. This was a night that was meant to let loose, get drunk, and have fun.
Aqua clinked her own drink with Tina’s taking a sip before rolling her eyes at her older sister.
“Oh my god, shut up.” Aqua mused with a laugh. “There’s no other way to drinkitttt.”
ATTINA After Andrina, it was really Aquata who could get Attina to loosen up the most. Alana was way too judgy, and Arista’s idea of a good time was playing video games or talking about her girlfriend (both things Attina loved, don’t get her wrong) but Aquata--she was good at having fun. At least, once you loosened her up herself. Which was why Attina liked coming out here with her. No judgement (except maybe about Attina being too uptight.)
So, she wrinkled her nose at her little sister and took another big gulp, making another face and sticking out her tongue a little.
“Are you gonna want to dance at all?” she asked, wiggling her shoulders in Aquata’s direction suggestively with a laugh, already feeling the alcohol warm in her stomach.
AQUATA Okay, so maybe Aquata was going a little too hard tonight considered she had all about downed the rest of her small drink, but she didn’t have practice the day meaning she could get as drunk as she wanted and not have to deal with trying to swim while hungover.
It was perfect.
She set the empty glass down on the bartop, sliding it towards the edge though careful not to push it too far to the point where it would fall off and crash - she wasn’t that much of asshole. Though Aquata turned towards Attina, sticking out her hand for her sister to lead her towards the dance floor so they could begin to actually have a little fun. “Let’s do this shit!”
ATTINA Attina beamed as Aquata grabbed her hand and they went weaving through the crowd towards the dance floor. They stayed on the outskirts because the idea of bumping up against a bunch of other sweaty bodies was a definite no go for Attina, but they were still on the actual dancefloor, so it wasn’t weird. Lady Gaga was playing on the speakers. An old #throwback song, but it didn’t matter to Attina really. She wasn’t the greatest dancer alive but with a little bit of alcohol in her, she didn’t really care.
They bounced and danced and tossed their hair and scoffed at boys who tried to get near to them, until they were both sweaty and breathless.
Her hand in Aquata’s, she tugged on it a little to get her attention as the song changed. “I have to pee!” she yelled at her, leaning in close so that she would hear. “You wanna come with?”
AQUATA Alright, so maybe Aquata wasn’t as great at everything as she led people to believe. Yes, she was a badass athlete - could take on the best especially when it came to swimming and diving. She also didn’t do half bad when it came to school, and in fact, was quite proud of herself for making such high marks.
Dancing though?
Yeah, Aquata had like, zero rhythm.
Did she really care though? No. Aqua didn’t ever really seem to care what people thought of her, but it wasn’t even that. The real reason that she didn’t care was because she was drunk off of her mind. Gotta love being a mermaid and having a low alcohol tolerance. “No I’m good, you just go!” Aqua shouted over the music, continuing to dance. Her sister was fine walking by herself, she didn’t have any doubts about that. “I’ll be RIGHT HERE!”
PERCY Well Panic had an eventful day, Even if it was just a probation meeting that put him onto full time he came out of that meeting with his hands shaking and all he wanted was a drink. Anything to calm him and Percy’s nerves. So That meant today he was nursing a whiskey on the rocks watching all the others dancing against the music settling in for a simple night. What he hadn’t expected was to see the girl he remembered from the carnival.
What was her name again? Aqua? Yeah, Aqua. You rather chill with her wouldn’t you? Hey, I mean better than being alone and getting all those side glances Screw the side glances. All you need is a glass of whiskey How about messing around then and just getting onto the floor? You do know how awkward you dance right? I don’t-I guess? I blame you You blame me for everything It works.
Closing his eyes for moment Panic could feel himself receding into his mind as Percy took over slipping through the crowd only to tap on Aqua’s shoulder.
“Hey there! Long time no see!” Percy called out.
AQUATA Had quite honestly seemed like she was having the time of her life dancing there by herself. Her head was tilted back as she breathed in the lights and the music, letting it just swim through her bloodstream (much like the alcohol).
She had been so lost in herself too (and the music - girl was dancing like there was no tomorrow which was probably dangerous for the surrounding club goers, but who gave a fuck) when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
Surely it couldn’t be her sister. There was no way the redhead could have peed that fast and even if she could, the line to the bathroom was always metres long. When she spun around though and saw a familiar face, Aqua squinted towards him. In her drunken state, it had been a little hard to tell who was standing in front of her so she did what she only could do...lean forward and squint harder until she finally recognized the figure.
“PERCY!” She shouted, leaning back to how she was standing before though still dancing. “Whathe hell r’you doing here?”
PERCY Percy couldn’t help but laugh at Aqua, she was far gone that was for sure. At least Panic hadn’t gone that far.
I can hold my alcohol thank you very much.
Shaking his head just at his ‘brother’ Percy focused more in on the girl’s movements and her words which were hard enough to hear with the pounding music. But he sure as hell felt awkward with everyone dancing around him and he was just there. But he let himself move with the crowd even with how he felt.
“Just having a drink! You look like you’re having fun? By yourself?” Or was he interrupting something.
AQUATA Aquata slumped her shoulders a bit as Percy continued to stand there and just exist. He was at Pixie’s for Poseidon’s sake! He should at least be dancing. “Come on you, barnacle! Dance!” Aqua shouted, reaching out and moving his shoulders around a bit to actually get him to dance instead of doing that weird ass swaying thing that he was doing now.
“What?!” She shouted, leaning forward once more before she realized what he had asked her. “OH! Yeah! I’m by myself now!!!” Which wasn’t wrong, she just took it to mean that there wasn’t anyone dancing with her presently. Which there wasn’t. Attina was still peeing so that left Aqua by herself! “Did you come here with someone?!?”
PERCY Percy laughed shaking his head at her as she moved to make him dance. “I’m not much of a dancer!” He called out though he attempted to move with her and not look like a fool while doing so though he could hear Panic in his head laughing the entire time. “Also barnacle?! Really?” Now she had some weird insults and while he already knew that it was still a little funny.
“Okay!” At least he didn’t seem like he was interrupting something though he didn’t trust the girl’s drunk judgement all the time. “Nah! Thought I would just come for a drink! Thought I would just chill but apparently I’ve run into you!”
AQUATA “I don’t give a shit! You’re here so you’re dancing!” And with that Aqua pulled him a little bit further onto the dance floor so that maybe he’d get the stick that was shoved up his ass out and actually dance a bit. She ignored the barnacle comment though because one, she was too drunk to care, and two, she didn’t really feel like explaining why she said it.
Not that she really could anyway.
“And now you get to actually have fun instead of sitting around on your ass and just drink! Dance!”
PERCY “Well if I look like an idiot I’m going to blame you!” Truly he did feel like he looked like an idiot even as he moved. Sure he moved with the beat but he was awkward. He didn’t know how to dance. Not well. And sure Panic could take over and there would be a little more confidence but it would all end up a mess anyway.
“Isn’t just drinking okay too? Who doesn’t just want to get drunk?” He questioned though he was finally starting to loosen up and dance with her.
AQUATA Aquata didn’t even really care how she looked or who was around, she was having fun and letting loose to the absolute fullest. She had basically ignored what Percy had said, all of it going in one ear and straight out the other as she continued to dance, her arms eventually falling against his shoulders as she bounced up and down very offbeat and very wildly before she was practically dancing on top of him.
PERCY If Percy was the type to blush he would have been. There was a reason he went a dancer. And out of the two of them Percy had a lot less experience than Panic ever did and he could hear him laughing in their head.
Shut up. Never this is hilarious. Now dance with your friend.
Rolling his eyes at Panic eventually Percy gave in using Aqua quest figure how to dance in this environment.
ATTINA The line to the bathroom was long, and it seemed to stretch on foreverrrr, especially while drunk. Especially without someone else with her. Which, y’know wasn’t surprising because Aquata was Aquata. Alana knew the code, though. The go-to-the-bathroom-together code. Andy knew it too. Adella and Arista. But, Aquata always did her own thing. Attina admired it. She was so fierce. She had such a bite.
Tina wasn’t like that.
This was what she was thinking about while she waited for the bathroom: how much she admired her little sister. It put her in quite a good mood, skipping back to where she’d left Aquata, who was now dancing with some boy. That was rude, this was a girl’s night, and Attina was just drunk enough to tell her so. She marched right up to Aquata and the man (whose face was turned away from her and hidden by the dark.)
She tapped the man on the shoulder. “Hey!” she snapped. “That’s my--”
And the man turned around.
“Percy!” Attina squeaked.
AQUATA Continued to dance quite horrible along to the music, her arms still around Percy as she completely lost herself. She was oblivious to the world around there and there was no reason besides the alcohol for that.
That is until a maybe not quite as drunk Attina appeared right behind Percy, tapping him on the shoulder. To be fair, Aquata had seen her coming. Probably could have given her or Percy for that matter a little warning, but she was sort of looking forward to this exchange. Drunk or not, she knew what was about to happen.
Aquata released her arms from off of Percy’s shoulders, throwing them over her older sister’s. “TINA! LOOK!” Aqua spoke, turning back to Percy and placing her index finger against his chest. “I ran into your ex husband!” She added, doing a horrible job at hiding the small little laugh that had escaped her.
PERCY Percy was just starting to loosen up and have fun. Sure he didn’t have as much to drink as Aqua but he had some in his system and he was having fun. It made moving to the music easier and he just started to stop caring what people saw. What people could say. Hell half these people wouldn’t remember him? Would they?
But just as his luck just as he was loosening up he felt that tap on his shoulder and glanced around only for confusion to fill his face before plain shock.
“Uh Attina.” Percy managed out glancing at Aqua from the corner of his eyes at her statement.
Fuck me. Yeah.
“How are you?”
Good job, really. So Smooth.
ATTINA Attina didn’t know who to be more pissed at.
Percy, for just--being there and existing and making her chest do all sorts of funny acrobatics in her chest, which made her want to get angry with him if only to shut those feelings up, she hated them.
Aquata. Who had just been dancing with Percy! Who she obviously knew that Attina had a history with. A history that would make her blush if she wasn’t so drunk.
And, yes, she was rather drunk and oh--she glared at her sister, getting ready to open her mouth when Percy spoke and she snapped her head in his direction.
He’s not my ex-husband. Technically we never divorced. Technically, wewere never married.
“I’ve got a boyfriend,” she blurted, which was not the way to answer ‘how are you’, “uh--I mean--I’m fine. H-how are...you?”
AQUATA Honestly, Aquata didn’t know why this was apparently getting as awkward as it was between the two in front of her. Percy stopped dancing a bit, instead looking at Tina with wide eyes as if he couldn’t believe that she was here. Which was stupid. Aquata was here and where there was one Triton sister, there was usually another lurking close by.
And don’t even get Aqua started on Tina. The first thing out of her mouth being that she had a boyfriend? What the fuck was that even about? Percy hadn’t asked, nor did he probably give a shit whether or not Attina had a boyfriend.
That was the whole stupid part about this. Yes, they were married in the weird Greek life that the town had been transported into, but none of it was real. Absolutely none of it. That’s what she had tried to tell Ariel, but apparently she was going to have to shout it at Attina too.
Aqua rolled her eyes, continuing to bounce around the dance floor because she wasn’t going to let this conversation drown her buzz. “Oh my goshhhhh he doesn’t care if you have a boyfrienddddd that was like, months ago.” Her arms cascading in front of her before they shot up into the air as she danced. “Just cut the awkward small talk and danceeee.”
PERCY People could tell panic all day every day the world there wasn't real. That it was basically a dream. But dreams felt strong too and honestly didn't people get weirded out by dreams as well. Then there was the added fact Attina knew Panic and Aqua knew Percy. Sure the boys weren't crazy different but they had his quirks and so when Attina spit out she had a boyfriend the small chuckle that escaped his lips was all Panic no matter how awkward Percy felt.
Panic could already feel the panic in Percy’s mind the frazzled boy was all about to start hyperventilating there on the floor and Panic had little choice to slip back in.
“I'm glad for you?” Panic murmured unsure how to appropriately respond to that but Attina was a good person he knew that and if she deemed someone worthy for her he hoped they were.
“neither of us are drunk enough I think to keep up dancing with you.” Panic stated though realized he couldn't talk for Attina. “unless you are cause im interrupting sister night?” It was a pretty pathetic attempt at an escape plan that was for sure.
ATTINA Tina opened her mouth and closed it repeatedly as Aquata danced, tossing that long, dark hair of hers back and forth. She probably looked like a fish out of water. Felt like one too. Felt like an idiot. Felt like she wanted to run away. Percy was looking at her, with those soft eyes of his, and it was weird--because if she looked at him, she’d probably be able to know what he was thinking. She had known him so well, even if it was some other-version of himself. His life and thoughts might be different, but his expressions were the same.
So, instead of looking at him, she stared at her sister, so mad she could pull her hair out.
But--she couldn’t help but look at Percy when he spoke. Her eyes darted to him, and her lips closed, pressing into a thin line. Her heart gave another funny, confused squeeze at his soft voice. It had been so comforting, once upon a time, and even now it washed over her.
“No, no,” she said at once, even reaching out to put her hand on his arm for a second. She pulled it back in almost the same instant. “No, it’s--it’s fine. I can--” she kind of waved her hand about like she was pointing in some vague direction. “I think I saw my friend...around...if you wanna keep dancing. It’s fine really. You--and Aqua--” she shot a glare in her sister’s direction, raising her voice slightly, “--just surprised me is all.”
AQUATA This was killing Aqua’s buzz. Which had truly seemed impossible considering just how drunk the girl was, but it was and she was getting pissed about it. It was supposed to be a fun night with her sister, something that Aqua really didn’t have all that much since she was usually the one that was jumping down her sister’s throats. Rightfully so though because they almost always managed to piss her off. But this was going to be a better one.
And then she had run into Percy who was really the only person that she felt could be considered a friend of hers anymore, but then Attina had to go and make it fucking weird. Like why couldn’t they just hang out the three of them? Percy was clearly here by himself, yeah it was supposed to be a girl’s night but they obviously both knew him so why not?
“Noooo,” Aquata slurred, throwing her arms over her sister. “You’re staying here with me.” But then she looked over towards Percy, “Percyyyy is a friend of both of ours soooo he can stay too. There, problem solved now come on and fuckin’ dance already!”
PERCY Honestly Panic wasn't sure how they had gotten themselves into this situation. Normally Percy wouldn't have been in control enough for someone to tell the difference in personalities. (Thank God Aqua was drunk she wouldn't be as noisy as before.) Panic might actually survive this night cause Percy was long gone.
Running his fingers through his hair Panic smiled at Attina every little touch a memory of their fake life. Images he had pushed away and ignored fluttered to the surface.  “I'm not going to ruin sister night. “ He rebutted before Aqua flopped into her sisters arms.
“If you two will have me I'll join. “ smirking he leaned down near Attinas ear speaking just loud enough for her to hear. “plus I don't think we'll escape a drunk Aqua at this rate.” He pulled back shrugging looking to Attina. “wanna dance?”
ATTINA Tina oofed a little as Aquata draped on her. Her little sister was much taller than her, which meant she literally flopped on her like a fish out of water. She blew a piece of hair out of her face and chuckled at Aqua, patting one of her forearms consolingly. It was nice that her sister, even though she probably had to be drunk to say it, admitted to wanting to spend time with Attina.
She knew Aqua was much softer than she made herself out to be--at least where her family was concerned.
Aquata twirled away the next second, shimmying ridiculously, making Attina snort and shake her red curls.
Percy’s breath tickled her ear the next second, making her shiver a bit and turn to look up at him, her eyebrows up, her cheeks pink.
“Dance?” she said, her voice climbing an octave. She shouldn’t--should she? He was her...ex-husband, fake ex-husband? It wasn’t real, was it? And they could--be friends, maybe. That would be nice. Attina did like Percy quite a bit. He was nice and kind. Right, so, completely innocent. Just friends.
“Sure!” she said, scooting her way further onto the floor, catching Percy’s eye and smiling at him before she tossed her curls again and started shimmying ridiculously, just like Aquata--letting out a bright laugh.
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RIPTIDE ~*~ [Perina PUPPY CHOW/Demon Mermaid]
Ariel was gone.
Disappeared in the night of the second day--and there were only two options:
Ariel had been taken or she had gone down into Hell herself. Now, Attina knew her littlest sister and she knew that the probability of her having gone down into those depths--they were rather high.
So, currently, Attina sat on the edge of her shared cot with Percy--who was out, who shouldn’t be back until later--having a panic attack, because of course she was. She hadn’t been able to go to anywhere but home after she’d spoken with her father. Her escort was being a dick and JEFF couldn’t leave the house--he was busy. 
They couldn’t make a big deal out of it either, because, of course, that could put Ariel into danger.
She stuffed it all until she’d gotten home and then she’d collapsed on the side of her bed, gripping the edges, her breath rasping, lips trembling, eyes full of tears. Couldn’t stop it, so she just let it happen, bowing her head and letting out a low, long sob.
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