#be pissed at the lil posers who wanna walk around w dio patches and megadeath patches when they’ve never heard not one song
Yknow what? I share everyone’s sentiment about Eddie making metalhead culture mainstream again. I get it, I do! I’m not exactly thrilled at the idea that suddenly everyone and they momma wants to dress like us and look like us. I’m not excited to (full offense) see posers walking around w battle jackets and vests on when they don’t live and breathe the music/culture behind it. It fuckin pisses me off that finding metalheads attractive is a novelty now when I got told I was weird for being friends w those kids in school (and for being one too). I get it.
But leave my man out of this, okay? He ain’t do nothin wrong. Idk if it’s the metalhead solidarity in me or just me immediately empathizing w Eddie but he’s a sick ass character and doesn’t deserve the slander. Direct that slander towards the posers!
Gatekeeping is a lil okay and I’m not opposed. Not everyone belongs everywhere.
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