#be real. being attracted to phoenix wright does underly some psychological issues
dottyistired · 9 months
lmao the whole "miles is attracted to phoenix partially because he's a bit similar to his dad" drama sparked up again
people who go sooo far to deny the obvious narrative parallels because they can't stand their uwu wholesome ship to be even the tiniest bit weird...get over urselves. or step away from the thrice-divorced emotionally constipated grown man yaoi
people's brains are messy and sometimes the way they imprint on others is influenced by their formative experiences. i definitely know people who have gravitated towards romantic partners with similarities to their family, it is a Thing That Happens (not to everyone, not to most people but It Does To Some). it's kinda gross to realize, you go through a phase of denying it because you don't want that sick fuck freud to have been anywhere near right about anything, but then you grow up and accept it's kinda funny
it doesn't mean people want to fuck their family, edgeworth is not attracted to his dad, you are the freak for thinking that. not us for recognizing the writing Choice to have That Man who saved him do so through the profession of the father he idolized, spouting the same ideals.
a person relies on a parent for protection, then grows up and relies on a lover (or friend/life partner/etc). it's a classic romance narrative, often disproportionately used on female characters even though people of all genders depend on each other equally in a relationship, so it's actually quite refreshing to see a queer version of it with miles' blossoming admiration and love for phoenix! and yeah, it's ripe for a few jokes about his daddy issues bleeding into his relationships. sue me i have a deadbeat dad pass
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