#be summed up with i like them or dislike them. but i do love futaba. and mami
zhuhongs · 1 year
futaba kuze i love you so much, god... oh my godddd
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astromechas · 6 years
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(minor Q2 spoilers)
Oh man, I loved her. Going in, I already knew I was gonna love her, so I might be a little biased, but I really do think they did a good job with her in this game (one of the things they got really right).
What I loved most about FeMC as a whole was the contrast she drew with MC, as she was originally written to be his complete opposite. For example, she’s significantly more bubbly and extroverted than her male counterpart. However, they are similar where it counts-- how they both care for their friends to the point where dying for them seemed like a fair trade.
When it comes to that, her bubbly, happy-go-lucky, and overall positive attitude towards everything really shines through. She doesn’t hesitate to join up with the Phantom Thieves to help them save their friends (even thinking being a thief is really cool), gets along with both the Phantom Thieves and the Investigation Team, and shows concern for others, even though she barely knows them (like when she was worried about a poisoned Rise that she just met). She also expresses the utmost faith in SEES, even when separated from them. When asked by Naoto whether or not she was worried about them, she answered that her friends were strong people, so no matter what, she was going to continue believing that they’re safe. Also, she’s extremely perceptive when it comes to SEES, with them on multiple occasions noting how well she knew each and every one of them. She also appears to be the kind of person who is willing to help a friend with whatever they need, without even asking questions (kinda like she how she just met the PT and was basically like, “I’m gonna join you guys! :D”
However, this isn’t to say FeMC is a basic girl who is entertained by anything. She’s definitely the kind of girl who tries her best to maintain a strong front, usually for the people around her. She hides her pain and tries to convince everyone she’s fine, even if it’s a total lie. This is shown especially when she was clearly hurt that SEES didn’t know her, but when members of the PT and IT ask her how she is, she’s says she’s doing okay.
Also, a huge part of FeMC’s story in this game seems to be alluding to the themes of loneliness and solitude (maybe referencing to the years Atlus forgot she existed lol), especially since she spends a good chunk of this game away from her team. At the end of the AIGIS labyrinth, FeMC told Joker she could understand how Ribbon felt because she also understood what it meant to be alone.
I do think, however, that she’s a bit more girly than I would’ve thought. In P3P, I thought she was more of an athletic type and a bit more tomboyish. Especially since she had times in P3P where she was totally willing to punch another person for insulting her friend (Saori Hasegawa’s Social Link), and how she was a pretty solid member of the Volleyball/Tennis teams. In PQ2, she’s fairly girly, both in the way she speaks and how she carries herself. She was even included in a special screening with Rise and Ann where they found ingredients to make churros, which does coincide with FeMC in P3P, who was a fan of food.
I also think it’s worth pointing out (since it will definitely be lost in the localization) that FeMC’s dialogue rarely uses hiragana/katakana spelling instead of kanji for certain words, which is the kind of writing that is usually reserved for characters that are a bit more childish like Futaba, Morgana, Junpei, etc (ex. how Junpei will say “ore” as オレ instead of 俺 or how Futaba will say “watashi” as わたし instead of 私) Her dialogue will do it sometimes, but for the most part, she speaks using proper kanji, indicating a certain level of maturity.
Overall, I think PQ2 was incredibly faithful to the core characteristics FeMC displayed in P3P (i.e, things that were true, regardless of player action). She’s a caring, loving, ‘human-sunflower’ that hides her pain so other people don’t worry about her, and is extremely likable as she easily makes friends with the others.
Basically, it’s very hard to dislike her since she’s incredibly nice.
I also think the lyrics of her battle theme sum up her character and her place in the story pretty well (you can read them HERE) It’s the battle theme that I use in the game most often (and by most often I mean all the time).
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