#bea was really gonna hit a supposed ghost like nbd
feveredblurs · 2 years
the king and queen and paldea would often travel to other kingdoms     but it was rare for them to bring their youngest child along. beatriz was ecstatic when the trip was announced. finally, a chance to explore something beyond those castle walls. ironicaly, the princess had far less freedom than a common subject.
beatriz didn’t know much about the kingdom of canalave. it had been mentioned during her lessons, but beatriz wasn’t exactly her most attentive self in those hours. it didn’t bother her, though. this would be an opportunity for her to explore of her own volition ( as far as her parents would allow, anyway ).
the journey was long, but the princess’s excitement kept her energized without faltering. while her brother dozed off during the carriage ride, beatriz entertained herself by imagining all the wondrous things she would find in canalave. there were rumors of magic and ghosts     her parents deemed them as no more than stories for children, but beatriz was determined to look for a sign nonetheless. even if there was nothing of the supernatural kind to find, it would be an adventure still.
the royal family of canalave gives them a warm welcome upon their arrival. they have far more children compared to paldea’s two heirs     only one girl too, though. beatriz notices her immediately, but there’s no opening for them to talk to each other. she seemed to be the quiet type anyway. maybe she wouldn’t like beatriz’s plan of sneaking around.
after all the obligatory pleasantries and an excruciatingly long dinner, the families retire to their chambers. beatriz gives it about half an hour before she sneaks out, figuring most people to be asleep already.
it’s not as easy navigating an unfamiliar castle. beatriz doesn’t know the ins and outs as she does at home. she ends up running into staff members more than once, always excusing herself with a smile and a curtsy. no one dares to question the visiting princess.
a few turns bring beatriz to the library. not much to see here. she has plenty of books back at home, and so few interest her... what does grab her attention is the shuffling sounds she hears all of a sudden. logic tells her it’s probably a maid cleaning or a stray court member fetching a book... but beatriz’s ever-working mind immediately jumps to far spookier conclusions. she’d later realize the whistling was the wind and not some spectral figure; that the chill in the air was from a window left open by accident.
beatriz grabs the nearest object as a makeshift weapon     a book, unsurprisingly. it doesn’t provide much protection, but it’s sturdy enough. would that even work against a ghost, though? only one way to find out...
turning a corner, the princess wields her weapon, ready to strike     only to realize she almost hit a very real person. “ your highness! ” beatriz immediately drops her book upon seeing the now frightened princess of canalave. her voice breaks, words coming in a stutter and awkward from her accent. “ i-i’m sorry! i thought you were... ” don’t say ghost. “     someone else. ”
she takes a step back, dropping her gaze to the floor instead. it would be best to address the other properly after having scared her half to death. “ my most sincere apologies. are you alright? ”
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