#beartalia // hibernation or bust
gremlins-hotel · 1 year
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russia & america bears (but literally). kamchatka brown bear and grizzly bear, respectively.
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
✈︎ grem/gremlin
✈︎ 21+
✈︎ they/he
✈︎ archaeology major! minor is us history.
✈︎ commission status: open
✈︎ my shit: a-flying-fortress | archaeologyfjones (ask blog) | twitter
my old shit: close-air-support (old main) | grem-archive (hetalia) | archaeojones (original ask blog)
✈︎ tag guide: 
misc: callsign gremlin checking in | gremlin shitpost | gremlin tankposting | gremlin’s things with wings | mooom! gremlin’s archaeologyposting again!
from the desk: alpha romeo tango | papa echo november
headcanon tags: mechanics of nations // eldritch abominations | alfred f. jones // daring to fly | mathieu williams // bear with me | mathieu & alfred // brothers earth and sky | arthur kirkland // salt wind and green garden | arthur & alfred // a king and his crown | arthur & mathieu // anchor spares none | ace family // new worlds divided | romano de cesare // luctor et emergo | ivan braginsky // Не остаться в этой траве | ludwig beilschmidt // meine Stärken und meine Schwächen
ship tags: romerica // spaghetti western | rusame // stardust on our boots | gerame // mach speed meta
my aus: sunfall // the wayward soldier | beartalia // hibernation or bust | harpytalia // world on the wing | unbound // a western saga | lemon sharks // friendly seas | ersatz // dark side of the moon
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