#beast!Curtis Everett x human!Jake Jensen
imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Jake/Curtis/Reader for Triad Tuesday? Jake's goofiness helps offset some of Curtis' grumpiness and Reader loves them both because they're so different. But, while they're different, they are both very protective of Reader and dote on her constantly. Just, in their own ways.
“You’re up early. You didn’t need to get up this soon.”
He swung the axe above his head and embedded the razor sharp blade into the wood, splinters and small chunks of wood flying from the force he used. Curtis had yanked the axe from the wood and set it down against the chopping block, even going as far as to wipe his forehead before he turned to address you.
“You should be sleeping. You should be inside.” He huffed, warm puff of air contrasting against the hovering chill. “Aren’t you tired?”
“Aren’t you tired? Of being in a bad mood all the time?” Your countered statement had given Curtis a reason to crack a smirk, even more so since he had spent countless hours trying to navigate the bullshit red tape to extradite yourself and Jake here.
“Where’s boy genius?” Curtis cast his eyes beyond you, further to the house where he knew Jake would be sleeping.
In a world overrun by monsters, beasts and creatures like himself, humans were rare and valuable.
Delicacies, he’d heard other beasts calling humans like you.
Toys, for some beasts to shove into harems for their pleasure.
For Curtis, it was a matter of finding his mates. A weakness, maybe, to have two humans instead of another creature and one human, but it was his fate.
“Boy genius,” you stepped around the pile of wood to come sit on a fallen log, “was busy all night setting up security cameras and safeguards.”
“You’re cold.” Curtis was short tempered, he knew he was, but there was a certain fondness that had been heralded for you and Jake. “Go back inside.”
“No?” He raised an eyebrow and reached for the axe, nimble fingers wrapping around the hilt. “Did I say if it pleases your majesty?”
The sound of your laugh throws him off centre and for a sliver of time Curtis feels himself innately warmed by the sound.
For a sliver of time he can let go of the anxieties he harbours over having two human mates in the abandoned and isolated mining town.
Its just a moment, and for just a moment he can let himself relax fully, not caring about what other creatures might be interested in you two.
Jake, harbouring as much protective instincts for you as Curtis had, threatened anyone within a thirty mile radius death and destruction if they fucked with you.
Jake, the human who had plenty of offers as a solo mate, had denied them all even if it had meant his death.
You and Jake were partners, you were lovers and mates yourself.
Curtis was one of the few who could care for you both, who could embrace your bond and add to it.
“Go inside,” Curtis spoke again, with a certain gruffness, “now.”
“No.” You answered again and he hissed, he growled under his breath and dropped the axe. “I’m not going inside.”
“Human!” He stalked toward you, a beast on the prowl and had only stopped before you to rip off his coat. “You infuriate me, woman!”
With a scowl, Curtis hastily wrapped his coat around your shoulders and pulled it tightly as he could. He stared you down with electrifying eyes and a scowl, one that hadn’t produced fear in you but rather endearment and trust.
“You move from that spot,” Curtis warned you when he stood back where he had, raising his axe toward you, “and I’ll punish you. I mean it.”
“I’m aware,” you grinned and agreed with a soft chiming voice, “whatever you say grumpy bear.”
“Humans,” Curtis muttered under his breath, “had to get two of them. Idiot.”
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