livevlarch · 4 years
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@beastingtm​  said :   Birthday HC time bc I adore you and your bloggie! How open is Mal about sharing her birthday with others? How many people know? What would her perfect birthday look like? A big party, or just chilling with her closest friends? Does she have a birthday present wishlist? What's her favourite thing about birthdays? And what about her least favourite thing?
first   of   all   !!!   i   adore   you   and   your   blogs   too ,   xo.   thank   you   so   much   for   sending   these   :((((   and   second ,   lemme   just   apologize   now   for   how   much   i   am   going   to   ramble   my   way   through   this.   i   have   A   Lot   of   feelings   when   it   comes   to   mal   and   her   birthday.   laughs.   this   got   longer   than   i   expected   so   i’m   going   to   just...   pop   it   under   a   cut.
how   open   is   mal   about   sharing   her   birthday   with   others?   the   short   answer:   not   at   all.   the   long   answer   is...   mal   grew   up   in   a   household   where   parties,   pretty   much   of   any   kind,   were   frowned   upon.   big   time.   on   top   of   that,   maleficent   didn’t   even   tell   her   daughter   when   her   birthday   was.   when   she   was   like   four   or   so,   she   tried   to   just   declare   a   day   for   her   birthday.   stole   herself   a   cupcake   from   the   slop   shop.   and   sang   herself   a   little   happy   birthday.   then   right   before   she   blew   out   the   candle...   her   mother   burst   in   her   room.   and   shut   the   entire   thing   down.   that’s   it.   it   was   over.   from   then   she   just   kind   of   brushed   birthdays   aside.   eh,   if   she   got   older..   no   need   to   document   it.   so   even   now   Knowing   when   that   special   day   is   for   her,   she   doesn’t   make   a   big   deal   out   of   it.   people   she   gets   close   to   will   learn.   either   by   asking   or   by   being   in   a   circle   of   people   who   do   already   know   and   it   coming   out   when   the   day   approaches.   but   it’s   on   a   very...   if   you   know,   you   know   basis.   
how   many   people   know?   it’s   a   Very   very   small   circle.   it   started   with   her   just   telling   evie.   (she   wanted   to   run   to   jay   the   minute   she   learned   but..   she   knew   there   was   no   way   he   was   keeping   a   secret.)   and   when   she   felt   comfortable,   she   eventually   opened   up   to   jay   and   carlos.   and   i   think   for   a   while   she   was   very   set   on   it   being   only   the   four   of   them   that   knew.   it’s   expanded   since   then   but   it’s   still..   small.
what   would   her   perfect   birthday   look   like?   a   big   party,   or   just   chilling   with   her   closest   friends?   i   don’t   think   either.....   mal   has   two   specific   and   very   different   visions   of   a   perfect   birthday.   the   first   one   is   the   big,   classic   celebration   with   her   mom   standing   by   her   side,   all   smiles   and   laughs.   you   know.   that   like   picture   perfect   moment   that   everyone   reads   about   in   storybooks.   and   she   kind   of   knows   that   will   never   happen.   her   second   ‘perfect’   birthday   is   just..   a   day   where   she   can   relax.   and   by   relaxing,   more   specifically,   where   she   can   take   a   day   off   from   this   image   she   tries   so   hard   to   protect   in   everyone’s   head.   i   think   for   most   of   the   day   she’d   want   to   be   alone..   in   somewhere   like   the   hideout   where   she   can   spray   paint   walls.   or   draw   in   her   sketchbook.   
does   she   have   a   birthday   present   wishlist?   never.   presents   are...   a   Weird   thing   to   her.   i   think   she   would   love   giving   them.   despite   brushing   it   off   with   a   ‘shut   up,   it’s   no   big   deal’   or   ‘okay,   don’t   make   it   weird’.   but   receiving   them   she   just   kind   of...   what?   why?   no,   take   it   back.   i   don’t   want   it.   ew.   it’s   ugly.   (until   you   actually   try   to   take   it   away   from   her   and   she   just   aggressively   keeps   it.)
what's   her   favourite   thing   about   birthdays?   and   what   about   her   least   favourite   thing?   oooh.   hm.   i   think   for   other   people’s   birthdays,   she   really   likes   the   gift   giving.   even   though   she’s   lowkey   about   it,   she   puts   so   much   thought   and   effort   into   a   person’s   birthday   present.   and   she   loves   seeing   that   expression   on   their   face.   and   her   least   favorite,   i   think   is   (for   her)   how   lonely   it   can   feel.   even   on   the   birthdays   where   she   happens   to   be   with   friends.   she’s   Vividly   aware   that   her   own   mother   never   wanted   to   celebrate   the   day   of   her   birthday.   and   that   kind   of   hangs   over   her,   almost   all   the   time.   
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theboatbuilderswife · 4 years
stinky poop waffle
w ow  -  @dumblr pls delete.
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lycanlead · 4 years
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@beastingtm​ said : smelly wolf bro
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❝    well    i    was    HOPING    for    a    compliment!    ❞
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sinnhelmingrmoved · 4 years
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friend no, i’m omw to save you! god i know your schedule the next few days is shit but i just want to say thank you and i am here when u get a chance to unwind!
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mcnyhearts · 5 years
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                         “  are  you  okay?  ”     ...     the  woman  said,  hands  outstretched  as  if  she  were  trying  to  calm  an  unhinged  or  nervous  dog.  though  it  was  possible  she  was  just  trying  to  steady  herself,  after  all  the  things  she  had  just  seen  inside  the  house  would  make  anyone  uneasy.  (  even  someone  as  strong  as  lynn.  )  her  own  face  and  body  were  covered  in  dirt,  some  blood  as  well.  “  were  you  in  there?  ”
                         she  had  no  seen  him  before,  this  was  a  stranger,  yet  it  appeared  as  if  he  to  had  stumbled  out  of  the  collapsing  house.  her  eyes  were  wide;  grief  stirred  in  them.  they  had  lost  a  friend  in  there.  “  did  you  just  come out  of  that  house  too?  ”
@beastingtm​  |  sc.
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fearfollow · 5 years
@beastingtm​ gets a thing!
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Audra sees the man and stops short. He’s familiar to her, though she can’t say exactly why. Something about seeing his face makes her sweat, makes her heart clench. She looks around for Bill and knows he isn’t there, that he’s back at the Derry Townhouse, taking a well deserved nap while she restlessly wanders about town. It’s a stupid thing to do, to approach this man instead of just leaving it be. But with It dead–– and It is dead, she can feel that, feel It’d hold on her mind gone–– she feels bold enough to do something about it. “Excuse me,” she calls down the road, speeding up her walk just so to catch up with him. “I’m sorry, do I know you from somewhere? No, I–– I mean I do know you from somewhere.”
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scribedhorror · 5 years
“Like, I don’t expect to ever have to take a bullet for you, but I would.” Ben / personsuits
@personsuits || meme || accepting
A surprised blink, then a chuckle as he pulled Ben in for a tight hug. Sure, he might be a little bit inebriated, but it definitely seemed like Ben was, too, so he found it hard to be embarrassed about it. “I’d take one for you too, man.” He’d do anything for him, honestly. All the other man had to do was ask, and if it was within Bill’s power to make it happen, he would. 
“It’s a good thing neither of us are in professions that involve a lot of gunfire,” the author joked as he pulled away with a wide smile, hands still gripping the taller male’s shoulders.
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theboatbuilderswife · 5 years
beastingtm replied:
HeRpEs CaN’t FuRtHeR rUiN iVaR iF I pReTeNd He’S aLrEaDy DeAd :)))
this deserves to be framed
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ofodinn · 5 years
beastingtm replied to your post: Have a picture of my new foster kitty, Ruby for...
I love her so much already. My little boys got adopted, so I was able to pull her yesterday...only we think she’s pregnant..
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It’s a shame she’s not photogenic.
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@beastingtm caught some starlight
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The last thing she recalls in a rose garden, of all things. Lux rarely left her tiny village to even venture to the treacherous pathways into the woods, but this time was different. Her dreams of starlight bled into sunrise the previous morning, leaving her compelled to venture into the forest and toward a tower that many believe now to be abandoned after so many quiet years. But the thrum of agony echoing through the trees in her dreams can’t be ignored any longer.
Sitting up, she presses her hand to her forehead and frowns, searching the walls of the unfamiliar room. How did she get here? Did she faint? It’s a likely explanation considering she remembers walking for hours even after her rations for the day were gone--a rookie mistake on her part. She spends too much time in libraries to have much direct survival experience in the wild.
Crawling out of bed, she wraps the blanket around her shoulders--why is it so cold in this place?--and ventures to the door, attempting to open it.
“Hello? Is anyone here?”
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bishopdescendant · 5 years
beastingtm replied
Hollanders op m'n dash ��
e w  vieze nederlanders 👀
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deliciousfear · 5 years
Stopping by to let you know that every time I see #pennylikes in your tags it just makes my day bc I'm a sucker for word puns klfdjgklfdgds
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   I held onto this bc every time I read it, it made me giggle. But thank you, I love puns, all puns, and I couldn’t help myself ♥ @beastingtm
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properprocedure · 5 years
beastingtm replied to your post:
at least they think you’re a snack
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flynni-aa · 4 years
Beep boop! It’s that time of the year! 2020 wasn’t the best, but if you receive this little message from me, it means you made my 2020 more bearable. You have been a spark of bright light during these times of uncertainty. We have made memories together, and who knows, maybe in the next year we will make many more! I wish you and your family a great Christmas, and a wonderful New Year to follow soon. ♥
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➳ ❪ idk if this was a meme but i accept!!! ❫
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thank u so so much for your kindness and positivity at the end of the year here!! i hope this next year only brings bigger and brighter things for both of us, and that we can continue doing what brings us joy here and beyond. thank u for wishing me a merry christmas and i hope you had a safe and happy holiday too and happy incoming new year!! :)
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theboatbuilderswife · 5 years
       @beastingtm​ // starter call
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              ❝              No, I truly have no need for aid. I just need to deliver this. ❞
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scribedhorror · 4 years
Ⓐ ( Bennie? / personsuits )
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@personsuits || meme || accepting send me ⓐ and my muse will rate yours:
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
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