#beautiful and SOOO CLEAN sketches as always!!!! love your art…..
suddencolds · 5 months
Who are your favorite artists/writers in the community?
THIS IS SO HARD, anon 😭 (but it's a question I'm curious about others' answers to too!) I have some time before work, so I'll attempt to answer somewhat coherently:
i've always admired @hachiibun, in particular for his ability to draw such a variety of poses and pre snz expressions (his somewhat recent post of h/sr snzcanons comes to mind)!! i'm continually amazed by the way he's able to capture nuances in characterization through the little visual details he chooses to highlight. i think he particularly excels at capturing like, the misery/harshness of a snz, and the all-consuming ticklishness of the build-up 😭
@mochindayo has super lovely ocs! i look forward to seeing their snz art and non-snz art alike. i love the way they draw hair in particular—it looks sooo soft and fluffy and i can tell there's a lot of care put into arranging the strands. the characters they draw genuinely look so pretty (even ruined with a cold or allergies, there's always something beautiful to them)??
i need to mention @6pmsoup bc their sketches literally always eat!! i feel like they always have such a tasteful way of like narrowing down which elements to give more dimension/detail/shading to. their art looks simultaneously so clean and engaging 😭 (cheating a bit here and i hope it's okay to say this, but i am also continually impressed by their musical ear and their compositional ability)
i really love @whiskey-tango-matcha's ocs so, so much! she has such an impressive handle on character voices and humor; when i read her fics, i really love how easy it is to get lost in the conversational flow. in particular, elijah and greyson have a super fun dynamic of like, simultaneous prickliness and concern?? it's not something i see a lot, but i feel like i could never get tired of the way they play off of each other 😭
one of the first snzfics i read which like blew me away was actually something @ithadtobesneezing posted to ao3 (i am embarrassed to say how long ago, haha). she has a very good handle on emotional depth 😭 like i feel like she writes with a certain clarity of character; her works carry like this sort of emotional intimacy and sensitivity to them, which always stands out
recently i have been head over heels in love w @vllergy's oc series. i honestly cannot remember the last time i fell for two characters so quickly 🥹 jin and vesen and their dynamic set me on fire; i have not enough words to describe how fun it is to read from jin's headspace. his character voice really shines through in the narration (and some of it is really funny too???); seriously check it out if you haven't already!
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kirazdaha · 2 years
HAHAHAHA Every Turk Family has one of those names and unironically mine does too 🫡 Tell your mother thank you she is a very lovely lady
I know all of the artists you listed below because my dad blasts them on the radio everytime we go out... I call it old people music but hey I never said it was bad, they're awesome and I might have memorised some of the artist's songs from how much I listen to them... Barış Manço is a classic without a doubt! Fun fact my parents were able to go to his concert and got a signed picture with him I will always envy how lucky they were 😭 I love how women in the industry made the most iconic songs I hear them often in weddings too! Or clubs, even though I only went to one once I'm not very fond of them...
My questions were do you have any tips or inspiration with how you draw! I love your art and artstyle and it's honestly what I've been trying to achieve for a while, I can't believe I'm learning how to draw men because of a silly lawyer show it's a disease...
(We are just having a conversation at this point) (I feel like those people who speak out loud in public) (I hope you and anyone who's reading this is having a good day :) be kind to yourself and others everyone)
OH MY GOD i envy them too😭😭 also omg that sounds like heaven to me. the other day i went out partying and i felt sooo out of place because i only knew like 3 songs. omg it was so so bad.
hmmm tips and inspiration…. my number 1 tip would definitely be to look at a lot of other artists you like and analyze what exactly you like. and then try to emulate that in your own work. i try to look for inspiration everywhere - artists online, traditional artists, old masters, 3d artists, even theatre and poetry, etc. - doesnt mean that i am equally inspired by them all (because all these things at once sound so scary and big but they really arent!) but rather, i try to be open for anything and that helps me find inspiration :) 
ill try to explain my thoughts more under the cut because this got long:
for me for example, so far i only posted some art i made that was lined (which, i would say makes up maybe half of the art i draw - i mostly sketch and recently have been building up the courage to paint more) and one of my inspirations is meltow. i think if you go over and check out their art youll definitely see it lol. but also i love the clean look some comics have and my friends tell me my art looks like it belongs in a comic which, i guess yeah :) when it comes to colors and composition i LOVE this artists works. i still have a lot to learn and just looking at their works inspires me so much!!!
i will say i have ALWAYS struggled with lineart. its probably the worst thing in the world to me because it never feels right!!! i like lining on paper with harsh inks and stiff ink nibs that allow for like. very little variety in line weight, but i havent done that in over 3 years (i hope i can get back to that). but yes, something about lineart makes me feel so icky when i use any brush that reacts to the pressure you put on your tablet LOL i just hate it. ugh. i havent been able to work it out.
it was only in 2020 i think that i decided to try it out with a thick brush with some texture and no pen pressure. that probably was the first time i got actual lineart that (at the time) i liked done. and then later on, discovering that other artists are able to achieve beautiful drawings with similar brushes AND that lining with a very simple brush can feel so satisfying helped me evolve a lot! until 2022, i actually wasnt able to give my art the kind of finished look that i wanted. so what people consider my style is really just born out of my limits and working with them. that obviously doesnt mean that i dont try to challenge myself as much as i can. i do and i think everyone should! thats what makes art so fun
if theres any good advice i can give to a beginner itd probaaaaably be. okay this is difficult and i feel like im not really qualified for this. as a hobbyist much less so because a lot of the knowledge and skills i acquired was through an intuitive process (i could never stick with habits such as regular studies or warmups or whatever is meant to be good for you) which definitely isnt the most “productive” way but i mean it doesnt have to be. its just a hobby! you dont have to perfect art. but yes, i would definitely say dont stop drawing. youll always be your harshest critic and at the beginning, and especially if you begin at an older age because youve been training your eye your whole life but your drawing skills for only a relatively short time you will notice a lot of mistakes. and youll think you wont achieve the image you have in your head. and maybe you wont (because youll always strive for more and youll never really be satisfied as an artist bla bla) for a while. but you have to keep drawing! try out different strategies, find out how other artists draw, watch speedpaints, try out different papers and pencils, try everything that makes it more fun and keep going! it will all pay off!! 
in my eyes theres also no point in saying “i should wait till im better to draw this idea i have” because if inspiration strikes you you should use that. even though i still sometimes catch myself thinking like that. you can always redraw things later on!! if theres anything that will keep you drawing you should use that! like getting into shows and games that make me want to draw helps a ton LOL people are not joking when they say getting obsessed with one character is the quickest way to improve. i 100% agree!!! if you saw my first nachos you wouldnt even recognize him. not kidding wow this got long. thank you for the questions though!! i hope some of my rambling can help you. feel free to talk to me whenever!
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borkthemork · 3 years
Finally cleaned up this draft based on @/popcornbee’s art and it is now officially on AO3 as well, so I hope all of you enjoy!
There were numerous pathways for a sparrow to travel. Following their migration patterns, they'd travel down to warmer lands, typically somewhere protected for the nights. In doing so, they'd rest in the winter and return back all new. Refreshed for the upcoming springs and summers.
For American Tree Sparrows, these patterns were necessary to survive.
For Joe Sparrow, the true information depended. 
He liked to flit about on rapid wing beats. He preferred curdled mealworms due to previous battles hurting his digestive system. For migration, he remained stubborn on whether he liked the warmer breezes or if the Newtopian stables were of true home than anything else.
Newtopia had a history of domestic birds. Joe Sparrow was the mixed case when he grew all-natural, got captured and owned by one or more owners who called him previous names, and then found Marcy in the middle of sweltering rain. Where a mission lead to something new and surprising, bold and unorthodox, and the moment Joe saved her — chose her hand of all people — Marcy promised to keep him safe. Safe, protected, cared for.
And nothing had pulled these two away from each other. Not even the fleeting concept of gravity. Or the fact winter threatened his nests.
Anne asked about him before. On one occasion, where Marcy groomed him under Plantar barn shade, Anne looked at his big, round, puffy belly and wondered out loud where the scar above his eye fit in out of all things.
Of course, Marcy had the answer.
“Oh, you know Joe,” she sighed. “He keeps pushing his limits. You won’t believe how many scars this bad boy got during his old career. For the eye one, he actually got that scar back when he was just a fledgling, but this was during the morally ethical times where amphibians didn’t really care for mounts unless they were battle resistant.”
Her hand parsed through his plume, giggling when Joe tweeted pleasantly against her skin. “But now he’s in a morally ethical place, aren’t you, boy? Yes, you are.”
Anne snorted. She ruffled Joe’s feathers too, and the two giggled quietly when the sparrow seemed to lean into the touch. Almost as if the sparrow connected immediately to Anne.
And Anne teared up over the thought. “It’s just like mother nature intended.”
The week afterward reminded Marcy of her sparring days, but instead of swords and smoke bombs, she had worms and patience. Lots of patience as Anne attempted to feed some mesh into Joe’s beak — and ultimately got stuck when she leaned too hard into his mouth.
It was funny how all this bonding time left her blind to anything else on the schedule. Marcy could instruct Anne to direct the mealworms to Joe for hours and still find Anne’s laughter to be the highlight of her day. Maybe Joe would sit on Anne, and leave her yelling and laughing under floof-fulls of bird, and Marcy would sketch that scene than the typical mission schematics Lady Olivia instructed her to look through.
Marcy hypothesized that Joe's love for attention spurned her focus. It made sense for birds to tease if they didn’t get the proper reaction out of people. It made sense for a bird such as Joe to find affection in someone who exuded goodness from their heart. But then Marcy would remember Anne. For Anne had Joe’s affection at the palm of her hands but irritated the bird enough to prefer dipping her into a nearby pond just for the sake of playfighting. And that enough had gotten her intrigued.
Was it another phenomenon she needed to analyze? To understand fully until the cusp of discovery?
Perhaps. Not right now though.
Marcy had found a breakthrough. A breakthrough in Animal-Human Sociology. But her focus lingered elsewhere, came down to how she rested next to a bucket load of dirty feathers — snoring into her best friend’s shoulder until the moon rose high above the Amphibian mountains.
When Marcy stared through the sky, and the act alone reminded her so much of Kid Icarus. If she ignored the wings branching out from the corners of her eyes, and only focused on the colors then she thought of herself as flying. Flying through skies that bled yellows and reds like Aivazovsky, framed so well against the crisp horizons that Marcy could almost paint the perfectest picture in her mind.
And when wind buffered her hair, parted the clouds with her hands, she swore that the taste on her tongue was of fresh saltwater.
Navigation. Freedom. The fades from orange to blue to maroon. Marcy loved riding for a reason. She held onto Joe’s reins with the utmost quickness, spelled out her name with short dives and leaps through cumulus tufts. And in the aftermath, she wrung her coat dry of moisture.
At least, until Anne became a priority.
Anne Boonchuy. Friend of ten years. Friends since the term friends became part of the Merriam Webster. Now, the latter sounded silly, but friendship could be a frank concept at times, it was something Marcy had no clue how to navigate, and yet Anne found her and decided Marcy was worth her time.
So they were here now: One readying an avian saddle, the other petting Joe’s tufts with the heaviest affection. And aw, Joe seemed to like it, what with the amount of cooing he’d been doing for the past hour.
Not like Marcy didn’t want to get in on that action. She just needed to finish clipping on the latches — and when she did that, it would be go-time, her a-game.
“Anne, can you push me that satchel?”
“Sure thing, Marce.” With ease, Anne somehow lugged a chair-sized bag over to where Marcy was, and they remained silent afterward as she finished the remainder of preparations.
What preparations? Well, the kind that remained out of her league.
“Sooo, where are ya’ going, exactly?” Anne asked. She had the same perturbed look to her ever since she whiffed the scents from the bag itself.
Marcy couldn’t help but rub her neck, not knowing how well to respond. “Well, I’ve been planning to scout an area somewhere high up in the Southern sect of Amphibia. I got wind that some bandits plan to use a route to jump ambassadors from here and there on the pathways, and I just wanted to make sure that doesn’t happen again, you know?"
“For sure, dude. I mean, you are the boss after all. That stuff’s gotta be pretty important if you’re getting loads of homework for it.”
“Well,” Marcy puckered her lips. She was right in some sense. Chief rangers plopped themselves into some high category up in the Newtopian ranks. It made sense. “Correct, kinda. I don’t really call it a boss position, more so a job. A very fun job, actually. You’d be surprised at how many prefer office desks to infantry, it’s nuts.”
Although, the more she thought about it, being able to stay safe in a big ole’ cube than getting skewered by bandits did sound appealing. Less probability for harm, sure. But Marcy loved the hunt way too much for her own good.
If Andrias gave her another objective, she might as well do a little dance at this point; there was always something exciting to partake in.
And with Joe, the fun always doubled with him.
At least, until she remembered that Anne had been staring at her, snapping her fingers in front of Marcy’s nose. “Marbles, you good? Another zone-out moment again?”
“Oh yeah, definitely. Thanks, I was about to get worried, the internal dialogue I had was getting way too extensive for my taste."
"Well, now that you’re out of your internal dialogue stuff, I got to ask.” Anne peered at Joe again. “Can I get on your bird?”
Marcy blinked at her. “Oh. Of course. You don’t really need to ask me if you’re curious about riding him.”
“I know, but he’s a big softie, really wanted to make sure I got your permission before anything else.” She coughed. “Plus I’m not gonna take any vehicles without permission. Tried that once. Didn’t go so hot.”
Somehow, Marcy found herself giggling. She couldn’t pinpoint why; Anne’s honesty must’ve just been that funny. “Well, if you want to jump on the SS Joe Sparrow, I’d be happy to show you around and get you a front-row ticket to some action.”
“For real?” Anne beamed, only for her expression to melt into a frown, scratching her chin at the thought. “Aren’t you on ranger duty though?”
Okay, she had a point there. “I mean, yeah, but I’ve mainly done this stuff solo. Sure I’ve got Joe to accompany me but it’ll be interesting to have a second person on board for the ride.” Without a skip in her beat. “And why wouldn’t I have you go with me? Of course, I would. You’re always the best on road trips.”
And with that, Anne’s smile grew tenfold. Oddly beautiful. Oddly hard to describe. Weirder to even have herself think those things in the first place. “Count me in, then. Let’s go, Marbles!”
Oh well. She’d think about that later.
Joe softened his landings in-between. And at certain points, when the mountains dipped to valleys he rocketed around and buffeted the gales just for the heck of it. He had the heart of a little kid sometimes, every moment he swooped through some current or plummet forward if he got the chance. He liked to make himself seem so grand when he cheeped. And Marcy confided in the idea that no matter how aged this sparrow would become, he’d still be the softest avian around.
Always there. Always playful. Always…eager for potential mates. He was the total package for best mount in all of Amphibia, and Marcy didn’t want it any other way.
So with Anne, Marcy became delighted when Joe kept that same kindness. It wasn’t just Marcy doing rough landings against solid ground or her zipping through the air. There were two people, two people to consider on the back of his saddle.
And Joe never disappointed her. He pivoted, swerved on command, and coaxed giggles from the girl behind her, whose arms pressed tightly to her waist until their hair puffed out from the wind.
“Keep your arms locked in, Annie B!”
Marcy’s hands whipped the reins, whooping at the top of her lungs when the dive pushed oceans of air into their faces.
The straps and belts dug into their laps when Joe pulled up, braced them in a loop-de-loop that had their eyes rolling when they finally exited out to a steady level.
And Marcy could hear the laughter behind her.
The laughter spoke of so much joy and happiness, of a symphony that Marcy had heard so many times before, and Marcy leaned into her warmth when they passed from the hallowed groves to the shimmering Newtingale creaks.
All throughout the Southern sect, all throughout the faint rattle of Marcy’s heart.
The ride home had been a lot darker than Marcy expected. For most of her trips in and out of the valleys, a lot of her path-finding culminated in something one could describe as an adventure. If one described her and Anne beating up an entire bandit group disguised as a clown posse to be an adventure, then yes. That was what happened.
They went head-to-head, toe-to-toe. All while decked out in white makeup and smelly rotten clown noses. This all sounded ridiculous, but out in Amphibia, one should never ever underestimate a theatre group.
For entertainment was their cruelest weapon.
Anne had been the first to ambush the bandits during the mission. With the agile reflexes of a cat, she deflected each oncoming slash with ease while Marcy took aim, calculated her crossbow trajectory until the enemies all knocked unconscious in the mud.
If one ignored the clown get-up, then what she talked about seemed like a typical day for Marcy. Always saving someone. Always doing her best. Always making sure no newts got chewed up by some toad or frog dressed up in rogue wear.
But the difference today was that she had someone to accompany her. Or how that same someone jumped onto Joe and gave that feisty bird a few scratches to his feathers, trying to wash her face in the water bucket they stored earlier today.
It all seemed domestic-like. The kind that Marcy dreamed about in fantasy stories, where the protag had a close ally to travel the world until their dying breaths.
And gosh, it was so cool that Anne became that friend.
She seemed to enjoy it too, what with the close embrace when they finally took off for the night, her chin propped on her cloaked shoulder, or the fact her exhales drifted in crisp Amphibian air.
A sign that she was enjoying everything. Everything from the swoop of Joe’s wings, the purple haze of the night, or how the moon cloaked their forms in red lighting — masking the landscape in darkness like a blanket over bedding.
Anne sighed contently. Her face nestled close to Marcy’s neck. She didn’t show that she regretted being here.
Not one bit.
“I’ve never been this high up before,” she mumbled. “The only times I did were when some creature flung me up into the middle of nowhere.”
Marcy hummed to that. Anne's fingers ghosted the triceps of Marcy's arms, left goosebumps to form and bristle in the cold, it made everything feel weird. Comfortable. Safe. “So is this less traumatizing and more exciting then?”
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Her voice rang, all charmed and sweet. “By a long shot.”
And Marcy was glad about that. Ever since she found Joe, a lot of her adventures had gotten easier to deal with. From zooming over to the Dry Swamp to the many forests hidden deep underneath solid canopies, one of the many pros of having a steed like Joe was of the view.
A view that made scouting ten times easier. The kind that entangled her in clouds, the song of avians, and the dance of the breeze. The kind that chilled her nose, left cumulus droplets on her thumbs, and when she settled down from grazing the upper layers of oxygen her body’s equilibrium warmed her up like it always intended to.
To have Anne feel that same experiences — the same elation — made the trip all the more worth it. Especially when Marcy’s skin grew warmer under non-equilibrium circumstances. All due to the cuddly contact.
Oh, Anne.
“If you want, I know a froggy pitstop nearby that sells slushies twenty-four-seven,” Marcy said softly. Joe went into a descent, already maneuvered by Marcy’s quick hands at the reins. They weren’t going to land yet. At least until Anne said so. “Wouldn’t hurt to take in the view on a full stomach.”
“That sounds amazing.” Anne pressed closer, and Marcy tried not to think about the murmur, how low it rumbled against Marcy’s ear. Gosh, she must be really relaxed by now. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m ready for some grub.”
“Well, they aren’t really grubs more like a mish-mash of every insect on the palette.”
“I try not to think about it.”
With laughter escaping them, Marcy directed Joe into the forest space below, her heart synced with the beat of sparrow wings.
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Jade Wolf Tattoos
for  @jocelynfray!! She wanted an Lucelyn Au so I did an all human tattoo shop au! :)
Jocelyn followed behind as Clary lead the way down the street, impatient and excited.  Jocelynn knew that promising her daughter she could get a tattoo after she turned 19 would come back to bite her. Now it was her birthday and she'd rushed back from her audition to Brooklyn Academy of the Arts in high spirits after being accepted. When Jocelynn asked what she wanted to do to celebrate, she'd rushed out that she wanted a tattoo.
Apparently she'd been researching local tattoo shops for the past few months and debating on what she wanted and had come to a decision. Jocelyn had caved and now was following her daughter through the crowded streets on a warm summer day.
Clary came to a stop in front of a small brick building, a little red awning above it and a neon design of a wolf in the window. Jade Wolf Tattoos, it read. "Is this it?" she asked, glancing down at her daughter.
Clary nodded and turned to grin at her. "Yeah!" She said. "It got great reviews and I saw some of the owners work, he's really good."
Jocelyn nodded and hummed. "Go on then," she said gesturing toward the door. "It's all you. I'm just here for the moral and financial support," she teased.
Clary snorted but made her way to the door and Jocelyn followed.  The shop was small, but clean and neat. The front room was mostly a small desk and a few chairs with pictures and the artists portfolios on the walls. A hallway stood behind it and had several doors in it, leading to a room for each artist. Jocelynn's attention was drawn to the man at the desk and she blinked, taking the man in. He was one of the most attractive men she'd ever seen, tall and muscled with deep brown eyes.  Clary was making her way toward the desk with a small smile on her face.  
The man looked up as they approached, taking them in before smiling welcomingly at them. "Welcome to Jade Wolf Tattoos," he said. "How can I help you?"
Clary grinned excitedly. "I'm here for my first tattoo!"
The man hummed smiling again. "That's great! Do you know what you want?"
Clary nodded and pulled out her sketchbook. She flipped through it and landed on one of her sketches and showed it to the man. "That's really good! Did you do this?"
Clary nodded. "Yeah."
The man grinned. "You're talented. My name is Luke, by the way. I'm the owner," he held out his hand for Clary to shake.
Clary nodded and took the offered hand. "I'm Clary Fray, that's my mom Jocelyn."
Luke smiled and held out his hand to Jocelyn as well, which she accepted and moved to stand a little closer to the two.
Luke glanced back down to the book which he still held. "Now this is pretty big, are you sure you want to start with this?" He checked with the girl.
Clary's face set in stubbornness and she nodded. "Yes, I'm sure."
Luke inclined his head in a peace gesture. "All right. Where do you want it?"
Clary gestured to her thigh under the baggy shorts she was wearing. "On my thigh."
Luke nodded. "I'd love to do this myself but I have a scheduled appointment coming in an hour. My co-worker Magnus is done with his last scheduled and is handling walk ins if you would rather have him do it, or you can schedule a day to come in and I can do it for you. Both of our portfolios are over there by the wall if you want to take a look at our work,"  he offered.
Clary nodded. "Thanks, I'll let you know in a minute."
Luke shrugged. "Take your time," he said and went back to doing things on his laptop, leaving the two to browse the portfolios.
Jocelyn followed Clary and took a seat beside her, taking the portfolio that was free which turned out to be Luke's.  Being an artist herself, she could see the talent in the clean lines and rich colors that the man used and was impressed. Clary put down the other portfolio and bit her lip. "They're both really good! Either of them could do it, but I think I want it done today."
Jocelyn nodded. "That's fine, it's your decision."
Clary nodded and put the portfolio's back, glancing at the others. One had the name Meliorn on it and the other was Raphael. Clary made her way back to the desk and Jocelyn watched them from her seat. As they were talking, two people approached from one of the artist's rooms. One was a pretty young woman only a little older than Clary and the other was a man around the same age. They both had excellent makeup and the man had multiple ear piercings, along with tattoos on his hands and some peaking through the collar of his shirt. The young woman had a large back tattoo now covered in plastic wrap, ink still fresh. Jocelyn could tell from being around Simon and Clary that it was the Flash creating a speed mirage. The coloring and shading was gorgeous.
"Beautiful as always, Magnus. Thank you sooo much," the woman smiled, moving to pick up her purse from beside the front door. She smiled briefly at Jocelyn before turning to the man again.
The man, Magnus, grinned. "Anything for the future sister-in-law," he hummed helping her with the door.
The girl just rolled her eyes. "I've got to get back to the lab. Tell Alec that Max is coming home tomorrow. Jace and I are picking him up if he wants to join." Magnus nodded and gave her a brief kiss on the cheek before closing the door behind her.
Luke looked up from talking to Clary and called the man over. "Magnus, meet Clary and her mother Jocelyn," he said.
Magnus hummed glancing between the two women. "Pleasure to meet you," he said, offering his hand first to Clary then Jocelyn.
"Clary's here for her first tattoo. I have an appointment in a hour and you're on walk ins,  so if you feel up to it..." Luke trailed off.
Magnus nodded. "Of course. Just give me a few minutes to wipe my station back down. What will we be doing today?" he asked turning to Clary.
Clary held out her still open sketchbook and Magnus raised his eyebrow, impressed. "I can  do that," he said easily. "Come back and I'll start a stencil;  see what you think."
Clary nodded and moved to follow the man, who paused beside Jocelyn. "Are you coming as well?" he asked.
Jocelyn glanced at Clary. "That's up to her," she said. "Want me to come?" Clary frowned a bit before shaking her head. "I can handle it," she said, determined.
Jocelyn just shook her head and bit and smiled, watching them go. "Brave girl you have there," Luke said, impressed.
Jocelyn turned to him, smile still on her face. "She really is. Not sure if she got that from me or not."
Luke hummed, grinning easily. "I'm impressed you're so cool with it. Most parents don't come with their kids, even if they agree with them getting a tattoo."
Jocelyn shrugged. "I'm an artist too, I can't say anything. Plus it's a present, so I'm paying."
Luke nodded. "Well, don't worry about her. Magnus is a professional, if he sees she's having trouble, he'll stop."
Jocelyn nodded and relaxed a bit in her seat. She watched him for a few minutes while he went back to finishing what he had been doing when they entered. When he did he looked up and gave Jocelyn a considering gaze. "You know, we're a bit short handed right now. We're looking for new artists and taking on apprentices. If you'd be interested, it only takes a few months to get officially certified."
Jocelyn frowned a bit and gave him a considering look. "I'll think about it," she said. Luke hummed and nodded. "Fair enough," he grinned. Reaching into a drawer in the desk, he pulled out a card. "Here's our card if you decide you're interested. Or if you just want dinner? with me?" He offered raising an eyebrow hopefully.
Jocelyn blinked for a second before taking the card and grinning. "Yes to dinner for sure," she said and Luke smiled, large a bright, making her laugh happily.
They spent the next few minutes chatting idly until another customer, Luke's appointment came in and they headed to the back, leaving Jocelyn to look through portfolios and rest her eyes. It wasn't much longer, maybe another half an hour before Clary and Magnus both came out of the room,  Clary taking sips out of a water bottle but otherwise she seemed fine.  Her shorts had been rolled up on one side exposing her new tattoo, which was securely wrapped.
It was one of Clary's own sketches recreated for her onto her skin. Jocelyn smiled as they neared. "How was it?" she asked.
Clary shrugged. "It took longer than I thought but it wasn't too bad. Magnus gave me water and that helped," she said glancing around at the artist who'd moved behind the register.
Magnus grinned softly at them and rang them up. "Since it's your first we'll give you a discount. First touch up is free as well if it fades too quick or heals wrong.  It'll be 80 dollars please," the man hummed.
Jocelyn nodded and handed over her card, which the man took and swiped. After he was done he handed Clary a paper on aftercare for her tattoo and spoke briefly to her on what she'd be feeling and how to help it heal.
They stepped out of the small shop and back onto the busy streets, Clary taking Jocelyn's arm and squeezing. "Thank you for this," she muttered
. Jocelyn smiled. "You're welcome. Any more you get are on you though," she teased.
Clary just nodded. "So what did you do while I was in there?" she asked.
Jocelyn shrugged. "The owner found out I was an artist and offered to give me an apprenticeship if I wanted. I told him I'd think about it. He also asked me out to dinner," she grinned.
Clary gasped and turned to her. "What did you say?" she demanded, squeezing again.
Jocelyn snickered at her daughter. "I said yes. Calm down though, it's just a date."
Clary just shrugged and smiled. "I'm excited for you as all. You haven't been on a date in years."
Jocelyn just hummed and the spent the rest of the walk in silence. Later that night Jocelyn texted Luke's cellphone number on the back of the card and they decided on a time and place for dinner later that week. Jocelyn smiled ot herself as she went to bed, hopefully optimistic about the future.
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