#bebe ty you're forever one of my favourites!!!
flowerprose · 1 year
5, 13, and 18 for the writer asks 💕💕
5. How much writing do you get done on an average day?
i'd say 400 words on average? i write sparsely, but i try to make what i put down heavy and heady.
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
idea comes. i write down idea. if it's a specific scene, i write the setting and place the characters on stage. i write to the catalyst moment and then i stop. i need to work my way back there.
i put out feelers for my beginning chapters, but these rarely stick. intro chapters are so unfulfilling when you're writing them. i rarely enjoy the beginning of any book, and i'm a much worse critic toward my own work. sometimes i make a moodboard and think, how would i introduce this character to someone looking at this? demeter's character intro includes the very first passage i wrote about her during this rewrite. i loved her connection with zeus, i loved her observations, the strength of her certainty, how quizzical and distrustful she was right from the get-go.
anyway. my writing isn't always linear (at home with graves and kalsar are; namesake is not) because so much exploration must take place. i recognize the field of namesake - i've had years to research and plot, and most of my cast derives from pre-established influences, even if they're being remade by me. but now i need to wrangle the character arcs and map the movements of events, and that's trickier. sometimes i go to revise an earlier section and come across a line that conflicts with the canon i've recently introduced. i have to choose what works better.
many writers don't believe in revising as they go; i must because my writing, as verbose and lyrical and experimental as it can be, spirals into nonsense without constant wrangling on my part. i don't want to write purple prose; i want every word on the page to operate as it's intended.
anyway - i haven't polished something in a long time, so we'll end here. i'm also interested to see when enough will feel like enough.
18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
a singer who'd cantillate my poetry into an album; or maybe an artist who wants to visualize one of my novels into a comic? but i don't know if i'd want to write with another writer. that said, i'd love to sit down for tea with any of my aforementioned favourites just to discuss the craft and what they're currently reading.
🌿 ask me about writing 🌿
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