thientin-blog · 10 years
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1st post of a Practise Drawing!!
I dont know how to draw female, there are many mistakes...
hope it get better.
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thientin-blog · 10 years
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thientin-blog · 12 years
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After a week i found a new method and a new visual effect for my 'new me'. I use water color filter and Threshold adjustment on 2 different layers then put on top of them another layer with mask then using color invert to achive the color effect of transparency. It look kinda cool and my identity is still recognizable. I will continue exploring maybe i can still find something better. 
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thientin-blog · 12 years
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Those two works were the ideas that i first come with the task a 'new me'. I try to become a crusader or a superhero in comic style. I created those on Photoshop Cs5. I use images threshold adjustment to change the original photo in to stencil style, then select and paste my head on the other's bodies and painted it with brush tool. The images came out very good i supposed. The images blended in each other and give a natural feelings. However, I need to look for other visual effects or methods beacuse those two didn't give a clear identity about me. 
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thientin-blog · 12 years
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I have a habbit to took photo when there is something that make me feel 'cool'. On my way home i took photos of the street. It is perfect example for perspective, but i also interesting in lighting. The light is the most important factor in a photo i think, when took those photos i took it from different light sources and the outcome is different, only one of three photo is looking good, but all of them give different visual effects. The light is also the element create the mood of the picture, that is what i reallized.  
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thientin-blog · 12 years
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I took this photo when I was walking home at evening. It is when the sun set, the light zone and direction was so amazing that made me feel interesting and decided taking this photo. The sun lights' directions was mix perfectly that created a rendering effect on the landscape. the objects in the view also blocked and disrupted the lights and making an unordered pattern.  
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thientin-blog · 12 years
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I chose this poster because of the black and white concept works so perfectly to reflect the theme and content of the film! I am also interesting in the method that the designer had used to create this poster. The poster itself  already made a name for it!
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thientin-blog · 13 years
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Last Friday, I had a tutorial in ATC building, suddenly looked through a hole I saw this and this photo was taken. The camera's position gave a perspective effect. Those holes on the wall was "seriously" created a strong support for the visual effect of the photo. I should go further with the perspective study!
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thientin-blog · 13 years
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This is one of the digital painting in Anno 1404, known as Dawn of Discovery in North America created by Related Designs and Blue Byte Software which is used as the cd cover of the game.
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thientin-blog · 13 years
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