faeliens · 9 years
Moon & Betelgeuse
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
Right now nothing uvu I have 3 associates and I haven’t transferred to a Uni or anything yet. I would like to study animation, sculpture and a lot of other diverse art.
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about?
lmao my memory is literally super fucking shitty but I guess something I can never forget about [that’s positive] would be when i was a kid i used to own a lion king tent, bed spread, cards and computer game. that stuff was the shit. i actually kind of miss it now
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is this a sideblog? (ps, i as a fic writer and multishipper feel v v bad for reading these but???? i still like them :0) (pls do more lukexreader stuff)
yeah this is a sideblog written by a nonbinary individual, which is why i try to keep the reader stuff gender neutral
 but sure if you request it i’ll write it as soon as i can, writers block is a thing as well as personal stuff
sorry i havent been updating as often as i should
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bunb0t · 9 years
I sent a tapped out friend request. I'm fantasyprone.
cool c: i accepted, thanks 
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faeliens · 9 years
tell me a fact based on this word: smuggle
i thought that said muggle for a second but it doesnt this goes to show ive been reading too many harry potter headcannons.
uhm well i mean 
im kind of a boring person the only thing fact related to me and smuggling is like one time i helped my sister “smuggle” her (then boyfriend) ex into the house bc he was piss drunk and needed a place to say. I have also smuggled unclaimed art supplies from art classrooms but that was more freeing the supplies than anything else 
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How about no. 1
with which characters anon?
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faeliens · 9 years
for the word meme, how about library, city, flower, and pizza? :3
One time in middle school i got detention for being late to class because i was in the library reading a book series by the lady who wrote animorphs...the teacher blamed me but like i remember it just being hard to hear the class bell in there. But then again I remember that teacher not being the best >:I I still really love library’s I just don’t go to the local city one because I’m lazy >
City,,, Uhm I live in a city by the beach on the west coast c: it’s p nice. I mean there’s crime and stuff but I love the hum of the city.
At one point in my life I tried to learn different flower’s meanings and such and just gave up >> botany isn’t my strong suit.
I am always always always down to eat pizza. One time I ate a whole medium sized pizza by myself.
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faeliens · 9 years
The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man:A time when you wished someone would listen to you
Mmm, I dunno I can't really think of like anything super major that pops out.
The only thing that really comes to mind for me is in regards to our new puppy and how I wish she was named something different but my mom didn’t listen but also it is technically my mom’s dog so.
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faeliens · 9 years
how about some: Crying Breakfast Friends
Crying Breakfast Friends: Last time you cried watching a tv show/movie?
Hm well I cried when i watched the steven universe  sneakpeak from comic con with the full opening on it but idk if that counts
uhm it was probably like a movie that i watched on Netflix like the Croods or ROTG
OR actually
i think it was when i watched One Piece it was when fire husband Ace died or s/t 
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faeliens · 9 years
zeus!! c:
Zeus: three places you want to travel to
: 0
hmmm 3 places
welp Seattle for sure
maybe somewhere in Canada just to get north and like outta the states
and probably like somewhere in Italy, my mom’s [since her dad was an immigrant from italy(he was like a lil kid when they moved)] always wanted to go and that’s made me want to go despite not being able to speak italian because my grandpa never passed on the language ‘v’;;;;; 
i mean english seems to be a big enough thing in europe that i could probably get by the main tourist cities in Italy if I went
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faeliens · 9 years
Hello! once you get this, reply with ten things that make you happy, then send it to the last ten people in your activity
1) [my sig other] Fox!
2) kittens
3) fluffy fanfics of my gay otps
4) cute clothes that fit me
5) feeling cute makes me happy
6) buying gemstones
7) playing mtg with my friends
8) my friends
9) bunnies
10) videos of birds being cute
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faeliens · 9 years
Have you ever swam into the really deep part of the pool?
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faeliens · 9 years
Have you ever climbed a tree? O:
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faeliens · 9 years
ship meme! Lapidot (Lapis Lazuli and Paridot)
The ship is my:  It’s not my otp of su but its a top rare pair [i know lots of people ship jasper w ll or peri so like i dont see much lapidot on my dash but when i do its like yes??]
I consider this ship’s feelings: Mutual | Mixed | Strange | Awkward | Platonic | Sibling-like | One-sided | They don’t really like each other
i mean honestly lapis is so old school and not very techy im assuming and peridot is like a technomancer its gotta be awkward sometimes and everyone considers it strange and they probs get into tiffs but its very mutual
I’d consider the relationship: Healthy | Awkward | Abusive | Doesn’t work properly | They’d never get together |
tbh i want more interactions between them in canon but definitely a healthy relationship overall, they’d have like some destructive behavior but then theyd work it out im sure 
Children: No | Yes | They’d think about it
Peridot would be opposed, lapis would consider it but how do gems even have children
would they steal babies
would they. [no]
General Opinion:
Good ship, I dont have a whole lot of opinions on it other than like theyd probably annoy the shit outta eachother and then like just chill and just comfort eachother over earth and peri might even teach ll a few things about new gem tech
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faeliens · 10 years
Garnet + Opal
Im guessing these are from the post u liked
garnet:list three of your passions
Hhh videogaming, making art/crafting, and sleeping and baking. I have other like non-passionate interests I’ve fallen out of due to,,,,complications. Like I’m trying to get back into witchcraft.
opal:do you keep secrets forever?
I try to! I mean a secret is a secret for a reason but some secrets are like “you need to know about this asap” sort of thing but usually I’m like a vault of secrets.
Also sometimes I forget secrets people tell me and then they’re secret forever hahaa
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faeliens · 10 years
dragon for the pokemon thing! :D
Dragon:Would you rather be the hero of a story, or the villain?
Dang this is actually kind of hard like My default reaction was 'I would want to be a hero' but like rather
 I can see myself as a villain with henchmen doing everything for me like a class B villain who wont destroy the world but will destroy others who manage to make me want to destroy them
like a villain who will destroy other villains and also people who just make me feel like they need destroyed too
also i rob banks because money woop
and then donate the money to an orphanage or something lmao 
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faeliens · 10 years
The High Priestess and The Star!
Thank you for the ask!!!!
The High Priestess:One thing you wish you knew
One thing I wish I knew.... man that's tough because like I'm a simple person usually. So like I could be like 'man I wonder how a microwave works and who came up with it and why they wanted to make a microwave! I wish I knew that!' but like not always?? Like sometimes I just hate the world and go 'I wish I knew how to live away from society' So I dunno. I mean if I haaad to narrow it down to one thing I guess it would be 'I wish I knew how to make copious amounts of money through legal means' mostly because it would solve a shit ton of my problems and also help me with  shit ton of dreams and wishes i have. 
Ngl i do wanna answer with 'i wish i knew how to teleport with no negative side effects.'
The Star:Someone you consider perfect
HM hm hm hm. I don't really consider anyone perfect like at first I wanted to answer this ask with toraisemorale because I love them and they're great but like, they have imperfections and I love them too. I don't put them on a pedestal at all and I mean no matter who I choose I know they will be imperfect because that's a humanity thing? 
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