#because FUCK it is good? Douglas and Giselle were not good for each other and both made androids the other needed
crayonverse · 1 year
i do really love the thematic different ways Douglas and Giselle both went about their androids. Douglas crafted a single android with a specific face, body and life. He created artificial life that had a entire life he wrote and crafted, all for him to leave his hand-made creation in a pile of rocks and to act like nothing ever happened.
Giselle's androids all have unique appearances, but underneath their superficial appearance, they are all the same. She doesn't need to hand create all their personalities and lives, as a majority of her androids are just props to her. They can change face and body at any needed point so there's no point in giving most of them a name. Troy probably had many different faces and voices throughout his creation. He could be anything.
Douglas wanted an android that he could replace easily with his own kids, and Giselle wanted an android that was strong and smart and would actually listen to her. Douglas needed the androids Giselle made, and Giselle wanted the android Marcus was.
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