#because Greyson is the comfort character now apparently
dawnbreakersgaze · 4 months
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Pre Med Greyson is studying hard trying to get into Skywalk University. He's gonna be a surgeon and do Big Things one day and make his folks proud 🥲
He's not sleeping, he's just resting his eyes okay? Baby boy earned that break.
My iPad died before I could finish this and I'm in bed so the rules are I don't have to get up. So this one gets tossed into the "died as a WIP" pile. I didn't even get to add his freckles I'm so sad 😭
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ashwooduni · 7 years
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Congratulations, Anya! You have been accepted as Benjamin Greyson Faris! Please make sure to review the RULES, PLOT, and do everything on the CHECKLIST and move into your dorm room within 24 hours!
DESIRED CHARACTER: Benjamin Greyson Faris FACECLAIM: Colin Ford RELATION: Lynn Half Sibling BIRTH ORDER: Youngest SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual PREFERRED PRONOUNS: He/Him BIRTHDAY: November 15th AGE/GRADE: 19/Freshman MAJOR: Broadcast Journalism SECRET: He was jumped over the summer and has nightmares as a result
(TW: Assault)
Benjamin, or Ben as he is usually called, was conceived after a drunken night between David Lynn and Mia Faris. David didn’t set out to cheat on his wife, and was merely passing through on business, and when he awoke, he quickly left, meaning that Mia never caught his last name or a way to contact him, which didn’t seem too awful at first, that is until the stick showed a pink plus sign. Ben showed up 7 months later, wanting to come a touch earlier then planned. Mia left the father spot on the birth certificate empty, and left it as that. She would end up meeting someone new and marrying him when Ben was 3, and that man, Alan, would become Ben’s father figure.
Growing up in Chicago wasn’t exactly easy, and the Faris family was usually strapped for cash, so Ben learned early on how to care for himself. He became independent and talked his way into getting jobs at a younger age then he should have, while also making sure that he would eventually be able to get out of the area that he was in. Most of his friends didn’t have any real ambition or had started down different paths, but Ben would stand in front of store windows and watch the news on the tv’s in the windows and fell in love with broadcast journalism, he liked the idea of being the person that people from all over turned to for the news and the breaking stories. This led him to taking drama classes, wanting to be able to speak out in front of others without fear. He also got into sports, as it was a way to have fun.
He was found to be particularly good at soccer and swimming, as well as other sports. It was during his junior year that he really started to figure himself out, and figured out that he was attracted to males as well as females. Ben had had a few girlfriends in the past, typically nothing serious, but his first boyfriend felt different, and it lasted longer then his previous girlfriends had. They were teammates on the soccer team, and it was a secret between them, and neither of them felt comfortable coming out to the general public, for fear of getting hurt. They were able to do it pretty well too, it hurt to have to find other prom dates, but they ended up sneaking off at some point to have a moment alone. they only ended up breaking up because they were planning on going to different colleges, and didn’t want to deal with a long-distance relationship.
when it came to picking a college, ben knew that he didn’t want to stay in Chicago, so he looked elsewhere. he came across Ashwood while looking through his mail and figured it was worth a shot, that the worst they could say was no. he had done pretty well in high school overall, so he wasn’t that worried on getting into different colleges, but more how he was going to be able to pay for it. So he was shocked when he got his acceptance package from Ashwood and found a very generous scholarship included. he decided then that that would be where he was going, even if it meant traveling across the country. There were tears when he told his parents but they understood that this was what was best for him, and he made sure to casually drop that he was bisexual before he left and while his parents were slightly surprised, they took it in stride and supported him all the same.
Not long before Ben was set to leave for New York, he was walking home alone at night, which wasn’t that unusual, he had grown up on these streets, he didn’t find them unsafe, that is until he felt the sharp tip of a knife touch his back and a low voice tell him to give up his money, and saw that he was now surrounded by three guys. If it had just been one or even two, Ben probably could have taken them. but three was pushing his luck, but he refused to go down without a fight. However, luck wasn’t in his favor, and he only had his fists to protect himself while the guys around him had knives and much bigger fists. He didn’t go down quietly but he did go down, and ended up getting pretty hurt in the process. He blacked out and woke up to pain, he knew he hadn’t been out long since it was still dark but his wallet was thrown next to him, with all the cash missing. He was able to use the wall to support himself to get to under the table medical station that he knew about, they didn’t ask questions and didn’t charge much, it was typically used for the homeless population. He didn’t want to freak out his parents, and worried that this would make it so they wouldn’t let him leave. He ended up with some scars on his side from the stabbing and a bruised rib from apparently being kicked, but nothing he could’t hide with clothes. He went home the next day, saying he had spent the night at a friends, and used his knowledge of makeup from theater to cover any bruising that would have caused questions.
While the bruises faded, Ben found that he would have nightmares about the event, and would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. This was semi easy to hide when he was home, either by just not sleeping, or because his parents could basically sleep through anything thanks to the practice of living in a noisy city. However, at school it’s a little harder to keep it secret without raising questions.
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