#because I've been spamming the crime blog SO much
aethelwyneleigh27 · 9 months
Stop the Harassment
After everything that's happened, you guys sure make it easy to quit a fandom. Let's be real here, who wants to be in a fandom where you harass minors, bully people so much so that they try to commit? First it was cosplayers, now even creators who caused no harm are being violated and bullied.
Sure I might lose followers but I sure as hell won't just be staying silent about this, not when my friend has already suffered through enough, I know the culprit, I'm just staying silent on behalf of my friend because they don't want this thing escalated. I shouldn't even feel like I'll be targeted after this because what kind of community have we created that we should expect the worst?
My friend has been nothing but nice to the rest of you and for you to treat them this way after they've been through so much after what you guys did in the first place just sickens and disgusts me to my core. Even before this whole thing they came to Tumblr for refuge because of their difficult time but you guys don't care about that right?
No because apparently what you do in this fandom is you tear someone apart who found comfort here to make them feel so bad that it's either they quit or commit.
She took responsibility saying that it was a mistake but no, apparently people have to be flawless for any one of you to accept them right? Is being a minor a crime? Is that it? Because last time I checked, Tumblr was an ages 12+ app so why are we so concerned? Regarding the allegations, they don't interact with mdni, even if they did in the past it was probably by accident.
Regarding minors reading and writing nsfw shit, I've said it before and I'll say it again, blocking is a thing? Can't y'all all comprehend that? Is it really that difficult to understand that you even have to spread personal information to others? For all you know my friend could now be targeted and preyed on by some creep because they found out they're a minor.
People are gonna ask me who it is but I can't answer for them, they just want peace and I want to clarify some things because I can't just let people think my friend this apparently "horrid" thing within the fandom without defending them, you were the one who interacted with them first (WITHOUT MDNI IN YOUR BLOG) and now they're getting pinned and taking all the blame when you didn't even care to tell her that suddenly you put it in your blog?
Not only this but what do you have to stand to gain in all of this? I wonder what was your motive to tear someone down and let your little minions do it for you because you don't wanna be involved.
The fact that you let this spread and let people do this to them without taking accountability for how this started or at least telling people to stop because what you caused just baffles me because how can someone have such inability to feel remorse and guilt, you've been awfully silent haven't you?
Probably because it's better to have someone take the blame regarding the harassment right? Because some people are standing up for them, though I know that some refuse to talk, I know they're also here to support them. You are one of the only people who knew of their age and damn did you make it easy to find you.
I don't even know how one person is capable of doing this to another, which I suspect you've been leaving some of the anon asks to them too when they've been nothing but nice to you, the least the rest of you can do is cut them some slack, Dms is a thing right? Block and move on, as simple as that. But no, the rest of you just had to spam it on other creators' accounts with the mixing of some false allegations.
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Not only that but this? Can't y'all just leave them alone? You all act as if they personally killed your parents or something, it's like they committed some sort of crime in which they didn't.. you all did by spreading their PRIVATE CONFIDENTIAL information. None of you truly knows what happened and yet you all act like you're some sort of detective, have you all not learned anything from what happened to Vincent (Inquisitore) and Viper, apparently Milo is now also getting targeted for some silly video?
I wanted to post the other less filtered version of this post because I was so mad for my friend but in regards to people in my blog, this is as filtered as I can get it. If any of you ever harass her again, we WILL find your account and you best believe I'll have no shame to tag you, even more so if you've blocked me.
What's up with always hiding behind anons? You're scared of what people might say to you because YOU as an ADULT has been harassing a minor? That's what this is right? The rest of you are scared if the consequences of your actions because you know to yourselves that you've done SOMETHING wrong.
This is such a shit show, what even is this fandom anymore? I swear that not onec have I been in such a shitty one and I've been through all sorts of fandom, never as toxic as this one, great job y'all, you guys just beat the toxic k-pop stans in my list.
Though some of you are so kind and wonderful, there are still THOSE bad people out there who seek to tear someone apart for whatever petty reason.
I'm taking a break from all this and though I still will be writing behind the scenes so that I'll have the strength to keep going, you all disappoint me as a community.
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mysterylilycheeta · 2 months
Hi, it’s me @acourtofquestions (I really need to find a way to merge blogs or something lol😂)
(Trying to think of what to ask first because this series has so much & is so good😆… I’m just gonna spam list lol🤣 answer as many or few as you feel like :-)🩵
Who’s your favorite character?
Who’s your least favorite character?
Of our 3 first questers who’s the fav: Percy, Annabeth, or Grover?
Favorite god/goddess (or even mythological creature or just mythology reference)?
What’s your favorite ship?
What’s your favorite friendship?
Which Cabin would you be/want to be in? (Sometimes it’s two different answers) or even not a cabin since there’s all the other creatures, nymphs, etc.
What would your goblet be full of?/sacrificial food of delicious snackiness?😂
Favorite book?
Thoughts on the spin off series? / do you have a favorite?
Thoughts on the show?
Dare I ask… thoughts on the movies?😬 (risky/polarizing/potentially-“triggering” question I know😅😂)
Personal/favorite theory? & or unpopular opinion
Anything you want to answer, add, or fandom about :-)
Heyy, I know you have two blogs, you don't have to stress about it every time, XD. So here we go, answering your questions
1. Favourite is obviously Percy, I mean, he is best boy
2. Zeus, Hera, Octavian, most of the gods- the list goes on
3. It's still Percy, our golden trip is awesome but Percy holds a special place
4. Honestly, I really liked Poseidon and the theme with the prophecies, loved seeing them play out.
5. Percabeth, definitely
6. I've got so many, I love all the friendships from the og 7 of the HoO series. Can't choose a favourite there
7. Definitely Poseidon's cabin, being Percy's roommate would be wild and completely awesome. Imagine the chaos and drama
8. My goblet would be full of Pani puris or sandwiches( they give me life)
9. I don't really have a favourite, I love all of them. But, I'd say The Last Olympian, The Blood of Olympus and The House of Hades really hit it home for me
10. I have only read HoO and I loved it. Personally, the only flaw I found in it compared to the og series was that it had less Percy POV chapters. I needed more of my boy's sass😭. Also, I'm never reading the trials of Apollo because I cannot handle.my baby Jason dying😭😭😭😭I won't ever forgive Rick for this😭😭
So far, I'm really liking the show, I'm not one for nitpicking details and it's been a long time since I read the series so I don't remember much of it rn. I just love seeing my babies on the screen, that's it.
11. I have not touched the movies with a 10 foot pole, I realised it early on that this is one of those crimes we do not commit as part of the fandom😂
12. Unpopular opinion might be that HoO is also pretty interesting and Jason is a great character. He's realistic and very very lovable and doesn't even deserve any of the hate he gets. Personally, I actually didn't like Hazel as much as the other characters.
Oof, that was a long list, I waited till I had some time on my hand so I could answer every question in more than 3 words😂. Anyways, thank you so much for the ask, I loved answering all your questions😁😁😁
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sp724 · 8 months
((OOC pinned post time!
This blog is a roleplay blog meant to be an in-universe blog for Sidney Poindexter from Danny Phantom.
Anyone can interact or send asks, RP blog or not. In fact, asks are very much appreciated, seeing as this version of Sidney was murdered and he/his death would probably be well-known.
Supplementary material for this blog (such as the Wikipedia page Sidney mentions in the blog description, as well as some in-universe True Crime videos on Sidney) can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53753875/chapters/136071178
Mun is over 18, but muse is NOT. (Well. Mentally and physically he's not. He's been dead longer than that but... He can't mentally and physically age.)
This blog will definitely dip into some angst and darker topics at times, due to being run in-universe by a dead, bullied kid. I will try to tag things with the appropriate trigger warnings.
Bullying mentions will NOT be tagged, as the posts falling under that trigger warning include pretty much the entire blog.
More information about this blog below the cut.))
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Died after being shoved into his locker right before Spring Break and left there to starve.
Is a fairly famous case in the online True Crime community due to the mystery around what exactly happened, and the tragedy of him being so close to graduation.
17 years old, permanently.
Left the Ghost Zone at some point after the Christmas Truce, because he realized how many ghosts are bullies who are stronger than him, and he's afraid of a lot of them.
He hangs around the school because it's where he died and he feels an attachment to it. Danny gave him the go-ahead to go back to causing problems for bullies.
Tried to get Vlad to sue the Amity Park school district for him, but they don't have a case.
Blogs I consider to be within the same "canon" as this blog (either because I've interacted with them or because a blog I've interacted with has interacted with them):
@danny-fenton-blog (Danny)
@sam-manson-blog (Sam)
@tucker-foley (Tucker)
@mycelialmadness (Dani)
@therealvladmasters (Vlad)
@inevitablefuturephantom (Dan)
@paulina-sanchez (Paulina)
@/wes-weston-ghostly-blog (Wes)
danny phantom rp & roleplay - on almost every post
daily stopbullying reblog - every day sidney reblogs a post linking to the website stopbullying.gov. this is the tag for those, so they can be blocked if you get annoyed by the spam.
ask - for answered asks
reblog - for non-original, not directly roleplay related posts
animal pictures - with the reblog tag, on pictures of animals
nostalgia - with the reblog tag, on things relating to the 1940s and 1950s. specifically things relating to the time period of 1944 to March 1958.
colors - with the reblog tag, on things with bright rainbow colors
funnier when dead - with the reblog tag, on things that. well. are funnier to sidney now that he's dead.
deathweek - tag for an event lasting from march 28th to april 7th.
Pretty much anyone can interact, this includes personal accounts and RP blogs from different fandoms. I encourage people to interact with Sidney, in fact.
Asks that treat Sidney as fictional will not be answered, however. Please pretend Sidney is a real person in your ask.
The typing style I use for him is supposed to look like the way my grandma types. "Old person who barely knows computers/phones" vibe.
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demonlandline · 2 years
i have just realised that i don’t actually get notifications when you tag me, which is a crime, so i need to let you know that when i don’t reblog your art it’s not cause i didn’t like it or sth, i am obsessed with it, it’s beautiful, it’s just that i didn’t see it cause tumblr hates me
I've been getting a few reports of people not getting notified when I'm tagging them for a while, not really sure what's going on. Maybe Tumblr thinks it's spam because I make too much art idk. I think tracking tags are working fine but the direct @ s aren't showing up. idk how to fix that, maybe if I type everyone's URL out individually in a different order rather than copy and pasting the list, is that logical? probably not. Everything else about my blog seems to be working fine. If anyone knows stuff about this pls let me know, i know nothing
Also if anyone has a tracking tag they'd like me to use let me know!
Anyway, hiiii and also thank you so much! <3 <3 <3
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