#because Riordan actively mischaracterised Octavian
zazzander · 3 years
Octavian is Commander and a General.
For more about Octavian's character see this post.
A huge issue with how Octavian is written is "show" vs "tell". We are told Octavian is a talker, that he is a schemer, but the evidence in the text indicts he's more than that.
If we look pass the rumours, the slander, and recognise that many of the characters who talk about Octavian have a vested interest in shutting Octavian down - the picture is very different.
What We Are Told
“He won’t really get elected praetor, will he?” Percy asked.
“I wish I could be certain. Octavian has a lot of friends, most of them bought. The rest of the campers are afraid of him.” - Son of Neptune
See the Dining Room breakdown to why that’s not true
Octavian & the Senate
1st Senate Meeting
Reyna scowled. “I hate senate meetings. When Octavian gets talking…”
“You’re a warrior. Octavian is a talker. Put him in front of the senate and suddenly he becomes the powerful one.”
She narrowed her eyes. “You’re smarter than you look.”
“Gee, thanks. I hear Octavian might get elected praetor assuming the camp survives that long.” - Son of Neptune, page 179
Except, Octavian doesn’t really get what he wants. The quest is still on. Frank is still a centurion.
(Admittedly, we don’t know what Octavain wants in this scene. It is perhaps jealousy, since his own quest has been denied for months and it had the potential to be just as helpful).
2nd Senate Meeting
“The camp is safe,” Octavian continued. “I’ll be the first to congratulate our heroes for bringing back the legion’s eagle and so much Imperial gold! Truly we have been blessed with good fortune. But why do more? Why tempt fate?”
“I’m glad you asked.” Percy stood, taking the question as an opening.
Octavian stammered, “I wasn’t -
“- part of the quest,” Percy said. “Yes. I know. And you’re wise to let me explain, since I was.”
Some of the senators snickered. Octavian had no choice but to sit down and try not to look embarrassed. - Page 508, Son of Neptune
Here, once more Octavian fails to sway the senate. So two for two, Octavian isn’t actually that much of a talker nor does he have that much influence. Even in his domain, where he can command an audience. Where he can use his practices speeches.
Hints at Octavian's Military Capabilities
“Hazel tried to avoid eye contact, but she caught Octavian at the head of the First Cohort smirking at her, looking smug in his plumed centurion helmet with a dozen medals pinned to his chest.” - Son of Neptune, page 85
The medals, to me, are actual evidence that Octavian is more than just a “schemer” and a “talker”. Instead, I see Octavian is a commander. A general. And you don’t put your general on the front lines, especially if they are likely to faint from overexertion. But he’s always close enough to the battle to command, to lead, to react to changes and make decisions. That’s more than can be said for Reyna.
Of course, there’s his rank too. Octavian is the senior centurion of the skilled and prestigious Cohort. This is the cohort only the best get into - and they prove they are the best by dominating the wargames. And Camp Jupiter seems like a pretty ableist place all in all. Physical excellence is a requirement. Recall, a lot of demigods have superhuman strength, speed and reaction times. Octavian (arguably) has none of those things. Yet, he’s their commander.
The Battle at the End of Son of Neptune
At the base of the aqueduct, the First and Second Cohorts were trying to encircle Polybotes, but they were taking a pounding. The remaining Earthborn threw barrage after barrage of stone and mud. Karpoi grain spirits - those horrible little piranha Cupids - were rushing through the tall grass abducting campers at random, pulling them away from the line. The giant himself kept shaking basilisks out of his hair. Every time one landed, the Romans panicked and ran. Judging from their corroded shields and smoking plumes on their helmets, they’d already learned about the basilisks’ poison and fire.
Reyna soared above the giant, diving in with her javelin whenever he turned his attention to the ground troops.
So this is arguably really bad leadership on Reyna’s part. She’s their sole commander, yet she’s up in the air as a solo fighter. Meanwhile, her legion had been shattered. The Third, Fourth and Fifth Cohorts, prior to Percy’s return, had been surrounded and had no hope of rescue. That would have cost them a lot of lives.
When the lightning stopped, the First and Second Cohorts were facing one surprised-looking giant and several hundred smoking piles of ash. The enemy’s centre line had been charred to oblivion.
The look on Octavian’s face was priceless. The centurion stared at Percy with shock, then outrage. Then, when his own troops started to cheer, he had no choice except to join their shouting: “Rome! Rome!”
Okay, this moment. Octavian has been fighting against this army for hours despite his anaemia. (Plus the minimum of four days spent in prep). Octavian is the only on the ground commander, but only the First and Second actively chose to work with him and accept his commands. Because he isn’t the praetor. If he had been, Reyna would have been free to fight Polybotes in the air while Octavian continued the ground troops.
It’s reasonable to assume that Octavian has given up on the team coming back at this point as well. Even Hazel thinks they have arrived too late.
Octavian is shocked - probably to see them alive. Then angry. Still, he accepts the cheer. He accepts that with Percy’s arrival they could actually win the fight.
Octavian is actually one of the only named characters in the thick of the battle. Despite not being a warrior, as Reyna says, he’s there - commanding. He’s risking life and limb for his people.
And that's only from Son of Neptune.
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