#because Seliph's Chalphyian?
randomnameless · 5 years
Final Chapter - Dozel to Freege!
Seliph continues to liberate the land of his grandfather, and settles down the feud the Chalphyians had with the Freeges for 3 generations.
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You had men out there? I forgot. I was focused on, you know, the Master Knight with a Holy Weapon.
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I hope you’re calling your men cowards, not the Dozels! Or is it another way of Kaga to pile shit on the Dozels, even from within their side?
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Yeah, once and for all given how you’re one of the rare bosses to run away and not to die when we defeat you.
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A plan?
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This is a way to warn the player of what kind of backup units/mechanics are going to happen, so we won’t be going “WTF” at, idk, ballistaes popping up after the 10th turn in a defense map, but it defeats the plot purpose!
there’s no surprise here, so of course Hilda’s plan doesn’t work. If we knew in FE5 that Dastard Jr was going to blow up the bridge after we sent units to cross it, then to send Reinhardt and his pals on us, it wouldn’t have the same impact - we would curse Saias less, but his “tactician” gimmick wouldn’t be translated into the game
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Hilda means to fight to death. Well, this is the final map so...
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The Gelbenritter, or what’s left of it looks menacing! Hopefully Arvis gave Seliph the Tyrfing in the previous chapter, else Seliph wouldn’t have been able to plow through those guys like Ares does on a regular basis - welp that sounds wrong doesn’t it
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What do you mean, random? Is this not a holy war on its own, us having to fight against Loptyr himself?
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?? To this day, I still don’t understand what the fuck are those trails. Julia and Seliph? Leif and Seliph? Julia vs Julius? (one good light vs one evil light?)
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At least he gave us sufficient funds to repair our HWs.
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“slow down you jackass you have a horse now !”
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“remember you’re weak and i have to protect you, the usual routine” “hey i have my holy weapon now”
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? You’re scared now, but when we were fighting in Thracia you weren’t? OTOH this is the end of the journey, and during Siggy’s end everything burnt, so maybe Larcei’s afraid of that, or she knows that if she manages to rekt Julius before, now he is stronger.
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IDK, maybe having your WIFE and not only her BLADE at your side?
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Larcei’s supposed to find this romantic, or she’s pissed, idk.
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Finally someone’s going to sing something good about the Crusdaders, Neir and co!
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smite the devil with a demonic blade? Like in Pokémon when ghost attacks are very effective against ghost types?
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Odo and Hezul hated each other guts or something? One is a saint, the other wields a demonic blade...
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Apparently Baldur is only remembered as very pious, or something? the Tyrfing shines in the dark?
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and Baldur “shines a light” but Heim “prays”? I mean, if something should be shiny and have a “light” imagery, it should be the Book of Naga, not the Tyrfing but...
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So Heim prays to the white dragon who destroys the shadow dragon, that’s why praying is important and Heim’s reserved stuff!
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So the white dragon means light? Baldur and Heim were cosy enough to share their attributes, or Baldur did something awesome to be called the holy knight with a sword that shines light?
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Well, wait 60 turns and see.
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for we have the power of savestates at our disposal?
OTOH, if Seliph and Julia die here... We can only pull a Manfroy with Linoan, and hope for her Naga-grandson to continue the fight
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Children will finish what their parents started, the game is called Genealogy after all!
or he is talking about the power of savestates
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Never lost? The Barahra family nearly went extinct because someone only had eyes for a married woman who ran away!
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You believe in Lester, who’s only following us?
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I believe in Linoan too, even if she isn’t in the game. Or by light you meant people who want to fight against Loptyr?
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You raised more questions than answers, but this song makes me understand what the randoms in Granvalle are really thinking (or what Finn thinks they’re thinking^^) - only the sword crusader counts and that irks me a lot!
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Stop swarming us from the rear damn it genealogy of the rear attack : the holy innuendo
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Scipio is into dubious kinks
more seriously, who compares himself to a snake? That’s not a noble animal!
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DERMOTT NO - he managed to dodge this
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Hilda knew Tailte had another child? She must have heard about how Tine defected to join her brother and made 1+1.
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She can dirty them around killing randoms, but not by killing Hilda? It doesn’t make any sense :’(
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Hilda’s aware that she’s going to hell? Or that, whatever she is/was doing, she knew it was something that no one could condone?
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You’re being rude to your street urchin of a cousin Scipio!
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the sprites beg to differ, but again, to Scipio and everyone around his age who grew up in the empire Siggy and pals, even Briggid were traitors!
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Family bonding time :)
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Maybe he felt conflicted by hearing that he is the son of Jamke and how the Empire and the Jungbies never gave a flying fuck about his country
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Fee remembered that Arthur’s dad was the guy who berated Arthur’s mom for wanting to kill her own dad, Arthur mustn’t slay his relatives! So she’s the one to kill Hilda.
Farewell Hilda, at least you’ll join Blume and you’ll live happily ever after together, with your daughter joining you in the next update!
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Come on i’ve seen this before
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Try to be more inventive next time, would you?
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Finally, we settle things with Freeges! By seizing their castles!
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Seliph thinks of the children :)
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Felipe ex machina
Oldvis had an aide? With Aida dead, he maybe wanted to share his dastardly plans to someone, or maybe he wanted to talk to anyone who wouldn’t trashtalk him unlike his son(s?)...
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Even the ones from Thracia?
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Which raises several issues, how can they all fit, how many were they, how come no one noticed that no children were in Belhalla and reported it to Julius, etc...
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Remember that Hilda was the Queen of Miletos, so she spent the majority of her time there!!
And Freege isn’t Hilda’s city, but the Ducal seat of Blume and the Tordo royals!
and here the Ishtar gambit is revealed!
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So Ishtar has wrath in her skillset? I never noticed
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Hm... You haven’t met a lot of people.
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She and Oldvis were really getting along then! We could glimpse it in their convo, too bad it ended in, well, you know. Loptyrpocalypse ruins everything.
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Oh, so the children signed their presence sheet, then skipped the “i will sacrifice myself for the sake of Loptyr, our God and Savior” classes.
It still doesn’t make any sense, but why not
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They’re going to gie you armorslayers and vulneraries, ask Leif!
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Thank you revealing crucial elements of caracterisation the game couldn’t offer us in some other way
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“Some results” is the reason why so many people joined Seliph’s quest, and the symbol of the Empire’s tyranny, but whatever
But yes, the real job awaits.
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Dead is the only logical conclusion, but the game isn’t logical. And how’s that the only option? Master draconic tactician can’t guess that Loptyr murdered the only one who can kill him before she could hold the tome of Naga?
Or is he desperatly clinging to the little shred of hope he has of Julia being alive not to think about his own naivety of letting her get captured when she is the only one able to save the world?
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That’s not what you told us in Chapter 6, you said only Seliph’s destiny was “to free the world from this evil grip” as the “one true heir of Saint Heim”
Freeing the world from the evil grip means getting rid of the idiot sitting in Belhalla, right?
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Hopefully even this guy doesn’t contradict the game’s lore. At least one positive point I found about you, yay!
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“what about you, you raised her for years?”
“i only fed her wild berries and gave her a roof - i spent more time training Arthur in wind magic than talking and being a relative to Julia, remember how i dropped her on you during your Isaachian campaign without any tomes or staves?”
Hopefully, Julia dosn’t need to be convinced by those dolts, because it’s her destiny as a Falchion to slay an evil Dragon!
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randomnameless · 4 years
Before or after he got his moustache?
First impression : Siggy asks this smol kid to be his tactician? No wonder why he ended up in ashes!
Impression now : :’( Like, I don’t know what Oifey thought he was doing when he started to follow Siggy around the continent, and i’m pretty Siggy didn’t knew either, but if Siggy acts as a responsible adult and sends him away when shit hits the fan in chapter 5, Oifey will forever regret not having been able to be there. 1st gen drama hits him hard because, well, he was just a kid, and you can’t convince me he never regretted not having seen the clues or some shit like that. Poor Oifey. Seliph might look up to him, but Seliph is the reminder that Siggy will never return.
Favorite moment : pretty meaningless, but when he gives a sword lesson to Diarmuid during chapter 7? OIfey became a big bro/parental figure to all kids in Tirnanogue and wasn’t only focused on his liege’s son. Also, OIfey offers his lesson after the poor boy just said he’d like to meet her, maybe there was this “i will make you stronger so you two will finally be able to reunite and you won’t end up like me who was too weak and never reunited with Siggy”
Idea for a story : AU where some survivors from Barahra manage to reach Tirnanogue and Oifey still believes that Sigurd might return, one day, because of Midir could then of course Lord Sigurd can.
Unpopular opinion : I prefer Oifey to Shanan?
Favorite relationship : Blame the game and its lack of support convos, but damn if I don’t want to see something with Oifey and Aidean, both Granvallians, sent to Isaach, having to take care of a bunch of children and Oifey refusing to be seen as one. In-game relationship? Diarmuid. He’s the only person from the Tirnanogue gang who talks to him!
Favorite headcanon : It’s not like Oifey didn’t want to train Seliph like a traditional Chalphyian knight but he always felt wrong being the one to train Seliph like that, because that role should have been Sigurd’s and he is no Sigurd, he will never be. That’s why Seliph received more training from shanan - otoh, Oifey had no qualms teaching Diarmuid and Lester how to ride. When Seliph had to promote though, he relented and taught him how to ride, because being horseback was, idk, important military wise. The first time Seliph sortied with his white horsie, Oifey didn’t saw Siggy the 2nd, but Seliph the future King of Granvalle. He cried tears of joy.
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