#because casual movie fans probably don't want to see me rambling about wanting her to eat me
waitingonher · 3 months
hello emmy! congratulations for the 800 followers :)
i'm not pretty much good with this type of stuff but i'll try my best. english is not my first language so i apologize for any weird spellings. thanks for the opportunity so far!
and my emoji can be this one 🧃 btw
tlok !
women only please 🙌 i'm a lesbian
for starters my mbti is istj — i'm kinda of an introvert, moreover of a logical side person, can be quiet and a little too serious about everything (or call it slow if you'd like too lmao). usually i'm in my own world, listening to music or watching some movie since i'm very much passionate about both. i have a tomboyish look (?) and like to see myself as someone responsible and independent as well since i'm a older sister of two. i can come off as rude sometimes, not very much of a softie, making me also not a huge fan of physical affection. i am a little nerd about things i love and can go for hours when something of my enjoyment is mentioned. for physical aspects i'm 5'3, have very short brownish hair and for the eyes the same color but more caramel-like. i use glasses, absolutely despise bugs and i prefer savory than sweet food. i don't know how to deal much with people who are the opposite of me, whose more sensitive and emotional, but that's something i'm working hard on!
in order it would be: quality time, giving/receiving gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation and for the last one physical touch.
listening to music probably is my top one! but i also do enjoy a good walk in nature, taking a nap or watching a long movie (i might be a cinephile... i guess...) my favorite season is autumn, probably because i like the merge of cold and sunny weather together. i adore photography and really plan working with it someday! and if it doesn't work out i would like to become a first grade teacher since i'm somewhat good with kids.
probably something very cliché omg woah. however i would go with anything to be honest, a cinema date or a walk on the park, anything casual and not too extravagant.
definitely someone emotionally mature who would understand about me not being very much affectionate and respecting that side of my personality as well— perhaps someone who's the same as me— or the total opposite to measure with my less sensitive side... i kinda like the idea of 'opposites that attract each other' and/or 'being in the same side of the coin' to have a well good balance relationship. but yeah appearance doesn't matter if the person loves me for who i am.
i'm not a minor, my pronouns are she/her, besides being a lesbian i'm also demiaroace and if i was in the atla/tlok universe i would be a earthbender for sure. that's all for now, ty again!
your matchup is . . . asami sato!!
as cliché as it is, you and asami are definitely "opposites attract" personified!
asami does seem to be more into physical touch, but after learning about your reluctance to it, she'd completely respect it and channel her love for you in other ways!
for example, she'd help around your shared apartment doing the household chores that aren't particularly your favorite. or you'd come home one day to find a little trinket that she knew you'd like sitting on your desk, wrapped in a cute bow that just so happens to be your favorite color!
using her connections, asami would help you with your passion for photography! whether it be buying you the hottest camera on the market or even putting in a good word for you to her friends/colleagues that work within the industry, she wants to see you go far.
it doesn't matter how long it takes, but asami would sit there with her full attention on you while you ramble to her about your interests! even if asami herself isn't completely in love with it as you are, she'd sit there patiently listening, as if it were the most important thing in the world. because anything that's important to you is equally as important to her <3
throughout your relationship you and asami have found a song that represents the love you have for each other, therefore it's become "your song."
sometimes when the song comes on the radio, you two will pause whatever you're doing to serenade each other! LOL yes, it's cheesy but what can you say, you're in love!
asami very much appreciates your more introverted nature! knowing that basically all of your other friends are extroverts (bolin and korra specifically), she loves coming home to some actual peace and quiet. in her head, asami compares them to those tiny dogs that are always barking while you're a calm little cat LOL.
yeah, you and asami and perfect for each other. send tweet.
. . .
author's note: omg nonnie no need to apologize! your english was perfect :)) enjoy!
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marvelmusing · 3 years
Making Time
Mobius M Mobius x Reader
Part 2
My Masterlist
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“1985, huh?” You say, looking up from the briefing Mobius has just handed you.
“Yeah, maybe we’ll spot a delorian?” He jokes, making a Back to the Future reference. You smile at him, remembering when you’d first mentioned the movie. You hadn’t been at the TVA long, to your knowledge.
You’re sat in one of the cafes, explaining something about the timeline to Casey, and you make an offhand reference to the movie. To which, Casey looks even more confused. You glance at Mobius, who’s been sat next to you, watching your teaching with a smile. You offer them both a small smile, at yet another reminder that you’re from somewhere very different from the rest of them.
“Neither of you have seen it have you?” Mobius shakes his head.
“Not a lot of chances for watching movies when dealing with the timeline. Should we get the chance, I’d love to.” It’s a few days later when you give him the chance.
“Honey, I’m home.” You hear Mobius call out, which brings a smile to your face. Whilst you had your own apartment, you much preferred staying with Mobius, like you did when you first arrived at the TVA. You hear him set down a pile of papers in the kitchen, before making his way into the lounge where you’re sat waiting for him. “Hey.”
“What’s all this?”
“Back to the Future. I went through my file, and managed to find a version that I watched that was uninterrupted. Then I isolated it, and copied it onto one of those cassette reel things, so that it’ll play on your mini projector.” You pause, before adding, “I probably put too much effort into this but, I thought we could have what my time considers a movie night?”
“A movie night?” Your face falls slightly, feeling embarrassed by your suggestion.
“We don’t have to-“ you start. He shrugs off his jacket and settles down next to you.
“Did I not tell you I wanted to watch it, should I get the chance?”
“Well, yeah.” He gestures to the projector.
“Let’s get this show on a roll.” You grin at him, before quickly pressing play on the projector. Mobius leans an arm on the couch and pulls you to his side. “You finally have clearance to access to your file, and you use it to watch Back to the Future?”
“What else was I supposed to do with it?” You joke.
You and Mobius head to the cubicle where you left Loki this morning. You spot him wapping against the desk with a magazine.
“Training going well?” You ask him. He leans back in his chair, attempting to look casual.
“Is that my jet ski magazine?” Mobius asks him. “Put it down. Gear up. There's been an attack. Let's go.” He hands Loki the jacket he’s been carrying. You set the briefing down on the desk, and follow Mobius. Loki trails behind you. “Put it on.” Loki shrugs the jacket on, adjusting the collar before posing.
“Nice.” You tell him with a smile.
“Good. Yeah, smart.” Mobius says distractedly. You soon reach the Timedoors, where a small group of hunters have gathered to wait. B-15 opens up the briefing.
“C-20 and her team went dark shortly after they jumped into the 1985 branch. All signs point to another ambush. We've grabbed enough temporal aura to know it's our Loki Variant. But which kind of Loki, remains unknown.”
“They're the lesser kind, to be clear.” Loki specifies. B-15 sighs,
“Let me see the back of that jacket.” Loki does a small turn, showing the group the back of his jacket, where the bright orange letters reading VARIANT stand out. Everyone is the group shares a small smile. You’re glad you don’t have to wear one of those anymore.
“Very subtle. Well done.”
“I don't want anybody out there to forget what you are.”
“Oh, your only hope of capturing a murderer?”
“No. A cosmic mistake.”
“That's enough.” Mobius interrupts.
“Lovely.” You hear Loki murmur.
“Here's the deal.” Mobius begins. “When we get out on the branch, we're not just looking for a Time Criminal. We're looking for a Loki. A variation of this guy. A type we should all be very familiar with, because the TVA has pruned a lotta these guys, almost more than any other Variant.” He skims through a few of the Loki Variants that the TVA have caught before. “And no two are alike. Slight differences in appearances, or not so slight. Different powers, although, powers generally include: shapeshifting, illusion projection, and my favourite-”
“Duplication casting.” Loki interrupts
“Illusion projection.”
“No, they're two completely different powers.”
“How?” You ask him.
“Illusion-projection involves depicting a detailed image from outside oneself, which is perceptible in the external world, whereas duplication-casting entails recreating an exact facsimile of one's own body in its present circumstance, which acts as a true holographic mirror of its molecular structure. But you already knew that.” He explains. You catch a glimpse of Mobius’s smirk before he says,
“Okay, take a breath. Noted. We're gonna break into two teams, including myself and Professor Loki.”
“Why?” A hunter stood beside you asks.
“Because whoever this Variant is, we haven't been able to find him. So let's bring in an expert.” Loki looks around at the group before adding a quiet,
“That's me.”
As the hunters prepare themselves, you hear Loki ask, “Do I get a weapon?” You laugh lightly,
“No chance.”
“Well, I'll have my magic back. Is no one concerned about that?”
“Of what?” Mobius asks.
“Me betraying you.”
“Why not?”
“You know that we’ll just catch you again.” You tell him.
“And how's betraying us gonna get you any closer to the Time-Keepers?” Mobius adds. Loki leans forward, his attention fixed on Mobius.
“An audience with the Time-Keepers is on the table?”
“Keep that focus.” Mobius tells him. The three of you follow the hunters through the Timedoor, and out into 1985 Wisconsin. Your group makes their way through the crowd of the Renaissance fair before entering a large tent. It’s dark inside, with only a few lanterns to light your path. You watch as B-15 bends down to grasp examine a helmet left abandoned on the floor.
“So he's taking hostages now?” She says, turning to Mobius.
“The Variant's never taken a hostage before.”
“Maybe he's upping his game.”
“Or he pruned her.” One of the hunters remarks, you frown at his callousness towards his colleague.
“A Loki couldn't have gotten the jump on C-20.”
“I think you underestimate, actually...” Loki begins.
“Fan out and search for her. And hurry up, we're at three units until red line.” B-15 orders. Mobius sets a hand on your arm, and the two of you head to the exit.
“Come on.” He says to Loki.
“Wait. If you leave this tent, you'll end up like them.” Mobius stops beside Loki.
“What do you see?”
“I see a scheme, and in that scheme, I see myself.” Loki begins to ramble about an old Asgardian saying.
“Two units. He is wasting our time.” B-15 interrupts.
“Okay. Come on, Loki, make a long story short.” Mobius encourages.
“We need to look for C-20.”
“That's exactly what the Variant wants you to do. It's a trap. He's waiting for you outside this tent.”
“Should I secure the reset charges?”
“No. He wants me. I'm the key to his plan. He knows that I'm stronger. And he rightly believes that together we can overthrow and rule the TVA. But that's not what I want. I have a new purpose. I'm a servant of the Sacred Timeline. And knowing what I now know about his tactics, I can deliver you the Variant, but I need assurances.” He says, looking to Mobius. You glance up at Mobius, frowning slightly. Surely he isn’t believing what Loki’s saying? His eyes catch yours and there’s a small twinkle in them. You hide your smile. Loki circles around Mobius.
“Yeah?” Mobius offers.
“Assurances that I won't be completely disintegrated the moment the job has been done.”
“Right.” Loki leans forward, before whispering,
“We'll need to speak to the Time-Keepers at once. They're in graver danger than we realized.”
“He's lying. Just playing games. There's no one out there.” Mobius calls out to the group.
“Reset the timeline.” B-15 orders.
“You had me for a second. My ears are sharp too.” He points at Loki’s chest. You follow Mobius out of the tent.
“Well that went well.” You remark, hearing Mobius sigh. He runs his hand over his face.
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You’re tucking into your lunch when you spot Mobius. He picks out a drink and a salad before making his way over to you. You give him a small smile,
“How did it go with Renslayer?” He sighs, leaning his head back, before getting comfortable in his seat.
“Well, our Loki hasn’t been deleted yet.”
“That’s good then?” You offer. He sighs,
“Yeah. Though he’s getting more and more talkative.”
“You did say he loves to talk. Where is he now?”
“I’ve left him with the archives, hopefully he’ll be reading for the next few days. Or at least long enough for me to finish lunch.” He begins to eat his salad. Just then, Loki scampers in looking like a manic puppy.
“I found something.” Mobius shakes his head, keeping his attention on his lunch,
“No, I said don’t bother me until you've read all the files.”
“I have.”
“Every file?”
“Pertaining to the Variant?”
“The answer isn't in the files, it's on the timeline. He's hiding in apocalypses.”
“Which apocalypse?” You ask.
“Any time in history? There's, like, a million of 'em.” Mobius adds.
“Ragnarok. Are you familiar?”
“Yes. The destruction of Asgard and most of its people. I'm sorry.” Loki pauses looking down.
“Yes, very sad.” He immediately perks up again. “Anyway, it got me thinking. Nexus events happen when someone does something they're not supposed to do, right?”
“Well, it's a little more complicated, but, yeah.”
“Great. And then that thing they're not supposed to do, cascades into a whole range of other things that aren't supposed to happen.”
“And so on and so forth, until eventually, a new timeline branches. Yes?”
“Chaotic alterations of a predetermined outcome.”
“Exactly. So, let's just say...” He picks up the salad bowl from in front of Mobius.
“Mm-hm. What are you doing?”
“...your salad is Asgard in this scenario.” Loki continues.
“It's not Asgard, that's my lunch.” Mobius complains, the pouting clear in his voice. You lean forward, a hand on your chin to hide the smile at Mobius’s reaction.
“It's a metaphor. Just hang in there.”
“I want that salad.”
“And I could go down to Asgard before Ragnarok causes its complete destruction and I could do anything I wanted. I could, let's say, push the Hulk off the Rainbow Bridge.” He picks up a salt shaker and puts a large sprinkling of salt across Mobius’s salad.
“There he goes.” You say, feeling rather invested in this metaphor.
“The salt's Hulk?” Mobius asks, clearly not as enthusiastic as you.
“And I could also... Set fire to the palace.” He picks up a pepper pot and shakes the pepper across the salad.
“No, just stop. Don't set fire to the palace.”
“Okay? I can do whatever I want to do, and it would never matter. It wouldn't go against the dictates of the timeline because...” He sets down the shakers after nearly emptying them both. He heads to the table behind you. “Excuse me?”
“Oh, God!” Mobius sighs.
“You!” Recognising the voice you look up to see Casey looking very confused.
“Nice to see you. I just need this for a second. Thanks.” Loki picks up Casey’s carton of juice, before sitting back down at your table. “Because the apocalypse is coming. Ragnarok, Surtur will destroy Asgard no matter what I do.”
“No, don't do...” Mobius sighs as Loki empties the carton over the remains of the salad.
“There's the apocalypse.” You say with a sigh, offering Mobius your bag of chips.
“That's the apocalypse?” He asks, taking a handful of chips from you with a smile.
“Ragnarok obliterates the salt. Ragnarok. There it is.” Loki gestures to the ruined salad with a proud smile.
“What am I lookin' at?”
“Okay, it was a clumsy metaphor. But you see what I mean. It doesn't matter. It could be any apocalypse. It could be a tidal wave. It could be a meteor. It could be a volcano, a supernova. If everything and everyone around you is destined for imminent destruction, then nothing that I say or do will matter, because the timeline's not gonna branch. Hence, the Variant could be hiding in the apocalypse and do whatever he wants, and we wouldn't know!”
“Not bad.” You offer.
“Take me to a real apocalypse, to Ragnarok, I'll show you.” Mobius chuckles,
“Yeah. So you can run away back to your homeland? No.”
“No, I'm not going home. We can go anywhere.”
“I'm not taking you for a stroll along the promenade, much less an apocalypse.”
“Oh, Mobius, come on! What could possibly go wrong? We gotta properly test this theory.”
“Well, here's a fun theory. You lure me out into the field, and stab me in the back. And that's a theory I don't wanna test.”
“I'd never stab anyone in the back. That's such a boring form of betrayal.” He most definitely would stab someone in the back.
“Loki, I've studied almost every moment of your entire life. You've literally stabbed people in the back, like 50 times.”
“Well, I'd never do it again, because it got old.” You both laugh at this. Mobius looks at you, and you shrug.
“Might as well try it?” You offer. Mobius nods,
“Okay, look, you don't trust me, you can trust one thing. I love to be right.” Loki adds. That certainly isn’t a lie.
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Tagslist: @n0obmaster69 @mackycat11 @wibblywobblyjeremybearimy @boriqs @morganwilliams @greeneyedblondie44
If you’d like to be tagged just ask!!
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intheseautumnhands · 4 years
Um! Kliego, and.... your favourite other TUA ship (lawd, I'm suddenly hoping that you ship kliego lmaooo, sorry if you don't :'))
Hah, it’s fine! I’m into pretty much every single Hargreeves ship to some extent. Klaus/Diego* is not super high on my list to be honest, but I’m definitely still into it overall! I think it’s just fandom saturation more than anything that puts it lower down, because I do think the dynamic could be of interest.
* (I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I cannot use smushnames. I don’t begrudge anyone else use of them, they don’t bug me *that* much, but typing them feels so awkward.)
Choosing a favorite is honestly harder because I just want to ship all of them but I will... I dunno. Maybe RNG stuff I’ve written lately to pick. XD
Gonna cut since I’m already rambling before I even put in the questions, whoops.
(Also, two-days-later A: Hi I fell asleep in the middle of this and then barely touched my computer yesterday. Sorry!) 
when of if I started shipping it: I walked out of my first viewing singing the song of my people at every single combination possible (Not even walked out, I watched over several days, it only took the first. not even half a season.) (The song of my people is, of course, I Ship It by Not Literally.)
my thoughts: Again, it’s not my #1 ship for the show, but I definitely could see it. I like that, of all the possible combos that could have hung out during the time between leaving home and the show, they seem to have the least amount of active vitriol and bitterness. It opens up interesting windows for that time period, as well as means it’s among the ships that need the least foundation work to get to somewhere decent afterwards. It makes it an interesting counterpart to some of the more actively difficult combinations, which I like especially in a poly context (because I am me and everything happens in a poly context).
What makes me happy about them: Again, the possibilities during the time gaps! And the general sense of... friendliness? It does feel like they’d have a lot less to get over than a lot of the pairs and I like it. (granted I think Klaus in general, while he has plenty of issues, seems to have less of them with his siblings specifically than most, so that’s playing into it, but I also see Diego as probably the one with the most after Vanya, so that’s interesting in and of itself.)
What makes me sad about them: I’m just sad for all these children growing up in their shitty, shitty childhood. And by sad I mean I want to read a lot of things that make me want to cry. Either as children but also I’m down for adults unwillingly letting the conversation drag around to their trauma too.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Klaus is snarkier, more clever, and a lot stronger, mentally and physically, than I feel like a lot of fic gives him credit for. I think that goes for a lot of fic in this fandom, but since it’s one of the biggest ships and he’s in it, I feel like it shows up a lot for K/D. I’m not a big fan of them being really close as kids, either, which comes up a lot; my headcanon for Diego being pretty distant from all his siblings is strong enough that it takes a lot of set-up for me to accept anything else. (Awkwardly getting close in late teens as both of their ‘get me the fuck out of here’ drives get stronger and stronger is easier for me to see than close-as-kids.)
things I look for in fanfic: Tropes! The writers for this ship give me all the tropes. I want to marinate in it. I’m also kind of into general ‘it was casual, then whoops, I caught feelings, now what??????’ for them, because I could see it. Other than that, like... look, if it looks like it’s interestingly written or has an interesting concept, I will read it. I’m not super picky in this fandom, if it’s Hargreeves-centric and doesn’t bitch at shippers in the tags I’m in to at least give it a try.
My kinks: Uhhhh. Hmmm. I haven’t actually read a lot of kink fic for this ship or considered it, but I feel like I want mutual sadism/masochism.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Honestly my hope is for most of the characters to end up without another major romantic plot. I’m here for canon Allison/Luther but hoping the rest of them just... don’t. Especially since I don’t see them going for two sibling ships and that’s really all I’d want to see. If not that, both of them with new characters would be my preference, because there’s no one actually in the show I’d be down for. Maybe if they somehow warp the timelines around enough to bring Patch back, but even then, eh, just let me have family stuff.
My happily ever after for them: In general as characters, my ideal endgame for both characters is in healthier places than their start point, still clearly working out their shit, and on good terms as a family. As a ship: I feel like both of them would get bored eventually by any kind of ‘and then they went and got a happy domestic place to live and nothing exciting ever happened again’, even if it might be nice for a little while, so... active, somehow. Either they end up somehow finding some kind of active hobby to screw around with together, and enjoy flirting with each other while they do it, or like, I don’t know, get bored one day and accidentally buy a business just to have something to do and find they get weirdly invested in running it. (Maybe, like, a restuarant or something else that’s really high-stress. Or maybe the gym Diego boxes at goes for sale and he doesn’t like the look of the most likely potential buyer and buys it himself before he realizes he has no idea how to run something and has to slink back home and let Klaus laugh at him. Shit, I want that fic now.)
who is the big spoon/little spoon: This assumes either one of them are capable of sleeping totally still which honestly I don’t see. They both seem like the kind of people who flip around in their sleep and wake up five times a night. So, they both take it in turns and also sometimes just end up in weird sprawled positions, either on top of each other or really far from each other.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Honestly, I feel like joking around and talking together would probably be it. I could see road trips, too.
Uhhhh I RNG’d things I’ve written lately and I got Ben/Allison. Nobody else writes that but it’s the tiny ship of my heart so I’m gonna do it anyway. I’m sorry, my random teeny ships are what you sign up for when I get to choose. >>
when of if I started shipping it: On like my third rewatch Allison’s little “I miss him” while she’s watching the cameras burned itself into my brain and I have wanted more for the two of them ever since.
my thoughts: I just! Look it’s pretty much canon that everyone loved Ben, but something about his snarky-but-because-I-want-you-to-do-better-and-I’ve-given-up commentary with Klaus and Allison’s alternating defensive and concerned mode -- I just want them to team up together to despair everyone else’s problems and try to figure out how to help (and often failing; I feel like in a general sense, they’re both better at pointing out the problems than actually fixing them on their own). And I feel like they both get prickly in ways the other would understand and be able to deal with easier than most of the family.
What makes me happy about them: I feel like this just blends into the thoughts above. I love the potential for how they might interact, and the potential for them to call out each other’s shit (and probably everyone else’s).
What makes me sad about them: Everything about Ben in canon is sad! Even the happy things are sad!
things done in fanfic that annoys me: There are exactly two fics for this pairing and one is me and one is PWP smut, which just isn’t super my thing. So uh. there needs to be fic to annoy me. Please write fic specifically to annoy me, oh no, don’t throw me into that briar patch. (That said, in general, I feel like both of them get their sharper points filed down a lot in fic. They both have their pointed sarcasm and their moments of outright lashing out, and I want to see more fic deal with that.)
things I look for in fanfic: Again, I say, please let fic exist. Also, I badly want a proper AU of Ben surviving and running off to Hollywood with Allison. I did not do it justice in my tiny thing.
My kinks: I want switchy powerplay with an emphasis on play -- competitiveness and teasing and wrestling. Also younger or AU Allison who hasn’t yet tried not to use her rumors for everything not trusting anyone but Ben enough to gag her, because her voice is her best weapon. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Please please give me an Allison/Luther endgame. Ben I have no feelings on -- I still stand by not wanting any other romantic subplots, really -- but I am rooting for Allison/Luther in canon no matter how many others I ship them with.
My happily ever after for them: Possible in canon, as characters: Allison figures out how to balance ‘not using her rumors at all’ and ‘rumoring everything always’; Ben gets brought back to life and gets to be happy. As a ship: Honestly, connected to the family and both doing their own, fulfilling, non-superheroy things. Allison can act and Ben can get a chance to figure out what he wants to do, because I feel like even if he’d survived that would’ve been hard for him.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Especially if we’re going with some semblance of canon and Ben’s died and come back, he’s the little spoon, because being wrapped up in someone else is comforting. But also just any kind of cuddling is welcome.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Judging everyone. No, I kid. Sharing and discussing books and movies, maybe. Ben passes along books he liked* and they watch movies together and Allison dissects acting choices and they both debate themes and ending of more ambiguous stories. They are loud movie watchers if they stay home to watch things, and go have loud debates over coffee after if they go out. *(I actually have a whole tangent in a fic that got cut out that I want to reuse for this fact, specifically about Ben having a slightly masochistic Lovecraftian phase in his early teens and passing it on to Allison, and Allison in her 20s thinking that if it fits either of them, it’s her, because she gets in people’s brains and rewires them and they forget what she’s done to them, and if either of them could make people go mad, it’s her.)
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