#because i like to record when i free the birbs that somehow end up here
vazaez ยท 2 years
Okay so this morning My dad found a little bird in the dog's water bucket and he just pulled him out of there, dried it with a piece of cloth and put it in a box with some bottles to keep him safe from the dogs and the cats, then around 1pm he suddenly went running to where he left the bird saying "SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT SOMETHING" (me and my sister didnt know) we followed him and he told us what happened and that now he didnt see the bird but none of us had seen any blood or feathers around so probably our animals didnt have anything to do with it so we just said he probably just flew away and that it was all okay
BUT! Like half an hour ago we heard bird noises and turns out the bird was still where my dad left it! Just apparently hiding between the bottles i guess. So since it wasnt hurt and could fly with no problem i held it with my open hand close to the edge of the balcony(?) that there's in our patio (we live in a 2nd floor) and i notice there's another bird that looked just like this one but a little bit bigger and with a lighter chest, i assumed it was the mom.
They start chirping at each other until the small one flies from My hand to the ceiling and the mom follows it there, they "talk" a little more maybe to find each other up there and then both of them flew away to a mango tree that's in one of the houses close from here
IT WAS SO CUTE I CAN'T ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’–โœจ
Also i told my dad and he told me that actually both of the chick's parents were apparently flying around since he put it in the box (the box was completely open btw) and that they even escaped from one of the cats who was trying to kill them
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