#because i promise i will have counterarguments. but as it is. there isnt even a discussion to be had.
anarchicarachnid · 9 months
this will get me absolutely no love on this site, but the way tumblrites perpetually and thoughtlessly hate on AoT is a perfect encapsulation of this site's specific brand of leftist discourse lacking critical analysis skills.
Nearly 100% of the time I see AoT, one of the most popular animes of all time, mentioned here, it's someone trashing on it for extremely non-specific reasons, such as "you can say AoT is bad op". there is literally never any meaningful critique or analysis, ever.
and I have a strong suspicion it alllll comes back to the time a couple posts circulated calling the mangaka a fascist for a couple of, let's be real, really weak reasons.
AoT is ab extremely political narrative which depicts bad people AS BAD PEOPLE, and still nobody on tumble dot hell seems capable of understanding the themes whatsoever. Literally if you have so little understanding of the messaging and characters that you think Eren's actions are portrayed as justified in the eyes of the creator, you don't understand the story well enough to trash on it.
The worst thing you can say about it and be broadly correct is that there is a very bad line toward the end that makes it easy to misunderstand what the creator's actual messaging is. But it's a good thing the entire rest of the story is extremely clear about the themes and messages, so maybe you can understand how it isn't all undone because one bad person says a bad thing one time at the end.
I hope at the very least there isn't one single person media illiterate enough to think that the messaging is that genocide is good. Or war. Or child soldiers. Or racism. Or racial oppression. Or eugenics. Like these should be realllllly obvious themes if you paid even the slightest bit of attention.
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nightlyponder · 1 year
even as a meat eater the arguments that are pro-meat eating that happen On Here are not the strong arguments people be tryna make them out to be. even without seeing the counterarguments from the vegans/vegetarians i follow, which i dont follow many, the pro meat arguments dont stand on their own.
there are extremists in the anti meat camp for sure but it annoys me to know they are a minority in that camp and i actually dont hear from them as often as i hear people complain bout them.
what irritates me most though is that i saw a post come across my dash that was a criticism of veg* folk where the tone was very much in line with how capitalists talk about capitalism + anti communist rhetoric. its the lack of imagination in envisioning a world beyond what currently is. the post was very much 'how can the world exist without animal agriculture, its impossible'. maybe it is with that attitude. and the fact that it was reblogged by a solarpunk person too grinds my gears. like arent we here for supporting new technologies that reduce harm and that is efficient? there are beasts of burden that folk rely on because they dont have other technology to use but isnt that something we could work toward?
(also meat eaters also eat non meat products, aint nobody out here eating nothing but meat and if they are, their body isnt doing well i can promise you that so those arguments bout people's veggies/fruits bein picked by exploited workers, girl do you think your veggies/fruits are comin from somewhere different?? but i digress)
and i dont even wanna get into the posts that say "nature is unfair" as a defense to eating meat because theres a lot that goes on in nonhuman animal lives that we as beings with morals and complex understandings that we don't do because we understand its wrong (talking about sexual assault and murder, like come on sis. male lions naturally kill a lioness' cubs before mating with her to take over the pride, what does that have to do with how humans govern themselves.)
im okay with saying i eat meat because i like it and its easier for me to find food options without worrying about animal products and that eating animals has ties to cultural practices, rather than using a 'these are our animalistic urges therefore we're right to do it' defensive. thats too close to arguments that justify misogynist bullshit too ('men are animals, they cant help their urges that why he assaulted her' like hello? do you see the dots connected the bullshit to the other bullshit).
these are the goal posts im talking within. not gonna go into dietary restrictions based on (dis)abilities because thats a different argument than the arguments im annoyed at, as stated above. but also every vegan i follow makes it abundantly clear its about reducing as much harm as possible so you do the best you can and theres no one who can do it 100% but the whole point is to try, and that veganism isn't a diet, its an ideology that includes addressing how we eat because it can't be separated from the ideology.
i just want more good faith arguments from my fellow meat eaters. cuz if there's anyone who has been successful in pushing me toward a more vegan lifestyle its the weak but strangely strongly supported arguments of other meat eaters.
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