#because i'm lazy and i also don't wanna pay like 5k credits every time i go there
vespertine-legacy · 2 years
Of course boost timers are running while you’re on loading screens. Of course they are.
My rampage boost timer, which had 10 minutes on it when I logged out to swap toons for HM EV and some NiM Nefras only had 7 minutes left on it when I finally got past the loading screen when I logged back in. Thanks lag <3
So it ended right as I killed what would have been my last herd of bormu, and instead of putting my count over 500, it stopped the count at 499/500.
I mean, at least it wasn’t that hard to move on to the next herd and kill one to get my last Balmorra achievement, but are you kidding me
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At least now I never have to kill another bormu again. I do, however, still have to kill bantha on Tatooine eventually ;-;
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