#because if it came to it (against all of vash's wishes but if it truly came to it) he would kill knives
vash-in-the-void · 5 months
Wolfwood as a Judas figure
(and what does the Couch have to do with it)
you know how there are some interpetations of Wolfwood as the Judas to Vash's Jesus
and as the betrayal people use the whole "brought Vash to Knives"
that never really did it for me
sure, that incident is a betrayal all right - he brought Vash to the slaughter - but thematically, or in its consequences it just doesn't fit The Judas Betrayal
Wolfwood regreted it almost instantly and turned around undo what he's done and to rescue Vash - I went into it a while ago but this to me a Peter type betrayal the "before the rooster cries three times you will deny me" type
Now here is the take I come in with
in some interpretations of Judas his betrayal was not an act of selfishness but an act of love - Judas knew he had to betray Jesus for his ressurection to come
he betrayed Jesus, the person, to propagate Jesus, the idea, and in the proces sacrificed himself along with his eternal life
now hear me out on this
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Wolfwood betrayed Vash, the person, by putting down his life, for Vash's ideals of sparing a life of someone else
due to this betrayal a part of Vash died
but a part of him has also undergone a change to allow him to reach his goals
this chapter really marks a turning point in Vash's character - something that wouldn't happen be it not for Wolfwood's sacrifice
in the end of the day
Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss
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worldcakecakecake · 3 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth,  we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule,  go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to  be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60I Chapter 61 I Chapter 62 I Chapter 63 I Chapter 64  I Chapter 65 I Chapter 66 I Chapter 67 I Chapter 68  I Chapter 69 I Chapter 70 I Chapter 71 I Chapter 72 I Chapter 73 I Chapter 74 I Chapter 75 I Chapter 76 I Chapter 77 I Chapter 78 I Chapter 79 I Chapter 80
Look! A chapter! HOOZA! SO DARN CLOSE OMG! Yes, like always, I apologize for taking so long, tons of things, as usual. I hope the chapter makes do for it...I guess. Enjoy!
                                                              Chapter 81
And celebration rang, with shouts and applauses, the swing of flags and surviving weapons decorating the field in wonderful splendor. Some jumped, danced, complete strangers embraced one another or even kissed in the passion of lovers. Roderich and Francis couldn’t help but to cry, Elizabeta, Lili and Vash embracing them…not long before they joined in the same tears. Alfred took as many as he could in for the largest group hug he intended to make, much to Arthur’s distaste of being squeezed between many of his people. As Yao was trying to find his escape, he bumped into Ivan, who proceeded to take him into a large embrace, the very one the Spadian Jack was trying to avoid. Yet as Ivan took his lip…he didn’t find himself minding any longer. He wrapped his arms around the Clubian King’s neck and let himself that beautiful bliss.
 The three Heartian royals stood alone in this sudden feast. Feliciano had already commanded that none were to come close, and so they yet remained in their field were Khaos’s last traces had been, still in the same silence that had welcomed them when Khaos was at last officially defeated.
 “What are we waiting for?” Kiku asked, because indeed that was what it felt like they were doing, especially with Feliciano looking on as if…expecting someone to come.
 “Is this about that one thing you asked us to protect? That Khaos had?” Feliciano nodded to Ludwig, taking steps forward, right towards this sun rise. Ludwig and Kiku stayed behind and watched, giving Feliciano some space to breathe and focus.
 “…he’s here,” he whispered after the silence he wanted was reached.
 It wasn’t a message for Ludwig, for Kiku, for anybody there.
 “…he’s here…I know he’s here…” he whispered on, a hand reaching so it could focus on one spot.
 The wind that blew now was different, the energy that came ancient, along with the magic and form that even to Ludwig and Kiku, felt as the arise of a person. And there, in a sudden flash, there was a red ball of fire, fitting along with the sun, potent and shinning to them like another burning star.
 Feliciano sighed, smiled…and even began to cry. “He’s here…He’s here…” he still repeated.
 Something suddenly changed in the air, like an earthquake…but nothing shook, nothing trembled, magic and energy just rained, at first, invisible, like a force that brought everyone to silence as their eyes came to the Heartian royals, to the center of what was occurring. Then there was flashes of light, golden and glittering, blowing and seeming to scream into the skies. Feliciano was engulfed in it, in fact, from him it turned larger, a calming fire blazing, arising into the skies, taking the whole field, in beautiful reds and golds that the Heartian Queen helped to make tall, letting his halo, his marks, his wings, shine on up. It was a storm that reminded them of when Khaos had first turned, but this…although powerful and indeed fearsome at first, it was gentle, caring, a beauty that instead of turning away all, it brought and made them aw in a combine admiration. A form became evident, gigantic and towering, with flowers, jewels and silk to cover…her…in grace. From the rains of this colorful and royal feast, she came, showing herself in all her pure form. She was as high as Khaos had been, looking down to all her people with deep fondness in large ruby eyes. Ah, she was gorgeous. Her curled hair fell down to her knees, crowned with a large golden pillar halo that matched well with the specks of gold in her long red dress, tainted like stars, like constellations.  Her skin was marked in long lines of vines and symbols, identical to the ones Feliciano held. They also shared a set of wings, although hers were with a hint of rose, much larger, surely to extend to the next mountains if she spread them open. And then the structure of her face, her smile…Feliciano, Lovino, Renata and all the rest of the Valenti knew she was family. For a moment, they were reminded of Augusto and understood then why he had the perfect namesake. Even as she stood gigantically over them, especially when she kneeled, her reach to the ground soft like wind, none were intimidated, all smiled and welcomed the presence of an Ace.
 “…Nonna Augusta,” Feliciano greeted her so meekly once the release was completed.
 She looked to him with deep fondness, kneeling and bringing her head much closer to his. Ludwig and Kiku were startled slightly back at being right before a large face like this, if even so beautiful.
 “Feliciano…” and she smiled with a ring that surely brought music to the whole valley, “l’hai fatto.” He shook at the realization once again…completed and fulfilled. “A mission that I set upon a thousand years ago, one in which the state of your world and mine was held at a delicate balance. I harbored power through my family, generation by generation, until it was with you that the next alignment found itself with. It was much to put that responsibility on only you, so young and still so new to a ruling of a kingdom. Yet, it was by your hand that it was done. With a belief and effort that I was proud to witness, see it grow and now…I watch as it shines.” Feliciano blushed, so intense that he wanted to hide it, not being able to continue his stare with his great grandmother.
 “Of course, I also owe congratulations and compliments to the King and Jack.” Ludwig and Kiku startled, more so when this great Ace bowed to them. “Your own growth, I paid attention to, and it is worthy of your position.” And they couldn’t answer, as nervous and blushing as Feliciano. “And the others…” she turned to meet their gazes in the crowd, their knees shaking and eyes widened as if taking blame. She couldn’t help the chuckle. “Brave you have been, courageous and a great loyalty shown to your kingdom. Your respective Ace I know is just as proud.” They wanted to faint from the honor. Even Alfred was left speechless and without a high comment to say.
 “And your people, who without every piece of help they could give…we would not stand victorious here now. I thank you all. You have brought to this world a peace that has never been, new and promising. Darkness has disappeared and now light will always be prominent.” Shy cheers and applauses spread, part of the crowds wanted to remain respectful, as presentable as possible for an Ace. Augusta partly rolled her eyes at it, Feliciano giggled at such a human presentation. It was just the ring that brought her giant gaze back to him again.
 “You have freed me from your vessel. No doubt you learned it in the Eternal Reserved.” Feliciano nodded sheepishly, worried that perhaps it was something she had not wished.  “Why so?” She asked and for a moment Feliciano forgot every single language he knew. He needed a moment to bring his words back, leaving a silence that left everyone else with tension.
 “I know…you would want to meet him again in person…” was all he could utter.
 Ah…of course.
 Her expression suddenly changed to something so unsure and weak, a pain that had been there for thousands of years presented. She then turned to the small ball of fire that Feliciano had brought only minutes ago. It looked so insignificant and small to all, yet for her, who reached and engulfed it in the palm of her hand with care, love deep in her eyes, making her flourish the more, it was a worth higher than any gold. She smiled, with a hint of a lake forming in her eyes, standing once again to bring this light closer to her heart. There, between folds of satin, lay the most prominent and beautiful of all the designs on her body. Feliciano could recognize it as the most ancient Heart symbol and the light fitted perfectly to its art.
 “Romulus…Romulus…” she prayed his name in relief, caressing it as if he was fully there.
 He was…he was truly there.
 Ludwig and Kiku exchanged glances with wide eyes and mouths.
 “You have to thank Ludwig and the Beilschmidts,” and he turned to his husband with such pride, like he was the one that did the magic. Ludwig startled and for a moment didn’t understand his part in it. “They carried his soul along, for just the time that you passed through my lineage. It was corrupted…and you saw how Khaos used it for his own purpose.” A dark memory that brought gruesome shivers to Ludwig. He turned his attention to Augusta’s light and suddenly it was gone. “But he learned to control it, to fight against it…and together we purified it…united it with another part Khaos still held and he is now…with you.” Feliciano was joyous, and he knew his great grandmother more so, letting the light bounce and letting herself laugh. Truly a wonder.
 “Oh, Feliciano. I could give you the whole world for doing all of this…and in fact.” There was indeed a reward that was to be given, and released or not, she would make do Feliciano received it. She extended her large arm long, closed her eyes, and called forward a strong magic, potent and surely meant to break apart the very line that divided their world from others. It was the kind of power that not even Feliciano knew or didn’t think he would ever reach enough to master. This was portal opening, Augusta with an ease creating a large window enough to give her enormous frame passage. Other than just an opening, the edges were decorated and strengthened with beautifully carved pillars, pots and statues that rained on magic and light, with flowers vines of red and gold that bloomed before their eyes and seemed to dance at the welcome of their Ace. Inside its frame was just light, reflecting and glimmering in pinks wonderfully. What was on the other side, they couldn’t see, but it awaited them patiently, yet the three royals were hesitant, as if a bar was still being held in front of them.
 Augusta smiled at them, “come.” A barefoot went easily in, just as the waters and dives Feliciano remembered from the Interludes. She let her whole body go in its taking, with her dress, hair, wings and halo. A single hand gave a final wave to all her people and she was gone, only leaving behind the light of the portal. Kiku, Ludwig and Feliciano were yet frozen…but Feliciano was the one to take a deep breath and dared to be the first to take a step. It was just like the interludes…there was nothing to fear. It was the example and leadership Ludwig and Kiku followed, matching along together to be granted passage as a single force.
 Feliciano recognized this feeling of going between, the feel as if water purifying you into a new world, while Kiku and Ludwig were startled at this wonderment, almost tripping in their welcome. With the change of the portal, Ludwig and Kiku were granted their very own form. Both with reddish and golden marks, wings, Ludwig’s a darker red while Kiku’s were almost orange. They shone with strong halos, of fire, heavy surely if it was back in their own world…but here it was as light as another strand in their hair. Their clothes turned into richness and beauty as the very ones Augusta had shown herself in, to the style of their province, making clear their origins, the three making quite a trio as they stood above a stage that put them to look below to what this world was.
 They were left breathless, almost fainting at the colors, the sound of the creatures that roamed freely and confident, palaces and palaces, piling up, shinning with the rarest of crystals and forms, with water, routes, trees and flowers cascading down to different floating islands. Clouds and mist seemed to grant them this flight, this place in between the folds of the universe, perfect like heaven.
 “What…what…” Kiku tried to word but was still too taken to really continue what he meant to ask.
 “What is this place?” Ludwig somehow managed to reach.
 “The heavens,” And Augusta appeared beside them, not gigantic, but matching with their own statures, yet still decorated as beautifully. She placed comforting and welcoming hands on their shoulders, leading them, with the way she practically flew forward, telling them to follow her. She easily went over the precipice, with each step creating a path of golden bricks, shaped with clouds and shine, a hint of pink to them that the three royals couldn’t resist their own step towards.
 They passed well-turned spirits and souls, riding happily on the backs of dragons, phoenixes or St. Marks, each animal decorated just as gorgeously as their human counterparts. They spotted trees and flowers that they had never seen before, overflowing from roofs, some even floating, in the control of those who wanted to make them fly or make them sprinkle the air.
 Feliciano had to try and remember every detail, every portrait, every scene painted on walls, the capture of statues, or nature in vases, bricks, sidewalks, glasses and crystals reflecting more whatever shine decided to present itself as they walked on.
 The deeper they went, the more came to gather, shouting, congratulating, in an array of different languages, some their own but as it was spoken two hundred years ago. From their wear, their marks, their wings or halos, they saw people from a span of many years, Feliciano recognizing many of their clothes from old paintings.
 Augusta continued to lead them through this celebration, floating them through the streets, the golds, between arches of sapphire, pillars in diamonds and green vines coming alive through every wall. Even as the songs and shouts were directed at them, the three royals, taken still by what they saw, couldn’t raise their hands, couldn’t utter a word, their eyes still occupied taking every detail, every movement, every color. Augusta kept leading them through crevices and wondrous corners, until she could expose them to surely the four largest palaces in the realm.
 Nothing in their world could compare to their tallness, their majesty, shine and as Augusta laid them back on the ground, right before the road that could lead to her red and golden one, the three royals felt unworthy to step on such a pavement. They were left no other choice as Augusta blew away with ease the road for them she had created, bringing them to the center of this feast, to the loudest of all the cheers, and also the very center of their universe. They noticed then three beings come, one in blue, the other green, and one in yellow. Even as they stood in their same stature, the Heartians could feel nothing but power and magic from them, almighty and way above whatever reaches they could reach even when they were right there. They knew they were the other Aces. Artem, Maiara and Jabbar. They came to meet their fellow sister…who they hadn’t seen like this in surely centuries. In an act that was utterly human, they all came into an embrace, together, in an union that Feliciano swore he could see their entire world shine in. Augusta let herself go to introduce forward the royals chosen for her own kingdom, the three surely shaking and with eyes of enchantment…but also panic. They bowed, as low to the ground, kneeled and hands extended as they were taught in the very rare case they were in front of all four Aces.
 “No need, stand.” Artem commanded, and quick, like they had been scolded, they stood, precise and orderly. “No such greetings are needed.”
 “It is us that should bow,” Maiara reminded as she started, the rest of the three following in her lead, their thanks large as their knees reached the ground and their hands came to them in reverence.
 They wanted to say something…wanted to tell them that it was not necessary…they didn’t deserve this, shown as if Aces themselves. Despite everything, they were still only human, not beings that created this entirety. Yet…it was an honor…one that strained their words and their actions, embarrassingly only standing there agape…it was only Feliciano who began to cry, having to put his arms to himself to try and keep his feelings under some kind of control. “Oh, please, please stop! Stand!” He in the end had to shout at them.  And all four rose up with smiles and laughter.
 “You have saved your world,” Jabbar continued.
 “And through it, our own, here in the Heavens,” Augusta spread her arms to show it, even to the souls that celebrated and cheered from their heights, in their celestial homes and days. Truly beauty, a jewel, shinning eternally in colors that now Feliciano really hoped he could remember to sketch it all to his memory.
 “As well as the Interludes, the very passage and line that balances all our worlds. If it wasn’t for your actions…all of it could have been gone,” Artem continued. “It still stands, by your efforts.”
 Maiara then chuckled, “with the use of wisdom, your power, the trust you placed not only on one another, but your people had on you.”
 “And above all, love being the driving force that stood against all. Ludwig, Feliciano, your love truly defeated Khaos,” Augusta resonated some words Augusto had said himself. Ludwig and Feliciano blushed, turning towards one another wanting more than ever to kiss and hug each other in that very love that won this war. Oh, if Augusto…that reminded Feliciano. He turned and looked towards whatever floating islands, to whatever rush of people…hoping to find those familiar curls he himself inherited.
 “Feliciano!” Came that known shout.
 Just like that, Feliciano was almost on the ground from the force his grandfather greeted him in, his embrace just the same, with celebration and pride that just had to be showcased even before the Aces. Of course, Kiku and Ludwig couldn’t be left out from it. Once Augusto made the space, he took both the King and Jack to the same embrace, laughing and practically dancing in circles.
 How they have missed these joyous little feasts between themselves, loud and happiness glowing for all to witness.
 “I’m so proud, so proud for all of you. You have done amazing!” He shouted, going as far as to even kiss Ludwig and Kiku, both left dumbfounded at such an action, but they smiled at it and took it as but another way to shout celebration. Feliciano hanged himself over him, laughing and letting himself be that child that long ago used to do just that. In heaven, before the Aces, it didn’t matter. He would let everyone know how much he loved and how dear was his grandfather to him.
 But his grandfather wasn’t alone, with him came tailing a whole group, wearing all similar wears of reds and golds, a symbol that they all shared, proof of being Heartian, Italian, and more specifically, Valenti.
 “Oh! Vieni! Vieni! You have to meet your family!” He pulled Feliciano and the rest to this large crowd, all with the famous Valenti curls, from blondes to brunettes, even an occasional red-head. From distinct and strong facial features, to the simple ones like his own. Some were very tall, others beautifully plum, some, whether men or women, had short hair above their ears, others had none, or some had it falling down their back. It was all to the styles of the times they were born into. Feliciano was shy to meet them, even if indeed they were all family, but it was unexpected, it was too much…yet he didn’t mind giving his greetings, hugging even some he had heard much about, going on with random chats as if they had known each other all their lives. The Aces didn’t mind this, they let Feliciano this reunion with his family…it would be good persuasion with what they were about to offer.
 “Feliciano,” Augusta called him forward, open arms, and Feliciano rushed to it, not at all hesitating in the hold he took of her hands. Warm, comforting and like home. Augusta shook them and suddenly she found herself nervous to say what she wanted. But a turn to the Aces, a nod, an approval, and of course, a hurry and excitement, and Augusta turned to her great grandson determined.
 “Feliciano, what you have done, is deserving of an award.”
 “Nonna, really, you don’t-”
 “Amore, please let me…I promised this and it is something you must come along and take.” A deep breath, a silence suddenly coming, no one daring to disturb the words of an Ace. It was quite eerie how the entire heavens just fell silent for this. “As I have told, as I prophesied and the other Aces and I have made ready for centuries…in the hopes that Khaos was indeed defeated…” she breathed, she prepared, “Feliciano…you must come to live with me in the heavens now and become…” she turned, pulling him them closer to the road that will lead to her palace, all of a sudden presenting itself with more shine. “The new Ace of Hearts.”
 Suddenly, angels came, marching like an army, only to decorate the road, raising flags upon flags to decorate in welcome, surely for a pathway they wanted the Heartian Queen to take.  Some played drums and trumpets, added then with the cheer of the crowds, already celebrating as if Feliciano had already passed the palace gates…making it officially his new home. Then, a creature, a St. Mark walked towards him, having journeyed from the Heartian Ace palace. This one was large, majestic, decorated with more jewels, with armors that could go against meteors and surely with a roar that could cause earthquakes in his world. It was Fabius, Augusta’s own St. Mark like Pookie was to Feliciano. The lion, now small, cowered on Feliciano’s shoulder, intimidated by this one…even if it was his father. The St. Mark bowed to Feliciano and the Queen did so back, the creature seeming to smile and shine along with the celebration, moving aside for when Feliciano came forward. Augusta cuddled herself towards him and the Lion, no matter how godly, leaned towards her in the same devotion.
 Ludwig and Kiku on the other hand, stilled, the news only downcasting them, not even the feast around them enough to bring them back into light. Ludwig…tried hard to hide how already he was breaking apart inside, defeated…like he had already lost Feliciano over a precipice he would never reach for him again.
 He knew…he knew this would happen…he knew this would come…if what they wanted occurred…this was to be the next step, the finality that settled everything and made an ending to this story. It’s one of the reasons he had tried to keep him apart after the eight year gap, why he refused to accept his feelings as well as Feliciano’s, refusing any kind of advance so Feliciano could accept it all as he deserved.
 He had wanted this not to hurt, he sometimes liked to daydream that he would applaud and only wave Feliciano some sort of goodbye that will settle well for an eternity. He would turn and march on with a smile on his face. But here now…he couldn’t move, couldn’t say a word but shake and try to hold down the tears that surely wanted to burst and reveal the moment of weakness this was. Kiku must have noticed…he must be feeling the same way, and they gazed between one another in a moment of understanding and trying to reach some comfort.
 “Should we…?” Kiku surely questioned if there was a way to stop this, to place themselves as a hold to what this future could be. Ludwig, with a deep breath, looked away, ready as if to leave that instant away from the heavens. Suddenly it didn’t hold the same charm anymore.
 “No…this is…this is…the greatest award that could be given. Glory that Hearts, our world, neither we can ever match with,” he sighed, still trying to make himself believe those words. “We will congratulate him…and leave.” And Ludwig, without even looking at Kiku, could just feel his utter refusal, but in part he did have to agree with those words, instead, hiding to himself whatever he meant to say, what he meant to act.
 “He’ll…he’ll make a great Ace…at least we’ll know were under right guidance…and the balance of the universe is in good hands.” This was goodbye and there was not more to be done.
 As Ludwig tried to take a last grasp of his husband between the still celebrating multitudes…he only wished he could properly say goodbye…hold him and kiss him one last time before anything…but by the looks of it…it didn’t seem likely. He sighed and accepted that whatever glimpses he could get would be the last he would have of him.
 Yes…to Feliciano…this was all glorious. The floating islands, the wonderful colors, the magic, the richness of these palaces and castles, of the roars of the people around him. Yes…it was an eternal celebration that would keep him mighty for eons. He thought about how he still possessed the hand of creation, looking down to his hands as if already he could see everything he could bring alive…whole new worlds, cosmos and universes extending far beyond this one. Yet in that expanse…he spotted clearly the bearing gems. Two identical ones on each side of his hands…both shinning like their own sun, lighting and bringing life to a world…he had promised someone he would help create. It was in that moment he turned to Ludwig…who refused to meet his eyes, yet he saw sorrow in them that Feliciano shared in, suddenly the colors and music greying and lifeless to him. Those around him easily saw how his smile disappeared, and the shine in his eyes was gone. They silenced at such display, giving him space, thought, and the Aces could show their question as to why he know saddened when he was at the center of such an opportunity. Feliciano was scared to utter these words, here at the mercy of the Aces…but he had to insist, had to make them understand.
 “And…if I don’t want to?” He placed the idea, one that surprised all, not thinking that it would be something that Feliciano would dare consider when what they would give they thought would be above whatever Hearts had.
 “Feliciano, these are the heavens, a position as an Ace, with riches and everything you want at your fingertips. Why would there be a reason to deny?” Augusta tried to persuade.
 “Who’s going to take care of my children?”
 Augusta widened as if she was just finding out…when in reality…she had completely forgotten about that detail, having to reconsider, organize, with a glance to the other Aces and they quickly came to another decision.
 “They shall be born here and stay with you.”
 “Away from their father? From their grandparents…their family…their home. Leave everything behind as if it was all nothing…”
 A long silence before Jabbar dared speak, “Are you truly only speaking about the children? Or is this about yourself?” With how Feliciano widened, it made sure that Jabbar hit straight to what the Queen felt.
 “Yes…it’s also what I feel.” Here he turned to his Jack and King, a large smile that showed true to a promise. “This…this place is beautiful. A dream, a wonder, this chance…rare…perhaps I would be the only one for centuries to come that will be granted something like this…yet…” he began to walk towards his friend, his husband, no one around him daring to intrude his sure and set path. “Hearts…the world…mean so much to me. Enough it is my heaven, my place. It is home.” Now he stood right in front of them, his words now for them to hear. “When I was born…you saw someone in me that could save the world…but you also gave me a position, you gave me a duty as the Queen of Hearts.” Close yet to his Jack and King, he turned to face the Aces again. “Many times…I doubted it…I had wished and prayed that it wouldn’t be my destiny…I even tried to run away from it once…but now I see that it is my place, it is my calling…it will be wrong of me to turn away from it now…” He grasped one hand of Kiku, another of Ludwig’s. “My reign is still so young…there is still so much I can do in Hearts, so much I can help the whole world with, so much I should be there for. Nonna Augusta…you’re back again…the position is for you as the universe intends.” He hoped they understood, he hoped he wasn’t creating an offence, wasn’t disrespecting. But as Kiku and Ludwig grasped their own hold on their Queen’s hand…Feliciano smiled and suddenly stood higher, understanding then…there was no need to worry for any spite of gods. He knew then that they were in no position to react such a way against them, especially after saving their worlds.
 His next words had a confidence as tough as the pillars and gold the buildings here were made of. “I want to stay in Hearts. I want to stay with my people. I want to stay with my Jack…and I want to stay with my husband.” The devotion, the utter love these two exchanged, made all the four Aces realize that they were naïve to think that Feliciano would chose a life away from this man. “I know my place…and it is with my family.”
 To his surprise, the Aces smiled between one another, a new energy spread…and it wasn’t bad or punishing. Augusto began to chuckle, the rest of the Valenti there joining him, with laughs that shared joy across all the souls present.
 “Very well then…you will stay to finish your reign in Hearts,” Artem spoke in decision.
 “When it is done, and you have lived your life as any Queen, you will be welcomed here,” Maiara continued.
 “The same shall await you then, and Ludwig, Kiku and every important member in your life shall all have a safe assurance of an afterlife here,” Jabbar said.
 “Till then, we will await you. Now, we wish you farewell, a wondrous life to give to the world and to your family,” Augusta wished, coming over to give an embrace that to Feliciano was just like those of his family. He enjoyed from this warmth, wrapping his own arms around her as echoes of new celebration began to ring. In this hold, Feliciano released magic that had been weighted on him since birth…the hand of creation. In a wonderful swirl of platinum and gold, it was transferred back to Augusta. She splendored more in its shine as it placed her back as creator and superior goddess. When it was finished, she welcomed in the rest of the Valenti, and Feliciano enjoyed the most from his grandfather, surely to be the last for a long time. He had his chance to give his own to his grandmother, Helena, who he had never had the chance to meet in his world…he saw a lot of her in Lovino…and suddenly he already missed him and his nephew.
 “Go and live,” his grandfather wished, and with those words, Feliciano had to tearfully let go of them, turning to then place them with Ludwig, who grasped Feliciano…relieved beyond however he had felt before. Without a care on who stared, where he was…he spun Feliciano to have him in front, hands adjusted on his waist, to pull him into a kiss, strong, magical, these forms giving it a touch that made sparks surely glow all around them. When they released and looked into their eyes…Feliciano truly saw that he had made the right decision. Ludwig raised his hands and let his fingers caress on the jewels…excited and hoping for a bright future with a new family just for them.
 Any threats were away…Ludwig could now celebrate the coming of his own children…and that he was to return to Berlin with Feliciano.
 Augusta smiled and opened her arms to create a portal, this one small, just the space for all three of the Hearts royals to make their passing back home. Kiku waved his goodbye before he rushed through. Ludwig and Feliciano refused to let go of their hands, determined to pass together. Ludwig had begun his engulfing, but Feliciano spared a last glance back…
 The last he saw was celebration still ringing, chorus surely sang and orchestras played, the Aces watching them leave dutifully and then beside Augusta…the light, the one Feliciano had saved from the cage of Khaos, as well as with power from Ludwig…it began to grow, large enough until it was a figure as Augusta. It began to clear, it began to come alive…and for the first time Feliciano had seen what his great grandfather Romulus actually looked like.
 Dark hair in silk waves, the same that was on his beard, but despite it, Feliciano could see a long and strong face, handsome, it slightly reminded him of Lovino. Green eyes, likes leaves and grass, a stature, a smile, a last gratitude to his own grandson before he turned to his long missed wife. They held to each other with all the strength needed for centuries. What more they would do, Feliciano didn’t see, he had passed through, everything beginning to erase in bright light.
 He left behind the heavens to return home. 
 - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o
Next chapter is the very last...oh boy.
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adilynia-kiden · 6 years
Extreme Character Sheet: Pixie Edition
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Character’s full name: Adilynia Eonaris Silverfall Reason or meaning of name: Her middle name is homage to the Titan Eonar; Protector of Life Character’s nickname:  The Pixie Reason for nickname:  Given by her sister due to Addie’s diminutive size, and the fact that when she was little, she used to train with her shield wearing fake wings.   Birth date: December 20
Physical appearance
Age:  153 ( 26ish human) How old does he/she appear: 24-26
Weight: 120ish
Height: 5’5
Body build: Thin framed, with well toned musculature.
Shape of face: Square
Eye color: Teal (Soon to be gold!)
Glasses or contacts: None
Skin tone: Pale
Distinguishing marks: Seven freckles form under her right eye that looks like a constellation. Hair color: Black Type of hair: Thick strands that form in half curls. Tends to be unruly. Hairstyle: When fighting, always up. Everywhere else it tends to be let down, but the top portion is almost always braided to keep most of the strands from her eyes.   Voice:  Quiet, barely above a whisper most of the time. Overall attractiveness: 6/10 (Compared with the rest of Thalassian elves) Physical disabilities: None Usual fashion of dress: has a fondness for lace and soft fabrics when not in armor. Favorite outfit: Armor, or a sundress of some sort. Jewelry or accessories: Gold chain with a glass feather charm that hangs from her waist. Ear cuff that looks like Eonar’s vines, in silver and set with tiny colored gemstones.
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Good personality traits: Loyal, Polite, Willing to listen, her empathy
Bad personality traits: Closes herself off, doesn’t talk about her feelings, unhealthy coping mechanisms
Mood character is most often in: Anxious 
Sense of humor:  Good
Character’s greatest joy in life:. Her family, her colors and her duty.
Character’s greatest fear:. Icecrown
Why? Addie’s sister died there, and simply being there drags up way too many feelings.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Already happened. Vynalia’s death. Now? Failing in her promise to @ly-canthos
Character is most at ease when: Alone and falling
Most ill at ease when: Around people
Enraged when: someone she loves gets hurt
Depressed or sad when: someone leaves
Priorities: Her oath, family and currently, her orders.
Life philosophy: “My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you've been mean to someone, they won't believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice, then destroy them.”
If granted one wish, it would be: An end to the faction wars on Azeroth. Why? Addie will always feel like the combined forces of Azeroth are greater than divisive factions.  Character’s soft spot: Too many to count, but especially the love she has for her father.  Is this soft spot obvious to others? Currently? Ehhh, she’s not happy with him, but usually? Oh yeah.  Greatest strength: Loyalty Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Loyalty, it can make her very blind. Biggest regret:  That she blamed Raelin for Vinnie’s death. Minor regret: That last box of caramels… Biggest accomplishment: Earning her colors and becoming a Knight of the Silver Hand  Minor accomplishment: Not turning red for a full hour in Lycan’s company. Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about:  Sooooo many. The worst probably being the time she blew up a kitchen trying to make cookies. Why?  Because everything personal tends to embarrass her. Character’s darkest secret: How truly bad her PTSD is regarding Vinnie’s death, and also her mothers. Does anyone else know? Her father, Raelin… most of her knights have suspicions.
Drives and motivations: To be a worthy servant of the Light’s graces and serve with honor and dignity. Immediate goals: Keeping Teren safe. Not letting Lycan down. Not letting her father down. Not letting Raelin down. Each one of those things includes a dozen goals in and of themselves, so… its a lot at the moment. Long term goals: Continue serving the Silver Hand, and working to create a lasting unification between the Horde and Alliance. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: NO IDEA. She does know she has to leave her comfort zone, and that is a process she’s working on. Slowly. How other characters will be affected:  Maladir will relish the chance to see his daughter step from Vinnie’s shadow, and he’ll be proud no matter what. Much the same with Raelin, and though he’d never admit it, he’ll miss having her around. As for Kidenland? Well…we shall see.  
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Hometown: Silvermoon Type of childhood: Set in the upper echelons of Thalassian society, Addie had a very comfortable childhood that some would call idyllic. A good education, caring parents and a healthy family dynamic led to a wonderful upbringing overall. Pets: ‘Pets’ is a vague term for the fact that Addie keeps company with a whelpling named Neris, and a netherdrake called Vash.
First memory: Winter’s Veil, when Maladir made Addie her first tiny little shield to use.
Most important childhood memory: The day she won a spar against Vinnie, legitimately. Why? It took decades of getting knocked down by her older sister before Addie could honestly say she had won a duel against her. Vinnie would sometime let her win, but when she did it all on her own…it reminded her that even dragons can be beaten Childhood hero: Vynalia Silverfall Dream job: -named- Silver Hand hero Education: Classical education with a focus on Titan and Dragon studies. Countless tutors in weapons, tactics, war history and survival training. Religion: Devout follower of the Light Finances:  Well off
Current location: Nishan Marche
Currently living with:  @teren-k @ly-canthos @daughterofkiden and whoever else makes an appearance! Pets: Neris and Vash (not pets...sentient dragons arent ‘pets’) Religion: Devout Follow of the Light Occupation:  Silver Hand Envoy/ Protection Detail Finances: Well off
Mother: Candaris Silverfall (Featherstorm) Relationship with her:  Their shared love of Titans bonded Addie and her mother early on. Long conversations over cups of coffee was the norm. While Candaris insisted on a court life for Addie, she knew it would serve her well in a world full of liars and cheats. Instead of letting her youngest daughter keep her head in the clouds when it came to the gilded ballrooms of Silvermoon, she put her in the middle of it to prove that not all that glitters is gold.   Father:  Maladir Silverfall Relationship with him: Warm, caring and wonderful. Next to Vinnie, Addie’s father is the standard by which all things good are measured. Siblings: Vynalia Silverfall (deceased) Relationship with them: Attached at the hip, Addie’s adoration for her older sister could easily be classified as hero worship. No matter how brutal, callus and cold Vinnie could be on a field, she could never do any wrong when together with her sister. For Vinnie, the Pixie was everything good and pure in the world, and needed protecting at all costs. They were almost a decade apart, but the Silverfall sisters were twins in spirit. Spouse: None Relationship with him/her: N/A Children: None Relationship with them: N/A Other important family members: Raelin Dawnsorrow aka The Ironfist. Once engaged to the elder Silverfall sister, he had spent almost his whole life in their company due to living at the property adjacent to theirs. Early on, he came under Maladir’s command for his prowess on a battlefield and his ability to keep Vinnie’s battle rage tempered with mercy. Over the years, Raelin’s become the brother Addie never had. Their brief falling out over her sister’s death led to very dark times, but it was he who dragged Addie, kicking and screaming (literally) back into the Light.
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Color: Silver Hand blue
Least favorite color: Orange Music: Tastes range from the Tauren Chieftans to comedy songs. Currently remembering how much she enjoys the sound of a piano. Food:  Yes. All of it. Just give her all the food. Literature: Historical accounts of battles, Titan mythology, journals of soldiers. Form of entertainment:  Free-form mountain climbing, running, sparring, glass work. Expressions: Usually, carefully neutral save the copious amount of blushing. Mode of transportation: Clockwork panther, Vash the netherdrake or horses from the Silver Hand stables Most prized possession: Her shield
Hobbies:  Glass blowing/work making stained glass windows Plays a musical instrument?: She can tinker out small songs on a piano, and carry a tune, but nothing extraordinary Plays a sport? Jousting? How he/she would spend a rainy day:  Training. Just cause the weather is bad, doesn’t mean you can slack. Working. Or that is how she would have spent a day, given shes a resident of the Marche currently… she’d probably find a book, go curl up in the sunroom and fall asleep. Go sit in the rain.. just because. Spending habits: She’s not a lavish person, but certain things won’t be compromised on. Good food, good coffee, and good bed sheets. Smokes: Nope Drinks: Coffee Other drugs: Do dreamless sleep potions count?  What does he/she do too much of?:  Worry. What does he/she do too little of?:  Self care Extremely skilled at:  Holding the line, defensive tactics, sword play Extremely unskilled at: Do not ever give Addie a bow. Ever. Or make her cook  Nervous tics: nail and lip biting, looking at the ground etc. etc. etc. Usual body posture: When standing still, she always looks like she is perpetually stuck in prayer. Head bowed, hands clasped together with a straight back. Mannerisms: Polite and demure. Peculiarities: The color of her eyes is an oddity in that they are teal. She’s rather short for a Thalassian elf.
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert until she knows a person. Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil on and off a battlefield in terms of her climbing, cautious in everything else. Logical or emotional? Logical, but her emotions always get the better of her. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing? Working Confident or unsure of himself/herself?: Always unsure and always second guessing. Animal lover?: Yup! Except spiders.
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How he/she feels about himself/herself: “I know my worth on a field, and that my last dying breath will be in defense of those that I love. Beyond that, all I can say is…I am trying.” One word the character would use to describe self: “Inhibited.” One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: “Well, the parameters for such a description are lacking. Are we talking in terms of height and weight? If that is the case, I’m vertically challenged for one born of elven heritage, and stronger than I appear. Odd in the dark color of my hair for a paladin. I try and be worthy of the continued graces the Light bestows upon me, but I often feel as if I am one step away from falling into shadows. I don’t know as I will ever be comfortable in my own skin, unless I am behind my shield. I struggle with my emotions on a near hourly basis, but in the end, everything is the Light’s judgment, seeking to find if I am still worthy.”
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? “My compassion. Though it was a hard learned lesson, as I struggle with emotional connections, I have learned to be at peace with offering it to another. The same can not be said when it is offered in turn.” What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? “My tenacity… stubbornness as some might call it. It’s the reason I hold a line…but it doesn’t translate well when it comes to personal interactions.” What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? “I would say my hands, as I know what they are capable of. However…the general consensus in the training yard is that I have a….well, that’s so say I spar a great deal and much of my training comes from fencing, which lends to lunges. I… think you may take from that what you will in regards to what my knights reference.” What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? “My height.” How does the character think others perceive him/her: “I would like to think that I am considered kind and pleasant enough to warrant continued company. However, I also know that my self imposed solitude often makes people stay at an arms distance for fear of interrupting me…which makes little sense, as I would much prefer conversation to my own thoughts.” What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: “How closed off I tend to be. It’s become… paramount that this changes, but it not such an easy thing to change, especially where the ticking of a clock is always right in my ear.”
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: “I enjoy watching people. Their stories play out like beautiful books… and most do not even realize it. They lead such beautiful lives, even in their pain…I see humanity for its best when the focus shifts from a field of battle and a fight for their very lives, to simply living for a moment. They offer insight when I am honored with any sort of company. They give me purpose behind my shield…if I can save just one from experiencing the pain of loss, the fight will have been worth it.” Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Always. Addie almost always has a careful mask of neutrality in place, though close attention will see it break… often. Person character most hates: Putress Best friend(s):  Raelin Dawnsorrow Love interest(s): @teren-k @ly-canthos (Yeah, I updated it:P) Person character goes to for advice: Maladir or Raelin Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:. Teren Kiden, Lycan Maddox, Maladir Silverfall, Raelin Dawnsorrow, Annest Kiden. Every single person that draws breath. Person character feels shy or awkward around:  Everyone? Person character openly admires: Turaylon, Uther, Tirion, Maladir, Vinnie, Raelin Person character secretly admires: Lady Liadrin Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Vynalia Silverfall
After story starts: Herself.
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Tagged by: @jasper-quinn (OMG this took forever! <3) Updated Tag: @belillinafireseeker  THANK YOU!
Tagging: Whoever the heck wants to do this beast!
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blogmaria333ph · 6 years
Where Loyalties Lie
"There is absolutely no way we are agreeing to this." England glared at the other nation for even suggesting the idea. "Why not? They definitely deserve it, right?" America looked torn between arguing with Russia... or siding with him... "I agree with Arthur. This is simply absurd!" France glared at the documents in front of him.
"But they have to pay for the war, no?" Russia smiled at England before turning to China. "You agree, da?" giving the Soviet nation a cold look, China smiled and said, "Just let me kill you first." America looked at his allies. This was punishment but...
"Do you agree with this?" he looked at Canada, who had been quietly studying the documents for the past hour or so. "They've hurt people, bro..."
"We've hurt them, too..." Canada's answer fell on deaf ears as England abruptly stood, glaring daggers at America. "We are not doing this."
There was not a thing anyone could do or say that would make him change his mind.
"Japan bombed Hawaii. She's just a kid!" America scowled, glaring at the wall beside him. "You bombed him twice." England held up his fingers to sign the number. "How many of his people do you think died?" America bit his lips, wondering why most of the allies were against this.
"Germany starved people to death!" "And bombing them is better?" France sounded disappointed, causing America to deflate a bit. "Italy-"
"He has done the most minimal damage in this war." China looked at the table as he spoke indifferently. "We caused at the least twice more damage than he has ever caused in every war he'd participated in." A fleeting memory of a young, badly injured nation was at the forefront of the Asian's mind. "But-"
"Save it. Russia." England looked at the nation, eyes cold and promising death. "You caused the most damage in this war..." England turned his gaze to America. "As did you." His voice held coldness but America knew he was livid.
"Why do you argue so much?" Russia's question simply added to England's ire. "If you must know, I do not wish to call for the dissolution of any country simply because of what their bosses have made them do." In the time he said this, England had moved from his sit to the doorway. "I'm sure most of you agree with me."
With that, he walked out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him.
"It is true." China stood as well. "I, for one, agree with Opium." He walked towards the door, giving Russia a brief glance, "Would you really not mind watching him fade away?"
Russia frowned at the words, eyes focused on the documents in front of him.
"The reason I fought alongside you during the Revolutionary War," France locked gazes with America as he spoke, not looking away, "was, and still is, because I cannot bear to lose you."
America looked down, ashamed that he had thought, even for a few moments, that this was a solution.
"We can unify Germany without having Prussia dissolved, right?" Canada's quiet voice almost echoed in the momentary silence. All three looked at him, confused and waiting for an explanation.
"I mean... Italy was unified without anyone fading away, right? A micronation even came into existence from it..."
The idea seemed far too good to be true, but they do have proof. "You are correct, my dear."
America and Russia both visibly relaxed at the prospect, not truly wanting for Prussia to fade. "How do we do that, exactly?" they were at a standstill with that question. "Perhaps Angleterre would know. He is in a similar situation with his brothers."
They didn't know how to ask, but they still went on their way to the blonde's house.
"They never signed their countries over to me." The blunt answer was confusing, to say the least. "You unified with Wales to create the Great British Empire, non?" France looked at England's older brother, who sat by the television.
"We have a loose union. It's more like a permanent alliance." Wales' answer brought more questions.
"So, like, you can't ever fight him? Not even a civil war?" the idea just wouldn't sit with America. Wales shrugged, attention recaptured by whatever show was on the screen. Russia looked around the house. "Scotland?"
"Same." The redhead answered as he walked into the living room. "No one fades away, our bosses and people are happy. It's like 'killing two birds with one stone' as they say." He sat next to England.
The blonde was silently sipping his tea, thoughts far from the current discussion they were having. Alistor and Will can handle this, for a change.
Scotland scowled at his little brother's lack of interest in this discussion. "Prussia probably won't like being tied to anyone. Convincing him is our top priority for this to work."
"He won't mind if he's uniting with is brother." Canada avoided the sudden attention he gained by looking out the window. "I would know. He and I are so much more similar than you think."
"Ve..." Italy sighed as he finished another painting. "You painted him again..." "I know..." Japan gave his friend a fond smile. He liked seeing Italy relaxed. It helped him relax as well.
Although there was someone who could help him relax more, but considering what happened during the most recent war...
"I miss him... ve..." Italy looked at the painting, hoping he could be with his loved one again. "I'm sure you can be together once more."
Your bond is so strong. I wish ours were as strong as yours...
Germany stood at the doorway with Prussia. They felt responsible for their friends' current problems. "If our boss just died before or during the war..." Germany nodded at his brother's unspoken words. "I want to just vanish, now..."
"Bruder!" Germany looked at the albino, worry clear on his face and in his voice.
"Don't say that, bruder! I know of at least three people who would skin me alive if you died!" Ah, yes. Spain and France were his best friends... "I don't even know if they would forgive..." Prussia stopped, rewinding what his brother had just said.
"Three?!" the shout caught the attention of their friends.
"What's wrong?" Italy's worried voice outweighed each of their feelings. "West mentioned that at least three people would kill to keep me alive..." Japan smiled at the statement. "It's true, isn't it?" Italy had put his recent painting away as the three talked.
"Francis... Antonio... Roderich... Elizabeta... Kiku... Ludwig and myself..." the mentioned all looked at Prussia. "Well... We are family, after all." Hungary nodded at Austria's declaration.
"Vash would probably break neutrality to avenge you." Germany spoke with certainty.
"Hah! Like that trigger-happy guy'll do that!" Prussia boasted, before deciding to watch Italy paint once more.
0 notes
Matthew Remembers
I wrote this for Canada Day and never posted it, so here it is, 26 days late
Matthew remembers everything.
He observes the towering mountains, rolling into foothold in the distance. For all his years of staring, those have never truly changed. When he was small, hardly more than a thought, a spark of an idea in the heart of a few colonial Frenchmen, he would stare up at these stoic, silent mountains. He sees the evergreen forests, sees the creatures that roam them. He remembers a time when those trees were merely saplings, and the most ancient of animals in the wood were not born, nor their grandparents. He watches the clouds drift on aimlessly, watches the birds swoop and soar among them. Those change with the whims of the wind, staying for days or fleeing in minutes. Never predictable, in all his decades of memories. He remembers years gone by as he stares through the warped window of the house he built himself.
Matthew remembers oh-so-long ago, being called by a different name, in a different language, by different people. They called him Vinland, and wondered why he stayed merely an infant for all the years of their stay. They spoke a tongue he can no longer recall, but it was not like the elegant French or flowing English he now speaks. Them, the Three with the hair of flax and caramel and gold. Them, the Three with the eyes of sea and sky and sapphire. Them, the Three he know knows as Lukas and Berwald and Mathias. He remembers Him, the small one with hair of ash and eyes of amethyst. Emil, They call Him now. He remembers Them and Him leaving in their longboats, leaving him in this vast land that was as much his as he was its. He wonders if Them and Him have made the connection between little Vinland and the Matthew he is today.
Matthew remembers his native peoples being puzzled by him. What was this strange babe with snow skin and cornsilk hair and bluebell eyes? They brought him to the Wise Woman or the Wise Man. For each tribe that came upon him, there was one. Beautiful and ancient, the Wise Woman would cradle him and croon him a lullaby in languages forgotten, and she would sigh, knowing that his appearance meant her end. Handsome and carrying the weight of centuries, the Wise Man would hold him and tell him stories in tongues none speak, understanding that this little ones’s arrival meant that his time was coming to a close. Invariably, these Wise People would care for him for a few days, then leave him out in the snow for another to find. He remembers their silent resignation to their fading, and wonders if any still walk his lands.
Matthew remembers Papa, who gave him a name and a home and a family. Papa, with his sunlight tresses and forget-me-not eyes. “Matthieu,” he would call. “Come show Papa your new clothes.” “I’m coming Papa, just a moment!” And Papa would laugh that unique laugh of his when Matthew would run to him with his waistcoat on backwards and his hat falling off, exclaiming, “Don’t I look grown up, Papa? One day I’ll be just as big as you!” And Papa would smile and fix his little Matthieu’s clothes, saying, “yes, indeed, dearest. But for now, you are my little boy.” Papa, who loved him enough to stay. For a little while. Matthew remembers his hurt and confusion as Papa, with dry eyes and a serious face, gave the preteen him away. Papa, who, when given the chance, didn’t want him back.
Matthew remembers Arthur, who was polite. Arthur, who cared for him out of duty and not much else. He remembers looking into grass, no, emerald, no, acid green eyes and seeing none of the love Papa’s eyes had had. Arthur, who doted and poured affection on another little boy, one smaller than him, one that Arthur said was Matthew’s little brother. Arthur renamed him and then ignored him. Suddenly, he was no longer Matthieu, Papa’s little boy, he was Matthew, Alfred’s Big Brother. He remembers fading into the scenery, becoming part of the backdrop. Three months after he’d left, Arthur found him, and asked why he hadn’t come home the last couple of nights. Matthew found that Arthur hadn’t even realized he’d moved away. Matthew remembers that icicle through his heart.
Matthew remembers Alfred, of course he remembers Alfred. Little Alfie was practically his smaller twin way back when. Snow skin and cornsilk hair and bluebell eyes, though Alfred’s were closer to columbine. Suddenly, Alfie grew up. He was no longer Little Alfie, delicate and precious. No, he was Alfred F. Jones, strong and robust. His hair and skin darkened, and he began to carry a musket. Then he fought with Arthur, and won. His eyes began to darken too, then. Just not in the same way. Now, Matthew became Little Mattie, Alfred’s smaller clone. He drifted further into the background. Matthew remembers asking Arthur if he could move out, and getting a distracted “Hmm? Oh, yes, sure. You haven’t seen Alfred around, have you, um, ah…” “Matthew.” “Yes, of course, Matthew. So, have you seen him?” Matthew remembers the dropping of his stomach and muttered apologies after Arthur, the man he’d come to think of as an older brother, forgot who he was, in favor of Alfred.
Matthew remembers the War. God, he wishes he didn’t, but he remembers the War. The Great War, they’d called it. The War to End All Wars. He watched, horrified, as people he knew, his friends, chose sides and tried to murder each other. Ivan and Heracles and Alfred and Arthur and Kiku and Francis (“Papa!” He’d cried when he heard the news) against Ludwig and Yekaterina and Gilbert and Feliks and Toris and Roderich and Elizabeta and Sadik. Some of his friends switched sides, like Feliciano and Lovino. Others, (the smart ones, he thought sometimes in the dead of night) stayed out of it. Matthias and Lilli and Berwald and Lukas and Vash and Antonio. Matthew, he was brought into the War by Arthur.
Matthew remembers trench warfare. He remembers his men, (his friends, his brothers, his children) dropping like flies in the cold of winter. He remembers the disease that stormed through his ranks, deadly as the enemies across no-man’s-land.  Matthew remembers the Second Battle of Ypres, staring, unable to comprehend the horrors that Ludwig had wrought upon his and his Papa’s men. So many died that day, with chlorine gas in their lungs and terror on their faces. He remembers being overcome with sheer fury at the man across the land. He could feel Ludwig across the shell-pocked expanse, and he was terrified of the damage he could now do. Matthew remembers gathering his remaining troops to close ranks where so many had fallen. He was nearly taken down that day, with gas in his lungs and artillery fire in his shoulders. But no, he was made of tougher stuff than his men. Made of mountains and forests and glaciers and vast, open skies. They took many things from him that day, but his life was not one of them. They took his perfect eyesight and his innocence, all fantasies of honorable warfare. He left that battle a different man.
Matthew remembers Vimy Ridge, pushing forward with his division. The Red Line, Black Line, and Blue Line overtaken in a matter of hours. He remembers the Hundred Days Offensive, spearheading the attack on the weakened armies that fought under Ludwig’s banner. He remembers fighting with mechanical efficiency, all semblance of mercy for the opposition gone. It was torn from him the moment he saw over 2,000 of his men (his children, his sons, his little soldier boys who won’t come marching home) choke on the yellow-green air, vomit up their last meal,and breathe their last all around him. The bodies piled until only a third were left alive, marred by chemical burns and the image of their brothers in arms falling around them. So many dead, and not a single bullet fired. He remembers making Ludwig pay. Some call his advance Canada’s Hundred Days, and Abel sends him flowers every year to thank him. Matthew remembers being so, so relieved at the end of the War. Surely that was the end of major conflict.
Matthew remembers the Great Depression. Matthew remembers falling very, very sick as his production rates and national income fell drastically. Only Alfred had it worse. Even then, Matthew’s illness was more severe, because his economy quickly became a quagmire. He remembers Bloody Sunday, being among the officers to evacuate the post office of protesters. He was horrified as they became violent. He remembers the sheer monotony as his employment rates dropped. Had he not been made of valleys and mountains and clouds and sea and sky, he would not have survived. The Great Depression, he would say. Aptly named.
Matthew remembers the second War. God, it terrified him. Ludwig was unstoppable. He took more and more and more, drunk off his need for revenge. Kiku turned against those he had fought beside, and Feliciano and Lovino joined forces with Ludwig and Gilbert. Ludwig took Feliks, then attacked Papa. Matthew joined the War then, sending aid and weapons and ammunition to Arthur . It wasn’t enough. Matthew trained pilots and ground soldiers, himself taking to the air overseas. He defended his Papa, and when that failed, he defended Arthur’s homeland. He led squadrons with bombs across Ludwig’s land, destroyed Feliciano’s precious cities.
He was among those few pilots sent to help Ivan against Gilbert, and he hadn’t seen something so gruesome in all of his centuries of existence. Natalia and Yekaterina worked as snipers, taking out enemies they couldn’t see the faces of. Toris, Raivis, and Eduard were ground soldiers. Ivan was too. The others were in different places, spared the trauma of watching that battle. The Battle of Stalingrad, it is now called. The bloodiest battle in history.
He watched as Soviets sprinted, unarmed, towards Gilbert’s forces. They wrenched weapons out of cold, dead hands and used each other as meat shields. He saw Ivan, eyes alight with the fury of a thousand suns, wade through the oceans of his own men’s blood. He saw Toris, seemingly disconnected with the world, firing and stabbing and fighting and nearly dancing. Eduard stayed back, firing when necessary, but staying out of the fray. Raivis was lost in the mess of bodies, unconscious. The only sign of Yekaterina and Natalia was the occasional officer falling dead with no source. Matthew remembers Gilbert, terrified, but fighting. His men were falling around him, and still he stood. Matthew knows he will never forget that battle and its bloodshed.
Matthew remembers Ludwig’s defeat. Lovino had left his side, and the man who drove Ludwig mad, a horrible man who killed over seven million innocents, died. Ludwig slowly returned to being Ludwig. Finally, he was defeated. Matthew remembers being among those who were pointing deadly weapons at Ludwig. He remembers his shock as Ludwig lifted his head, smiled bitterly, and whispered, “I’m sorry,” as he raised a gun toward his own head and pulled the trigger. Matthew remembers the blood and brains littering the floor, and his horror as Ludwig’s body fell, lifeless to the floor and began to heal. He left.
Matthew remembers watching his allies split up Ludwig’s land. Half went to Ivan, who took Gilbert as well. The rest was split between Alfred, Arthur, and Papa. He remembers the tension between Alfred and Ivan. He was terrified, because if they went to war, the whole world would be caught in the crossfire. The Earth that had borne and sustained him for countless centuries would be razed to nothing. Ivan went to space. Alfred went to the moon. Alfred made bombs, bigger and more destructive than anything ever seen before. Ivan made some, then moved them close to Alfred. Alfred had a thriving city within Ivan’s borders, so Ivan barricaded it. No one in, no one out. No supplies available for those inside the walls. The people would have starved, if not for Alfred’s pilots. They brought in food and medicine, twice an hour for eleven months. Ivan gave up the blockade. The walls stayed, but supplies went in and out. Matthew remembers Ludwig and Gilbert, sitting back to back, on opposite sides of that wall, brothers so close and yet so far. He remembers thanking the Lord for Alfred.
Then, from his unique position behind Ivan and above Alfred, he remembers noticing something. Where Alfred was only gaining power, Ivan began to struggle. The others that lived with Ivan noticed too, and fought so they could leave. Ivan could keep up no longer. His power collapsed, and Matthew remembers watching as Ivan was left alone and helpless in the snow, much like Matthew himself was all those years ago.  The wall was now a priority in his mind, to reunite the brothers forcefully separated.
He remembers being there (just him, none of his soldiers or his officials. Just him, just Matthew) sledgehammer in hand, the day it fell. He watched as the soldiers pushed down the barricade, and the first person through was Ludwig. He remembers following him over to the East, seeing him collapse with Gilbert in his arms. The normally stoic blonde bawling his eyes out at seeing his big brother once again. The snow-haired man weak and frail-looking, but wonderfully, gloriously alive. He remembers them spotting him, and knowing he was one of them. He remembers Ludwig gazing up at him with teary, glazed eyes full of the sky, and Gilbert smiling with eyes of ruby. “Thank you,” they whispered. “Thank you.”
Matthew remembers everything. Everything he has done, all his people, all his lands. Canada.
Canada remembers everything.
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worldcakecakecake · 5 years
Good Luck Friedrich
A series of video diaries by Isabella Beilschmidt for her baby brother, Friedrich, where she details and explains the lives of their hectic family.
I just noticed the last chapter for this story was posted...last year. I...am so sorry! As always, many things and I apologize once again. Please know I write on this story when I can and I shall continue to update...it just might take...several months. Never the less, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
                                                    Video 5.3
Feliciano’s pregnancies were now routine. In fact, Ludwig used what was Isabella’s pregnancy scheduling for this new baby. Sure, the usual horrible cravings, vomiting, pains and difficulties, but other beauties that made Feliciano shine as he usually did when he carried a new child.
 It was with spring ending, Feliciano’s bump beginning to be shown more clearly, did they gather the children in the living room and told them the news. Heinrich and Alessandro were indifferent, in fact, they just gazed to their parents like they had just told them to go up and clean their room and continued on with their handheld video games. Analise and Isabella on the other hand, jumped and celebrated, hugging Feliciano so tightly, caressing and always asking for a touch and feel of his bump. For this pregnancy, they tried what they could to spend time with Feliciano, helping him in harsh circumstances, with millions and millions of questions about their new coming sibling. They constantly asked for a sister, already imagining and plotting all the games they could play and all the things they could dress her up in. Although in their throws Ludwig had asked for a boy, he really did not mind the gender and would be just as excited and proud for a girl. Sadly, for Analiese and Isabella, Feliciano returned one day from his sonogram showing an alpha male. The girls had pouted and had even been angry, making the elder twin brothers laugh, clapping their hands in celebration for another boy in the family. Feliciano promised them that they would still be able to do all the fun things they had planned.
 Upon finding out its gender, came the time to think of fitting names, to which Feliciano had been insisting on calling it either Ludwig or even Ludovico.
 “No,” Ludwig was reluctant.
 “Why not?” Feliciano pouted.
 “I don’t want my name to be repeated in the household. Ludovico sounds too old fashioned and it doesn’t ring as a perfect name. Also…I don’t like the idea of you calling someone else ‘Luddy’”
 “Mio dio, Ludwig, this is your son were talking about.”
 “Still…I’m the only you should call Luddy.”
 Feliciano laughed against his chest, wrapping his arms more strongly around him. “No one can replace you, amore,” Feliciano assured.
 “Actually, yes, my children are perfectly capable of replacing me.”
 Feliciano rolled his eyes, landing a playful hit on his shoulder. “I love you all equally but differently, as this baby.” He rubbed his stomach as for emphasis.
 “I hope he doesn’t end up dethroning me.”
 “Dethroning you?”
 “I think I’m still in Analiese’s game.”
 “Our daughter is pretending to dethrone people?”
 “Things get pretty intense in her tea parties.”
 “When I’m playing, all we ever do is talk about peace and treaties.”
 “…I do solve things by just waging another war.”
 “There’s your problem then,” Feliciano laughed.
 Silence then settled, just wanting to relax, staring to the ceiling, waiting for sleep to take and get them to rest.
 “I really want to name him Ludwig,” Feliciano was still sure.
 Ludwig sighed, slowly having to accept, wanting anything to please his mate. “I don’t know but…I guess…we still have some time left before he’s scheduled to come.” And suddenly Ludwig was pensive, his mind surely on worries, Feliciano had learn to tell.
 “Do you have a name in mind?” He wondered.
 “Aldrich,” Ludwig readily said, bringing Feliciano to a tense, his caresses stopping, nervous and fretting.
 “I knew you wouldn’t want to.”
 “No, no, no, I think it’s a very pretty name and having a son with it would be very lovely…it’s just that…”
 “The person it reminds you of…I know,” he sighed.
 “Well…Isabella is Isabella Augusta…I think it’s fair…but…can I ask why?” Feliciano truly wondered. He looked up to his mate expecting, but Ludwig remained still as if he hadn’t heard the question. “Ludwig…” he poked him playfully on the cheek, but Ludwig continued as reluctant. Feliciano sighed, “it’s about what’s going on back in Germany…isn’t it?” He guessed as much.
 Ludwig had recently gotten a lot of calls from his brother and the rest of his cousins, always something that had Ludwig tired and deflected, taking sitting and not standing for several minutes until one of his kids asked for help in homework or just wanted him to join a pretend game.
 “Ludwig…despite everything…you know you can tell me,” he soothingly let his fingers traverse across his stomach, laying sweetly against his chest, looking up to him, showing that very trust that Ludwig had so long ago placed entirely on.
 He sighed, defeated then on saying it. “Opa…he’s…not doing well.” There was already an unmistakable hurt on his tone, his own soothing touches faltering.
 “How…how so?” Feliciano made sure to thread carefully, not wanting to upset or hurt him much.
 “Lowering defenses, his body is not accepting the medicine they’re giving him, so there’s nothing stopping the deteriorating of his body.” Feliciano felt him grip his hands underneath their hold.
 “He’s dying, Feliciano…he’s dying…” was a harshness that he had to admit, had to release, a shivering in his tone that was rare for Feliciano to hear.
 “The doctors are saying that they give him only a couple of months…he might be gone by November…around the time that this baby will be born.” Eyes watered, eyes gazing to the ceiling, trying hard to not let himself so much pain, but Feliciano welcomed it, running his hands gently over him, still willing to continue to listen and let Ludwig this outing.
 “He’ll never get to meet him…he’ll never get to see any of our kids, he will never see this house that I worked so hard on, he won’t see what an amazing mate you have been, he won’t see how I grew…I won’t see him…I won’t be able to go to Germany, I can’t be with my family for this and all because I…because I…” the tears by now were shed well across his face, Feliciano leaning more into him, now with soothing hums and continuing the gentle caress that was enough for Ludwig to not fret the more.
 “I was supposed to be the heir, I was the symbol of the next generation of Beilschmidts. Opa held me so high and I…ended up doing what I did,” he let himself sob, his grip now tighter, leaning more into Feliciano for that sooth.
 “…I’m sorry…” Feliciano whispered, the same tears now arising in his eyes, always a destroy to see his mate like this. “I know…I know it was because you ended up choosing me and now…I’m so sorry…I’m so sorry that I’m making you feel like this, I’m so sorry that you had to miss your last years with your grandfather and that you lost…so, so, so much…”
 They held each other tight, so much Ludwig wanted to say against, but in his given to this sorrow, he couldn’t even manage speaking properly in that instant.
 “I love you, I love you. I’ve told you many times I would choose you even knowing this outcome…I just wish…he would have been more accepting to our family…and we didn’t have to hurt each other this way now.” By now Ludwig had fully turned to Feliciano, wrapping himself around him, his anchor, his relief and happiness never the less. “…I just wanted him to accept us…”
 Ludwig ran out of words, the sorrow making him too tired to speak or give out more emotion. Feliciano understood, finally letting him that silence, simply laying his arms around him, soothing, starting the hum of a melody under his breath. Every now and then he would place gentle kisses, just the right magic to bring him into rest, if even the dried tears on his cheeks that Feliciano remained awake for, as if guarding they wouldn’t come back.
  The baby was born a cold November 9, in the midst of the trees taking beautiful oranges and brown, everyone cozy in their autumn wear and this new baby was no exception. Feliciano held him tight, giving his own warmth to him, not having stopped laying kisses on his little head, covered in a beautiful puppy beanie, an orange blanket wrapped around him, calming him as to not fret, cry, resting, knowing it was safe in its omega father’s arms.
 “He looks exactly like Ludwig did as a baby. I’m going to cry when I get to hold him. I’ll visit sometime next month!” Gilbert told them over the phone from Germany after Ludwig had sent some pictures.
 Ludwig smiled, of course not leaving Feliciano’s side, taking constant and proud glances to his new son, so like him and already as dear as the rest of his children. They were currently back at home with Vash and Lili, Ludwig getting constant calls from them, mostly the kids wanting to know when they could come see their new brother, agitated, excited and begging.
 “Have you decided on a name yet?” The nurse had come and each time, Ludwig and Feliciano were unsure, always asking for more time that they were respectful to give.
 Upon the next morning, as soon as Feliciano had the baby returned, Ludwig had received a rather odd message:
 ‘Can you send me some new pics of the baby and some of the others too’ Gilbert had texted.
 ‘Why?’ Ludwig texted back.
 ‘Opa wants to see them.’
 Ludwig had faltered, had weakened, the surreal so strong he thought he was going to let his phone fall.
 ‘Sure.’ He simply texted back.
 “Lieben, do you have any pics of the kids in your phone?” He suddenly asked him, Feliciano playing with the baby boy, awake, curiously looking about the room and whatever games Feliciano presented.
 “Oh! Yes! I have several! My phone is in the pink bag. How come?”
 “Um…Gilbert wants some to…show Opa.”
 There was a large glow of surprise in Feliciano’s eyes, yet quick, before he smiled in acceptance. “Send all you want, and don’t be afraid to take new ones of our little prince,” Feliciano coed as he brought the baby closer, Ludwig smiling as he went to get the phone.
 He did so hurriedly, getting together a large file of pictures, ranging from some as Alessandro and Heinrich as babies, Analiese starting kindergarten, Isabella making some arts and craft, and of course, simple ones of this new nameless addition, cuddled, sleeping, only slight movement added as it seemed to reach for more of its omega father.
 ‘Dammit, Lud! My phone shut off!’ Gilbert had texted back at such a large amount of pictures, but afterwards, there was no reply, the thread in silence no matter how many times Ludwig checked. When he wasn’t on his phone, he was watching over his mate and new child, sometimes holding the infant himself while he chatted with Feliciano, other times joining in the coos and games, resting his head on Feliciano’s shoulder, even kissing him from time to time.
 Many hours later, the late evening about to reach them, Ludwig received a call from Gilbert. He stood and took it at the other side of the room. For a long moment there was only but silence, Gilbert heavily breathing, clearly hurt and broken.
 “He’s gone,” he finally admitted, a large inhale and surely a hand coming up to dry whatever tears dared fall.
 Ludwig turned rigid, in its process like a cracking, something that Feliciano noticed even from afar.
 “Just a…couple of minutes ago actually. I, with oma, mutti, onkel Marcellus, onkel Karl, and Roderich were with him…he asked about you, I…told him how you were doing, showed him all the pics you sent me…he…wanted me to talk about them, and I did, Roderich helped me out as well. We told him about how Alessandro plays football and Heinrich plays music, that they annoy each other like Roderich and I used to do as kids,” he stopped for a moment to laugh. “I told him about Analiese’s tea parties, how she likes to dress up and her crazy story ideas. I told him that Isabella is really smart, that she started walking and talking earlier than other kids, how she fixes things and packs a strong punch,” he laughed again, rubbing his arm as if he could still feel her little attack the last time he saw her…all because he said he was leaving without giving her a hug.
 “Over our…new cutie,” Gilbert still could manage a smile, “we really couldn’t say much, of course, but I showed him all the pictures you sent.”
 Longing silence as Gilbert still found it hard to speak, still needing time to gather words.
 “He didn’t stop smiling the entire time we told him about how you guys were doing. I told him about the house, how you live in this beautiful Swiss valley and how you’re still madly in love with Feliciano and Feliciano with you…he said he could tell with all the kids you’re having.”
 Even Ludwig had to chuckle, trying to find a holding that wouldn’t let him fall in utter melancholy.
 “He told me the cutie looked a lot like you did…that he’s beautiful, that they’re all beautiful…that it would have been an honor to have met them…and that he’s sorry.”
 Ludwig had to try hard to grip himself, to not sob in this call when it was important that he listened.
 “He said…he should have learn to accept your decision long ago, that he shouldn’t have been blinded by pride and left you to deal with everything by yourself…that he should have been there to help, to see his great grandkids and give his blessings to your mate…I just wish he could have told this to you in person, and that you could still be allowed back in Germany…I still don’t think it’s fair enough.”
 “It is to me,” Ludwig broke, in a rare sob that tumbled his tall build, shaking and reddened. Gilbert didn’t know what words to answer, but only hummed and soothed like in their childhood, caressing enough for Ludwig, who understood the distance currently. Even if all Gilbert heard were sobs and breaths, he remained to listen to it all and give whatever comforting word he could.
 Feliciano stood, the baby boy being held well in his arms, being able to push his IVs with one hand occupied, sitting down beside Ludwig, cuddling, letting their new son lay between them, Ludwig, in between all, managing a strong hold to join Feliciano’s.
 “Luddy, I’m sorry, but I have to go now. The doctors are asking for stuff. I’ll call you back in a moment. I’ll be here, I’ll be here. Stay with Feliciano and your son.” And the call was over, Ludwig letting the phone fall uselessly to the ground.
 Feliciano wrapped around him, kissing his head and letting him show his emotions as freely as he wanted, letting him the complete hold of the infant, so small in his big strong arms, yet protected, belonging, his little light in this moment of darkness. Ludwig showed his gratitude by rocking him, kissing him constantly, Feliciano managing to smile.
 A nurse had entered, clipboard in her hand which signified to both parents what she was coming for. “Oh…” she noticed Ludwig’s broken state. “I…came to ask if you had decided on a name yet, but I’ll head out and you can call us when you are decided.”
 “Aldrich,” Feliciano declared despite.
 It was surprising to both the nurse and Ludwig, the blond raising his head, for a singular moment the tears stopping and relaxation clear.
 “Aldrich Ludwig Beilschmidt, please, if you can,” Feliciano insisted
 “Of course!” The nurse smiled, writing it in the documents and officiating. She showed it to both the parents to make sure it was written correctly, and once she had their approval, she nodded and headed off to pass it to where it was necessary.
 The parents were once again alone, still together, the baby still resting peacefully, but this time, as the tears continued, a smile managed to shine strong on Ludwig’s mouth, one Feliciano swooned at, kissing and caressing it.
 “Aldrich,” Feliciano repeated in earnest, kissing the little boy’s head now as if to truly bless him with the name. Ludwig did his own by holding him ever tighter.
  Despite not being so excited the first time they were told the news, Alessandro and Heinrich looked completely ecstatic in the picture of the day they came to pick up Aldrich. Analiese and Isabella were just as excited, the four of them holding together the baby right in front of the hospital. There was another picture taken of Aldrich around the time he was one year old, dressed like an angel in a professional setting, a confused expression on his face, surely wondering his surroundings at the time. Isabella had remembered how proud Feliciano had been to send that picture to their uncles and aunts for that Christmas, along with one of Alessandro and Heinrich dressed elegantly in star theme suits, Analiese as one of the three kings, and then Isabella…who had decided on being a stable animal, a donkey more specifically. At the time she had been so excited and had even fought her papa to do so, but now looking back…perhaps it wasn’t the best choice. She did look cute though.
 “See, it wouldn’t be that difficult for us. We can all go!” Isabella switched the camera to Aldrich just as he had finished, all the books and articles he had printed from a kids’ site spread across the table, all having been used well in his explanation to his alpha father, sitting in the chair alongside him, covering his mouth to hide how he wanted to burst with loud laughter at the childishness but beauty of it all.
 Ludwig had to really swallow it before he could remove his hands, his head coming to a conclusion with easy logic. “So, you really think it can take all nine of us?”
 “Mhm! There’s space in the boats, planes and tents we have to stay in.”
 “So do you think they can also fit our bags? The strollers? Snacks? Toys?”
 “We don’t need to bring our toys!”
 “So will you finally leave Bastian behind?”
 One of Aldrich’s adored dog dolls, that still at nine years old was difficult for him to go anywhere without. There was a clear hesitation, silence as he thought it, going through the files as if they could give him an answer that could approve his plush friend’s coming.
 “Those zoo cookies you really like are only available in Switzerland, and knowing you all, you’ll finish whatever bags we’ll bring in the first few days before we even arrive to Russia. Your papa won’t be able to make you stracciatella. We’ll have to get you all new coats-”
 “It won’t be that cold! We’ve lived in the Swiss alps for years and can deal with it.”
 “Aldrich, this is Russia, really north Russia. It get’s colder than our own blizzards.”
 Aldrich already shivered, but a part of him continued to be strong, continued to believe.
 “We’ll have to leave the dogs behind with a caretake. No, we won’t be able to bring any of them with us. You fight every time Isabella or Giovanna go into your room. In these tents, you’ll have to share an entire space with all of us. If Friedrich starts crying, you’ll hear it clearly for the entire night and there will be a lot of it. There’s a great chance the walruses won’t even be there, so we could be wasting hard days of travel.”
 It was starting to seem hopeless, Aldrich falling more into his chair with each word.
 “Aldrich, they have walruses in the Zurich zoo. We can plan a weekend to go there and even invite Alisa to come with us. I promise you it would be much easier and enjoyable for all of us,” Ludwig tried to persuade, but Aldrich yet remained sunken in his chair.
 “I wanted to see…in their natural habitat,” his tone became much more tragic, a welling of tears.
 “Aldrich, I already tried explaining, it-” The little boy was wailing by now, hands gripping, then smashing his head against the table. His cries began a crescendo each minute, Ludwig plainly sitting, nodding, letting Aldrich release what he needed to. After seven kids, he had learned well to deal with this. He was prepared to sit there until Aldrich stopped, gazing forward to Isabella with the camera hoping for some sort of aid.
 The last shot was of Isabella running off before he could word out anything.
< Video 5.2
video 6 >
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worldcakecakecake · 6 years
Feliciano and the King of Hearts
Chosen by the gods as the Queen of Hearts from the moment of birth, we follow Feliciano’s story as he grows into royal life, learns to rule, go against age old customs, and his relationship with his husband to be, the King of Hearts.
Chapter 1 I  Chapter 2 I Chapter 3 I Chapter 4 I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6I Chapter 7 I Chapter 8 IChapter 9I Chapter 10I Chapter 11I Chapter 12 I Chapter 13 I Chapter 14 I Chapter 15 I Chapter 16 I Chapter 17 I Chapter 18 I Chapter 19I Chapter 20 I Chapter 21 I Chapter 22 I Chapter 23 I Chapter 24 I Chapter 25 I Chapter 26 I Chapter 27 I Chapter 28I Chapter 29 I Chapter 30 I Chapter 31 I Chapter 32 I Chapter 33 I Chapter 34 I Chapter 35 I Chapter 36 I Chapter 37I chapter 38 I Chapter 39 I Chapter 40 I Chapter 41 I Chapter 42 I Chapter 43 I Chapter 44 I Chapter 45 I Chapter 46I Chapter 47 I Chapter 48 I Chapter 49 I Chapter 50 I Chapter 51 I Chapter 52 I Chapter 53 I Chapter 54 I Chapter 55 I Chapter 56 I Chapter 57 I Chapter 58 I Chapter 59 I Chapter 60
Posting this from Antonio’s country...my last day here actually. I’m incredibly sorry for the time it took me to post, but things were hectic and it wasn’t till the last moment that I dedicated some writing. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you enjoy reading it too!
                                                  Chapter 61
Feliciano prepared himself for the ball in his room. Well, to be honest he wasn’t doing much that moment.
 He sat in a comfortable chair, the sound but the music of his chest, the familiar melody that calmed Feliciano well even in the activity and haste of a ball being initiated in the floors below him. His wear for the night was well prepared on his side of the bed, ironed, shinning, with flowers of surely the most recent picking, yet Feliciano sat with only but a white blouse, humming to the song, moving his fingers as if he was leading the notes to spread all across the room, even out in the night, his balcony door open to let that freedom.
 “Feliciano, have I told you how much I love your hair,” Kandake told him, helping the arising queen with fitting his hair for the ball. Not much was to be done, the only difficulty was adding the glitter and placing the golden vine circlet crown just the right place between his princely curls.
 “You flatter me too much,” he giggled. “Have you finished?”
 “And…done!” Kandake just wanted to adjust a single golden leaf from the crown out of place.
 “Great! Now let me do your hair!” Feliciano excited, taking an instant jump to start.
 “Feliciano, I don’t think you’re familiar with my kind of hair!”
 “I can still try! Just let me know if it’s hurting or I’m doing something that can damage it.” He pushed her towards a mirror, so she could keep a constant check.
 “Now…hmmm,” he began to think about what exactly he was going to do.
 “Feliciano, you really need to prepare yourself for the ball. In fact, I should be the one dealing with you right now.”
 “Don’t worry! We have enough time!” Feliciano took a white ribbon from a desk, keeping it around his neck as he began to take Kandake’s hair to prepare into the form he wanted.
 “You will surely get scolded by Ludwig,” she reminded.
 “Pfftt, he won’t,” Feliciano rolled his eyes and determined in the fixing.
 He remembered how in his first ball at the castle, that phrase would have him panicking, obedient, because he was so terrified to deal with Ludwig. How beautifully things had changed, how the words now didn’t mean the threat from before, whatever anger Ludwig could come with surely one he could tame and cure with their kisses, words and embraces. He was looking forward to spending this ball with him.
 “Shouldn’t he be here preparing himself,” she wondered as she hadn’t spotted him in the room since she entered.
 Feliciano shrugged, “he told me that there were some things he wanted to discuss with his grandparents and would prepare elsewhere.” Feliciano wasn’t really thinking about it.
 “Then, shouldn’t you be dealing with the guest if he’s not able to?”
 “Kandake…let me finish your hair before anything.”
  The ball was the shine, the gold, the red, the expected lavishness of the castle that had the guest awing as they made their way down the halls to the ballroom. Feliciano had decided on more peaches, diamonds, red flowers to flourish at every single sight. Most vases, statues and desks were moved, bringing in more space, for the mix of visitors that came from all kingdoms this time in preparation for the coming reunion of all the royals. More chandeliers were placed than usual to alight the drinks of apple and peach wine, the jewels in their guests, the laughter that started at the opening of the large doors, all kinds of conversations swarming, bringing to life and already making this one of the many balls to remember.
 Of all the Heartian royals, the first to greet the plentitudes was Ludwig Beilschmidt, descending in a wear of an opened white tail coat, embroidered elegantly in red, underneath it a rich red vest and tightened white shirt with a not too flamboyant cravat. It needed to add just a small touch.  All to his suit, his pants, his boots, suited his figure excellently, having many who he passed by sway at how handsome he shone for the evening.
 “And who must this be for?” Of all the annoying people he had to meet first.
 Ludwig rolled his eyes but turned with the most respectful expression he could utter to welcome King Francis. “Hallo, Bonnefoy.”
 “As emotionless as ever I see. Doesn’t fit how well you look,” he dared wink and Ludwig had to hold himself well from showing the roll of his eyes.
 “Ludwig!” Lili greeted happily, jumping on Ludwig for an embrace that the taller had no problem giving.
 Lili shone elegantly in such a simple yellow dress, with beautiful floral diamonds at the top, the same ones she had circulating around her hair as her crown. “It’s so nice to see you after everything. How have you been? How is Feliciano? We’ve been hearing some amazing things from you two!” She excited.
 “Lili, what did I tell you?” Vash scolded, coming along to join them as well in his own decorated suit.
 “It’s only Ludwig,” she complained.
 “Lili, I have to admit, it’s not queenly acting,” Francis scolded gently.
 Lili pouted and Ludwig was about to exclaim joining to her side about doing as she pleased, but when spotting a blue and green from between the crowds of other guest, he got reminded. “Where are the others?”
 “They’ve just arrived and are dealing with the traffic outside,” Francis told.
  Both the royal Spadians and Clubians arrived at the same instant, their doors swung in the same moment, all coming down to meet each other in an easy sight.
 “Hey! Ivan! How you doing?” Alfred exclaimed unceremoniously, waving his whole body along like a child.
 Ivan smiled and gave a gentle wave and smile, with it hiding the true groan he wanted to use. Elizabeta was the only one that shared a true excited greeting, while Arthur was embarrassed and tried to get Alfred to calm down.
 “Where is Yao?” Ivan asked, trying to spot the Spadian jack.
 “Oh, he’s, uh-” Yao was signing at Alfred to shut up, wondering if there was a chance he could head out through the other exit without Ivan noticing. “He’s…already in the ball!” Alfred came out with just in time, Arthur giving a sigh of relief.
 “Ah, I must search for him instantly.” Without more to spare, he made way into the feast, greeting and bowing to those he should.
 It was then that Roderich dismounted, looking over to the Spadian royals with suspicion. “He’s still in the coach, isn’t he?”
 Yao thought it safe to head out, waving in greeting to another fellow Jack.
 “This is a royal reunion, Yao. At one point you’ll both have to be in the same room,” Roderich warned as he made his way forward into the castle alongside his queen.
  Ludwig’s movements through the halls and ballroom were slow, for every corner there was somebody calling for a chat, a greeting, a join into a drink or snack that he took to not disrespect…as well as to calm the nervousness he possessed.
 “It’s nice to know your kingdom is welcoming to tribal fairies,” one such creature had told Ludwig.
 “Our kingdom accepts all. I wish you luck in settling and that you continue to enjoy the feast,” he wished with a clink of their wine glasses.
 “Thank you, your highness.” The group turned away and Ludwig was momentarily relieved to have freedom, until he felt someone staring him down from behind. He turned to meet with familiar jokers.
 “Ludwig, it’s so great to see you again!” Dua was the first to shout and greet of the group.
 All were dressed elegantly in yellow, with shines and details typical of their provinces in Diamonds. Ludwig gave them all smiles, chatting instantly on how they had been since their last meeting. He took all by turn, until finally-
 “I’ve heard about how your relationship has improved.” This time, he didn’t feel that jealous flare from the last time he had met with Haris, sharing a smile and a civilized hand shake.
 “It has. I’m truly glad you’re here for the night.”
 “We couldn’t waste a chance of being invited by the very arising royals to the Heartian castle,” Gupta added.
 “Feliciano will be ecstatic to see you all. He’s pretty late, but sooner or later he will appear,” Ludwig let them know.
 “Ah, no wonder we can’t find him anywhere!” A familiar voice added, Ludwig now turning to meet the ones who had helped Feliciano and him with a good part of their traverse in Spades, as well as their companions when saving the capital city from the invading men of Khaos.
 “Hello, Mei,” Ludwig turned to greet the new group, in their own flourishing blues, bowing, all except Mei and Lei, who were mostly searching for Feliciano still.
 Both these groups joined to chat and speak, at one point Ludwig leaving them in his own search for Feliciano. He went back into the halls hoping to have a better meeting of him, instead, he saw two figures he could just not ignore as they passed by each other.
 “You made it,” Ludwig greeted them, giving his hand to shake.
 Despite how normal he tried to keep this greet, Neeraja and Priya still bowed, shinning like the very diamonds and chandeliers with blues and silvers.
 “And we thank you deeply!”
 “It is an honor to be here,” Priya smiled grandly.
 “This will be you home for the next few days.”
 “Actually…it will be for more.”
 “What do you mean?”
 Neeraja and Priya glanced to each other with knowing smirks.
 “Have you forgotten a detail about us?”
 And that’s when Ludwig remembered, “oh, yes, fortune tellers.”
 “We only recommend you prepare the castle for a much longer stay than planned for your guest.”
 They were about to turn and leave to other matters, but Ludwig just had to ask. “You knew all this…you knew what would happen after I entered the field.”
 They turned to him once again, wondering what he meant and what he wanted to get to.
 “And…you know what will continue to happen, about the alignment…the war. Is there…anything you can tell us to prepare.”
 Neeraja and Priya shared glances of concern, silently speaking about what they could say, but it was quickly decided.
 “No. We’re sorry, Ludwig, but we do not like to release a future that is best you keep uncertain about,” Neeraja uttered.
 “We can only give you the same words of advice from before. Train, practice, learn everything you can of your power and hope that it can be the best,” Priya continued.
 They bowed once again and this time surely left elsewhere, Ludwig giving them a simple wave, off then to continue on his waiting for Feliciano.
 “Ah, his highness, Feliciano Vargas!” And there was the calling from one of the guards, in prepare for his entrance to the ball.
 Ludwig turned, awaiting a descend from the stairs in the area. He was so sure, ready, strong enough to deal with what he will ask him later, but gazing now at his utter perfection wear and shine, it all extinguished and his mind was left in rubbish. He wasn’t alone in this, as all turned and were swayed at the Hearts arising queen. Of course, he was the subject of all this attention. He had been the main talk all this time after Augusta’s reveal, along with him being an Ace and destined to save them all. It was as if they were already staring at a god in the heavens, some already bowing, others left breathless and many just stared and admired his well proclaimed beauty.
 Everything on his suit was well crafted in flowers and jewels, placed in just an elegant fashion that grew well all around him. It was tight, showing a figure that surely had many drooling, yet it was soft and comfortable, shown in the ease and smile Feliciano came down in. A silky cape followed him, long, but not reaching the floor or covering the grace he held, it flew about with him. Then there was glitter, beautiful on his hair along with the laurel crown, as well as a simple touch around his eyes.
 A true star, a true shine, sucking whatever movement Ludwig could have given, left only with impression and wonder. Feliciano managed to spot him between the heavy crowd, giving him an adoring smile, eager to be near him that instant. And after nervousness, there was pride.
 No matter the people there, who swooned and could only dream of having an arising royal of that magnitude, Ludwig didn’t have to worry. As he walked his way between the people, he knew there was no other Feliciano thought about, no other he was expecting, no other to hold him, to kiss him to all’s impression and make clear who was the couple that would bring strength to a coming war. It made him stand taller than the usual, for all to instantly give pass without question, for they knew that the king was coming to greet his queen.
 Feliciano was close to reaching the crowds, but Ludwig reached the bottom of those stairs first, offering a hand for him to take and Feliciano practically dashed forward to it. They spun and laughed, much to the awe and impression from those who knew how rocky their relationship had been before.
 “You look, well…gorgeous, beautiful…I-I…what else can I say?” Ludwig laughed.
 Feliciano chuckled, “you already have me flattered. And you, look so handsome and wonderful and all mine and all I want to do is kiss you.”
 “Who am I to stop that?”
 “Good.” And Feliciano threw his arms around him with a greeting kiss that had the surprise even wider across the crowds. They indulged in their lips for what they wanted, a dispatch to an applaud greet of the crowds, and both waving their own back.
 As it died down, as all found other attention, Ludwig and Feliciano. with their arms well wrapped, decided on joining the feast and enjoying from what would be offered. It wasn’t long until they received shouts and the wanting of others to be close to them.
 “Feli!” It was a very loud familiar shout from a Dane, coming along with his own familiar group.
 “Oh gods! It’s so great to see all of you again!” Feliciano quickly went to wrap his own arms around each of them, strong embraces with sways and even accepted kisses on the cheek by the arising queen.
 “You have to tell me all that has happened after you left us in the diamond kingdom,” Feliciano was eager to know.
 “You’re the one with a lot to tell us,” Lukas said.
 “What has happened even reached us,” Berwald added.
 “You’re quite famed now,” Tino said.
 Feliciano blushed, “yeah, it’s…a lot to take in. But, Emil! How did it go with the ingression to the Luna Rani Academy?”
 Emil heavily smiled, an excitement that grew that had Feliciano taking both his hands in a dear hold.
 “I got accepted! I’m starting in a month!” And Emil joined Feliciano along in shouts and jumps as if it was the first time he got the acceptance letter.
 “I’m so glad and happy for you! Oh, you’ll make an amazing student! You’ll make lots of new friends and study all kinds of things! You have to write and let me know how it all goes!”
 “I’ll be glad to!”
 “Feli!” And then there was the Amazon group, Martin practically tumbling Feliciano down to the ground.
 “Martin, please, don’t kill him,” Elisa commented as she tried to hold the rest from crushing the poor arising queen.
 The rest were loud blabbers that it was a miracle Ludwig and Feliciano could understand. More groups joined and greeted, as those of the Oralee, of the Asian provinces, the Diamond kingdom joker group and the other royals, with conversations, anecdotes, meetings and stories that could have lasted long into the night. Not to mention that they all wanted to be introduced to Augustino, all new gushes that Lovino had learned lately to just stand.
 To be honest, Ludwig and Feliciano did not expect to be so heavily ambushed by so many people. Not that they minded, but they still needed an occasional breath.
 Time flew, the night was coming into deeper darkness and it was quite awakening when the King, Queen and Jack took the tallest standing for the usual welcome and speech, with the reasonings of the ball, mentioning the successful track of the journey, Augusta, the fear of the coming war and finally: “-but let us now calm whatever agitations with a dance. As per tradition, let us let our arising royals begin our lead with a song of their choosing. Ludwig, Feliciano.” Queen Louis opened her arms to the welcome of the open floor left for them, the orchestra ready and anxiously waiting.
 What a change that this time, Ludwig and Feliciano didn’t have to question it. Their acceptance was giving in a simple glance along with a smirk, already deciding the song. They walked together arm and arm, by the orchestra, giving a bow as a thank you to their music. As Feliciano pointed to his laurel crown with a wink, it was obvious what song was meant to be played. The composer turned to his musicians and instantly began the familiar song known well to be that of the King and Queen of Hearts.
 No complains, no hatred, no disappointment, the arising royals happily took their way to the center, wishing this dance, wishing this moment for themselves if even the many eyes. Feliciano turned to Ludwig, both taking the usual ready position, making sure to be comfortable, that they were set right, assured with a smile and the blushing color even in their eyes.
 The sway that began was slow, simple, leaning them into the acceptance of the very song. This time, there were real smile in their faces, a glow that jumped all over the large ballroom, a spread that was helped as Ludwig and Feliciano took bigger spaces as they moved, taking quite a design on the floor for themselves. Spins, different kinds of grasps, of extends, graceful movement in every possible way that had everyone in true wonder and impression, lost in this magic, in a truth of love shown, even as the star dancers were ignorant to all those present. When the song took its known height, the arising royals matched with its quickness, jumping and daring to try new moves that were the perfect synchronization even when it was the first time. They laughed, they enjoyed, they focused on what they could create, of how they could test their trust with the sudden new movements. Unlike the last dance they shared in a ball, they were having fun, they felt freed, they shone with beauty and even as the song came to its conclusion, they waited on that last hold for more. As all around them clapped, and as they breathed, they could only stare into their eyes, wording whatever plot for the next song.
 In this new one, others began to join along, and so Ludwig and Feliciano joined in dancing around them, smiling and greeting whenever they met with other couples they knew, like Herakles and Kiku, and Alfred and Arthur. They shouted, they matched, they sang and Ludwig had never thought that he would actually want to continue along with this feast no matter the song, the people that surrounded them or even if he was getting tired.
 It was around the sixth song that he realized he was running out of breath, that neither his legs or arms could take anymore, yet he laughed and smiled, happy then to just hold Feliciano with him in an ending calming sway.
 Yes, he wanted him, more than anyone, anything and he knew that no time was better to solidify that union. Whatever nervousness, he tried to keep it well inside him with his breaths, his hands on Feliciano’s waist, distracted in the scent of his hair…he was wearing the perfume he gave him. They were well calmed, part of the many couples swaying in soothing motions, the light dimmed as if to give them all that moving nap. No one noticed as Ludwig signaled Feliciano to follow him elsewhere, and the arising queen, in his daze, easily followed behind him through all the lessening activity of the ball. They reached one of the large glass and colored doors, through which they could see the towering formed bushes and trees of the garden, entering into their lost, their colors, and the few lights that were lighted for the occasion, for those who wanted a stroll of the aromatic area or just wanted privacy away from all the bustling crowds of the feast. They hadn’t drunken any alcohol, and yet Ludwig and Feliciano giggled, danced and even played about the paths as if they had gone through their heavy effects. Everything looked spectacular in the night, it was a surprise it was so lonely. Why didn’t anybody else dare to enjoy from this green? These stoned pathways, particular fauna, fountain, hedges, arches, all made in a singularity of red and beauty that was definitely worth the visit, especially if you came from another kingdom. To Ludwig, it was better. All this extended space and wonder for themselves, made it more unique, serene, the seclusion for what Ludwig planned.
 They reached what was either a middle or end, both of them tired, taking a sitting in a shaped white marbled bench, in an enclosure of roses and a tall tree that draped with its branches, leaves and vines, keeping them closed from any kind of reach of the party. They breathed heavily, finding calm after their thread across the garden, Ludwig especially readying for what was to come. They enjoyed from the silence, from the only rustling being the occasional breeze and their continuing breaths.
 “This was a nice break,” Feliciano admitted with an appreciated smile, stretching and settling much closer to Ludwig’s side, thighs touching.
 “There were more people than usual in this ball.”
 “We did invite a lot,” Feliciano reminded.
 “We did, but it’s nice seeing them again, make ourselves really sure that they’re doing fine,” Ludwig smiled with such a kindness that Feliciano ogled with a clear stare.
 “What?” Ludwig wondered for it.
 Feliciano sighed dreamily, “you look more handsome than usual when you admit you care.”
 Ludwig chuckled, “I’ve always done, Feliciano.”
 “You were too busy hiding it though.”
 “I was, but…things have changed, haven’t they?” Ludwig reached his hand and took Feliciano’s grasp gently.
 “They have and I’ve made very sure that I’ve loved every single moment of it since you opened.” Feliciano looked up and shared his other hand with his, exchanging those grasps in a loving strength.  
 “Yet I don’t think I’ll ever stop apologizing for how I treated you either,” Ludwig reminded.
 “It’s not necessary. It’s in the past and we’ve learned to move forward and can look ahead in earnest.”
 “Even with a war?”
 “I’m sure we’ll beat Khaos,” Feliciano was determined as he brought Ludwig’s hand to kiss in promise.
 Silence then settled, but neither minded it, their eyes could speak enough. Feliciano distracted though, in a new breeze that brought along and intensified the perfumed aroma of roses. He turned to follow it and Ludwig to determine himself in asking. His hands shook and Feliciano turned back to him instantly in worry.
 “I love you,” Ludwig pushed himself to say before anything, raising a hand to take Feliciano’s face, fingers tracing well the softness, the glitter, even the warmth that he felt grow beneath his fingertips. “I want to be with you always…I want us to be together for this war.”
 “And we will be,” Feliciano assured as he raised his own hand to join his.
 “I was us to be together in a different way than this.”
 Feliciano’s eyes widened in a moment of worry, the worst coming to his mind first. It only worsened when Ludwig stood, but calmed once he saw him kneel before him, close, taking a powerful and somehow prideful stance between his legs. He lay like this simple for a while, Feliciano now seeing clear the nervousness in his eyes.
 “Ludwig…are you okay? You seem really-” Feliciano was suddenly startled by a ring directly faced towards him. He was left without a word at the wonderful shine of red of the jewel, marbled well in gold, like a rose heart tempting to grow and embrace him in its shine. It was utterly beautiful, one that could blind, shut and leave Feliciano in an utterly frozen state. It was a wonder he could stare at it properly when Ludwig was shaking, constantly gulping, sweat temping to drop from his brow.
 “I-It…was supposed to be your eighteenth birthday present, but after everything…well, I hid and tried to forget about it.” The gulp he gave then, along with his inhales, were deeply heard. “I…I...made it myself…took me weeks to be able to craft it with my magic how I wanted. I still think I need to retouch it… but maybe once a year I can add something or fix it how you wish,” he eased, distracting. He had to shake his head once again to bring him back to the track he wanted to take. “I…I know I don’t deserve you, I know I acted like a total fool before and know that I don’t deserve to even be asking you this question again. But I assure you that this time…I’m not asking because it’s duty, because it’s an engagement our families decided on or because it’s what the Aces, and the kingdom, and the rest of the world wants. This…this is not a recitation from an old tradition book, it’s not because of what’s coming or either because of the prosperity that will fall on our kingdom.” He took a moment to breathe, to gather his new words, while Feliciano remained as still, as patient and waiting for him to continue. “I’m asking because I want to be with you as this. I truly want us to rule together, to strengthen it with a love that I always want to devote true and powerful to you. I’ll journey far for you, no fear to loose, I’ll take down every opponent. There will be no heat or freeze to go against me. No sun, no rain…” It was then that he noticed what exactly he was saying, Feliciano giggling, but not minding. He only leaned closer to hear him clearer. “I love you and I want to be your husband, your king. So please, will you marry me? Will you accept to be mine…my queen?”
 He looked so vulnerable, every weakness and opening in all his beautiful self that showed more strength than any soldier in a battlefield. Feliciano grinned and gave the gentlest laugh, the closest that he could show to the true flourishing that was occurring at this question that was now the loveliest shine to have happened.  He leaned close, placing a gentle kiss of calmness on his head.
 “I don’t want any of the riches you will bring,
I don’t care for any of the songs,
I only want you to hold,
I only want your arms around me,”
 He began to sing sweetly, jokingly composing with a finger across their simple air. It died suddenly for both to laugh in the hold of their arms.
 “Would you want all the gold I will find for you?
Would you like the songs I will bring from afar for you?
Would you accept me as your shield?
And would you want me always by your side?”
 Ludwig managed to sing between, getting the lock of their eyes.
 “I don’t want any of the riches you will bring,
I don’t care for any of the songs,
I only want you to hold,
I only want your arms around me,”
 Feliciano answered, beginning a sway how they could in this position.
 “Bring me your love, your kisses, your loyalty,
Your passion, your hope, your defeat,
Your promise, your weakness, your strength,
I will keep it all in my heart.
 I’ll journey and see beyond the lines of our kingdom,
Never a fear to be lost, never a fear to fall,
In pleasure…”
 Ludwig stopped singing, worried that the song was a distraction for him not to worry for when Feliciano denied him yet again. There was such a look of failure in his eyes and in it Feliciano saw that he now had to give his sure answer, one that in it lay a weight that the whole kingdom rested on.
 “…I will take the mysteries of what I could meet…” Feliciano continued to sing in that low whisper, as the last time thinking, wondering…
 “If you accept to be mine…” he stopped his swaying to lay still, with his upper body reaching his arms to rest on Ludwig’s shoulders “…my King.”
 To be honest, the kingdom, the aces, his duties and responsibilities were the last on his mind when he looked into Ludwig’s adored blue eyes, still so terrified yet so naked in truth. All in his mind was love, his utter devotion to him, the feelings he instigated and how united, they could create so much more than what they knew on a surface. Happiness, he knew that there in his arms was his happiness, his shield, his sun, his heart. He didn’t think what it would mean to others but to himself, what this man would be to him, the trust and loyalty he would lay and he knew would prove faithful and brave. He thought about his true answer, well decided by the moment the ring was presented, before him now his true friend, his true king, his true Ludwig.
 This time, in earnest, in joy and excited with all the expectations that were to come, he answered him:
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