#because it's goddamned water soluble like a normal chemical
sukimas · 1 year
capsaicin is such a bullshit chemical. literally every other spicy chemical is better. change my mind or watch me eat 10 kg allyl isothiocyanate boy
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metalhead-brainrot · 7 months
It's so goddamn easy, there's no excuse for a dirty bong. Allow me to save you the trip to some ad-riddled web 3.0 article by telling you how I do it.
You need:
An amount of isopropyl alcohol, preferably 90% or higher. I typically just pour to the normal water line.
An amount of table salt. Don't worry about measuring, this isn't a chemical reaction.
Actual pipe cleaners, the pokey kind that you can find at any smoke shop.
Pour the salt into the bong through the neck. Pour the alcohol into the neck. Cover both holes, shake until clean. Dump alcohol in a small vessel with the bowl. Flush out your bong by pouring hot water into the neck, letting it empty through the stem. When you've flushed out the alcohol, shake the hot water and salt solution, dump out.
Cleaning the bowl: I like to let it sit in the alcohol I dumped from the bong. When the bong is clean, I take a pipe cleaner to the bowl; any residue should wipe off super easily after a few minutes sitting in alcohol. Rinse bowl, you're done.
Why this works: Isopropyl alcohol will soften any residue you've got stuck on. Salt isn't soluble in room-temp isopropyl alcohol, so it works as an agitator, scraping off what's been softened by the alcohol. Salt will dissolve in hot water, however, which makes it easy to remove from your piece. Additionally, the small amount of salt water left will resist bacteria and mold.
The whole point of a bong is to filter out the harmful byproducts of lighting herb on fire, like ash and tar. A dirty bong does more harm than good, and it's a shame because I only have to clean my pieces once a week (I do flush out my bongs the day after using).
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