#because it's not as if facebook says 'yeah we're stealing every ounce of data we can get and following you around the internet'
teaandinanity · 11 months
Since apparently we've stopped saying it often enough to catch Today's Lucky 10,000 and a lot more than that now need to hear it:
People using websites COSTS those websites money. Users do not directly translate into revenue unless the users are the PRODUCT that the website is selling on to other parties via ads or data harvesting.
Which is to say, the reason AO3 has funding drives is because they're not selling your porn-reading habits on to interested third parties. Please stop saying 'they should just make money like other websites.' I am fairly sure you do not really want them to do that. I certainly don't want them to do that. It's a voluntary drive; if you don't want to give you do not have to. The AO3 IRS won't get you on tax evasion.
Also like. You can care about more than one thing at a time. Your outrage and energy and give-a-damn does not have to focus like a laser on whatever you've deemed The Most Important Current Thing.
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