#because most likely you're going to wake up with a tiny moth on your stomach/in the crook of your arm
Hi it’s ya anon 🦋. 😈 how are you??? Hope you’re well!!! But anyways have my brain rot. Imagine little cute mothy body’s as little little moths. Since they are so small they are able to go with you well you’re at work and such. Imagine little baby popping his head out of your hair or shirt and looking at the person you’re talking too. UGHHHHH SO FRICKING CUTE. Imagine little baby moth boy taking bites of food. Like the food is so big he can’t really eat that much. So his little checks are all puffed up and full with food. My mind is everywhere rn so sorry about the jumble of thoughts
don't worry anon i like the way your mind works >:DD
OH MY GOODNESS WAIT- think about when you're talking to Zhongli, one of the only other people who knows about Childe. you're catching up since it's been a while since you've seen each other, and eventually the topic drifts to your beloved moth, and Zhongli asks how he's been. there's a little squeak from your shirt pocket and lo and behold, little Foul Legacy pops his head out to say hello!! he moves to your palm so Zhongli can see him better and starts gently nomming your fingers, out of affection of course!!
Zhongli takes you both out for a meal (after you confirm that he does indeed have his wallet) and while eating Childe's cheeks are puffed as he munches on the food!! you have to remind him to take smaller bites, and even so afterwards he's very full and sleepy, so he climbs onto your hand and settles down for a nap. when you start petting him between his horns he melts!! little puddle of moth mush that's blissfully purring!! you put your other hand over top of him to keep out the light and feel his little claws wrap around your fingertip <333
time to go home for a proper nap, it seems!!
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