#because really its more of a live feed of your interetst
goatedgreen · 2 years
i think the difference between tumblr and other social medias is that reblogging is really encouraged here not just bc.. thats how the site works, but also because unlike sites like, instagram for example, your blog isnt really meant to be something other people root through at all. like your blog is for you, the “social” part of this social media lies in tags/reblogs, which while are technically interactions with the source post, are mainly to add to your own collage of posts on your own blog
i think the most social part of tumblr is actually the ask system, which to me is basically like a public DM, thats like the only part that isnt explicity for yourself...
like i dont even go back through my own blog! i dont know what the fuck is on there, unlike instagram in which every post is carefully chosen to show something specific about yourself ig. tumblr is just for whatever, like who cares dude. 
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