#because sexism affects everyone! that's feminism 101! and it's compounded the more marginalized you are!
icannotgetoverbirds · 7 months
Now that I have your attention:
hey. with all the shit going around I don't wanna see any trans infighting, okay? we have a chance to stick up for each other together right now. I saw a post talking about how the people discussing transandrophobia are (partially) behind the transfem hate campaigns with absolutely nothing to back it, most likely (and I'm just hazarding a guess here) because of the perception that people talking about transandrophobia don't care about transmisogyny.
While I, personally, don't feel qualified to speak at length on transandrophobia quite yet, I think I am qualified to say that yeah, this shit happens. Ultimately what you call it is more semantics than anything, but trans men face unique oppression for being both trans and men, on top of what we face for being afab. it's all sexism in the end regardless.
With that said? I am here for the trans women being targeted by smear campaigns, mass reporting, and whatever the hell the ceo is trying to pull. Seriously, what is up with that guy?
This blog is a safe space for transfems, transmascs, and transneutral folks; any discussions of transandrophobia are never to speak over or take higher importance than discussions of transmisogyny, or vice versa, and neither are to take priority over discussions on exorsexism, or vice versa.
Right now it's important that we trust each other to be speaking in good faith unless proven otherwise, and that we don't dehumanize anybody, even if somehow some vile accusation turns out to be true.
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