#because stede has made a seal in the shape of his lips just for ed because you know thats what he'd fucking do
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
Oh my darling, Your laughter feels like home.
I feel it reverberate deep inside my chest where my insecurities used to lie.
How many years have I spent drowning? Siphoning water fruitlessly through my gils, only to learn that when I breathe you in, it is lungs that blaze with life.
Your words... the cadence of your voice, the earnestness of your passion...I feel it, like the blood in my veins, rushing to keep my heart from ceasing to beat. I feel every enunciation like a stamp, temporarily branding me with your thoughts, your fears, your loves...
It's so easy to fall into step with you... back and forth we go, bouncing one thing after the next off of each other-- two poets weaving threads of wonder into an elaborate tapestry of words.
"I long for you," every moment we're apart is an uncomfortably lacking statement. The sentiment is apt, but lacks the intensity at which I pine for every instant we share.
The numbness of being not quite right has left me cold for so long, and yet you ignite in me an inferno of acceptance and affirmation that has transformed me. I am no longer the cracked shell I once was-- nay, I am a shining entity of love and awe that blossoms in the wake of your brilliance. The pattern of your heartbeat, the warmth of your skin, the thirst quenching taste of your breathe mingling with mine...I am not myself without you Edward. I pray that you do not linger for longer than necessary-- for your absence has left me bereft.
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