#because that IS c!tango its HERMITCRAFT there is NO DIFFERENCE!!!
enderwoah · 2 years
being a ranchers fan during this crossover is like actually terrifying nono like u guys dont get it
ppl that arent ranchers fans will NEVER UNDERSTAND the guttural fear of clicking on a new episode and seeing tango participate in a toy joke at jimmy. like jimmy's whole thing is getting bullied and since cc!tango isn't really playing a character he's under literally zero obligation to keep up the ""respect"" (in quotations bc theyre obviously all friends joking around) for jimmy AT ALL. he could jokingly join in with grian and joel and The Rest Of The Server on one (1) joke and i think all of us would instantly crumble into dust. its like watching two cars drive at each other at 500 kmph except theyre slightly off so they MIGHT hit each other but they also might just pass by each other and wave through the windows
do you get it. every episode is filled with fear and expectation and im just trying to get in as many "MAN guys do you see how much tango RESPECTS JIMMY and DOES NOT PARTICIPATE in the TOY JOKES like EVERYONE ELSE" posts as i can to try and psychically influence them from across the world
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Surprisingly Familiar Ch 1
The first chapter of the sequel to Summoning Family. I'm going to be working on my scattered au fic more, but you might still see some chapters of this scattered around
@petrichormeraki made the hermit!Tommy au, and @helleborusangel did amazing rambles for the chapters of Summoning Family.
Now, Let's see how things have gone since the ending of Summoning Family.
It had been eleven days since Grum’s birthday and now it was Jrum’s. He was excited by the party, playing games and trying to scam people of their diamonds. Cake was nice, his mask getting a special cake of his own with diamonds since Grum had gotten the same. And then it came to presents.
Jrum was especially happy at any toys he got and glad if he was just getting diamonds. Kokatori had also managed to get another ribbon around its neck and try to be a present again. Jrum wasn’t the most pleased about that since he was still coping with everything that happened with the egg, but he still took the present before handing them off to Grum.
Just as the presents were just about all gone, two more were placed on the table, each one with a different label. Jrum went to grab the last present when he saw the new ones being placed, so he looked up at who was putting them down, surprised to see an unfamiliar face. “Um, who are you?”
The question made everyone look over, most people looking confused, but three people had different reactions. Phil looked surprised, recognizing the man. Grian was also surprised, but also awestruck. Lastly, in Grum’s arms, Kokatori hissed.
“What the heck are you doing here? Who even let you in?” Phil asked, walking over to the man.
“I let myself in. I mean, I sort of already had permission to be here, just never used it. Building big was never really my thing.”
“Who are you then?” It was Scar who spoke up. The person looked at a few of the hermits who seemed to also look as confused as Scar sounded.
“I think the beard is messing with them.” Phil said, elbowing the man, who then ran a hand through his beard.
“Right, spend a month on an abandoned island and then get captured by pirates and you can’t really do much for that. Anyone got a raz...or…” he trailed off as Jrum pulled out some special shears. He was stunned by the bot having such a thing, but took them with a thank you and stepped out of the room.
After a few minutes, he stepped back in, and immediately some of the hermits were no longer confused. “Oh my god, it’s been so long!” Bdubs was the first to say, going over to the man. “What have you been up to!”
“Eh, mainly family. You’ve been working with someone named Scar?” Bdubs nodded and gestured to the mayor. “Got it. Nice to meet you.” He moved over to Doc. “And how about you? How’s the family life?”
“Eh, some days are always better than others, I haven’t been around here as often because of it. What about you?”
“Well, the kids are all grown up at this point, I’ve got more time on my hands so I’ve gone back to filming.”
Doc nodded. “Sounds good to me. I’ve got to tell you more about what we did last season.”
“I’m sure you do.” The man chuckled, moving over to Keralis. “Hey, can’t wait to see your city. The pictures seemed crazy enough. I can’t believe you built all that.”
“Why spank you, but I have had help with designs.”
“Yeah. And you said you own it with someone named Cleo now?”
“Yes, in fact, she’s got a relative that is in Bub’s troop last I checked.”
Cleo spoke up at this point. “Yep! Got an order in for popcorn just the other day.”
“Nice to hear. By the way, Etho’s behind me, isn’t he?” The hermits unfamiliar with the man were surprised by that comment, as Etho was indeed behind him. Pretty much no one could tell when Etho was sneaking around, so this new person doing it was very shocking. “I’ll be asking everyone about your shops so I can stay awake from them.”
“Oh come on, some of them would be fun for a survivor like you. In fact we could get Tango to open up decked out for a session for you.”
“Right, sure Etho. Now is Beef around?”
“No actually. He had something really important come up.” Etho answered, another hermit nodding to agree with the statement.
“Ah, that’s too bad. Well, I guess the only person left to greet is ol’ rap battle over here.”
Wels suddenly looked embarrassed. “Oh that’s why you look familiar. You’re the OBP leader.”
“Yeah.” The man nodded. “You know green wasn’t really your c-”
“Please don’t bring that up again.”
The man laughed. “Alright, I won’t.” He then looked at the rest of the hermits. “Well, I think I know a few of you from the letters I’ve gotten from these guys.” And he gestured to the hermits he had been talking to. “Like I know Scar and Cleo now, then TFC and Xisuma I’m familiar with, also Zedaph.”
“Yeah, so who are you exactly?” Mumbo spoke up. “While I’m glad you’ve come to celebrate Jrum’s birthday, I’m not familiar with you.”
“Right, forgot to give my name I guess.” The man started to say. “I’m-”
Grian cut him off. “You’re the Soarvivor Paul! I remember watching your shows when I was in highschool! I had some friends at my school in England who went to an event of yours!”
“Wait, this is Paul?” Scar spoke up. “I’ve heard a lot of stories about him from Doc and Bdubs.”
Paul smiled at that. “Yep, that would be me.”
Grian took over the conversation again. “So wait, you said you were recording again, are you making MvM again?”
Instead of answering happily like Paul had to everyone else, he just gave Grian a bit of a nod before giving him the cold shoulder.
“Wait, are you that uncle Phil’s always talking about?” Tommy asked. He had stayed out of the conversation when he had no clue what was going on, but now that he recognized the name, he had some things to say. “The one he always complains always uses letters instead of a phone call or texting.”
Paul nodded. “Yeah, that would be me. Letters are the most reliable when you’ve got a job like mine.”
“Then stick to a comm then Paul.” Doc said, resting his arm on Paul's shoulder. “I’ve offered to make you a special one who knows how many times. I’m sure your kids wouldn’t mind it either.”
“Why do I feel like I’m still missing something?” Tommy spoke up again, Doc explaining for him.
“A number of us hung out with Paul in the past. Most of us he knows from the old Minecrack worlds, but he met Keralis on some other worlds.”
“Yeah, and met Wels when we were dealing with an apocalypse world. Beef was there too.” Paul sighed. “So Phil, what’s your family been getting up to other than the obvious?”
“Well, Tommy’s actually living in hermitcraft now.” Phil answered. “Wilbur’s getting through some things, and Techno’s trying to keep up his hardened warrior mask, but Grian’s kid is making that hard.”
“Well, this group seems to have that effect on people.” Paul nodded. “And how’ve they been doing with Xelqua?” Paul jabbed a finger on Grian’s direction.
“Right, shit, forgot to say that part. Grian is Xelqua.” Phil quickly explained, Paul’s mouth turning to a small ‘o’.
“Ah, I guess that explains that war and the hippies I heard about in letters. At least It’s a little tamer in a world like this.” Most of the people in the room were confused, and at first Grian was one of them, but then he made a connection and his legs were suddenly struggling to keep him up. “He has told you about Tokyo, right?”
Before anyone could answer, Kokatori was hissing in Grum’s arms again, drawing Paul’s attention. He pulled out a stone sword and immediately the hermits that knew Paul were holding him back. “No! Hey! Paul, that is a kid’s pet!” Bdubs said. “I know you don’t like them but that’s like the one chicken you’re not allowed to kill!”
“Just get him a pet other than a chicken! You can’t trust a chicken! They’re spies, killers and thieves.”
“Killer chickens?” Wels, who wasn’t holding Paul back, asked.
“Oh no, he’s telling the truth about that.” Doc answered. “I saw it for myself.”
“How do you get killed by a fucking chicken?” Tommy asked.
“You forget to kill it first.” Paul answered, finally putting his sword away. “Well, you said that kid’s one of Xel’s.”
“One of Grian’s.” Phil corrected. “And yes. That’s Grumbot, or Grum, the older of the two. His birthday was a week and a half ago.”
“Well, figures they’d just try causing more problems.”
Phil rolled his eyes and then grabbed Paul’s arm. “Alright, you and I. Talk. Now.”
When Phil and Paul had left the room, Grian finally allowed himself to go to the floor. The hermits that knew Paul were immediately apologizing for him, not sure why he was acting that way. But Grian knew. And Mumbo helped Grian up, pretty sure he knew too. “I’m going to help Grian lie down. Grum, maybe I should take Kokatori with me so they don’t cause more problems.”
Grum nodded and handed the chicken over, it being very upset about being moved and pecking at Mumbo’s arms. But he was too worried about Grian to let that stop him. So soon they had left the room too.
For a while, everything was silent. But then Jrum spoke up. “Well, for my birthday, I want to eavesdrop! And no one can stop me!” And he ran off to listen into Phil and Paul’s conversation, leaving the rest of the party members confused on what to do.
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