#because the other night I thought it'd be a great idea to do some sewing after midnight
anxiously-avoiding · 11 months
kinda fun how like. I've been an openly trans person existing in my body for so long that I'll glance at myself in the mirror and see myself objectively for a second and it's weird. oh yeah, I almost forgot haven't had top surgery. I took that thought and threw it in the pile with "things I can't change unless I'm willing to go under the knife" and just. didn't bother thinking about it. Not worth my time or energy. I don't need my body to look a certain way to know who I am, sure, it'd be nice, but I don't need it.
There are so many things about my body that I can't change right now, and I've just learned to accept. When I go out in public, it's really annoying to be constantly misgendered because I don't need to wear a binder to see myself this way, and you shouldn't need me to wear one to perceive me as I am. (I dress like a 14yo boy, damn it, the least you could do is get my pronouns right and then treat me like a child)
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