#because the turnover is so high they need the constant source of new bodies
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BEYOND JUPITER, RESEARCHERS DISCOVERED A ‘CRADLE OF COMETS’ Comets are known to have a temper. As they swoop in from the outer edges of our solar system, these icy bodies begin spewing gas and dust as they venture closer to the Sun. Their luminous outbursts can result in spectacular sights that grace the night sky for days, weeks or even months. But comets aren’t born that way, and their pathway from their original formation location toward the inner solar system has been debated for a long time. Comets are of great interest to planetary scientists because they are likely to be the most pristine remnants of material left over from the birth of our solar system. In a study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, a team of researchers including Kathryn Volk and Walter Harris at the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory report the discovery of an orbital region just beyond Jupiter that acts as a “comet gateway.” This pathway funnels icy bodies called centaurs from the region of the giant planets -- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune -- into the inner solar system, where they can become regular visitors of Earth’s neighborhood, cosmically speaking. Roughly shaped like an imaginary donut encircling the area, the gateway was uncovered as part of a simulation of centaurs, small icy bodies traveling on chaotic orbits between Jupiter and Neptune. Centaurs: Icy Rogues on Haphazard Trails Centaurs are believed to originate in the Kuiper belt, a region populated by icy objects beyond Neptune and extending out to about 50 astronomical units, or 50 times the average distance between the Sun and the Earth. Close encounters with Neptune nudge some of them onto inward trajectories, and they become centaurs, which act as the source population of the roughly 1,000 short-period comets that zip around the inner solar system. These comets, also known as Jupiter-family comets, or JFCs, include comets visited by spacecraft missions such as Tempel 1 (Deep Impact), Wild 2 (Stardust) and 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Rosetta). “The chaotic nature of their orbits obscures the exact pathways these centaurs follow on their way to becoming JFCs,” said Volk, a co-author on the paper and an associate staff scientist who studies Kuiper belt objects, planetary dynamics and planets outside our solar system. “This makes it difficult to figure out where exactly they came from and where they might go in the future.” Jostled by the gravitational fields of several nearby giant planets -- Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune -- centaurs don’t tend to stick around, making for a high-turnover neighborhood, Harris said. “They rattle around for a few million years, perhaps a few tens of millions of years, but none of them were there even close to the time when the solar system formed,” he said. “We know of 300 centaurs that we can see through telescopes, but that’s only the tip of an iceberg of an estimated 10 million such objects,” Harris added. “Most centaurs we know of weren’t discovered until CCD’s [digital imaging sensors] became available, plus you need the help of a computer to search for these objects,” Volk said. “But there is a large bias in observations because the small objects simply aren’t bright enough to be detected.” Where Comets Go to Die Every pass around the Sun inflicts more wear and tear on a comet until it eventually breaks apart, has a close encounter with a planet that ejects it from the inner solar system, or its volatiles -- mostly gas and water -- are depleted. “Often, much of the dust remains and coats the surface, so the comet doesn’t heat up much anymore and it goes dormant,” Harris said. By some mechanism, a steady supply of “baby comets” must replace those that have run their course, “but until now, we didn’t know where they were coming from,” he added. To better understand how centaurs become JFCs, the research team focused on creating computer simulations that could reproduce the orbit of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1, or SW1, a centaur discovered in 1927 and thought to be about 40 miles across. SW1 has long puzzled astronomers with its high activity and frequent explosive outbursts despite the fact that is too far from the Sun for water ice to melt. Both its orbit and activity put SW1 in an evolutionary middle ground between the other centaurs and the JFCs, and the original goal of the investigation was to explore whether SW1’s current circumstances were consistent with the orbital progression of the other centaurs. To accomplish this, the team modeled the evolution of bodies from beyond Neptune’s orbit, through the giant planet’s region and inside Jupiter’s orbit. “The results of our simulation included several findings that fundamentally alter our understanding of comet evolution,” Harris said. “Of the new centaurs tracked by the simulation, more than one in five were found to enter an orbit similar to that of SW1 at some point in their evolution.” In other words, even though SW1 appears to be the only large centaur of the handful of objects currently known to occupy the “cradle of comets,” it is not the outlier it was thought to be, but rather ordinary for a centaur, according to Harris. In addition to the commonplace nature of SW1’s orbit, the simulations led to an even more surprising discovery. “Centaurs passing through this region are the source of more than two-thirds of all Jupiter-family comets,” Harris said, “making this the primary gateway through which these comets are produced.” “Historically, our assumption has been that the region around Jupiter is fairly empty, cleaned out by the giant planet’s gravity, but our results teach us that there is a region that is constantly being fed,” Volk says. This constant source of new objects may help explain the surprising rate of icy body impacts with Jupiter, such as the famous Shoemaker-Levy 9 event in 1994. A Comet Worthy of Worship Based on estimates and calculations of the number and size of objects entering, inhabiting and leaving the gateway region, the study predicted it should sustain an average population of about 1,000 Jupiter-family objects, not too far off the 500 that astronomers have found so far. The results also showed that the gateway region triggers a rapid transition: once a centaur has entered it, it is very likely to become a JFC within a few thousand years, a blink of an eye in solar system timeframes. The calculations suggest that an object of SW1’s size should enter the region every 50,000 years, making it likely that SW1 is the largest centaur to begin this transition in all of recorded human history, Harris and Volk suggest. In fact, SW1 could be on its way to becoming a “super comet” within a few thousand years. Comparable in size and activity to comet Hale-Bopp, one of the brightest comets of the 20th century, SW1 has a 70% chance of becoming what could potentially amount to the most spectacular comet humankind has ever seen, the authors suggest. “Our descendants could be seeing a comet 10 to 100 times more active than the famous Halley comet,” Harris said, “except SW1 would be returning every six to 10 years instead of every 75.” “If there had been a comet this bright in the last 10,000 years we would know about it,” Volk said. “We take this as strong evidence that a similar event has not happened at least since then,” Harris said, “because ancient civilizations would not only have recorded the comet, they may have worshiped it!” IMAGE....A comet worthy of worship: An artist illustration of what centaur SW1 would look like if it became an inner solar system Jupiter-Family comet at a distance of 0.2 AU (19 million miles) from Earth. The moon is in the upper right part of the frame for scale. (Image: Heather Roper)
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mdomroe-blog1 · 5 years
TecKed Out
Everyone has their own personal favorite social media influencers, whether that be Youtubers like, Keaton Milburn, Fitness Bloggers like Tammy Hembrow, or top models like Hailey Bieber. These three famous influencers have three main characteristics in common. They are tall, skinny, and blonde. Growing up I had a great childhood, I was carefree and never had a second thought about the way I looked. In later middle school when I became a part of the social media world these things changed.  I started to see the differences that I had from other girls my age and noticed I never could compete with some girls.
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[Keaton Milburn is a 21-year-old social media influencer, courtesy of AZ Foothills.]
I’m not here to tell you that skinny blonde girls need to be exterminated from society or to tell you to stop using social media. I’m writing this blog to raise awareness of future implications extreme social media and technology usage could bring to the next generation of young adults. Compared with other developed nations, Americans are more likely to have a higher amount of screen-time than almost any other western society. According to Common Sense Media,  American youth, ages 8-18 spend an average of nine hours using any source of media. Instead of living an active lifestyle and learning lifelong skills, we are training  our youth to live behind the screen while emphasizing the importance of technical literacy in the workplace. Brianna Crowley compared the older generation to be more of “digital immigrants’” rather than “digital natives”. However, we are not preparing the “digital natives” for the real world, we are teaching them to live like lifeless computer-oriented zombies. Employers are more inclined to hire someone with both computer and communication skills, however CLIMB professional Development and Training ranked strong communication as the top answer. As a society we need to be conscientious of the negative impact’s technology can bring, so we can work toward a well-rounded lifestyle.
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[This illustration shows this woman’s struggle to detach herself from social media. (Thrillist)]
In 2014 Nielson performed a study to show the negative effects technology has on the developing teen brain, this study showed how technology has negative effects on sleep patterns, self-confidence, social skills, emotions, and personality in teens. Nielson highlights the negatives of social media as a whole, rather than demonstrate what a person goes through on a more intimate level, which is so important to acknowledge. As technology has risen, personal hatred towards one’s own body became extremely prominent. Girls and boys saw true differences between their bodies and ones of famous influencers, which then made teens try and work towards a more “likeable” image. Teens will do anything to fit in, going anywhere from posting scandalous photos to starving themselves, because that is what their favorite celebrity does.  The Girl Scouts Research Institute found that ½ of every teen women wish they were as skinny as fashion models. I think it is horrible to see how many girls are affected by social media, if they weren’t subjected to mass amounts of edited content then maybe it would be easy to differentiate between what is real and what is fake.
Body image is something that usually has a negative connotation. When you’re a teen you have so many different things to worry about. Teens stress about the craziest things, personally I have stressed about how my new perfume smelled for hours. I think with just simple posts a teen can completely misconstrue the meaning behind the initial post and work-up their emotions in response. Our brain has been rewired since I was a kid. According to Stephanie Hertzenberg; from Beliefnet, there is a direct connection between your brains ability to process a large influx of information, and the ability to retain information. This recent catastrophe is referred to as “popcorn brain”, and if the brain is subjected to a large amount of stimuli for long periods of time, then the brain will no longer retain large portions of information.
Not only does over indulgence of social media lead to poor cognitive function it also is a main trigger of anxiety and depression. It is so easy to see posts on your feed and compare the amount of likes you receive to another young teen, but while some of us just see that like as a number others take that number to heart. In 2017 the Child Mind Institute conducted a study that shows 92% of teens use or own a smartphone. The Child Mind Institute also found that in half a million high-schoolers depressive symptoms have increased 33% in a five-year span. In that same time teen girls experienced a 65% increase in suicide rates. Technology is a great thing and allows for millions of people to connect from all over the world, but when people feel bad about themselves after going online then why should we promote its use. We should not let cyberbullying be something in this world that could trigger someone to take their own life.  Jennifer Mills; a renowned Canadian Psychologist speaks on body image and says teens "… felt worse about their own appearance after looking at social media pages of someone that they perceived to be more attractive than them...". Many are quick to see negatives within this quotation; however, I believe we need to not see it as a negative but see it as an opportunity to change young tech users outlook when on social media. Instead of viewing it as a competition, we need to teach developing youth that it is a form of finding information on others.
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[This photo symbolizes how she sees herself based upon others words, and how they stick on her (Social Media Effecting Body Image).]
We have seen our society move up the ladder with new innovations, with large technology companies constantly working towards releasing the newest update. Apple is the leading tech company in the world and is a great example of a company with a fast turnover rate. Within the last decade, we have moved into the realm of smartphones. With technology at our fingertips our citizens live a very efficient lifestyle. You can completely live a paperless lifestyles if truly necessary, but that may lead to a dependence on any given device. Women and men are constantly on popular modes of social media like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. If our society is on average spending nine hours on a device, then a large amount of that time is spent on social media. Constant time spent on social media updates teens on the newest tech trends being released, this inclines people to buy more and more products that have very little differences. Zac Hall exemplifies the fast technology turnover rate, by showing how every September Apple releases a completely new model, then just makes small adjustments and rebrands throughout the year. This marketing scheme is what makes Apple and other companies so successful, however they do not show how the consumer is constantly updating to stay hip to cultural trends.
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[This is a chart that shows the large increase of price on Apple products (Phillipine Peso.]
When I was a freshmen in high school, I was completely naïve to all the mean girls in school and what their words could do. I was a pretty shy girl and did not really get into deep conversations with “the cool kids”. One day I had class with this beautiful popular girl named Rachel and she was seated in my table group. I was pretty excited to be in a cool table group, and for her to even know my name. A few weeks went by and I thought Rachel and I had really hit it off on multiple occasions. Little did I know that she was purposefully manipulating me for pure enjoyment. I had found out that she posted a photo on her Snapchat story of me wearing shorts with white paint on the butt. This white stain led to many sexual jokes that I was not expecting nor wanting.
In conclusion, although Rachel and I do not talk anymore her words still linger with me to this day. I feel that without the monumental tear to my self-confidence I would not have grown to be a strong independent leader. I am currently writing this from my hotel room where I am staying in Nashville. I was selected to attend a Leadership Conference here and I truly think back to that time where social media destroyed me, and how I have grown from that experience. Overall, I believe technology has allowed us to transform society and grow into what we are today, but without proper guidance it can go extremely bad.
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[These are unfortunately the very old shorts that I got made fun of for when I was so young. Ironically, I brought them to wear to bed.]
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[This is me and Jacquelyn Kelly pictured above at the Leadership Conference this past weekend.]
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newstfionline · 3 years
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Software is eating the car (IEEE Spectrum) Predictions of lost global vehicle production caused by the ongoing semiconductor shortage continue to rise. In January, analysts forecast that 1.5 million fewer vehicles would be produced as a result of the shortage; by April that number had steadily climbed to more than 2.7 million units, and by May, to more than 4.1 million units. The semiconductor shortage has underscored not only the fragility of the automotive supply chain, but placed an intense spotlight on the auto industry’s reliance on the dozens of concealed computers embedded throughout vehicles today. “Once, software was a part of the car. Now, software determines the value of a car,” notes Manfred Broy, emeritus professor of informatics at Technical University, Munich and a leading expert on software in automobiles. “The success of a car depends on its software much more than the mechanical side.” Ten years ago, only premium cars contained 100 microprocessor-based electronic control units (ECUs) networked throughout the body of a car, executing 100 million lines of code or more. Today, high-end cars like the BMW 7-series with advanced technology like advanced driver-assist systems (ADAS) may contain 150 ECUs or more, while pick-up trucks like Ford’s F-150 top 150 million lines of code. Even low-end vehicles are quickly approaching 100 ECUs and 100 million of lines of code.
The most significant terrorism-related threat (Yahoo News) Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas says that domestic violent extremism now constitutes the greatest terrorism threat to the United States, exceeding that from al-Qaida, the Islamic State or other radical jihadi groups. “I consider it and I think we consider it collectively the most significant terrorism-related threat impacting the homeland,” Mayorkas said in an interview with Yahoo News. Mayorkas made those comments as he unveiled the U.S. government’s first national strategy for combating the domestic terror threat. The document pledges greater information sharing among federal and state agencies and steps up monitoring of social media in order to thwart “online terrorist recruitment” and identify so-called insider threats, including extremists serving in the U.S. military as well as in state and local law enforcement agencies. “I will tell you that we see incendiary language that gives us cause for concern,” Mayorkas said. The Biden administration defines the domestic threat as coming from racially or ethnically motivated extremists whose “racial, ethnic or religious hatred leads them toward violence.” It also says other components of the threat come from “anti-government or anti-authority” extremists.
Life inside an Amazon warehouse (NYT) In his drive to create the world’s most efficient company, Jeff Bezos discovered what he thought was another inefficiency worth eliminating: hourly employees who spent years working for the same company. Longtime employees expected to receive raises. They also became less enthusiastic about the work, Amazon’s data suggested. And they were a potential source of internal discontent. Bezos came to believe that an entrenched blue-collar work force represented “a march to mediocrity,” as David Niekerk, a former Amazon executive who built the company’s warehouse human resources operations, told The Times, as part of an investigative project being published this morning. “What he would say is that our nature as humans is to expend as little energy as possible to get what we want or need.” In response, Amazon encouraged employee turnover. After three years on the job, hourly workers no longer received automatic raises, and the company offered bonuses to people who quit. It also offered limited upward mobility for hourly workers, preferring to hire managers from the outside. As is often the case with one of Amazon’s business strategies, it worked. Turnover at Amazon is much higher than at many other companies—with an annual rate of roughly 150 percent for warehouse workers, which means that the number who leave the company over a full year is larger than the level of total warehouse employment. The churn is so high that it’s visible in the government’s statistics on turnover in the entire warehouse industry. The constant churning of workers has helped keep efficiency high and wages fairly low. Profits have soared, and the company is on pace to overtake Walmart as the nation’s largest private employer. Bezos has become one of the world’s richest people.
California officially reopens its economy (AP) California officially reopened on Tuesday, about 15 months after a number of its counties were among the first in the nation to order residents to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The state is lifting most of its restrictions, such as physical distancing and capacity limits in businesses.
‘Heart-wrenching problem’ for Army in Alaska: 2 bases. 5 months. 6 suicides. (USA Today) Six soldiers stationed in Alaska have died by apparent suicide in the first five months of the year, an alarming number of deaths after the Army poured more than $200 million into the state to combat the mental health crisis it identified in 2019, according to Army figures released to USA TODAY. The 2021 suicide toll among the roughly 11,500 soldiers stationed there already has nearly matched last year when seven soldiers there died by suicide. Minus 60-degree cold, the high frequency of training and deployment and geographic and social isolation have been cited as key stresses in lives of soldiers stationed in Alaska. The relatively high cost of living, alcohol abuse, sleep disorders in the Land of Midnight Sun and its long, dark winters can contribute to mental health issues as well. Among the general population, Alaska had the second highest suicide rate in the nation in 2019, according to the CDC.
On Florida's horizon: Dust, brilliant sunsets and allergies (AP) Sunsets across Florida in the coming days could become even more spectacular, as clouds of dust from the Sahara desert sweep in across the Atlantic coast. The plume is expected to dampen storm activity but worsen air pollution, causing trouble for some people with allergies and other respiratory problems. Some health experts say symptoms could mimic those from COVID-19. NASA is monitoring the dust, which was swept off Africa by strong winds swirling across the deserts of Mali and Mauritania. Trade winds are carrying the plume across the ocean, with the leading edge expected to arrive in Florida in the coming days. “It’s going to be a major dust outbreak," Joseph Prospero, professor emeritus at the University of Miami’s Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
Peru’s urban elite panics as a socialist looks set to clinch presidency (Reuters) In Peruvian capital Lima, fear is spreading among the city’s small but powerful urban elite about the likely election win of a little-known socialist teacher. Pedro Castillo is poised to be named president ahead of conservative rival Keiko Fujimori. With almost all votes tallied, Castillo's lead over Fujimori is narrow but looks to be enough, though the final result could take days or even weeks as legal challenges play out. During campaigning, Castillo pledged to sharply hike taxes on mining in the world's no. 2 copper producer to pay for social spending and redraft the constitution to give the government more muscle in running the economy. He has also hinted at potential land reforms. Fujimori's conservatives were quick to play up fears about the rise of "communism" and to stir up old ghosts of land grabs and a Venezuela-style collapse. Many in the wealthy parts of Lima—which overwhelmingly voted for Fujimori—are fearful. "All of my friends have taken their money abroad, I don't know anybody who hasn't withdrawn their money," said an attorney in the city who serves on the boards of several large corporations and had also withdrawn funds. Reuters spoke to half a dozen wealthy Lima residents who said support for Fujimori was rooted in two historical traumas—land appropriations in the 1960s and hyperinflation in the 1980s, both under leftist leaders.
Putin defends charges of hacking and suppressing dissent by claiming U.S. does same thing (NBC News) Russian President Vladimir Putin denied ordering a hit on political rival Alexei Navalny, but in an exclusive interview with NBC News he did not guarantee that the jailed Kremlin critic, who survived being poisoned with a nerve agent, would get out of prison alive. “Look, such decisions in this country are not made by the president,” Putin said. Reminded that Navalny wasn’t just any prisoner, Putin replied: “He will not be treated any worse than anybody else.” Putin said the U.S. allegations that Russian hackers or the government itself were behind cyberattacks in the U.S. were “farcical,” and he challenged NBC News, and by implication the U.S. government, to produce proof that Russians were involved. “We have been accused of all kinds of things,” he said. “Election interference, cyberattacks and so on and so forth. And not once, not once, not one time, did they bother to produce any kind of evidence or proof. Just unfounded accusations.” Putin also repeated the call for the U.S. and Russia to join forces to fight cybercrime, saying, “It is our great hope that we will be able to set up this process with our U.S. partners.”      Throughout the interview, Putin relied on the Kremlin’s time-tested strategy of deflecting criticism by pointing out America’s failures, suggesting that criticism from the West was hypocritical because every country, including Russia and the U.S., acts in its own self-interest. Asked about Biden’s criticism that Russia had added to global instability, he accused the U.S. of doing the same in Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. And the Russians aren’t cracking down on internal dissent, he said, any more than the U.S. is doing with its laws against foreign agents. He even pointed to the arrests of hundreds of suspects in the U.S. Capitol riot and the death of one rioter as proof that the U.S. also targets its citizens for their political opinions, just as Russia is accused of stifling dissent. “We have a saying: ‘Don’t be mad at the mirror if you are ugly,’” he said. “It has nothing to do with you personally. But if somebody blames us for something, what I say is, why don’t you look at yourselves? You will see yourselves in the mirror, not us.”
China denounces NATO statement, defends defense policy (AP) The Chinese mission to the European Union on Tuesday denounced a NATO statement that declared Beijing a “security challenge,” saying China is actually a force for peace but will defend itself if threatened. NATO allies joined the United States on Monday in formally scolding Beijing as a “constant security challenge.” Washington has singled out China as a particular threat, especially in the South China Sea, where it has built and militarized artificial islands, as well as over its attempts to intimidate self-governing Taiwan, which it claims as its own territory to be annexed by military force if necessary. NATO leaders said China is working to undermine global order, a message in sync with U.S. President Joe Biden’s calls to confront Beijing on China’s trade, military and human rights practices. The Chinese mission said Beijing’s spending on its military is considerably less than that of NATO members and it accused the organization of conjuring up a military threat from China in order to justify its own agenda.
Taiwan reports largest incursion yet by Chinese air force (Reuters) Twenty-eight Chinese air force aircraft, including fighters and nuclear-capable bombers, entered Taiwan’s air defence identification zone (ADIZ) on Tuesday, the island’s government said, the largest reported incursion to date. While there was no immediate comment from Beijing, the news comes after the Group of Seven leaders issued a joint statement on Sunday scolding China for a series of issues and underscored the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, comments China condemned as “slander”. The latest Chinese mission involved 14 J-16 and six J-11 fighters, as well as four H-6 bombers, which can carry nuclear weapons, and anti-submarine, electronic warfare and early warning aircraft, Taiwan's Defence Ministry said. Chinese-claimed Taiwan has complained over the last few months of repeated missions by China's air force near the self-ruled island, concentrated in the southwestern part of its air defence zone near the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands.
New Israel government vows change, but not for Palestinians (AP) Israel’s fragile new government has shown little interest in addressing the decades-old conflict with the Palestinians, but it may not have a choice. Jewish ultranationalists are already staging provocations aimed at splitting the coalition and bringing about a return to right-wing rule. In doing so, they risk escalating tensions with the Palestinians weeks after an 11-day Gaza war was halted by an informal cease-fire. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s best hope for maintaining his ruling coalition—which consists of eight parties from across the political spectrum—will be to manage the conflict, the same approach favored by his predecessor, Benjamin Netanyahu, for most of his 12-year rule. But that method failed to prevent three Gaza wars and countless smaller eruptions. That’s because the status quo for Palestinians involves expanding settlements in the occupied West Bank, looming evictions in Jerusalem, home demolitions, deadly shootings and an array of discriminatory measures that two well-known human rights groups say amount to apartheid. In Gaza, which has been under a crippling blockade since the Hamas militant group seized power in 2007, it’s even worse.
Israel is no longer requiring masks indoors (AP) Israel is no longer requiring masks indoors, lifting one of its last coronavirus restrictions following a highly successful vaccination campaign. The restriction was lifted on Tuesday, though people will still be required to wear masks on airplanes and on their way to quarantine. Unvaccinated individuals must wear masks in nursing homes and other long-term health facilities. Authorities have been cautious about welcoming visitors, however, because of concerns over new variants. Israel welcomed its first tour group late last month. All tourists must show proof of vaccination and be tested upon arrival.
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mavenwebsol · 4 years
Ten tips to boost your company's financial profitability
1 - stick to your strategy
 "Many companies start or move forward without any strategy. To build a profitable business, the first rule is to define a well thought out strategy ... and then stick to it! too many entrepreneurs back off and change course when the chosen policy does not bear fruit immediately. 
After working for a few years in large auditing and accounting groups, Thierry Denjean chose to stand on his own two feet. In 1992, he created his structure, Denjean & Associés. Twenty years later, it has 70 employees and stands out for its excellent performance. Denjean & Associés is thus ranked the third most profitable French accounting and auditing firm by the journal La Profession Computable. 
The latter, on the pretext that they find it difficult to sell to large companies which were their preferred target, decide, for example, to turn to SMEs. Or, they abandon their international development strategy as soon as they face unexpected complications ... It is a mistake: if you defined a sound policy at the start, there is no reason to change it. Experience shows that a good strategy always ends up paying off. So persevere! " 
2 - Offer quality
"It is impossible to build a profitable business in the long term by adopting a policy focused on a low-cost strategy. A business which, in order to stand out, essentially priced below market prices can be competed by any structure established in a low-cost country; and as the products or services it offers are standard products or services, its customers will instantly drop it in favor of the first new entrant aligning more competitive prices. 
Morality, whatever your activity, quality is your only real asset against the competition. If you are obsessed with providing quality products or services, you will see the benefits on the bottom line of your income statement! "  
3 - Be obsessed with the margin
 "Today, almost all business leaders are obsessed with the growth of their turnover. This can be explained for several reasons. First, for a manager, it may seem more rewarding to be at head of a company whose turnover increases from one year to the next. Then, with a growing activity, the company has the means to occupy its teams and to avoid the specters of partial unemployment and To these factors is added the pressure from the banks: the bankers do not appreciate that a company presents annual accounts with a turnover identical to that of the previous financial year, or even in decline ...But let's say it loud and clear: these are fallacious arguments by which entrepreneurs must not be trapped. Because what should obsess you is not your turnover, but your margin! In other words, you must imperatively focus on generating only high margin turnover. To this end, you must regularly review your client portfolio, to verify that each one brings you sufficient profitability . If you don't make enough money with this or that client, tell them clearly, and tell them that you cannot continue working under these conditions. He refuses to pay more? Do not procrastinate and end your commercial links ... 
I recommend repeating the analysis of your client portfolio every six months, and even each quarter if possible. " 
4 - Outsource your IT
"IT is a job with which you can lose a lot of money without realizing it. Why? Because a manager has the impression that he knows a little about the information system of his company, which "He will be able to get hardware and software at low cost and that he will easily control his expenses if IT is managed internally. This is what I myself have long thought ... wrong!  
Indeed, by carefully studying the IT outsourcing market, you realize that using a service provider is less expensive than having an IT department in the company. On the condition of agreeing to spend time to define its objectives and needs, to make a call for tenders, to receive service providers, to compare their proposals, and to negotiate the rates ... But the game is worth it the candle. At Denjean & Associés, we led this process three years ago, and since then, our IT expenses have been divided by four! In addition, our information system has gained in security and reliability: unlike what happened before, it is never broken down again. In short, we have won everything in this outsourcing. Money, 
5 - Develop telework
"Today, in companies, people work poorly. Everyone is constantly subject to requests that prevent them from concentrating: phone calls, meetings, colleagues who come to chat or offer to go for a coffee, superiors hierarchical eager to take stock of a file, etc. If you add up these different elements, and add to it the fatigue caused by journeys between home and the workplace, you get ... One of the solutions to solve this problem is to set up an organization giving way to telework.This must be organized between the parties with the full agreement of the employees: in no case may an employee be forced to work remotely. 
In addition, the employer must bear the cost of the computer station and the means of communication set up between the employee and the company. The aim of teleworking is not to transfer certain costs from the company to the employee, but to allow the latter to work in better conditions and more efficiently! In our practice, we test this system with some of our collaborators who work partially at home, one or two days a week. This organization allows them to take advantage of the advantages of telework while preserving their link with the company. Now, we are in the reflection phase with the staff representatives with a view to offering the same possibility to all our employees. " 
6 - Optimize your training budgets
"Each year, all companies must contribute to the national training effort by paying a certain percentage of their payroll to an approved joint collecting body (Opca). This, all SME managers know. What they do not know is that by doing well they can get a great profit from their contributions for training. 
In fact, the law stipulates that, in return for its payments, the company has the right to finance training actions for its employees on an equal basis. However, each year, very many SMEs contribute without using their funding rights and the Opca find themselves with surplus funds that are just waiting to be granted ... Thus, an SME manager who makes himself known to his Opca and establishes a relationship of trust and partnership with their training advisor can finance the training actions of their employees beyond the funds they have paid! 
We recommend that companies present their training plan to the advisor of their OPCA each year . If the amount of this plan exceeds their annual subscription, this is an opportunity to request an additional budget! In general, the OPCAs present the file to their management and the applicant can obtain budget extensions of up to 50% if the file is reasoned and accepted. This is a huge asset if we consider, as we think, that employee training constitutes a major profitability issue for the company , as a source of both employee motivation and quality of products and services ... " 
7 - Build the loyalty of your team
"A team in constant renewal is very expensive. To separate from an employee is expensive, to recruit someone to replace him too. In addition, these movements disorganize the company and discredit it vis-à-vis its customers. D where the importance of building employee loyalty. Beyond salary increases, which it is sometimes impossible to grant in an SME, the entrepreneur can use different motivation tools. To start with the participation and the profit-sharing of which the employees are very fond. They also greatly appreciate being offered professional training that will increase their employability: language courses, learning business software, training in career management ... Finally, all the initiatives that the manager can take to create a good atmosphere in the company are welcome! " 
8 - Place your cash well
"SME managers believe that their company's treasury is bound to remain in a bank account or to be placed in a cash Sicav. This is false! Any business - with the possible agreement of its shareholders - has the right to invest its cash surpluses in off-the-beaten-track financial vehicles. If our firm generated high profitability in 2011, it is mainly because we have collected substantial financial income by placing our cash in a portfolio of bonds of large companies. I advise any SME that has a mattress of cash to place a portion on these bonds, which present almost no risk and easily earn 5% per year! " 
9 - Surround yourself with advice
"Being a chartered accountant, I could consider that I am sufficiently informed to make decisions alone. But five years ago, I wanted to do without the services of a lawyer to solve a complex tax problem and I am I'm bitten on the fingers! Since then, I have realized that when we have specific operations to carry out, resorting to expert advice can save a lot of money. Certainly, the services of a good tax or legal expert business has a cost. But that cost is far outweighed by the savings that a specialist allows you to achieve thanks to his mastery of sophisticated mechanisms that you never knew existed ... " 
10 - Meet your competitors
"For fifteen years, I completely neglected to establish and maintain interprofessional relationships in my sector of activity. I thought that meeting competitors during lunches or cocktails could do nothing for me. To know more click here.
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collagencomplete1 · 6 years
Preventing Bone Loss With Collagen: Is Hydrolyzed Collagen A Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis?
One of the most common signs of an aging body is bone loss. It happens to all of us as we get older, but it especially afflicts women for a variety of reasons. The first step to preventing or even reversing bone loss is to understand what causes it.
Understanding Bone Loss Causes
Bones are made of collagen, which is the protein matrix that holds bones together. Most people don’t know this, but there’s a constant cycle of collagen in our bones where it is constructed, destroyed and re-constructed. This is always happening and it’s our body’s way of keeping our collagen healthy.
Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone collagen does not keep pace with the removal of old bone collagen. Throughout our lifespan, bone tissue is constantly being broken down and replaced. When we are young our body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone. The opposite is true as we get older, bone mass is lost faster than it is created.
Bone is a living tissue that is in a state of constant turnover. Cells within the bone include:
Osteoblasts, which are involved in forming new bone collagen; and
Osteoclasts, which resorb (break down) bone collagen. (When bone is resorbed calcium and other minerals are removed from bone tissue and released into the circulation.)
Both osteoblast and osteoclast activity are needed to maintain healthy bone tissue. The balance between these two opposing activities within bone is influenced by several factors, including:
Your age
Your genes
The number of certain hormones (such as sex hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) in your body
The amount of physical activity you get (exercise increases osteoblasts to strengthen bones)
The amount of calcium and vitamin D in your body
The quality of your diet
The following factors can specifically determine your risk for osteoporosis:
Too much protein Too little stomach acid Inappropriate levels of stress High use of stimulants and fizzy drinks Poor intake of specific nutrients Poor absorption of specific nutrients Poor use of specific nutrients High intake of phytates Too much salt Too much sulfate
  The Symptoms Of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis does not happen overnight and usually develops slowly without any symptoms over the course of many years. However, a common cause of osteoporosis pain is a spinal compression fracture which can cause:
Sudden, severe back pain that gets worse when you are standing or walking with some relief when you lie down and becomes chronic over time
Trouble bending and/or twisting your body, and pain when you do
Loss of height or “shrinking”
A curved spine called kyphosis, also known as a “dowager’s hump.”
Dental pockets
Osteoporosis causes bones to become brittle and weak and therefore easy to break, but it is not a normal part of the aging process – not everyone will get osteoporosis as they get older, despite it being a common occurrence.  Some people have a lower bone density than normal because of their habits and genetic markings.  
Diagnostic Testing
The bone mineral density (BMD) test is the primary source used to identify osteoporosis and low bone mass. One of the most common ways to measure BMD is by using is dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or DEXA. This test uses a low-energy X-ray to evaluate bone density in the hip and/or spine and will simply be referred to as a DEXA scan.
Understanding Your T Score
Your T-score is the measure used when screening for osteoporosis. It is a comparison of a patient’s BMD to that of a healthy 30-year-old that is of the same sex and ethnicity. In post-menopausal women and men over age 50, values for 30-year-olds are used because they better predict risk of future fracture.
According to the World Health Organization:
        Normal is a T-score of −1.0 or higher
        Osteopenia is defined as between −1.0 and −2.5
        Osteoporosis is defined as −2.5 or lower, meaning a bone density that is two and a half standard deviations below the mean of a 30-year-old man/woman
Preventing And Treating Bone Loss Naturally Versus Using Medication
Taking an osteoporosis medication may help decrease the risk of fracture but the possibility of a break is not eliminated completely. The most commonly prescribed medications for bone loss are bisphosphonates such as Fosamax, Actonel, Aredia, and Zometa. These medications have not been found to be a cost-effective way to treat osteopenia and osteoporosis. Most people do not suffer major side effects of the medications but there have been some cases of atypical femur and jaw fractures. There have not been any long-term studies done on the effectiveness of these drugs. They are typically prescribed for a period of three to five years. Some doctors worry that staying on the drug for more than five years can cause some women’s bones to become more brittle and break spontaneously.
These drugs increase the mineral framework of the bones but recent research has shown that the trabeculae (cross bars) of the bone matrix may not be stronger thus making the bones still susceptible to breaking.
The women on these drugs have a false sense of security as they get regular bone density tests. The tests usually show a steady increase in bone density which doesn’t make any sense. Essentially the crossbars are denser but not stronger. This puts them at risk of serious spontaneous fractures.
Calcium Alone Will Not Do It
It is important to understand that osteoporosis is not a calcium deficiency disorder – it is a disorder where calcium is lost from bone. Ninety-nine-percent of calcium in the body is in bone. Just replacing calcium and giving vitamin D that aids calcium being deposited in bone is linear thinking in terms of managing this devastating, largely preventable disease. Up to four-percent bone loss per year can occur by the time a woman reaches her late sixties.
Taking a calcium/magnesium/silica supplement along with a vitamin D3 supplement and Vitamin K2 could help prevent and treat bone loss.  Calcium/magnesium/silica as well as zinc build bones and keeps them healthy. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Vitamin K ensures the calcium gets where you need it – your bones, instead of your organs which could cause a number of health problems including atherosclerosis and kidney stones.  Magnesium is vital in creating the spark within the cell to utilize calcium.
Another supplement that could be helpful is hydrolyzed collagen which has been found to help reduce bone loss and restore bone density in postmenopausal women.  Collagen helps create the cement which holds the trabeculae. This way the crossbars are denser and stronger.
Collagen peptides (CP) compounds, as bone health supplements, are known to play a role in the treatment of osteoporosis. However, the molecular mechanisms of this process remain unclear. One study aimed to investigate the effects of bovine CP compounds on the proliferation and differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells. What the study found was that bovine CP compounds increased osteoblast reproduction and played positive roles in osteoblast differentiation and mineralized bone matrix formation. Essentially, the authors concluded that their study indicated taking a bovine CP compound like Collagen Complete could be beneficial for the potential treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
Balancing Hormones
A major factor contributing to the onset of osteoporosis in women is the decline in hormone levels after the onset of menopause, as all the major sex hormones play an important role in maintaining bone density. One in four postmenopausal women has osteoporosis. Progesterone is considered the most important hormone as it is able to stimulate osteoblast-mediated new bone.
Prevention Osteoporosis Naturally
The best way to prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia is to stimulate the body’s collagen-creation cycle so that you are making more collagen than you’re destroying.
This can be done through diet, exercise, and outdoors activities. These may also help in slowing down osteoporosis.
The Best Bone Density Exercises
Regular weight-bearing exercise throughout life is best but it is never too late to start.
Walking, running, jumping in place, playing tennis and taking an aerobics class are all weight-bearing exercises that promote healthy bones. Muscle-strengthening exercises include lifting weights, using exercise bands or doing calisthenic exercises. Tai Chi is also very beneficial. It is important to get some kind of exercise every day.
Both weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises will help build and maintain bone density.
The reason weight-bearing exercise is helpful is twofold: 1. It triggers the collagen cycle of destruction and reconstruction that we discussed above, and 2. It stimulates healthy hormonal balance.
Preventing Osteoporosis With Nutrition
Eating a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables is vital. Meat, egg yolks, cheese and fatty fish such as sardines, sockeye salmon, mackerel, herring and tuna are a good source of calcium and Vitamin D, however, sun exposure is still the best source of Vitamin D. A healthy diet is made of healthy fats, wholesome foods and healthy sources of protein.
Other Important Bone Nutrients
Nutrient Best Food Sources zinc nuts, seeds manganese/boron unprocessed foods silicon/copper unprocessed foods vitamin A yellow and deep green vegetables vitamin C berries, potatoes, most fruit and vegetables vitamin K cauliflower and green vegetables vitamin B6 fruits, vegetables
Hydrolyzed Collagen, Collagen Peptides, And Easy Absorption
As with most diseases, prevention is better than curing an infliction after it is already taken hold of your body. Staying active and eating a healthy, balanced diet is one way to keep bones healthy and prevent excessive bone loss. Getting a daily 20 minutes of sun exposure (not a sunburn) and fresh air is another way to prevent “thinning.” Supplementing with the correct minerals, vitamins and collagen will add to your healthy regimen and contribute to a healthy strong frame. All these can easily become part of your healthy daily living.
As discussed above, using a supplement such as Collagen Complete can help replenish your bones and increase bone density.
The post Preventing Bone Loss With Collagen: Is Hydrolyzed Collagen A Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis? appeared first on Collagen Complete.
from Collagen Complete http://collagencomplete.com/hydrolyzed-collagen-osteoporosis/
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jenniferjbutcher · 6 years
Preventing Bone Loss With Collagen: Is Hydrolyzed Collagen A Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis?
One of the most common signs of an aging body is bone loss. It happens to all of us as we get older, but it especially afflicts women for a variety of reasons. The first step to preventing or even reversing bone loss is to understand what causes it.
Understanding Bone Loss Causes
Bones are made of collagen, which is the protein matrix that holds bones together. Most people don’t know this, but there’s a constant cycle of collagen in our bones where it is constructed, destroyed and re-constructed. This is always happening and it’s our body’s way of keeping our collagen healthy.
Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone collagen does not keep pace with the removal of old bone collagen. Throughout our lifespan, bone tissue is constantly being broken down and replaced. When we are young our body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone. The opposite is true as we get older, bone mass is lost faster than it is created.
Bone is a living tissue that is in a state of constant turnover. Cells within the bone include:
Osteoblasts, which are involved in forming new bone collagen; and
Osteoclasts, which resorb (break down) bone collagen. (When bone is resorbed calcium and other minerals are removed from bone tissue and released into the circulation.)
Both osteoblast and osteoclast activity are needed to maintain healthy bone tissue. The balance between these two opposing activities within bone is influenced by several factors, including:
Your age
Your genes
The number of certain hormones (such as sex hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) in your body
The amount of physical activity you get (exercise increases osteoblasts to strengthen bones)
The amount of calcium and vitamin D in your body
The quality of your diet
The following factors can specifically determine your risk for osteoporosis:
Too much proteinToo little stomach acidInappropriate levels of stressHigh use of stimulants and fizzy drinksPoor intake of specific nutrientsPoor absorption of specific nutrientsPoor use of specific nutrientsHigh intake of phytatesToo much saltToo much sulfate
 The Symptoms Of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis does not happen overnight and usually develops slowly without any symptoms over the course of many years. However, a common cause of osteoporosis pain is a spinal compression fracture which can cause:
Sudden, severe back pain that gets worse when you are standing or walking with some relief when you lie down and becomes chronic over time
Trouble bending and/or twisting your body, and pain when you do
Loss of height or “shrinking”
A curved spine called kyphosis, also known as a “dowager’s hump.”
Dental pockets
Osteoporosis causes bones to become brittle and weak and therefore easy to break, but it is not a normal part of the aging process – not everyone will get osteoporosis as they get older, despite it being a common occurrence.  Some people have a lower bone density than normal because of their habits and genetic markings.  
Diagnostic Testing
The bone mineral density (BMD) test is the primary source used to identify osteoporosis and low bone mass. One of the most common ways to measure BMD is by using is dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry or DEXA. This test uses a low-energy X-ray to evaluate bone density in the hip and/or spine and will simply be referred to as a DEXA scan.
Understanding Your T Score
Your T-score is the measure used when screening for osteoporosis. It is a comparison of a patient’s BMD to that of a healthy 30-year-old that is of the same sex and ethnicity. In post-menopausal women and men over age 50, values for 30-year-olds are used because they better predict risk of future fracture.
According to the World Health Organization:
        Normal is a T-score of −1.0 or higher
        Osteopenia is defined as between −1.0 and −2.5
        Osteoporosis is defined as −2.5 or lower, meaning a bone density that is two and a half standard deviations below the mean of a 30-year-old man/woman
Preventing And Treating Bone Loss Naturally Versus Using Medication
Taking an osteoporosis medication may help decrease the risk of fracture but the possibility of a break is not eliminated completely. The most commonly prescribed medications for bone loss are bisphosphonates such as Fosamax, Actonel, Aredia, and Zometa. These medications have not been found to be a cost-effective way to treat osteopenia and osteoporosis. Most people do not suffer major side effects of the medications but there have been some cases of atypical femur and jaw fractures. There have not been any long-term studies done on the effectiveness of these drugs. They are typically prescribed for a period of three to five years. Some doctors worry that staying on the drug for more than five years can cause some women’s bones to become more brittle and break spontaneously.
These drugs increase the mineral framework of the bones but recent research has shown that the trabeculae (cross bars) of the bone matrix may not be stronger thus making the bones still susceptible to breaking.
The women on these drugs have a false sense of security as they get regular bone density tests. The tests usually show a steady increase in bone density which doesn’t make any sense. Essentially the crossbars are denser but not stronger. This puts them at risk of serious spontaneous fractures.
Calcium Alone Will Not Do It
It is important to understand that osteoporosis is not a calcium deficiency disorder – it is a disorder where calcium is lost from bone. Ninety-nine-percent of calcium in the body is in bone. Just replacing calcium and giving vitamin D that aids calcium being deposited in bone is linear thinking in terms of managing this devastating, largely preventable disease. Up to four-percent bone loss per year can occur by the time a woman reaches her late sixties.
Taking a calcium/magnesium/silica supplement along with a vitamin D3 supplement and Vitamin K2 could help prevent and treat bone loss.  Calcium/magnesium/silica as well as zinc build bones and keeps them healthy. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Vitamin K ensures the calcium gets where you need it – your bones, instead of your organs which could cause a number of health problems including atherosclerosis and kidney stones.  Magnesium is vital in creating the spark within the cell to utilize calcium.
Another supplement that could be helpful is hydrolyzed collagen which has been found to help reduce bone loss and restore bone density in postmenopausal women.  Collagen helps create the cement which holds the trabeculae. This way the crossbars are denser and stronger.
Collagen peptides (CP) compounds, as bone health supplements, are known to play a role in the treatment of osteoporosis. However, the molecular mechanisms of this process remain unclear. One study aimed to investigate the effects of bovine CP compounds on the proliferation and differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells. What the study found was that bovine CP compounds increased osteoblast reproduction and played positive roles in osteoblast differentiation and mineralized bone matrix formation. Essentially, the authors concluded that their study indicated taking a bovine CP compound like Collagen Complete could be beneficial for the potential treatment of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
Balancing Hormones
A major factor contributing to the onset of osteoporosis in women is the decline in hormone levels after the onset of menopause, as all the major sex hormones play an important role in maintaining bone density. One in four postmenopausal women has osteoporosis. Progesterone is considered the most important hormone as it is able to stimulate osteoblast-mediated new bone.
Prevention Osteoporosis Naturally
The best way to prevent osteoporosis and osteopenia is to stimulate the body’s collagen-creation cycle so that you are making more collagen than you’re destroying.
This can be done through diet, exercise, and outdoors activities. These may also help in slowing down osteoporosis.
The Best Bone Density Exercises
Regular weight-bearing exercise throughout life is best but it is never too late to start.
Walking, running, jumping in place, playing tennis and taking an aerobics class are all weight-bearing exercises that promote healthy bones. Muscle-strengthening exercises include lifting weights, using exercise bands or doing calisthenic exercises. Tai Chi is also very beneficial. It is important to get some kind of exercise every day.
Both weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises will help build and maintain bone density.
The reason weight-bearing exercise is helpful is twofold: 1. It triggers the collagen cycle of destruction and reconstruction that we discussed above, and 2. It stimulates healthy hormonal balance.
Preventing Osteoporosis With Nutrition
Eating a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables is vital. Meat, egg yolks, cheese and fatty fish such as sardines, sockeye salmon, mackerel, herring and tuna are a good source of calcium and Vitamin D, however, sun exposure is still the best source of Vitamin D. A healthy diet is made of healthy fats, wholesome foods and healthy sources of protein.
Other Important Bone Nutrients
NutrientBest Food Sourceszincnuts, seedsmanganese/boronunprocessed foodssilicon/copperunprocessed foodsvitamin Ayellow and deep green vegetablesvitamin Cberries, potatoes, most fruit and vegetablesvitamin Kcauliflower and green vegetablesvitamin B6fruits, vegetables
Hydrolyzed Collagen, Collagen Peptides, And Easy Absorption
As with most diseases, prevention is better than curing an infliction after it is already taken hold of your body. Staying active and eating a healthy, balanced diet is one way to keep bones healthy and prevent excessive bone loss. Getting a daily 20 minutes of sun exposure (not a sunburn) and fresh air is another way to prevent “thinning.” Supplementing with the correct minerals, vitamins and collagen will add to your healthy regimen and contribute to a healthy strong frame. All these can easily become part of your healthy daily living.
As discussed above, using a supplement such as Collagen Complete can help replenish your bones and increase bone density.
The post Preventing Bone Loss With Collagen: Is Hydrolyzed Collagen A Natural Treatment for Osteoporosis? appeared first on Collagen Complete.
source http://collagencomplete.com/hydrolyzed-collagen-osteoporosis/ from Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen Supplements http://collagencomplete.blogspot.com/2018/01/preventing-bone-loss-with-collagen-is.html
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bxboy52 · 7 years
Welcome back.
We’re continuing on the theme from last month of “boys will be boys”, and yet trying not to beat a dead horse.  When it comes to the thought process of “boys being boys” there happens to be one major fatal flaw and that is the ability to justify all of their actions.  It takes a strong willed, determined, stubborn man to be able to ignore all his instincts and training just too save a few minutes in his life like it’s some kind of symbolic victory even though it can just as well be the last few minutes of his life.  The Stream of Conscienceness – By the time I get to the power box to LOTO the packaging machine and then back to clear the jam and back to the power box, OMG, that could take 15 – 25 minutes!  Or another scenario, by the time I have properly anchored the lanyard to my harness so I won’t fall it’ll take 15 – 20 minutes out of my day! 
The JUSTIFICATION – It’s not a bad jam, I bet I can clear it in between the bag fills, no problem or I can just quickly walk out and grab that sheet of plywood in seconds and be done.    TRAINING – becomes irrelevant, COMMON SENSE – Over-road by the adrenalin boost from the thrill of saving 15 minutes.  But, but your training!, the little voice insists. The good news is that 80% of you will avoid this process and go with your instincts and training and do a proper L.O.T.O. or properly anchor your safety lines and wear your harness.  The rest of you will put your fellow workers in the position of scrambling to find YOUR fingers so they can place them on ice for the ride to the E.R. or watch you get zipped into a body bag.  Aren’t your fellow workers lucky to be exposed to that trauma thanks to you and why accidents continue to be the number 3 killer of men or boys being boys?  (80/20 rule – This is according to the Pareto Principle by Vilfredo Pareto a man of many talents who discovered the 80/20 rule.  His birthday is coming, July 15) 
As if that wasn’t enough, you also have to be aware of the deadly combination of the ability of “justification” with “the boss isn’t here”, which is a toxic and lethal mixture.  It appears that the excitement that young people get from hearing their parents will be leaving them home on their own for an extended period of time just never stops for some.  You remember how when mom and dad were gone for the evening or weekend, the house became your laboratory as you tried out all those awesome adult things but for some reason, our boys being boys have been able to transfer that experience to their boss not being around.  The combination gives a very intoxicating feeling which is nothing more then an open invitation to doing the stupidest, most immature thing possible with a motorized industrial piece of equipment.  Suddenly forklifts become multi-passenger, pallet jacks are midget racers and destruction of life and property never becomes a thought or concern, because the boss isn’t here to see it!
In days of yore when brawn was more important in a warehouse/manufacturing then brains, horseplay was pretty common as screwing around kept everyone loose and laughing during the demanding workday day.  Along with the colorful language, graphic humor and crass jokes, scores were settled with a fist and the occasional medicinal nip was to keep your parts well oiled and ease the pain of the brutal working conditions.  Just in the last 40 years I’ve watched leadership evolve from verbal berating on the shop floor for all to see to you’re weren’t hired to think, to verbal encouragement, taking input from workers and free thinking.  The tendency for supervisors and managers, especially new ones is to be a nice guy and if the boys need to be boys, well who am I to stand in their way, except you allowing it to go on and not saying anything, in their heads condones their actions.  You can be a nice guy in so many other ways and that’s when true leadership comes in as it can turn around any challenge your facility may face. 
Coming in to help a facility change it’s culture, the worst thing you can do is make immediate changes in a knee jerk reaction.  Yes, you’re under pressure from upper management, you’re under pressure from sales, customer service and the customers who want their orders delivered correctly.  The added pressure of poor moral and high worker turnover and HR is tired of the constant recruiting and interviews.  Remember, these problems didn’t develop over night and you have no idea what the root cause is. Is it their training, the process, the equipment, the recruiting or their supervision?  The best way to find out is allow the operation to continue as usual, walk around and engage and listen to the people.  Check over their training records and make a list of where the gaps need to be filled.  I’ve always started with introducing myself to the staff backed up with doughnuts and coffee and explain to them know my position on workplace safety and that is, because I believe everyone should go home in one piece and then stick to your position treating everyone equally and fairly.  Too further back up your commitment to safety begin having a 5 minute daily huddle at the beginning of the shift, a weekly tailgate/toolbox meeting and a monthly safety meeting.  Going this route hopefully you should be able to eliminate the term “boys will be boys” in your workplace.
Even so every once in a while a dinosaur pops-up, like this coach who thought the best way to motivate a player was to mock him in front of all.   SF school coach in hot water for alleged racially charged mocking.  This was a style of management back in the day.  A good deal of my High School teachers and coaches were Korean War Vets and when it came to doing what you were told to do, there was zero tolerance if you didn’t.  Our electric shop teacher had a paddle he had affectionately named Bertha.  He didn’t hesitate to introduce Bertha to your behind if you didn’t follow the rules.  We didn’t question it.  We knew and understood the consequences if we didn’t do what we were suppose too and punishment whether corporal or otherwise was deemed acceptable.  When you’re leading or coaching employees there is no need to call them names or give them degrading nicknames, mock or bully their physical appearance to get the results you want, you’re actually going to build a wall and choke off all communication.  The best thing to do is build a bridge by explaining your expectations and what can you do to help them be successful and achieve their goals which should mean success for you and your team.
Have you heard of the skills gap?  That thing we created in 2008 when the financial crisis hit and companies kicked all the veteran high paid labor to the door with layoffs and downsizing without any thought to the future.  People opted for other career paths and now, we have a skills gap.  Well you and your company can take care of that and develop a sustainable supply of talented employees.  Employers Have An Important Role To Play In Closing The Skills Gap.  With a good training and mentoring program in addition to offering internships to high school and college students, you can develop your own intelligent workforce, greatly increase employee retention and improve safety and productivity.  
Even the best leadership at times can get lost in trying to do what they think is the right thing, like some of our board of supervisors in San Francisco.  San Francisco officials propose banning contractors that bid on border wall from city work.  I’m not going to get into the politics of “the wall”, we all have our opinion but what I don’t like to see is politicians making matters worse for the working person.  Maybe if our leaders stopped worrying about punishing who builds “the wall” and concentrated on fixing the infrastructure which is in much NEEDED REPAIR companies would be so busy they wouldn’t need the business of the wall to keep their company and employees working.
Since we’re on the bay area, an update on Oakland.  Last month we covered the Ghost ship warehouse fire and the loss of 39 lives.  The leadership in Oakland verbalized their fears and concerns over and over about this.  As usual, it was talk, talk and more talk and now last week, guess what?  Yep we had another fire.  It took 2 deadly fires to make Schaaf push hard for inspectors and 4 more precious lives were lost due to being talked to death by the cities leadership.  We’ll keep an eye on the body count for you readers as the talk and more talk goes on.  By the way, it’s not just the lack of inspectors but the process that needs to be reviewed and improved as problems keep falling through the cracks but that will take leadership to fix so don’t hold your breath.
With the news blackout going on at OSHA, because you know, information is a dangerous thing to have go around, people may begin thinking for themselves there has been on new bright spot.  Jordan Barab, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor at OSHA from 2009-2017 has started a blog called “Confined Space”.   Follow it!!  It’s a great source of what’s going on in workplace safety.
NEVER KEEP QUIET ABOUT SAFETY my friends, for the life you save may be your own.Until next month, be kind to each other and be safe.
Hello Baseball and the NBA playoffs.  Great time of year.
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  Companies Behaving Badly-Justified Welcome back. We're continuing on the theme from last month of "boys will be boys", and yet trying not to beat a dead horse.  
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