#because they're either boring and cliche and basic and uninteresting and just. nothing.
robotsprinkles · 1 year
god I hate this writing class
what is the point of giving us both three word count limits, and restricting the length of the final animation/animatic
(this is one of my less valid criticisms of the class, being more to do with me just not liking the class already and not being fond of being forced to fit a story into as little as ninety seconds/2 A4 pages)
(I can do it, it's just not what I like doing)
I do not see the point in giving us a word count for the outline when we're already limited by having to fit the story into two A4 pages in screenplay formatting.
And I don't get the two A4 pages thing when we've already got a limit on the length the actual animation can be.
Just. pick one. hell, pick two. don't say "you have 300 words for the outline, 50 words for the synopsis, 2 A4 screenplay-formatted pages, and the final animation has to be 90 seconds or less"
I can fit far more than two screenplay-formatted A4 pages into three hundred words of outline and ninety seconds of animation, (hell, even thirty seconds of dialogue, depending on certain factors, takes far more than two A4 pages)
Like yeah, sure, I can write things that'll fit that criteria, but I'd really rather just have to follow one.
Because when I'm being forced to use the process of
core idea -> mind map -> for two stories (pick 2 word title) -> for two stories (write 10 word max logline, 50 word max synopsis, and 300 word max outline) -> pick one and write 2 A4 page-long script/screenplay for one -> make a 90 second animatic
(which I think is just a completely absurd process — and this is me talking. I'm an idiot who does things in the worst and least efficient way possible, and I think this is inefficient and a mess and a terrible way to do it — normally when I hate the method taught for something it's because I'm a jackass and an idiot who sucks at everything, not because I genuinely think it's stupid. Primary-High school essay writing formulae and creative writing rules notwithstanding)
I'm not saying restrictions or limitations in writing are bad (they're not) but I mean. forcing us to use a specific process? when basically every single source of good writing advice will tell you "this is a box of tools, pick them up, try them out, see what works for you, and throw out what doesn't"?
(This is ignoring that the guy teaching this class thinks protagony is entirely defined by "being the character who changes (the most) over the story's course" as opposed to being the character whose actions drive the plot or who the story focuses on and whatnot. Also apparently sherlock holmes just. doesn't exist according to this guy?)
(not being literal there. just. sherlock holmes is a famously static protagonist? To my memory, excluding a scandal in bohemia, for the most part ACD sherlock's personality, opinions, and outlook on things don't change in the stories he's in?)
anyway. back to the point. the process we had to do for this is just.
like especially as someone whose sense of how long things take is basically nonexistent outside of either things where I've remembered how long they are (my kettle takes about 2 minutes to boil, [x dish] takes about 30 minutes to make) or as a retrospect measurement (after some random thing is done, go "oh I think it's been around [x amount of time]" or "I bet it's [time of day] now", which itself only has a high percentage of me being right because I do it once every two to four months, and even then is only like. 50-70% of the time)
trying to estimate how much time a given dialogue exchange will take without actually writing it down and then timing myself reading it with proper cadence is like trying to put out a fire by thinking at it really hard
it would genuinely have been more efficient for me to have just. written a first draft of the screenplay based off one of my ideas, seen if that would even fit into two A4 pages, then read the dialogue while timing myself to see how long the animation would actually be, then redraft the damn thing to fit and actually be good.
instead of what I ended up doing, which was wasting an excessive amount of time trying to translate my thoughts and brain soup into coherently formatted notes
— which I didn't even manage because a mind map would end up as an incomprehensible web of lines with the occasional letter peaking out from behind, and my normal method of note taking is to only write the actual outline —
using those notes to write two outlines that fit comfortably into three hundred words, plus ten to thirty (and another outline that didn't fit because there was no way to make that idea work well within any of the limits at all)
then translating one of those outlines into a screenplay, which immediately went over 2 A4 pages, because 300 words of outline does not a 2 A4 page screenplay guarantee
and then rewriting the outline and screenplay three times until I gave up because it just wouldn't ever fit into 2 A4 pages (though it might fit into 90 seconds of animation. because page count and screen duration aren't the same thing)
then switching to the other outline and realising I'd need to cut an entire arc and subplot off the bat, translating what was left into a screenplay, realising that wouldn't fit into 2 A4 pages either, and rewriting both outline and screenplay until I ended up cutting all the dialogue and themes and major development out of the story because that was the only way to make the idea work
which like. yeah, sure. I could've (and should've picked a better idea)
but again, I have no sense of how long things take, and my normal writing projects and process aren't based around time or word count or anything.
and really, the only limitation that actually matters here is "can the story fit into 90 seconds". (and like. general quality requirements. but the outline word count doesn't matter at all
like if you're limiting the word count so people don't overdescribe scenes or character actions just. tell us not to do that and give examples of what's not allowed or something.
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