#because we do get the (necessary!) differentiation between physical and nonphysical friends
People should really stop overcomplicating spirit work by making it sound like spirits have a whole different, special set of rules when in reality the best rule of thumb with spirit work is "if you wouldn't take it from another person, don't take it from a spirit." You're not going to go around telling people your boss is an evil cult leader just for bad business practices, so there's no point in labeling a spirit as "evil", "dangerous", or "malicious" when you'd call an incarnate being "an asshole" or "a creep" for the same behaviors.
Your language is inflienced by the subconscious, and your subconscious can be influenced by language in turn. Make sure you really, truly believe what you say about this sort of thing. Offer discarnate entities the same certainty of existence as you give to incarnate ones. If you wouldn't use the same word for a friend, coworker, parent, etc., don't use it for a spirit, god, landwight, house spirit, etc.
If a post, book, article, etc. is worth using, you should be able to replace any and all references to the metaphysical and supernatural with the mundane and physical. If a post says "spirit/entity/etc." you should still be able to comprehend it perfectly by substituting with "person/[person's title/how they know the individual]". You should be able to replace "spirit companions/SoulBonds" with "friends/family/partner/significant other". And you should be able to use any references to magic or energy as metaphors for someone's actions on a mundane level.
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