#bee 👁️👄👁️
always-just-red · 13 days
I wanted a slightly suggestive fluff with the twins if that's alright👁️👄👁️
A scenario in which they're finally done with Sylus's tasks for the day and get to spend some time with MC
CRYINGGG anon I low-key did deviate from the brief but I had this idea and I just ended up running with it. I hope you enjoy, regardless! I went into this ambivalent towards Luke and Kieran but something just possessed me honestly. Also dragged Sylus into it because there's no way in hell I wasn't subjecting him to this dynamic!! 😇 (I made MC here separate from canon MC for plot reasons, but if you want a fic with the twins and canon MC, just let me know!)
Onychinus' Finest
Luke and Kieran x Reader
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Summary: All in a day's work for Sylus's loyal and committed worker bees crows
Genre: fluff & shenanigans
Warnings/Additional tags: MDNI (not smut but it's a lil spicy and I'd rather play it safe tbh), f!reader, nonMC!reader, platonic Sylus x reader, humour, swearing, suggestion, kisses, the twins are just obsessed with your legs honestly and who could blame them
| Word count: 2.1k | Masterlist |
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
Your call connects almost instantly.
“What?” Sylus hisses from the other end, and you get the impression he’s disappointed.
“Oof,” you groan, smiling, “what’s the matter, boss? Waiting on a call from a certain Deepspace Hunter?”
There’s silence in your ear, but not far from you, Kieran snickers. Your smile broadens. “You have three seconds,” Sylus seethes, with the precarity of a pot that could boil over at any moment, “to tell me what I want to hear.”
Three seconds is a bit of a push. You’re sat on a desk and Kieran is tapping away at the computer beside you, the light of the screen catching the sharp features of his mask; he looks like something from a horror story. You nudge his knee with your foot. He glances at you.
Wrap it up, you signal with a twirl of your forefinger.
His mask tilts downwards, almost imperceptibly, and you know he’s glaring at you from behind it. He flashes his middle finger back and you chuckle, watching him return to his work. “Files should be on their way shortly,” you explain to Sylus, because you know when to stop pushing your luck. “Ever’s upped the security on these damn computers. The device that guy sold you didn’t do shit.”
It’s also now pieces of a device, shattered against the floor from when Kieran had thrown it down and stepped on it in frustration. You’re not gonna mention that.
Sylus sighs impatiently, but there’s a hint of regret. “I knew there was something off about that deal. Do you think he tipped them off?”
You glance around the room and it’s littered with bodies. Not dead! Just… unconscious. At least, most of them, you think. “Yeah…” you muse. It was a lot more security than there should have been in a high-rise office in the middle of the night. “You might be onto something there, boss.”
Another sigh from Sylus. You watch Luke as he finishes looting— wait, no— checking the last of the security guards for anything helpful. He’s found a phone and he’s staring down at it, head tilted, reminding you of Mephisto. You briefly wonder what came first: the crow masks or the crow-like behaviour. Maybe you’ll ask Sylus one day.
Luke lifts the phone, holding it at arm’s length, and you realise he’s taking a selfie. He pivots until you and Kieran are in the background, and you lean into the frame, making a peace sign with your free hand. The moment is captured. Luke tosses the phone over his shoulder and it hits the floor with a crack.
“Are you all alright?” Sylus checks, and you know his eyes are burning with frustration, even though you can’t see them. He wears a mask too— most of the time— it’s just a little more figurative than yours or the twins’. You’re an expert at reading past them by now.
“Yeah,” you say, “we signed up for this, remember? You’ve got the best of the best, right here.” You glance between Luke and Kieran. “Well, the best of the best and her sidekicks.”
“Hey!” Kieran interjects. “You wanna have a go on this computer?”
“No,” you lilt back sweetly. What’s he gonna do— make you? Sure enough, he goes back to tapping away, his head sagging slightly, and you can tell he’s pouting.
Luke has wandered closer to the pair of you. “How much longer?” he whines, throwing himself into a wheely chair, setting it on a slow collision course with Kieran’s. You stop it with your leg.
“Shut up,” Kieran snaps. “At least I’m doing something.”
“I can do something,” Luke retorts. He captures your ankle, pulling it away from the leg of his chair, and rests a hand on your shin.
“Something isn’t in the mood right now.” You lift your foot from his grasp, inching it up his lower abdomen, and he groans as you plant it against his chest. “So unprofessional,” you tut.
You’d stifled your phone against your chest, but you can hear a deep voice leaking out of it. “Say that again, boss?” you request, bringing it back to your ear.
“How long is this going to take?” Sylus repeats.
“Not long. You know what they say, though…” You meet the eyes of Luke’s mask. Your tone drops: “All good things to those who wait.”
Luke’s chair squeaks, rolling back as you push him away with a soft kick.
“Fine,” Sylus murmurs, “Mephisto is with me. Stay on the line, and send the files through when you can. I’ll check them before you leave. If they knew we were coming, there’s a chance that—”
“Yeah, yeah, I get the picture,” you interrupt. You get Kieran’s attention again, then gesture between the computer and the phone. The beak of his mask dips as he nods.
Luke has used your lapse of focus to draw himself close to you again. He takes your ankle once more and guides it to rest in his lap, one hand tight— holding you in place— and the other deftly undoing the buckles on your boot. After a few clinks, he pulls it from your foot, the leather dragging down over your skin and leaving it cold. He throws the boot at his twin’s leg.
Kieran huffs as it tumbles to the floor. He doesn’t look away from the computer, but you know he wants to. Now that’s professional.
Decidedly committed to another priority, Luke draws shapes on your lower leg, his finger grazing over your shin and ankle. He’s staring down, fixated, and maybe they aren’t shapes— maybe they’re letters. Every stroke of his finger is deliberate. You could ask what he’s writing, but you really don’t care so long as it’s more than a word or two.
If it is, he doesn’t have the patience for it. His fingers walk higher, stopping only as they reach your knee. The fabric of your dress is draped over your leg and he pushes it aside, letting it slink closer to the floor. He looks up at you, head angled like a question.
“Any progress?” Sylus asks.
You’re holding your phone between your ear and your shoulder, both hands splayed on the desk beside you so you can lean slightly back. “Getting there,” you say, lips curving. You’re not looking at the computer.
You could swear you hear Luke laugh, but it’s ever so faint. He rests his whole hand on you, warming your lower leg with broader strokes, and whatever he wrote has been erased. Your breath catches as his touch moves above your knee, and it’s a tiny sound; no-one would notice.
Kieran’s mask turns towards you. “Oh, come on,” he sighs. “No fair.”
It’s an intimate art: seeing behind a mask. You have to notice everything.
“So hurry up,” Luke answers, his voice heavier than the last time he spoke. His chest rises and falls with every breath, just a little slower, a little deeper.
Kieran rolls his eyes—you guess, from the listless way his attention goes back to the screen— and you detect a huff. “Not fair,” he says to himself. He repeats it as he punches keys with his fingers: “Not fair. Not fair.”
Luke shakes his head gently: a fond exasperation rather than anything serious. He rolls his chair closer until he’s framed by your legs, then lifts your ankle to rest on his shoulder. His fingers curl, the pads of them brushing over the top of your foot idly, but it tickles, so you try to pull away. He grasps your ankle again. “Nuh-uh, kitten,” he teases.
It’s one of your favourite in-jokes; you laugh. Sylus can still hear you, and you’re glad he doesn’t know it’s at his expense. “Something funny?” he asks. Maybe he does know.
“Yeah,” you say. He could string you upside-down with his Evol and you’d still never tell him what.
Luke is chuckling to himself, and the sound changes as he lifts his mask just enough to free the lower half of his face. It’s not the first time, but it sobers you instantly. He turns to press his lips to your ankle, leans in— kisses further up. Leans in again— his mouth moves higher.
“Why so wriggly?” he speaks into your knee. “Stop.”
“You stop,” you counter, reaching forward to grab one of the horns peeking out of his hood. You use it to pull him away. Make him look at you. “Your little book on conquest doesn’t work on me.”
His lips widen into a smirk.  
“What book?” Sylus’s voice echoes.
You smirk as well. “Ask your pet hunter.”
You’re interrupted by a thud and your head spins. Kieran is standing up, slapping the top of the computer in frustration. “C’mon, work!” he urges. “So freakin’ slow.”
“Ah, ah, ah.” You shoo him away from the computer like you would a too-friendly pigeon from your lunch.
He flaps back in answer, his hand engaging yours in a brief slap-fight before he backs down. He slumps into his chair, defeated. “It’s almost there,” he groans, folding his arms. “Hey, Luke? Wanna swap?”
“Do it,” you prompt.
Luke’s head rolls begrudgingly. “Yes ma’am. Jeez.” He plants a warm kiss on your leg again before clambering out from underneath it, pulling his mask back down over his face.
Another moment later and Kieran is in front of you instead. “You ok?” you wonder out loud.
“Bored.” He rests his head sideways on your thigh. His fingers find your bare lower leg and he runs them up, down, up, down, but it’s soft and purposeless. Soon, his head lifts— thin, red eyes staring up at you. The gaze doesn’t waver as he leans back in his chair and starts to unfasten your other boot.
“She’s gonna get cold,” Luke quips from the computer.
“Nah. She’s not.”
Your skin prickles as Kieran pulls away your boot, like a reflection of his brother, but tortuously more slow. He lets the cool air of the room set in. “Huh,” he corrects himself. “Maybe she is.”
You get the sense you’re being punished; both of them are petty. You’re pettier, though. “Sylus?” you speak into the phone.
“Did I ever tell you about the time that Kieran— ah!”
In a heartbeat Kieran has lifted his mask— not enough, but enough— and planted a kiss above your knee. His hand is around your leg, pushing it further from the other, and you can’t help but gasp again.
“What are you…” Sylus starts to ask, but then he changes his mind. “No. I don’t want to know.”
“You sure, boss?” you chuckle breathlessly. “It might surprise you.”
“Nothing would surprise me at this point, sweetie. Those files had better be on their way.”
You tear your gaze away from Kieran to glance over at Luke. He’s sat, propped on an elbow, his chin in his palm, and he’s definitely not looking at the computer. He sits up straight under your scrutiny. Turns to the screen. After a few more drums of the keyboard, he gives you a thumbs up.
“Got it,” Sylus chimes in, no doubt perusing the files already. “Nothing seems amiss. Nice work.”
“Thanks, boss,” you grin. “I’ve been working very, very hard.”
The phone is snatched from your hand. “She has, sir!” Kieran speaks into it. He stands, putting it on speaker before setting it down beside you. “I think she deserves the night off.”
There’s a crash as he shoves the computer from the desk, and Luke leans back, swinging his feet up onto the now empty space. He lifts his mask marginally to put two fingers to his lips, whistling in celebration. There’s a slow clap for good measure, too.
Kieran bows to him with a flourish. Then to you; you bow your head back.
“I’m hanging up,” Sylus states plainly.
“Ok,” you chirp, distracted. “I hope she calls you soon, boss!”  
“I don’t… I’m not…” your leader stutters. He reconsiders. “Thank you. Don’t think, however, that I’m—”
He doesn’t get to finish the warning, threat, or whatever else it was. Luke’s finger stands proudly on the phone, still connected to the ‘end call’ button. “What?” he dismisses as you and Kieran look at him. “I slipped! If boss asks, you saw me slip.”
“I did see it,” Kieran nods.
“I saw it too,” you add solemnly.  
There’s silence for a single moment, and there’s never silence with you three around. It lasts as long as it usually does.
You all burst into laughter.
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Its been a while since I've watched the anime or been deep in the Naruto fandom but do you know the where and the when the gaara and fuu ship came from?
Ohohohoho~ this question is interesting (put Radal's 'interesting' voice🤭)
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Actually I started to ship Gaara with Fuu when I read Naruto manga book volume 45, chapter 430 : Battlefield, Konoha!! (You can say it's Pein Invasion Arc, when Akatsuki hunt Naruto with attacking Konoha) back in 2008 when I was Year 3 in Elementary School.
In 2012, I found first ever Gaara x Fuu fanfiction in Fanfiction.Net (It's Spanish btw so I translate it first to understand, you still can found and read if you want!)
You know what, during I was read 4th Shinobi World War Arc, while I read Naruto and Killer Bee battle against Obito and reanimated Jinchuuriki, I was cried because why Gaara not join them (i know he and another Kages fight against Madara).
In 2015, before my junior high school graduation (i was stayed in dorm btw) I watched Naruto Shippuden with headmaster's little son on the office PC with DVD disc (i can't believe that stll there's using DVD player) I just found out that I watch Fuu poke Gaara's Third Eye during Chuunin Exam in Suna Filler Arc!! For me, this is the graduation present!!
And the last, in Killer Bee Rappuden or Killer Bee's dream, you already know 'that' scene.
That scene when Gaara tried to convince Fuu to join the squad 🤭 while doing bump fist, which I can hear wedding bell between them both/hj
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So, that's it! My Gaara x Fuu journey! I already shipped them for 16 years?! That's too long WTF 👁️👄👁️
I dunno that I am the first one who ship them both. Maybe there's some people who found them together before me.
Sorry for my broken English lol (hopefully you understand 😭🙏)
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pufffinn · 5 months
Yes hello Tis I the frenchiest fry I come hithering and slithering humbly and bumbly to asketh the all mighty beeblebee bee beeston beetrice the twost for my dear darling child Kali and/or Zane 🙏👁️👄👁️
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yireii-mi · 8 months
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Pues nenes, nenas y Guapes 😎✨
Les dejaré mi proceso de como hice a esta hermosura, no he podido conseguirme su muñeca con su icónico look, pero aún así no pierdo las esperanzas 💖
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Para esto tuve que comprar la cabeza de las primeras muñecas de Miraculous Ladybug, y solo encontré la antibug, el cual me vino súper bien por qué Queen bee tiene relieve en su antifaz y no quería que se viera eso jsjsj
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Chloe Pelona x 2
Solo le dejé los labios por qué la verdad... Soy muy pésima haciendo los labios 👁️👄👁️
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Chloe como Ranpunzel, al final le corté el cabello ya que era mucho y se esponjaba muy horrible.
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Chloe: ayúdame lady bug, Hawk Moth me akumatizo al revés *sonido de posesión demoníaca*
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Ahí iba la cosa... Pero c kgo
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Chloe buchona 👁️👄👁️💅
El cuerpo es robado de la muñeca de Queen bee ya que no pude conseguirle ni en Aliexpress su verdadero cuerpo y no quiero perder las demás muñecas de las primeras
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Se intentó y casi se pudo, es la 3ra vez que intento algo como estos jsjs
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
I was bored, so when on this website:
and I did some with my OC’s (which I’ll post once I’ve drawn the hcs), the DSMP youngens TM (aka next gen), Las Nevadas, and c!allium duo. This is how that turned out (with little comments on some)
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Yeah, yeah I see this
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Rip bee family. They’re all just chillin in then they just hear *CRACK*. And they look at Michael like 👁️👄👁️
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… Mean Girls reference (idk what I’m supposed to say to that)
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This is the most accurate hc here. Yes she does, every day
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Yeah, very much probably.
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Oh definitely, she’s such a little fan girl. FJ and Foolish are always all “why don’t you just shapeshift?” But she thinks that just takes all the fun out of it.
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Skeppy was the one holding him
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(Context, this is Ranbob as a kid. Bee duo found them and adopted them. Credit to @xmaruull, they’re the place I saw this character/hc, and I liked it so I adopted it) This was before bee duo found them
Anyways, I’ll share the other ones in another post, because this is probably long as hell
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bunny584 · 4 months
The boys are ENTERING their Toxic Yandere era??
Bby they went insane and broke her phone when Tall Blonde, and Handsome sent us a message. The twitching onto their guns, too?
The quiet rage when he walked us home? The horny rage after only broken by an admission and acknowledgment of love?
This is fact.
Kinda scare-roused to see how it’ll get more intense, tee bee aych 👀🫦
HAHAHAHAHAA WAIT. Why did I literally forget Satoru smashed her phone at Omakase because of a TEXT??? Then told her to cry about it and sit on his lap on the limo ride home, I— 👁️👄👁️
And the horny rage??? Suguru, basically molesting her until she apologized and Satoru banning anyone from eating her out I can’t.
You’re right, they’re toxic. So toxic 😭
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techtechonmymind · 6 months
okay quick and dirty 😏 thoughts on dream( )scape
icantfeelanything: 10/10 such a beautiful opening track! mark the human you are!!!! chenle really suits these kinds of songs - reminds me of his interlude in golden age. such a beautiful atmospheric intro. haechannie sounds literally storybook magical. love the chanty section with the vocalizing over and extending beyond it - this song is a lot of what makes nct special.
smoothie: 7/10 COCK-SUCKING ANTHEM OF THE YEAR (there was no competition). it’s pretty good! i wish it was just a little more subtle honestly haha. i love an explicitly sexy song but this one is like SILLY 😭 love the pre-choruses, very over these dead empty choruses though.
BOX: 10/10 BEE OHHH ECKSSS OHHHH NOOOOOOOO i love this song so much. LDN Noise’s producer tag sounds so good here.
Carat Cake: 9.5/10 wow 👁️👄👁️ ⌚️💎 wowowowow - 👈 that’s a carat cake! also just a liiiiittle too silly of a pun to be perfect for me, but the vocals are so lovely and interesting and it has such a refreshing sound. really well-sequenced after box!
UNKNOWN: 7/10 a song titled and stylized like this just makes it seem like it’s a mislabeled illegally downloaded track from limewire or something lol, but it’s a lovely little song. it’s a littttttttle boring.
Breathing: 10/10 i love the bass or the bass section of the piano or whatever it is that is happening in the chorus in this section - so beautiful!!! lovely harmonies
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Logbook Masterlist
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E M O J I - A N O N S
8 1 : (🥗) (🌵) (👀) (🧪) (🧪✨) (💧) (👁️👄👁️) (🐞) (🌌) (🐟) (💠) (🌠) (🐰) (⚓) (🦉) (🌼) (🍊) (🍣) (🌟) (⭐) (💜) (🍙) (🦸‍♀️) (🐳) (🐄) (🥝) (🌰) (🥞) (🌸) (🎃) (🍁) (🥨) (💫) (✨) (🦋) (💥) (☄️) (🍆) (❄️) (🖤) (🧚‍♀️) (🐥) (🏃‍♂️) (🕺) (🍷) (🗿) (🦑) (🐝) (🌺) (🗡️) (🦊) (🎐) (🍵) (🍒) (🍍) (🍓) (🐛) (🥤) (🍡) (🍂) (🌷) (💎) (🍤) (🍀) (🎻) (💦) (🎲) (🚽) (🌈) (🍺) (⚔️) (💛) (🎨) (👨‍🚀) (⚜️) (🥢) (🐇) (🦦) (💀) (🌪️) (🍎)
N A M E D - A N O N S
(Resin anon) (Jean anon/Jean anon¹/tripulls anon) (Tiger lily anon) (Crocus anon) (Violet anon) (teletubie anon/🧪✨) (riebp anon/poor anon) (Tiktok anon) (running anon) (60k anon) (Xiao simp 2k 21?) (Flirty Voiceline anon/🍣 anon) (3.4k tofu god) (Dandi) (Cilly) (Collei) (Forgetful) (Glider) (Snowdrop) (Oreo) (Honeyflower) (Random One) (Sadistic Bitch) (Childe kin anon) (Puppet anon/🖤) (Amber dream anon) (Roki) (tofu hoe) (bwaap & emmory supremacist) (Papillon anon/🦋) (Chongyun anon) (Matcha) (Lurker) (5"11 girl anon) (Rook) (Pomefiore anon) (Minx) (5"7 anon/seven) (あのん) (Ruin Guard Anon) (angel anon) (5"1 anon) (Nik/🍤) (Sho/🎨) (Yandere anon) (Chills anon/👁️👄👁️) (Vagabond anon) (Kokomi anon) (Bean Girl) (Lynx/Daffodil anon) (Sleuth Anon) (Big Sibling Anon/⚜️) (Taka) (Justice Anon/Voyage) (Bali) (ER) (Ningguang mod) (cyno lovebot anon) (Lady in the lake) (borg) (fluff anon) (bloom anon) (bonk) (Pela anon) (just passing by anon) (Starry Wine anon/Cousin Asker) (Jackdaw Anon) (fifi anon)
(Kookie) (Yen/Heiayen/🌻) (Cala) (Winter) (Sweets) (Dandi) (Hannie) (Mama Archon) (Catty) (Rift) (Nyom) (Lato) (Bunz) (Lehra) (Lufurus) (Rei) (Amino) (Phoenix) (Lya) (Starfell) (Pengu) (Unreconciled) (Bee) (ambers-glider) (Ether) (Sucker) (Sparrow) (Mutsukitty) (Cherry) (Suki) (Tart) (Kaida) (Muff) (Albaedhoe) (Almond) (Lily) (lilykags) (Ascher) (Tragedy) (Villie) (Lenius) (Romanticaa) (Yua) (Tofuxiaociao) (Monica) (Chuu) (windbornevioletta) (Jovin) (Judgment) (Seagulls) (hamsters) (Venexus) (glxssyhexrts) (heusch) (Ansytea) (crimsonji) (perpetualcynicism)
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D E E P W O O D - S T O R I E S
#𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐢
Wanderer's Voicelines About Puppet Reader
Yae Miko's Voicelines About Puppet Reader
"Fontaine Alternative" Ending
Wanderer finding out who caused the kintsugi
Puppet Reader's Astraphobia
"Kouta" - their pet bird child
How the Interlude Quest is canon in Kintsugi
Good Ending Finale
Possible Endings
Fan sequel
The heart that was offered
The near-death connection
Tighnari's Letters heart!Tighnari
Incident 2.0
About Heart!Reader Voicelines
Post-2.0 Crying Session™
Heart!Reader gets struck instead of Tighnari
TCG Brainrot
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Fluff anon Fanart Collection: Klee or Nahida Nilou Nishimiya
Lady in the Lake anon Fanart Collection: One Two
Rei Fanart Collection: Kasala<3 Faceless/Doodles
Rabbit Fanart Collection: Art Summary Yeha 2023
Poly Cynilou - Starfell
Cyno's VA signed print - Rei
Cherry lore - Cherry
Nilou & Me Fanart - Ansytea
2022 Art Summary - Rabbit
Hearts of Iron genshin - 🐟 anon
Way of the Househusband Kazuha - Pela anon
Niwa x Reader - Bloom anon
Poly Kavetham - insideous-beez
Komorebi (inspired by Kintsugi) - mhiieee
anon masterlist for 2022 and onwards
; 2021 anon masterlist
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cartoonslovers · 1 year
I saw another an anonymous post said something like there's scene in Among came a spider where Blackarachinia flirt Bulkhead with Bumblebee and they think she hot. I thought only Bulkhead is the only one who think she's hot which make him mesmerized while Bee didn't seem he think she's hot and straight goes to "Who are you?👁️👄👁️" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yeah that's true. But it still ruin the whole narrative of her suppose to be this ugly/ a monster in this world depsite the fact literally everyone is in into her.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Random Short Imagine:
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The kids are watching House of Wax for family movie night…
Selena: Who’s the hottest Sinclair brother, personally I think it’s Vincent?
Manon: Obviously it’s Bo, have you seen his ass?
Macy: Why are you looking at me? I guess Carly’s arms looked good in that tank top.
Francesca: You we’re looking at her arms? Sure…
Selena: 👀
Manon: 👀
Macy: 👀 yeah, come on babe, who’s the hottest Sinclair brother? *smirks*
Francesca: *whispers* Lester
Macy: I’m sorry what was that? We don’t need to use our inside voices right now Bumble Bee
Francesca: *blushing at that nickname because it does things to them*
Selena: What’s wrong Blink? Jonesy got your tongue?
Francesca: Surely you’re not encouraging this Doe…
Manon: *sipping her wine* oh, encourage I shall Little Bug
Selena: 👀
Manon: 👀
Macy: 👀
Francesca: STINKY TRASH BOY!!! Is that what you wanted to hear? I Francesca the most unholiest Firefly, fell in love to stinky road kill garbage boy! And his stinky animal bones and that stupid green hat, *voice getting softer and more lovey*, and that funny little accent, and those teeth that are crooked like mine *crying*
He’s just so pretty!!!
Selena: Why are you dating them again?
Macy: Because I too am in love with a stinky garbage boy *sighs* *kisses Blinky on their forehead*
Manon: I came here to watch murder boys, not see this cute bullshit *also crying*
Selena: Why do I hang out with you all?
Francesca: Because were the only people who have ever showed you sustained and continuous, love, support and affection?
Selena: Oh great, now I’m crying!
Otis, Baby, Mama and Spaulding who just got home for the evening: 👁️👄👁️
Otis: Want to go stab each other in the back of the house so we never have to see that again?
Baby: *already running off* I call first dibs!
Mama and Spaulding in sync: Children! (In a disbelief and disapproving tone)
Tag: @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @myers-meadow-selfship @oceansrose2002
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maple-clef · 1 year
90s week on Great British Sewing Bee!
First challenge is cargo pants, which seem like they'd be a massive pain to make. (I had such a cool pair once with an embroidered dragon on one leg. I kinda miss them)
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josephsaturn · 10 months
Just finished Attack of the Clones!
can’t skip the text crawl!
Wow they really did upgrade the CGI
what’s with all the fog tho
wait Padme’s still got her Girlies(TM)? And they’ve all got a name that ends with é?
Was that Jango w the eyepatch???
Padme once again being the baddest bitch in the room
God Palpatine really does act slimy
I’m gonna kill whoever thought that anakin’s haircut was acceptable
Captain typho huh?
Man obi wan looks great honestly
Jar jar doesn’t make me want to destroy my eyes
Oh she DEFINITELY recognizes you anakin
Zam?? Whomst???
Ope there’s Jango
More under the cut:
Dreamin bout ya mom???
Oh god centipedes???
OBI WAN??????? HELLO????
I see now why greater fandom always portrays him as insane cuz THAT is insane
Yea production value deffo went up
“Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me?” Huh.
Obi wan gonna get HAMMERED
Honestly I wasn’t expecting the temple to look like that
Oh noooooo
Yoda my man my guy then why don’t you FCKUING DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
Why does Padme sound younger here than when she was literally like 14
Come to think of it how was she in GOVERNMENT OFFICE at 14
Ohh boyyy we gettin’ prideful Anakin now
Padme looks like a girl I knew in middle school
Jeez he’s down BAD bad
Dormé. Just..Dormé. Padmé. This MUST be an inside joke.
Kenobi: anakin’s crazy
Typho: yea nah padme’s crazier
Oooh dex?
Ok I’m starting to get it now
Damn mean old lady
aw cute kids
Dang that’s one smart kid
Also, this is like a day after?? Bruv u better FIND that man
Yea girl u were like 14
Every fucking line of dialogue out of anakin’s mouth is either bad flirting or just bad in general like DUDE HOW
new Queen is slaying as well
yea get his ass girl
Ok so how far is Kamino exactly??? Cuz 12 parsecs is a lot (at least I think it is, from how they explained it) yet the cut makes it look like obi wan only spent like an hour to get there
Kaminoans got nice voices
The Kaminoans: talking about the army n shit
Kenobi: ???!!!????!?!?!
S-eye-fo dee-as? I thought it’d be see-foe die-as
Kenobi’s like 3 seconds away from freaking out lmao
Man Naboo looks so aesthetically pleasing; I’d love to live there
Oh god. SAND.
Anakin pls mans just quit while you’re ahead
Yea that’s not fUCKING scary
Naughty children get put in the tube merry-go-round
man it’s so interesting how none of the clones are talking in these scenes
They’re just silently going along
“We keep him here.” Huh???
Obi wan: What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
Man boba’s got that resting bitch face
Why does he look like he wants to kill Obi wan in every frame he’s visible
Oh shit Jango doesn’t know sifo dyas?
Damn that was charged
Ok Anakin is talking like a human being now. Great
Man they wanna fuck so bad
Padme just fucking leave Like girl it isn’t worth it please just get out of there girl BLEASE
she’s like “damn he wants me that bad 👅👅💦💦”
I’m gonna kill Anakin
Yea girl woooo set those boundaries
God she really is always slaying
Ok back to Kamino cool
“Oh-bee wahn”
If Kamino is known as the cloner planet, who else did they clone??
Yeah y’all really are blind
Oh nooo shmiii
Stanced up
Wait did they sleep in the same room??
Were they fucking?
Well at least padme’s supportive??
Damn Jango taught boba well
Ok I can’t take this seriously cuz of the lightsaber
Damn some Kaminoans are prob watching this fight from the windows like 👁️👄👁️
[speaking huttese]?
So Shmi went to the Lars family huh. That’s one way to do it
Ok the time lag makes sense
Oh no not the bass boost grenades
Oh joy
Ok back to tatooine we go
Hey! An obviously cgi generated house in the desert!
Damn cliegg looks like shit
Oh god she was kidnapped?!
Oh so he lost his leg that’s why
Oh ok so it’s not generated
Hey playing with shadows!
And a callback to ep 4!
Duel of the fates again?
Oooh pretty place!
Why DID Jango go to geonosis?
Oh god I’m getting Spy Kids vibes again…
Obi wan looking back at the camera like “y’all seein this shit?”
I’m actually starting to cry rn
So terrible even the Jedi on coruscant can feel it?
But something HAS happened to him
I wonder what would’ve happened if Anakin went back to save Shmi at the beginning?
Uh oh.
“tHe ChOsEn oNe.”
Ok props to Christensen for this scene. Genuinely.
Damn Padme THIS is when you start to think about it?
But I get it, he’s obviously in distress so she’s comforting him like a normal person
Ok THIS is the start to his fall. He’s so attatched that he doesn’t know when to let go
but he won’t
Padme girl you are NOT helping
Girl Mace LITERALLY said to stay there what are you on
Wait it’s JARJAR that gets the army???
Captured in stasis
Is dooku just humoring kenobi?
Ok but would Qui gon have become a sepratist?
I mean it’s kinda obvious who sidious is
Dooku’s in cahoots with sidious right
Oh shit Jarjar IS the guy
IT WORKED??????HUH????????????????????????????????????
Grand army of the republic? More like (G)ekid(A)n inu cu(R)ry
(I’ve been rewatching Madoka again too)
How come no one’s made a fic of Yoda going to Kamino?
Damn r2’s got no chill
He’s destroyed his lightsaber before?
She’s been enduring his horrible lines and pushiness for the entire movie
and here’s approximately 70% of the budget!!
Oh shit it’s mace!
Damn Jango had no reason for that twirl tho
That shadow of the heaaad
And boba NOOO
that stare between dooku & windu…is that like a “aw fuck” stare or a “watch ur back” stare
Ok I gotta ask: what’s the point of killing Jango? I get that it gets him outta the picture and gives boba a reason to be the hardass he is in OT, but like putting all that aside, what’s the point IN PREQUELS? Mace coulda just captured him
Are the guild guys gonna die
Ultimate weapon?
Oh shit
Hey an episode 1 callback!
shit is that dathomir?
Pffft not Vader’s theme
marriage huh
And that’s it for now! I’ll be back after I’m done with clone wars season 1!
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ghostwithpants · 2 years
TIL Praying Mantis only eat live bugs and won’t touch dead ones even if they’re starving… but they’ll occasionally eat honey???
Me, offering up a tasty lil dead fly: “Here you go lil dude! You don’t look so good, you should eat something!” 😄
Mantis: “Ummmm… thanks for like, offering me that nasty dead bug or whatever, but I’m like…. a super strict carnivore…. Like, it has to be wiggling when I rip its head off… ya know what I mean? It’s, like, a moral thing for me. And frankly this kinda like, super offensive to even suggest I eat this… omg just take that shit away from me! ” 😡
Meanwhile, Bees: *Vomits up flower juice*
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colorfulpumpkin · 1 year
“how do you know so much about bees?”
me, trying to avoid explaining that a children’s cartoon explained bee communication through a catchy song: 👁️👄👁️ “ummm…google?”
context: i work at a prek and we are learning about bees this week
teacher, talking to me in front of the kids: do you know anything about bees?
me: yeah they use waggle dances to show each other where pollen and nectar are:))
teacher and class:👁️👄👁️
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sapphic-woes · 1 year
🤸🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️Cartwheeling in here to ask if you could answer 9, 14, and 56 for the butch/femme asks? (Only if you want to of course)
Tell us about your gay awakening?
Hmm well growing up I had a lot of woah Bibi you're almost there, moments. Especially in middle school. I would think to myself that "if I wasn't such a christian, I'd definitely be gay." And once just to...uh, give myself a treat? "Let" myself crush on one of my friends I knew for about a week without suppressing the feeling. In the end I got butterflies in my stomach and panicked because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stop liking her so I suppressed my feelings hard after that.
...so hard I straight up forgot??? Like. I wiped my mind of it and just convinced myself I rllllly valued friendship. Like forgetting childhood trauma level shit💀💀
At least until my sophomore year of college lmao. I dated a guy. 🤷🏿‍♀️ I was extremely bored the whole time. When we broke up I actually didn't give a shit cuz I thought being with him was tedious. At the time I thought I was bi and ace. (Like, I was rlly fucking bored the whole time I cannot stress this enough) My roomie basically asked me if I just... didn't like guys. I was like 👁️👄👁️ and uh, I just have kinda settled into that realization without doing much lolol.
What is the best season?
Fall. No bees. Not too hot. Not too cold. Did I mention no bees????
What is your favorite canonical gay film?
The last ki–
Probably Ratched. I don't rlly watch movies so all I can think of are shows;;;;;
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lotusmi · 2 years
🐝: Bzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! (Hiiiiiii! I bring you flowers today to celebrate the spring!)
bzzzzzz 🐝
🐝: Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz? (Why does the sun have a face?) 👁️👄👁️
Hi little bee!! tysm for the flowers!! he in brazil autumn starteedd 🍁🍂
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