#beelze is such a funny nickname
omori-headspace · 2 years
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beelze and hell bell NEED more fanart i swear to GOD i am on my KNEES
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plusultramha · 7 years
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Who are they?: Kai Kurokami and Alice Kyufu.
SHIP NAME: Kailice.
Endgame or non-endgame?: Endgame.
How did they first met?: They met the first day at class at U.A.
What was the first impression about each other?: Good, they started talking instantly without thinking about it too much since they gave good vibes to each other.
Who kissed who first?: Both, although Kai kinda started it.
How often do they fight?: They don’t really fight, something really bad has to happen for them to fight.
Who is the dominant one?: Kai a lil bit more than Alice.
Most trivial thing they fight over: Since they don’t really fight, they usually just tease each other, pretending they’re upset when they’re not at all, so nothing important.
Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?: Alice, although she prefers to apologize through details more than words, same as Kai.
What do they do when they’re away from each other?:  Alice usually spends her time being a good student, apart from going out with her friends and doing any kind of activity she likes, although she always stops and thinks about what could Kai be doing at that moment. Kai is a little more independent although he takes some time to think about what his girl is doing.
Nicknames for each other?: They don’t use nicknames.
Who cusses more?: Kai for sure, although Alice is a little crazy girl, she is also more restrained at certain times and has nothing to do with the crazy stuff Kai does.
What would they do if the other was hurt?: Kai would go mad with rage against the person responsible, while Alice would try to protect him at the cost of her life if needed. If it's not serious both would take care of each other equally.
Who is the more protective?: Kai, although Alice is also protective, Kai's past makes him instinctively protective, especially with her.
Who is more likely to hurt the other? (Physically or emotionally): Neither of them, in any case  Kai on the emotional part by some impulse, but it is not usual.
Who is emotionally stronger?: Both, maybe Alice a little more as she grew up with less trauma than Kai.
Who is physically stronger?: Kai, he usually trains physically to be able to control his quirk well, while Alice doesn’t need much physical force with her quirk.
Who treats who’s wounds more often?: That is Alice, Kai trains very hard and ends with scratches and other wounds on his body and Alice always offers to help him heal.
Who gets more jealous?: Neither of them are jealous, although Kai is more aware of his girl’s surroundings, but he never says or does anything.
Who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?: Both, depeding on who has the idea first.
Who is better at cheering the other up?: Alice, she’s very good at talking and cheering people up.
Who sits on who’s lap?:  Both of them. Kai does it just to see her reactions and have fun.
Who would give the other an unprompted massage?: Alice, she is more detailed and always approaches Kai with a tender smile when he looks exhausted to help him relax.
Who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports?:Both, any activity is good for them and their desire to have fun in a good competition, no matter if it is video games, a sport, or a fight.
How they spend time together?: They usually get together for quite a variety of things, training, entertainment rooms, events ... Even spending time together at home wrapped up in a blanket watching movies. Anything is good enough for them as long as they’re together.
Who is the night owl?: Alice, she usually stays up late because she’s used to it, studying and other stuff.
Are they cuddlers?: Yes, not too clingy though, although they do not care to be a little affectionate wherever they are.
Big spoon/Little spoon: Both for both things.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt?: Alice sometimes wears Kai's t-shirts by mistake, and when she realizes it, she's out at the street with them on, because Kai likes it and does not tell her.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares?: Alice after seeing what her father had become, Beelze. If Alice was sleeping next to Kai, she would hug him so she could go back to sleep more peacefuly.
Who initiates kissing during a movie, thus distracting the other from the movie all together?:Either of them, at some point one would stare at the other while being distracted watching the movie and kiss him/her without a warning.
Who stares at their partner while they’re sleeping?: Both of them, although Kai does it more often and covers Alice if needed so she’s comfortable.
Who kisses their partner while they sleep?: Both, although Alice more often if she goes to sleep later than him or if she wakes up in the middle of the night. Kai does it to wake her up in the morning.
How do they hide their pain when they’re upset? Do they even try to hide it? Does the other one notice?: Kai does not usually hide his feelings, and even if he tried to hide that he iss annoyed, angry or anything, he can’t because he is very expressive and everyone quickly notices. Alice does not like to hide it if something happens to her, but sometimes she keeps quiet so she doesn’t worry anyone. When Kai notices that something happens to her, he always tries to encourage her and help her think about something else, either by taking her to some fun place or whatever to get it all out of her head or help her overcome it.
Is it hard for them to talk about their feelings openly with each other?: It’s very easy for them to talk about their feelings.
Do either of them have a special item that reminds them of each other?: Nothing for now.
  Who cries more? How does the other person react to it?: Alice, although she usually hangs in the tears but sometimes she gives in. Kai would hold her in his arms to make sure she knew he is by her side.
How about teasing? Do they tease each other?: Both are pretty naughty, especially Kai, theyshare their jokes between them and somehow they always end up wrapping themselves in their own game of fun.
Who’s more patient? is it hard to break that patience?: Alice definitely, she is the most calm and patient in comparison.
Who’s more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap?: Both of them, the first to fall asleep.
Who likes to play with the other’s hair?: Alice can have a good time tapping her hand with Kai's pointy hair, tickling herself.
The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together?: For them it is pretty normal that, after spending the day together, they end up on some roof looking at the stars at night, until they fall asleep inadvertently.
Their favorite pass time together: They do not lose the opportunity to savor the adrenaline with a good practice battle between them, especially because afterwards, exhausted, they enjoy it even more when they go to rest together and replenish forces eating something.
Kai and Alice had chemistry from the first moment, although at first it was not beyond a good friendship, while they passed the school tests and difficulties that crossed in their way next to their friends. Kai is a very good guy, but he is also a hopeless joker, and he is always here and there, playing around with others using his quirk. Alice, who is a girl who knows how to maintain seriousness when the situation requires it, has always liked Kai's personality, since she is actually an expressive girl who likes to have fun, and Kai always puts a smile on her face.
How they met and first impresions:
Kai was the first to notice her, as the day of admission to U.A, Alice was arriving at the entrance of U.A and lost control of her quirk upon landing, falling on top of Kai’s brother, Eizen. When Alice apologized to Eizen and went away Kai approached his brother and the first thing he said about her was how beautiful she was, while he mocked Eizen for what happened. The first time Alice noticed Kai was when the first day of class at U.A, when everyone was getting to know each other. For Alice, that energy-filled boy gave her good vibes from minute one.
How they got to meet each other:
They began to talk from the very first day, but it was not until All Might’s test when they really began to deepen into each other’s lives thanks to the fact that they ended up together, teaming up as heroes against Lara and Eizen as villains. As they began the test and planned their strategy, they began to speak with complete confidence about their past, without realizing how comfortable they were together.
How, when and why did they fall in love:
Neither of them are able to remember when they fell in love, their relationship was so natural and they had so much chemistry that it all happened without hardly noticing it. The moment Alice realized she wanted to be with him was after the Soul Test was over. Alice was depressed days before she had had a bad dream about her father (Beelze), and over the visions she had had to overcome in the test and had left her very discouraged, but Kai arrived the day after and convinced her to participate in the festival that was being organized where there would be fair, food stalls and other stuff. UA participated in it with all the students. That night everything went wrong, Alice finally got to know her father, this time she was sure it was not a bad dream, her father was a villain. Kai and the others came to her aid, all these events made Alice realize that she wanted to be with Kai. Kai, however, knew he wanted to be with her before that, she is beautiful, strong, funny, everything he liked. Kai does not know how he fell in love but all he knows is that when he saw her fight so well in the Tournament he told himself that he needed her, he didn’t know if the feelings were reciprocal but he was sure that he was going to be by her side no matter what. When the day of the fair arrived and Alice disappeared because of Beelze, he knew he didn’t waste time, once everything was over and everyone was safe again Kai went to talk to her, and without much thought, they kissed.
What do they bring to the relationship:
-Kai: Total support even when it is something that is too much for him, trust, honesty, energy, impulsivity, strength to overcome everything, fun. Kai is everything Alice needs, he has always been the perfect match for her to get better and better as she aspired from an early age. He makes her very happy, makes her smile with his craziness and never lets her get bored. And what is more important, stays by her side no matter what. -Alice: Support and protection, trust, calm, complicity, she knows what to say to calm him if he has any problems. Alice is that kind of girl with a calm look but who knows how to adapt to situations and keep the pace with any person or situation, that's why for someone like Kai, with such a strong personality, Alice is perfect, since she complements him on every level. The summary would be that both can follow each other’s rhythm to perfection, whatever it is, whatever intensity, they communicate in a natural and complementary way as if they had spent their whole lives doing it.
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