#beemoov started it
eldaryasharbinger · 2 months
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Quick vampire Jason inspired by @madeby-meru 's brainrot... Keep having these...
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tetrakys · 1 year
I'm a bit bored lately. I'm considering using this blog to start writing about drama and gossip in the fandom. Maybe it'd be even useful to clarify false information I see circulating in all socials. I should call this series Peggy's corner or something like that.
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lyricstrawberryai · 2 years
I finally finished Eldarya: The Origins.
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ju-vondy · 3 months
What I envision for our dearest Jason Mendal ❤️✨
So... I LOVE being delulu and once Beemoov takes an eternity to give us info/story about the characters I decided to create their backstory myself and I'm living in this world Imy mind created right now. I love complex things and I know Beemoov would never put something so "deep" in the story but well... I can't help; I hope you guys enjoy what I created!
♦ Jason's family is strict, but only the "male" part of it: Jason loves his mother with all his heart and her family (which is called Jowenson, they live abroad) is amazing, but his father's family (the Mendal) is a total disgrace. Like, a real crap. Do you know those tough and conservative parents who teach their children not to cry? Those men who are aggressive and punish with beatings when their child makes a mistake? Who say that love is a weakness? Well, that's the style of family we're talking about here when it comes to the Mendal… Jason despises and hate them with all his might.
♦ The Mendal are pioneers of Amoris City: so they're that kind of family who smell like old money, power, autority and stuff like that. It all started with the foundation of a radio when they first arrived at Amoris. The years passed by and their "empire" only arose as they invested in many innovative ventures, and their fortune only grew. It didn't take much for them to dominate journalism and the local press. Turns out that today they're called "Mendal Group" and are involved in so many things... Media, politics, banks, real estate. They are a highly respected family.
—> There's a scene in my fanfic where Candy's mother (named Edith) says: "Your father was thrilled to work with the Mendal Group, you know? I remember how he talked about their influence... How much they could shape public opinion and influence political decisions," Edith said, with a touch of bitterness in her voice. "After he passed away, I thought it best to sell his share in the company. I didn't want to be tied to them or be part of all that."
—> Why am I bringing Candy and her mother to this explanation? Because well... In my mind their families were close in the past and they even studied together at primary school. (Don't judge me, it was the only way I found to make Candy and Jason approach without seeming weird… HUEHUEHEU I'm quite curious to see what they'll do in the game, though) The funniest part of it is that Jason and Candy don't remember that because guess what? A traumatic event happened in their lives so their mind kind of blocked most of their childhood's memories.
It leads to the other point:
♦ There was an car accident that put Jason's father in a coma: When Jason's father (I named him as Gregory Mendal btw) became incapacitated due to the Accident, Viktor Mendal (the middle brother), was the vice-president of the Mendal Group and assumed the presidency after the general council unanimously approved. Actually, the presidency always followed a 'father to oldest son' thing (nepotism, why not? haha) Anyway, Jason was designed to take the title for himself… But since he was too young, Viktor ended up assuming the presidency 'temporarily until Jason reached the age to run the business, (if he proved capable, of course…)'
—> Not only that, Viktor also took responsibility for looking after Jason (without anyone asking LOL). Initially, it seemed like Viktor was doing "his best" for his nephew so he could be a good leader, this whole succession thing. He taught Jason about the family business, about leadership, and how to handle the pressures of being at the top. However, as Jason grew older, Viktor began to show his true colors. He was ambitious, and his hunger for power only worsened over time. ~That only got worse when he lost his wife and convinced himself that it would be a good idea to be with Jason's mother~
—> Jason ended up becoming a rebellious young man despite being studious and dedicated. What happens is that there was so much pressure on our poor boy that he ended up having a breakdown at a certain point. 'Do this' 'Don't do that' 'Be perfect' 'Get good grades' 'Blah blah blah'... Jason never really liked everything the Mendal stood for. He always found it a drag to attend luxury dinners, close deals, and pretend to be someone he wasn't… Besides, the absence of his father left a void that no one could fill... And his uncle's arrogant and repulsive demeanor only disgusted him. So, at certain point Jason kind of let himself follow the "fuck you guys" and went down some wrong paths in his early 18-20 years old. He worked in the family company as a trainee for a couple of months but Viktor took advantage of Jason's poor behavior (late parties, hangover, arrived late at meetings, etc etc) to convince the board that Jason was not capable, not 'worthy' of being the leader of the Mendal Group.
—> Jason kind of got pissed off when that happened, and then comes the whole thing about him working at the city hall and all (which I'll explain later if you want to hear it, hehe), but anyway... His uncle 'betrayal' was the turning point for him to 'wake up' and want to be someone in life. He worked hard on himself to be no longer that irresponsible young man he was being. Of course today he attends to club parties, throw yacht parties but that is only for showing status and "maintaining" the bounds with his close friends.
So, basically...
♦ Jason created Goldreamz to get away from the shadow of the Mendal family and prove to his uncle he didn't need his family to be succesfull: He wanted to prove that he could build something from scratch, without the support and influence of the Mendals. And, of course, he wanted to rub that success in Viktor's face. Today, Goldreamz is a prominent company, and Jason continues to work hard to keep it at the top. However, his relationship with his uncle Viktor remains an open wound. Each success of Jason's is a reminder of his determination to exceed his uncle's expectations.
Now let's move on to the last but not the least:
♦ Jason's personality is just a mask to protect himself: Deep down, Jason is just a little boy wanting/crying for attention, wanting to have a real father and family. So, he just wants to be… Loved? I think so. Because of his uncle's teachings and so on, he thinks love and kindness is nonsense, a weakness… A lie. Viktor instilled in him the notion that showing vulnerability would only invite manipulation and harm. Consequently, Jason adopted a facade to shield his true self from others.
However, this mask of arrogance and indifference is not who Jason truly is. It is a carefully constructed barrier, designed to protect the fragile heart that beats underneath. In essence, Jason's personality is a defense mechanism born out of a need to protect himself from a world he has been taught to distrust. And deep down he constantly battles the internal conflict of wanting genuine connections while fearing the repercussions of revealing his authentic self.
Interestingly, the proof of this duality is evident in Jason's behavior around his mother and younger brother. When he is with them, Jason's tough exterior melts away, revealing a softer, more caring side. It’s as if he wants to set a different example for his brother. Jason faces a big inner turmoil , torn between the persona he feels he must maintain and the person he wishes he could be.
Ah, now a bonus: in my fic Candy's father was in the Accident [once he was kind of a business partner of Gregory] and he died. Edith moved back to her mother's home country, Brazil, and Candy grow up there. (yes of course I use my stories to share about my country u.u) Only years later Candy's mom return to Amoris, but she never bothered to look for the Mendal to reconnect.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
If you liked what you've read 'til now I hope you check my fanfiction! I've posted 11 Chapters by far. Currently, I'm publishing one chapter per week as I write everything in Portuguese (which is my native language) and than I translate it to english carefully to not leave holes. By the way, my writing in English is not as good as it is in Portuguese so please take it easy on me ;-;
I hope you have as much fun reading as I have while I'm writing! Thank you so much for paying attention to what this crazy author have to say ❤️✨
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Outfits (or pieces of clothes) Castiel would wear imo:
(aka me wishing beemoov made more stylish and modern outfits to their characters)(+Castiel's closet in general)
(might also do a version of other characters if I don't lose my hyperfixation 😖)
(I poured my heart out 😭 but it was so funnnn ✨)
𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽, 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓼 🖤
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Converses 🍒: Cannot start with another thing rather than converse, because I just know Castiel's a sucker for it and cannonicly (or cannoly 😭?) he is one indeed, not only because he wears them in HSL but also because we can see a pair of black and red converses thrown in his living room in his apartment design in both HSL and UL 🤭.
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Compression shirts 🕷️: Okay, hear me out 😖 he's not the biggest gym guru but he still likes tight clothes and ngl they would suit him and would highlight his body shape very much and I imagine him wearing them on a daily basis when he isn't in the mood to dress up (for practicing days or to compose).
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Random baggy pants 🕸️: it's a must in many people's closet and it would suit him very well especially with the compression shirts 😌 (told u to hear me out).
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A good pair of grey jordan 4 🦈: I just think he would look very cool with it and that's pretty casual just like converse (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠).
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demmeter · 1 year
Oh my. I can't believe I'm this emotional, but eldarya ending truly made me feel so nostalgic.
I discovered this game when I was 14. I can still remember I played it at first because I was on Nath's route in MCL and there were memes going around at the time about some "blue Nathaniel." I obviously was on Ez's route all throughout the first season.
I dropped MCL because I used to think it was so mediocre compared to eldarya... Eldarya was just THAT good back then. It was sooo interesting, the characters were well written, the set up was amazing! It was my obsession for YEARS! I would say it all started going downhill from episode 17 on.
I love this game, I always will despite it becoming so incredibly bad through the last 4 years or so. But I'd like to remember all the moments that made me think it was a great game, like when Ezarel wore a moustache, or when I first realized nevra was not just a skirt chaser, but also an incredibly capable guy (remember that pic of him with the kappa??) I also remember when chapter 7 came out and I first saw the illus, I was so excited, or when Ashkore put his finger over our lips, also the chapter where we have a drink with the main 3, the shock I felt when I discovered Ez had a thing with Ewelein, when we first got our own room made by out guy, it being a window to their personalities, all of us trying to figure out what their backstory was, when we used to make conspiracy theories over why Ezarel didn't like being touched, Nevra was such a womanizer and Valkyon never talked, the anticipation we felt over solving all of the mysteries... There are so many good things about Eldarya, and I wish for all of us to keep them in mind.
I have no idea if Chinomiko still checks Tumblr posts, but I would love to tell her that she created an INCREDIBLE game, with incredible characters, and that I wish that she could've had the chance to be more involved over the last few years. I know that if she had been, the game would've kept being what we loved.
Finally, I hope beemoov understands that rushing a story is a terrible idea, it's even worse to erase such dear characters for the players that have PAYED a lot to see their storylines. I hope you do ir better from now on, and I wish there were events with eldarya where at least for a little while, the story was what it used to be.
This truly is a love letter to game dude, I can't believe I'm being so dramatic, but eldarya truly has been an important part of my life, my first ever hyper fixation.
Also, I would like to keep writing for eldarya, I know I haven't posted in a while, and I can't say I will post regularly, but every now and then I will.
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sphaxcca · 5 months
My Candy Love New Gen Ep. 3 Review
Okaaaaaay so since this is my first post on here: Hi there! guess who's gonna give her unasked opinion about her Playthrough of My Candy Love New Gen? ME! ofc.
So i've finished playing the episode and honestly i'm starting to wonder how the plot is gonna develop during the story.
Until now ce can't really say that the story is growing but, I mean, it's completely fine because these are the first episode so it's pretty normal that there's basically nothing but just a presentation of the character and a little peak of their routes.
The episode was pretty chill and cute for some point of view, but my only doubt is about the speed of the storytelling, i really hope that with new episode the story's gonna grow in speed or in lenght of episodes because, for how is it now, it's gonna take forever to make a real "change" in the plot (especially for Jason's route candies like me) The idea of the welcome party was EXTREMELY cute also the "preparation" part was okay;
Amanda not partecipating at the party because Candy didn't choose the park had me turn up my nose honestly, but by the way she reacted the all time, i could have guessed it. She gives me a little bit of snooty vibes but i guess it's just the shell of the character.
ELENDA. oh my ELENDA. I hope with my whole heart that she's gonna be the new Rosalya because i need it. I genueine need a ray of sunshine like her in my candy's life when she's gonna sleep with the rival agency's boss :PPPPPP (The truth or dare part XD had me DEAD, i mean come on guys, you're almost 30 and you need a TRUTH or DARE game to break the ice? LMAO. )
ROY. Can someone explain to me? Please don't tell me that the dare that he should have done was to kiss Candy and, because is dating Brune, he turned candy's head to kiss her on the check. Please don't tell me or imma GASP. At first i thought he was going to be the gym bro not interested in any dating or in date many girls at the same time, BUT THIS. BRUH unexpected. So i guess Candy in thi s case have to be Eric 2.0 of new gen. Love it. Let's sleep with another taken man!
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DEVON. So I Honestly don't know what to say about him for now because i can't really say what's gonna be the issue with him. I Just really hope is not gonna be like Hyun route ( a full of nothing) because the character seems really cute, so please beemoov give us some tea or a plot twist. Something that happened in the episode that made me actually turn my head the screen was Candy saying (if you go to him at the Mall) "It seems that he doesn't want to be the Ceo" Maybe this is going to be the route?
THOMAS. I honestly love him and i feel like his entire route is gonna be Candy tries to make him understand what is to date someone. I also have a feeling (which would make totally sense) that Thomas is either authistic or he's part of that percentual of the populations that has an IQ higher that the others. L O V E I T TBH and it's a shame that i hvae to play two time the episodes because the outfit it's not the same for jason's route.
AMANDA Snooty on the outside but a marshmallow on the inside, i'm so sure of this. My guess here is that, girl's rich ass didn't say anything to her family that she likes girls. I just really hope is not the sme thing that happened with Priya because players dont wanna play things two times.
JASON. At last but not least, the enemies to lovers we didn't know we needed. what can I say? I have a huge love for Men who are so incure of themselfs that they put up this gigantic EGO (and not Confidence) to try to hide their real self. This going to be and Astarion (Bg3) route 2.0, I'M HERE FOR IT. Btw i'm pretty sure he seduced Danica to make her leave Devenementiel, this B, love him. At least he's not taken Candies....
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what do you think? <3
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madeby-meru · 3 months
thoughts & critique on Jason as a character
(honestly just me being petty and rambling a lot, feel free to ignore me)
First of all, I want to talk about the character promotion for Jason. We start off being told that this particular character is some kind of special route or secret route that can only be archieved by certain in-game choices (the feeling I got from the promotion was that he is supposed to be a bit of more difficult route, where you can miss scenes and illustrations easily, where its harder to raise the lovometer, where you have to make the appropiate choices on multiple episodes in a row to get in his route, idk something of the sorts, something a bit different from the others). But... is he really? During the promotion this character is being shown alongside everyone else, he is presented in the slideshow in the promotional web, we receive the same amount of information (maybe even more) as we receive of the other characters, we even get extra sneak peaks of the character that we did not get from the others (it feels like he is getting the favorite child treatment, sorta like Castiel gets every now and then). This may be an unpopular opinion but, in the end, he is esentially on the same level as all the other love interests, at this point and solely from the way he was promoted his route is no longer special or secret or anything of he sorts. And honestly? That dissapointed me a bit.
Now within the story (and I'm gonna complain a bit more here), to add on top of what I mentioned, he appears in game almost from the very begining, we can get illustrations with him from the second episode onwards & we can raise his lovometer almost as much as with the other characters. So, objectively speaking, what is so special about his route now? The fact that he gets the same 3 comically villanous lines repeated like a broken record? The fact that he has barely any screentime compared to the others? The fact that his ep 4 illustration is not even an actual illustration to begin with (yes, I am annoyed about the ep 4 illustrations overall but thats a different topic)? When we add all of this together, he (again) does not feel like a secret route, he feels like a regular one that gets half the effort as the others. And yes, I get it, it was clear how popular of a character he was going to be, I get that promoting this character more meant more players and more sales, I get that adding him early game was made for us fans and I am completely sure that this was done with the best intentions cause I know that there are people working at Beemoov that actually care about the players. But this was so poorly done that it's just making him boring, cliché, ridiculously comical (he is a full on villain caricature atp, a Megamind wannabe) and a complete afterthought (cause that's exactly how most of his appearences feel, like a last minute addition). At this point, his route cannot be treated as anything different from the others, and excusing his lack od dialogue or meaningful interaction with the player on the fact that "It's a secret route, it's not the same" it's just that, an excuse for a poorly done end product.
Personally, I was convinced that we would see nothing of him until like, at the very least, 7 episodes in, honestly even 10. I was expecting to hear his name here and there, crumbs of the drama, sneak peaks of the plot, a glimpse, an unexpected short encounter while we dont know who he is and he doesnt know who we are... That would have made it interesting, that would have built expectation, that would have let us make up more theories, that would have developed the main plot slowly and we would have learned the whole drama little by little (in a way that would make sense and wouldn't make every single character feel like they have a total of 2 functioning braincells).
I feel like a lot of potential has been lost for a very interesting character, but I am just a random woman on the internet sooooooo-
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i-donot-forget · 5 months
New Gen, ep 1 y 2
Finally I had time for a "little" review! I'm late but better late than never. Like many, I had my expectations and I can say that, apart from 1 point that concerns me and that I will mention later. I am pleasantly surprised with the final product.
Let's start at the beginning and I want to say that I really like that they give us a full context about Ysaline's life and her family from the very first moment, it helps me to connect with her, unlike Candy who in ep 20 I think we just meet her parents. And like Ysaline, I'm ready to make the same mistakes again and even worse (Why go for 1 boss? if you can go for 2 😏)
The animations, I don't want to leave out the animations, from the changes of expression of our character in each dialogue, to the, at first weird but then not so weird, "camera close-ups", I loved them. Thomas peeking out from the side of the screen or when a route approaches us in the moments of the dates, are an extra touch that helped me to get more into the story.
Regarding the routes and characters in general I want to say that I find them nice, it is a varied group in personalities which is what interests me the most and I want to discover who have their own groups and who are besties (the scene where they all run into Devon's office is awesome). Now with the routes, from second 1 I declared myself Jason and Thomas route, which I tried to follow but to my surprise, just following my instinct I ended up on Devon and Jason's routes…. (by the way the new Cassy/Nath) The personalities of the routes are well defined and, at least in my experience with Devon and Jason I felt "chemistry" that with the others I didn't (and that's ok, I'm not looking to fall in love with everyone).
Now talking about plots, I feel they have a lot to draw from, and although I know that showing the Cosy Bear Cafe event would be very difficult due to the personalization of each player, I don't deny that I would like to see it in NG. I don't mind that some arcs may be cliche, as long as they take risks as they have been doing in MCLLL, I want to see controversial and/or sensitive topics!
And finally… my ONLY complaint, and more than a complaint is a concern, is the issue of the points and not the PA's, no, not at all, I made a very quick calculation and it's fine. But the gems is another thing, 2 per day + 7 on the last day of the month gives us between 65 and 67, if they release 1 episode every 2 months, well that's perfect, you have 130-134 gems for the episode. What's the "but" then? I'm a sl@t and I like to have special moments with more than one route… in this case 2, if it is 1 additional scene per route and each one costs 120 gems, in an episode I would have 240… so I would have to wait DOUBLE to play an episode my way, to my taste… Is it unforgivable? Not at all, it's a detail in fact, but if someone would read this, they could lower it a little… just a little, maybe to 100 and I wouldn't feel so devastated ☹️
Other than that, and to close. New Gen was a positive surprise, you can see the love that is in the game, in terms of gameplay, graphics, animations, etc, etc. 100/10 nothing to say, excellent work. I TRUST that this quality that reflects the growth of Beemoov as a company and MCL as a franchise, will be seen in the plot, in the arcs and in the development of the routes, which after all, is the most important thing for the players.
So thanks for reading ❤️ and see you early tomorrow morning at the office…
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0lost-in-my-mind0 · 10 days
🎮E-Girl pack available today on My Candy Love NewGen site🎮
Starting today until October 16th at 11:59am EST, you can gain points and get the full E-Girl Pack!
When you access the site, this pop-up will appear~
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Read it and then you can click "Great!" to close it. Whenever you need to reopen it, you can do so in two ways:
Through the gift package icon in the top left
Through the icon with the image of the pack in the bottom right
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Once reopened via these buttons, the screen will be this:
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A bar will appear, where you can check your progress. You will need:
1000 points to get Taki's outfit
2500 points to get the room
4000 points to get the outfit
To get the complete pack, you will need 4000 points in total.
And here's the sore point: it hasn't been specified how many points 1 AP is worth.
I did a couple of tests, and it SEEMS that 1 AP = 1 point. These are calculations that I did myself, there are no official comms, so take these things as unofficial!
However, as you can see from the bar below I spent 1023 AP and I was given the Taki outfit.
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So theoretically to get this pack, we need to spend 4000 AP.
It's definitely not convenient.
Little tip: The bar will be present on the site for ONE MONTH. Don't go crazy trying to get the pack immediately, you can definitely get it if you are sure you want to have it at all costs. But do it by limiting the damage. As said before, the pack is expensive! Evaluate CAREFULLY how to spend your AP. On September 27 for VIPs and October 2 for non-VIPs, episode 8 will be released. A single episode usually cost more than 1000 AP, so in the meantime keep in mind that by playing it you can almost certainly get Taki's outfit. If you missed some outfits from the episodes and you absolutely want them, this is the right time to do some replays. If you have realized that the LIs you have had up to now is not for you and you want to change it but you are always undecided because of the cost of replays, now is a good time to do it.
Is there that dress in the closet that you want so much? Now you have a good excuse to spend AP. Remember that the Halloween event will be coming soon, but let's not kid ourselves, we all know that there will be money to spend. The pack may not be distributed anymore or maybe it will, unfortunately no one knows. But also the Halloween event is limited and it is not certain that next year you will find the old items again. Evaluate everything carefully before spending 4000 AP, it is not a gold rush. You have a month to evaluate what to do.
However, I won't dwell on the E-Girl pack issue and the distribution method. The community said they would have gladly purchased the pack with money, and they granted this request. It was obvious that this would have entailed a considerable expense, we know very well how Beemoov treats this kind of thing.
That said, I hope I was at least a little useful to those who are sure they want to buy this pack and also to those who haven't decided yet.
If I discover anything during other tests I will update the situation.
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
hi! <3 I hope you are having a nice day :D I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for episode 26 from High School Life? I always thought that episode was really cool and fun, so if you could make maybe some headcanons mainly about the picnic Candy has with the girls and Alexy could be pretty awesome :D like just general headcanons about it. Also bestie I FEEL you about wanting to write anything else than an essay for uni :")
Random headcanons about episode 26
N/A : I really liked this episode too ! I was kinda inspired (I think ?)so there'll be some headcanons about the date but also some about the picnic with Alexy & the girls (also yeah, it's refreshing to write about things I actually enjoy, it didn't happen in a while sadly, so thank you for your understanding dear <3)
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So let's start with the dates with the HSL Boys :
About the date with Nathaniel, I found it funny how Candy thought it'd be a good idea to invite him on a picnic, in a park, in the middle of spring, when she knows that he's badly allergic to pollen (I just know that my boy had to make a stock of antihistamines and was suffering in silence, guess he really wanted that date)
I like to think that Nathaniel actually took the time to carefully prepare himself for the picnic. Because even if Candy didn't specified it or anything, Nath wanted to believe that it was indeed a date. So, he thought a lot about what he should wear (let's ignore the fact that he still wears the same outfit in the illustration) and he put on a nice cologne, hoping that Candy would like it
It's pretty clear that Nathaniel intended to declare himself (there's a moment where he really seems about to kiss Candy) so when they got interrupted by Thomas, he tried to hide it but he was pissed (really Iris, put a leash on your brother, some people are trying to get it here)
In the case of Armin, I liked how he freaked out at the wasps' attack and it kinda make sense since at the frequency he goes outside, he probably hadn't seen a wasp since 2007 lmao
Also this little picnic date surely did him some good because there's no way this boy doesn't have a vitamin D deficiency (Okay, I might be a little hard on Armin right now, I'll stop)
Armin brought the sandwiches and believe or not but it was pretty good. He's not a big cook but I don't think he's a bad one, he just sticks to simple things (also he mastered the art of making sandwiches because it's his favorite 2 AM snack to make when he's pulling an all-nighter)
I believe that it's during this picnic that Armin realised that he had a crush on Candy (Guys, he spent a WHOLE afternoon out in the wild just for Candy, that says a lot if you ask me)
Okay one thing about the date with Castiel : I wanted him to bring Demon to the picnic (maybe it could have been hard to manage with all the food around but come on, he's a good boy LET HIM OUT BEEMOOV)
I am also a dog person so I might be biased lol
But just picture it : Castiel and Candy enjoying their little lunch with them taking turn to feed Demon with little bites of food (adorable plus, Castiel would enjoy to see Candy playing with Demon)
Also, Castiel's change of tone when talking to his dog (if you have a pet, you know what I mean). Candy would melt (and me too)
After eating, Candy and Castiel could have take Demon for a little walk in the park and Castiel would have let Candy hold the leash as she seems really excited about it (and he would have been really happy about it. Once again, if you have a pet you know how great it feels when someone you like gets along with your pet. It's so cute to see !)
Since Demon has this bad habit to pull on the leash (as seen in episode 3 of HSL), Castiel would help out Candy by putting his hand above hers to get a hold on the leash (and also to hold her hand)
Firstly, I am convinced that Nina was hiding somewhere in the park when she saw Lysander and Candy together (Back to the time where Nina was in her Joe Goldberg era lmao)
I think Lysander was the calmest amongst the boys about the date (and luckily he was because Candy was stressed out enough for the both of them. As usual)
He might have asked Leigh advices about dates 'cause like, he's supposed to have some experience right ? (the truth is that when his brother asked him that, he was just like "well, I was just existing and then Rosa decided that I'll be her boyfriend. So just stand there and exist I guess ?" Yeah, great advice from the big bro)
When I tell you that Kentin was ecstatic when Candy invited him on a picnic, that's an euphemism (bro was internally screaming)
Really, he probably wasn't able to stand still until the D-Day (he waited for that since basically forever so understandable)
Also, just like with Castiel, I wanted him to bring Cookie (I really like dogs, sorry)
The illustration for Kentin's route is so cute
The both of them, laying in the green grass, so close to each other with the bright sun above them. (That's such a picturesque vision, I love it !)
I like to think that they reminisced together of the memories they had from before they arrived to Sweet Amoris. Kentin tends to feel insecure when talking about this period of his life. However, as they both talking he realises that there's no judgment in Candy's tone and that the moments they spent together actually means a lot to her. It would warms his heart and if it was even possible, he'd be even more fond of Candy
(I wish they talked more about it in the game because even if it gets better by the end of HSL, his route still feels a bit superficial. Like there's this idea that he had to completely transform himself and become handsome to become "interesting". I don't know if you know what I mean)
Now, about the picnic with Alexy & the girls :
Before starting, I kinda wanted to see more interactions between the characters during the picnic (but I guess that the episode would have too long then but it's okay, I'll put some here)
Kim & Capucine's conversation (might sound odd but I'll explain it)
Kim (just know that I love HSL Kim, she's such a good character) just has this protective and « I won’t take any shit » vibe (even though she’s actually a big softie as we see with her interactions with Violette and it's so cute) and everyone respects her like naturally ?
In the beginning of this episode, Capucine was insufferable. Really, this girl was trying really hard to be like Amber when she’s nothing like her (and if you take into account the fact that Amber herself is putting on a persona, you kinda get a girl trying to put one someone else’s persona thinking that it’s the way to go. Kinda sad).
(just putting it here but I liked having a character like HSL Amber in the game because she brings the drama you know ? she's also a bully but she also have some depth to her character ? I am really confused 'cause I've had some bad experiences with people like her during my school years so I am wondering : Is Amber character actually good or do I have a Stockholm's Syndrome-ish thing ???? pls help)
Let's go back to our sheep : Kim & Capucine's interaction 
So I like to think that during the picnic, Kim and Capucine got to talk a little and boom, two worlds meet : Kim doesn’t really give a shit about what people think of her and oppositely, Capucine lives by that. And I think because of it, Capucine kinda have a negative image of Kim. 
Until they get to talk. Kim is friendly towards her even if she acts like a bitch because I truly think that Kim is pretty good at reading and understanding people (she probably doesn’t even realise it herself but when you’re capable to bond with someone so reserved as Violette as well as getting along with Castiel AND Nathaniel at the same time, it says quite a lot about this ability she has)
I think this conversation they’d have on the park would make Capucine think that Kim is a pretty cool person even though they are quite different and what's the most striking difference is that Kim is truly authentic (it’s something that’s pretty rare these days so when you come across someone like that it can really makes you question a lot of things) and she might even realise that the persona she puts on everyday at school doesn’t suit her and that she’s actually not happy with it (which I believe, after her relationship with Samuel, is one of the realisations she had before trying to become a better and truer version of herself)
This one was a bit long but I think there's so many things to say about Kim's character lol
Now, Melody and Iris talking about the whole Nathaniel situation and Alexy coming from nowhere just to say something like "there's too many fishes in the sea to waste time on one that doesn't want be caught. Move on girlie"
Like 'ayoo, mind your own business boy ?' (that's Alexy, of course he's not going to do that. He just has this radar for drama)
It's either that or HE IS the drama
Anyway, Melody is a bit startled because "how do you know about that ???" when the really question is "how could anyone not know" with how she's so not subtle. And that's how Alexy would basically become a love coach for the afternoon (wtf)
However if Melody starts to talk about Candy being too close to Nath, oh boy, Alexy goes defensive mode and he won’t hear more of this nonsense (like girl it’s not Candy’s fault if Nathaniel likes her better, wake up) 
Anyway, this conversation would be pretty random and Melody wouldn't really know what to answer because I feel like she’s a pretty reserved person and on the contrary Alexy’s quite unhinged and then, there’s Iris in the middle watching the show (honestly same girl, I’d like to witness this conversation too)
Violette (my sweet girl) would try to draw the landscape but would end up practicing drawing silhouette using her friends as models. She’d be too shy to show it but I just know she’d end up showing her sketches to Kim later and she’d blush when told how good this is (pls their relationship is so lovely, I kinda ship them)
A Peggy and Rosalya’s interaction could also be interesting : they both like to know the gossips and all but the difference between them is that Rosalya would not spread rumours the way Peggy does. So I think Rosa would try to make her understand that she sometimes goes too far which is unfortunate because well, she’s cool to hang out with but if she keeps going like that, she might end up having everyone turning their back on her. 
The water fight is honestly quite fun to imagine
Despite what he says in the game, Alexy lost it (and quite significantly) 
I mean bro, you’re trying to put a fight against Kim, what did you expect ???
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That's all I have for this so I hope you enjoyed reading this !
Wish you the best and see you soon !
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 days
The style contests are getting so upsetting.
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This was my entry for the Punk Vibes theme.
I don't want to point fingers or whatever but why do people feel the need to copy others so much? Is it that hard to think and make your own entry? Do you all go check what others do to copy them?
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The similarities are too many, and believe me or not when I say that I didn't even check other's entries before submitting my own (why would I need to check anyways for a theme I felt pretty confident in?? And if you don't believe me I can even show proof of me sending my entry to show my friend at 9:31 AM, right after the theme was available (and after taking my time designing the outfit)
It's very upsetting, to say the least.
Call me naive or whatever for wanting to believe in other people being good, but is it my fault for not thinking about getting copied until now, or is it the other person's fault for copying?
Maybe it could've been a coincidence but let's be honest, how much of a coincidence can this be?
I also want to add that these two entries got on the podium, while mine was position 18. (At least the first place was more original and cool too)
I'm angry at people who keep doing this, because it's definitely not the first time it has happened, but it's the first time it happened to me and I noticed, along with those who keep using those damn fairy wings, butterflies and sparkles everywhere. Do they not realize how they're ruining the game for everyone? Sure, it's just a game, but it's so annoying that they'll do everything to get these stupid rewards even if it means ruining the fun for everyone else.
What's the point of making my own outfit, spending time thinking about it (half an hour of planning!!) if some lazy person is just going to copy me and WIN?
It's so so upsetting, I feel bad making this post because again, I don't want to point fingers, but come on now!!!
At this point I'd say we should all just give up, but these people clearly do not care, and if we all just stop playing they'll just keep winning everything and we'll never get the change we need. If players can't behave on their own I wonder if we should start pestering Beemoov to make some changes to this very unfair minigame?
I'm waiting to post this until the podium is gone, but if you're one of these two people and you recognize what you've done, feel some shame and know that you've lost all of my respect, if you even care.
Day of the post edit: I may not be as angry as I was two days ago but this is still pissing me off ngl, I'm sorry if I come across as rude but I don't feel like sugar coating things too much anymore
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tetrakys · 1 year
Very old tea - Beemoov's writers
Every day I wake up and find new drama in the fandom. I have to admit it is entertaining but fake news and misinformation really annoy me so here we go. What's the new tea? It's actually very old tea, but it needs to be put into context.
A few hours ago, someone rummaging through the New Gen website, ended up on the credit page, where they found this
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This page isn't reachable from the website, there are no links, you need to type the full url to get there because it's only a placeholder. You can clearly see that those are Eldarya TO credits, and an old Priya illustration is used as background. Literally yesterday Chino mentioned in her Instagram stories that there are lots of placeholders on the website.
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Despite this, news is now circulating that the same team that worked on Eldarya is now working on New Gen. I don't think people have been saying this maliciously, it's possible that they got confused with the placeholder, which didn't have the big red disclaimer I added in the screenshot above. However now they are freaking out for no reason and bringing back so much old drama, which is also partially wrong. So here I am trying to clarify, hoping that people will see this (but alas, tumblr isn't as popular as facebook and twitter so maybe I'm just shouting into the wind).
MCL and Eldarya writing team
Part 1. High School Life and the Sally Anne drama
Firstly, at the very very beginning of MCL, Chino was on her own, she was working on both the art and the writing. However, soon later the company looked for a writer, Chino pushed for her friend Sally Anne to be hired even if she had no prior professional experience, and the company agreed. Eventually they also became roommates and even closer friends.
Now, the people who have been around for ages like me know that there was huge drama at some point. Sally Anne had some health issues and pretty much disappeared for months in the middle of Nath's arc. Lots of things were said at the time, some true some very untrue. Sally Anne made a facebook post mentioning how Chino and the company were bullying her. One of the accusations that people like to bring back all the time is that the character of Aleja, who was based on Sally Anne, was used to bully her because she was written as a bit silly. Maybe people forget that all Eldarya self-inserts are very flawed. Jamon can barely use grammar when he speaks, Kero is a coward, Ykhar an anxious nervous train wreak. I don't see anyone say that Chinomiko bullied herself by making Miiko such a raging bitch.
Anyway I believe that Sally Anne herself realised that this and other bullying accusations were unfair since she later retracted it. Some people say that she was forced by Beemoov to do so (I don't know where they would get this information, it's a pretty strong accusation). Others say that all this is common behaviour for people who suffer from addiction. I'm just going to add some additional context that most people may not be aware of since I hardly see it mentioned.
When Sally Anne left the company she started her own personal project with some friends. They put together a kickstarted campaign for a BL game and earned around 58,000€. After that however, the project never came to light because of, again, Sally Anne's personal issues. Here you can see a post from the team describing the situation, which is proof that her health condition was not connected to Beemoov work environment at all, since the same thing happened again while working on her own personal project with other friends of hers. Additionally here is the final post written soon afterward, where the team explained that they would not be able to make the game. They also said that they had used up most of the kickstarter money already even though the game had not been produced. They gave people only one month to claim their kickstarter pledge back. Considering to this day there's still people who wonder what happened to their Eldarya account, I strongly believe not many people managed to see that post and claim their money with only a one month timeframe.
Anyway, this serves as a context to show that in a very small company, when the writer disappears for whatever reason, either the project is cancelled or they have to hire someone else. Lots of people believe that Beemoov is a huge company when it's not. At the time of these events there were around 50 employees, and those people had to earn a living. Sally Anne was the only writer, this whole situation led to MCL not being released for at least half a year, which compromised everyone's salaries. Players were complaining like crazy but, despite hearing only one side of the story, they were very happy to jump on the "Sally Anne was being bullied" train once new writers were hired and they could play the game again.
So, let's talk about the "new" writers.
Part 2. Second half of High School Life and Eldarya TO
Once it was clear that Sally Anne would not be able to come back to work, Beemoov hired two new writers. Hikaru who would end up being Eldarya TO's writer, and Cassandre who took over MCL and finished High School season. (These info you can find in the games credits).
Hikaru was the CM at the time, because the company was looking for a writer for this new game Eldarya they gave her a chance. Chino and Hikaru got along well and I think it's visible in TO's writing. Remember Chino is the creator, she decides the story and the events, the writer writes them, and Chino reads and corrects the script. I think it's clear from TO's writing that they had a good synergy. Hikaru left around the end of TO for personal reasons, she moved to another city and changed career, it was her choice to kill off her self-insert (Ykhar) before leaving, so no there was no big conspiracy around the self-inserts. To this day she and Chino are still friends. But no, she's not coming back to write New Gen as people who saw the placeholder seem to believe.
Cassandre, as I said, took over MCL HSL in the middle of Nath's arc. I think it's visible that the season feels a bit different with a different writer, but I still like it, I think she did a good job as a writer. However, once high school was over, in a move that I will never understand, Beemoov's management decided to assign Eldarya to her, not as a writer but as a project manager, effectively taking over Chino's role. So Chino had to leave from around episodes 20-22 and never went back. She only provided the main storyline of the worlds merging, but at some point she resumed working on the events only.
So from around episode 20-22 to episode 29 Hikaru and Cassandre worked together, with Hikaru as the writer and Cassandre as the one deciding the plot/scenes and supervising the writing.
Part 3. Eldarya ANE + MCL University, Love and Alternate Life
Once Hikaru left, Alexis took over. So from episode 30 of TO and throughout ANE he and Cassandre have worked on Eldarya alone. This is the dream team we owe the state of Eldarya to. None of them knew the first 22 episodes of the games in depth and hence why we have all the plot holes and different characters' personalities. Additionally, at that point Cassandre started working on Uncoven so it is my personal opinion that Alexis was mostly on his own during ANE because clearly you can see that the person who wrote that had no idea what Eldarya was really about.
What happened in MCL at the same time? Once Cassandre moved to Eldarya, Beemoov found another writer for MCL, Cara, who wrote University Life. My personal opinion is that she was a good writer, I like University Life, but there's very little romance. Less than HSL for sure. But there are many funny scenes and a young adults feel that I really liked. She and Chino worked on UL together as writer/creator and it's still one of my favourite seasons, however the lack of flirting scenes is visible.
Then, when Love Life started, another writer joined the team, Antoine, Chino was still the creator and Cara remained as proofreader and also worked on Uncoven with Cassandre. My personal opinion is that there are lots of issues in Love Life because of how some themes of feminism, sexual harassment etc. are treated. Additionally the romance was even less than in UL, and some characters' personalities took a slightly strange turn. However I did like the main storyline and the ending that went full circle.
By the time Alternate Life started, both Cassandre and Cara had left the company, Antoine was still around to write additional LL episodes such as wedding and honeymoon, and the events. Eldarya's writing was over and so Alternate's writing has been the product of Alexis and Chino alone.
Part 4. What about today? MCL New Gen
New Gen is being written by Alexis and Chino, same team and dynamic as Alternate, the two of them alone. So if you see people around saying that Hikaru is back or whatever else, it's not true.
You may not like Alexis' writing after what was done to Eldarya, which I totally understand. If I hadn't played all Alternate Life I would feel the same and think that the guy isn't able to think deeper than a teaspoon. But luckily I really like what he and Chino can do together so I have a good feeling for New Gen.
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choirose · 3 months
Does anyone know if we only receive crush messages when we've finished an episode and haven't started the next one? Or you can receive ep 2 messages while playing ep 3, for example?
I accumulated some eps to play and forgot about this damn function...
If it was another game, i wouldn't be worried since the message system is such a thing with otoges and they always treat it with care, but since it's beemoov, my expectations are ALWAYS so low.
And btw I didn't receive the clothes from the app pre-register, I'll have to email them..........
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selh0ve · 5 months
I finally decided to write my thoughts about the game down! So here is my own "little" review, which is in fact quite long, and segmented in three parts, beginning with a general review, then my personal opinions on the LIs, and finally some more specific likes and dislikes.
Thanks in advance for reading 😘️
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General Opinion
First off, the interface is refreshing, and I appreciate all the efforts put into it, although I admit it can be quite heavy, and therefore buggy (even without anything else running, on a good laptop). For this reason I'd like being able to disable some features (the animation of the transition between pages, for example, gives me a lot of troubles).
I like that Candy can have a more defined personality, and I also like how we can better understand the intention behind the answers now. No more "what? but that was not what I meant by choosing this"! For the new AP and gems system… I am still wary of it for now, and will see later if it is really as manageable as it seems. I also like sending hearts to other players, so even if they don't end up useful I'm still happy to have them I personally like the idle mini-games, and am quite curious about how the other game will be. I also think the calendar is a nice touch. And lastly, the jokers seem nice and promising, though I would have preferred having a stock-limit instead of them being temporary.
Story-wise, I like that things are going rather quickly for the beginning, and I trust they'll know when to slow things down later. I saw a few reviews saying these two first episodes felt punitive, and let me tell you… Yes. Amanda disliking me right of the bat on my first play was unexpected. So was Roy. And Devon. But I think it is kind of the point of starting a new game, we don't know their personalities yet, so it's quite normal to screw up when not using guides. But yeah, it was frustrating and Devenmentiel broke my heart.
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The Love Interests
Jason is my favorite so far. Why you may ask? … I find him funny. The man is just having fun being an annoying bitch, and I absolutely love that for him! He also was one I had a quite good Lo'M with at my first play without even trying (rip Roy and Devon who did not appreciate), and it felt quite nice since things did not go so well with most of the other characters. And of course being the antagonist has its own ring, and in my taste the white streaks of hair too.
Amanda comes in the second place with Thomas. Even though my first play did not go well with her, I managed better on my second, and I quite like the relaxed Amanda.
For Thomas, he is the one I had the easiest time with on my first play, everything went smoothly and I found him pretty nice and relatable, though I do not plan on following his route.
Devon is the one I am the most neutral about I think, I don't particularly like or dislike him yet, though his route does intrigue me in a "Ah shit, here we go again" kind of way.
… Now, listen. I do not dislike Roy. He honestly seems like a great dolphin-loving guy who likes to be half-naked a lot and decided to dislike me when I was trying hard for him not to! He is just not my type. This is nothing personal, I swear! Joke aside, Roy is the one I like the least for now. And honestly, it is a shame, because I totally see why other people appreciate him. But the warningless half-nakedness happening twice summed to his for now unexplained short-patience with Jason really did not woo me, quite the opposite in fact.
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Other things I like:
I find Candy's customization quite good! Whether it is for the illustrations, where you can choose between different skin colors, or for our profiles. Candy can also have disability aids (though no mobility aids yet) and a panel of skin features for really cheap, and you can not know how happy it makes me! There also are so much outfits from the beginning, and though many of them have to be paid with real money, Beemoov needs to be profitable, so I think it's rather fair (and hopefully, we'll be able to get those outfits through mini-games).
The music and the animation. I said it before and I'll say it again, I absolutely adored the theme switch when Jason appeared, and I also liked the creativity in the animation very much too. I can not wait for other such things to happen again.
Things I find too bad:
So far there has only been one character that is not thin (two if you count Danica who will show up later), and I regret that all of the men Love Interests are so fit. I can not tell you how down bad I would have been for a fat Devon or Roy (I get that Roy is the athletic type here, but you can be incredibly strong and not be skinny).
Amanda being rich was really emphasized, too much for my taste, on my first play it made me feel like being rich was her main personality trait, which made me uncomfortable. I would have preferred a more subtle way to express it (show don't tell amiright?).
I would have loved to see more not-conventionally-thought-as-attractive features in the LIs, like visible disabilities for example, or different noses, or scars, the kind of things that make the characters feel more real.
What I hope for later:
For the characters of color to be written like ones, with at least their cultures included in some aspects of the game. I understand Beemoov's wish to keep the game lighthearted, so I'd personally understand if they choose not to show racism in the game, but I would also hate that to be an excuse for ignoring the characters' cultures when addressing them would actually be relevant. Here is a better post about the matter.
More non-skinny characters.
Hopefully some in-game disability representation.
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liajaysblog · 3 months
Greetings! I could say that this is my first entry on this Tumblr, I didn't use it much. But I hope to recharge all my faith on it. I want to thank @tetrakys for making this giveaway.
So, let's get to it...
My Candy Love New Gen: Feeling like the first time again.
I introduce myself, in Beemoov games, I am usually called LiaJay, I have had a long career as a player, 5 seasons in the Sweet Amoris universe, 2 beta tests of the game, I have even been a forum moderator.
I've been playing MCL since I was 19, my first crush was Lysander, and then in the later seasons, I let Nathaniel take my heart. And that's how I finished the first generation💖
When I found out that Beemoov and Chinomiko would release a new game in which I would start from the beginning, I couldn't help but get scared. After 8 years, I was afraid it wouldn't be to my taste. It wasn't until I saw a very particular route: a red-haired boy with aqua eyes. Thomas.
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And it was love at first sight ♡
Playing Thomas' route has been quite an adventure, with each episode I feel more and more enthralled with the character. I love his personality, seeming apathetic on the outside, but being really adorable when he manages to open up to Candy. It has been very different from the other routes I played, and that is what I like and excite.
He is a fairly intelligent and bold boy, without mincing words. I love his geeky facts, which he throws out at any time, and his sincerity. I think he is the most transparent character in NG, I really appreciate him a lot haha♡.
Another thing I like about the game is the beautiful clothing items, I won't lie, if I could have all the bank packs in one day, I wouldn't hesitate to get them 😂 the variety of styles is great (I hope they release more things soon, is already needed). My favorite costumes are the Fairycore and the Elven Call (Eldarya vibes, maybe). I like fantasy items, what can I say (?
Finally, the customization of the character (and her adorable pet) fascinates me. Since there are so many categories and traits for the body, I think it is ideal for making the perfect character/OC. An infinite number of models can be created, all based on the user's taste.
The truth is, it has been like going back to that day where I registered for the first time in the game; with the intrigue, the love for a route, the desire to dress Candy... and of course; also the anxiety for a new episode to come out.
And... I think that would be all I had to say.
Thanks so much for reading. And good luck to those who participate in this giveaway.✨️
See you at Amoris, Folks♡
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