#been a while since I've seen a character as insufferable as her...she was treating everyone like shit for no reason
boyguk · 1 year
I finished Everything Now last night and I just gotta speak my truth...Mia and Carli SUCKED, I disliked their characters so much I couldn't have cared less about their feelings for each other
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susiephone · 7 years
I'm a 20-year-old girl and I might be auditioning for Pride and Prejudice but I haven't read the book or seen the movie (I tend to overthink it if I do.) I've seen you talk about P&P on your blog; is there anything you think I should know about the characters that you feel are overlooked aspects I could put into my audition? It's just a cold read so I don't need a monologue, I just want to know what you like about the characters if you'd be willing. Thanks!
Here’s my breakdown of all the characters you could potentially be going for, plus things I personally think get overlooked!
ELIZABETH: Smart, snarky, and fiercely loyal. Ridiculously stubborn. Simultaneously really cynical and a hopeless romantic. She wants to Marry For Love, but is all too aware that this’ll probably mean she’s gonna die alone. She has a very playful quality about her and is kind to others, but she sees the worst in people, partially as a means of protecting herself, especially if someone’s already made a poor impression. (Which backfires severely re: the Wickham and Darcy situation.) She also does not suffer fools gladly. She’s definitely a lady, but she thinks the very limited box that society has placed her in is stupid, and desires to find a man who sees and treats her as an equal, whom she can respect and love. She’s protective of her sisters and loves them all, but is easily annoyed by Lydia, Mary, and Kitty -- she adores Jane, though.
CHARLOTTE: Also smart and cynical, and terribly practical. She’s all too aware of women’s role in society, and doesn’t see much way to cope other than roll with the punches and do the best she can do. When she marries Mr. Collins, she’s aware it’s not a perfect situation and takes steps to have as little contact with him as possible, but, as she points out, he’s not malicious and treats her quite well -- she’s content. Elizabeth’s best friend. They hate the world together.
JANE: Practically perfect in every way. The big sister you wish you had. Optimistic and forgiving, and a little naive, but not dumb -- she’ll defend you until you give her a reason not to. She’s a bit shy, and this tends to come off as coldness or indifference to strangers -- an outsider can’t tell the difference between Jane flirting and Jane just being as nice as she is to everyone else. Super-tight with Elizabeth, but doesn’t always agree with her.
LYDIA: The little sister from hell. Obnoxious, self-centered, and foolish -- a product of her mother spoiling her, and her father being too apathetic to discipline her. Boy-crazy, and can’t spot a bad guy to save her life. Easily distracted and easily flattered. Believes herself to be the most beautiful girl that ever lived, and doesn’t get why Elizabeth is often exasperated with her.
MARY: Also obnoxious, but in her own way. Intelligent and well-read, but not nearly as intelligent or well-read as she pretends. She knows she’s not as beautiful as her sisters, and tries to compensate by throwing herself into academics. Insufferable and preachy, but honestly not a bad person. Terribly introverted and socially awkward, and deep down, quite insecure.
KITTY: Naive, ditzy, and easily-led. Generally good-natured, but foolish. Looks up to Lydia and tends to follow her lead. People tend to ignore her, and get annoyed with her when they do notice her. Once you get her away from Lydia, though, she’s honestly not so bad -- she’s not the brightest bulb in the box, and she can be insensitive, but she’s not mean.
GEORGIANA: Sweet, ladylike, and very shy. Artistic and kindhearted. Brings out the best in people. She’s been through a lot, but she doesn’t let it get her down. She adores her big brother, and by extension, Elizabeth, since he hasn’t shut up about her in ages. She’s normally very reserved, especially around strangers, but Darcy can bring out a bit of a playful side.
CAROLINE: A rich bitch. Smart, but not as smart as she thinks she is. A social climber. Judgmental and hypocritical, but not evil. Nice until she finds out you’re of a lower social standing, but knows better than to antagonize people who are higher up than her. In my opinion, while Caroline’s definitely cruel, she’s also a product of the society in which she lives, and isn’t inherently evil.
I hope this helped! In case you haven’t noticed, I have lots of feelings about all these ladies.
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