#been kinda obsessed with this specific head shape for dragons
donutfloats · 8 months
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Big ol dragon dude
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koko-stu · 1 year
This is just gonna be a Helluva Boss ramble. I've just been pondering if there is a connection between hellborn demons of a specific circle, and the prince that rules it. Though of course there might not be one after all.
For example, the greed ring. There are a lot of Sharks intermingling with imps and the like, yet Mammon looks to be like a four-armed money pimp clown. But a little digging reminded me that Leviathan is usually depicted as a sea beast, so maybe the sharks are actually from the Envy ring? As far as we know, we haven't seen a depiction of envy in the show thus far. And in honesty, the sharks might be Greed born due to "loan shark" word play.
And I know that a lot of princes of hell aren't going to be 100% based on the actual reference, but they get some key points nailed down. For example, Asmodeus (as I can remember from religious depictions) is said to have animal parts like a dragon's tail, kangaroo legs, and three heads, one i think is a lion. Ozzy (in the show) is animal-esque, with bird feathers, legs more akin to a bird, but does have three heads, and a lion's mane. Queen Bee is a bigger diversion from the original Beelzebub depictions, but kept the basics details down, such as association with insects, and the shape-shifting.
Kinda makes me wonder about the depiction of Belphagor: they are often depicted as a demon on a toilet, or as a naked lady (I think). But the main demon types that are associated with Sloth are Baphomets, or basically sheep, goats, and rams. That and the Sloth ring is in charge of creating drugs, from pharmaceutical to hard. Meanwhile, Belphagor is often the guy to go to for invention ideas, and is the reason why people invent so many things. So, that could be a fun interpretation to see; a naked goat lady with Chronic diarrhea.
Also, going back to Mammon for a bit, I thought I read somewhere that that specific demon can turn people to gold, and can control crystals and the like. So that might be fun.
Edit: I just though of what if the Envy ring is just filled with shape shifting fish people full of social media users just trying to one-up each other. It would be a trendy Innsmouth. And Leviathan just would be something crossed between and angler fish and lion fish, always doing internet challenges.
For Wrath, Satan could be a wild-west centaur that's on fire. That or he could be like a rattlesnake monster with guns at the end, like the main bad guy from Rango.
I'm just excited for seeing interpretations of deadly sin headliners.
Edit #2
I got too obsessed with drawing with sheep demons, so here. This can be interpreted as either the possible stand-in for Belphagor, or a general Sloth doctor. Point it, this is my creation, not Spindlehorse's or Vizi's. If they came out with an official Belphagor design, and it turns out to be similar, it is purely coincidental. Further down the line, I might tackle the other undrawn demons.
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hareefaree · 1 year
Thesis Process Journal - 7.22.23 - Experimentation
So this past year I got very into custom doll making. I’ve gotten obsessed over Dollightful’s channel over on youtube, specifically her heavily modded doll stuff - I love seeing her engineer points of articulation and make these beautiful custom dolls out of it (My favorite is her Aquarian dragon doll). So… at the beginning of this summer I asked my aunt to take me thrifting to buy some cheap dolls to cut apart. I had the sneaking suspicion I could use the techniques to make a stop-motion friendly doll.
I found these Barbies (and one old disney Belle doll I think?) with very little existing articulation. I beheaded them, cleaned up the paint, took off the hair, and then tried to figure out where I wanted articulation. I wanted to try a more ball-jointed approach with a lot of rotational capacity - so I cut one of the dolls at the hips, under the breast, at the upper arm and elbow and at the knee. 
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The legs have been proving difficult because they're jointed within the doll rather than in a more easy to access/ workshop way. They’re rubbery and hard to get epoxy putty to cling to because they’re flexible :( They’re also really lacking in hip mobility so I honestly might just end up breaking them off and making them wireframe because by god can I make a good wireframe puppet and they’ll most likely be covered by pants..
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I tried making a cup for a ball joint in the midsection between the hips and breast, forming it out of epoxy. However making the ball waist has been impossible? I initially tried making one out of epoxy and now I’m gonna try a wooden bead wrapped in polyurethane foam and see if that flexibility helps anything. All these mods have honestly been doing so far though is fucking up the proportions in a fun and insane way… so I’m treating this as just a functional test so I know what I’m doing with my final, properly proportioned piece. 
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I added a coat hanger wire to hook the elastic around to create the ball joint. We'll see how this goes.
I also started thinking about the head - I want moveable eyes and replacement faces to accommodate lip syncing (because I really really love to lip sync). To make the moveable eyes  took the wax on the outside of babybel cheese and spread it over a piece of thick glossy paper, cut a quarter circle out and wrapped it around my eye bead. It moves pretty smoothly but I think the wax will melt under the light (the red also kinda stains the eye bead but eyes do have red on them so I don’t find that to be bad).
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I think I’d maybe try a harder thing in placement of the paper since it still kinda squishes around (though my test with an aluminum can material has pretty much failed bc I can't bend it into a cone shape well enough). Or I’ll just wrap it in epoxy and call it a day. I’ll then embed that into a skull backing and build the replacements up front like I did for Dressmaker.
Aesthetically I want to maintain a papery/fibery visual image. I’ve been considering the idea of animation on paper/cell for little cutaways/memory overlays to incorporate that 2D sensibility and maybe make everything a little more collagey? I ended up finding and looking through a bunch of old ass family photos and want to recapture that sort of hazy energy I got while looking at those. I’m not sure though - I kind of desperately wish I was around my peers so I could get some conceptual critiques before the school year started and maybe more ideas with regards to aesthetic and focus. Oh well, It’s a little under a month left before I’m back in Bmore.
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kahran042 · 4 years
More of my favorite YouTube comments
(in response to Musical Hell's review of Legends of Oz: Dorothy's return) "There's no way you're going to make a rainbow look threatening to anybody but a FOX news anchor." Allow me to offer some counterexamples. Prism Justice, Disgaea 2. Sonic Rainboom, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. All of the light-elemental attack spells in Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. Depending on how you interpret its appearance, Prismatic Spray, Dungeons and Dragons. And many more, I'm sure.
(in response to the educational video Social Acceptability) If I were writing this, it would probably end with Marion, Clara, and Pete starting a revolution and eventually overthrowing the clique, er, "cleek".
(in response to Off Camera Secrets | Pokemon Snap - Boundary Break) I know it's probably a coincidence, but I found it interesting that you said "The Rapidash that GALLOP behind the scenes," since Gallop is Rapidash's Japanese name.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze) Searching for keys in an underwater maze as a mammal with a limited air supply while awesome music plays. Now, am I talking about Shoal Atoll or practically every level in the Genesis Ecco games? :)
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Super Mario World) "Who wants to eat dolphins?" The Vortex Queen, for one.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden II) Random fun fact related to the Jowy gender issue: I actually had a female friend in high school who sort of looked like Jowy.
(in response to SlimKirby's Let's Play of Sonic CD) Sonic: "I'm outta here!" Kids in the background: "YAY!"
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All) Other commentator: Is yours and Maya's priorities being similar/the same a good thing, or a bad thing? :) Me: If we knew that, we'd probably know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.
(in response to Shoot for the NBA! 10 cats obsessed with Basketball) Air Bud...WITH CATS! =^_^=
(in response to SlimKirby's Let's Play of Sonic Adventure DX) It took you two minutes to find One Piece? That's pretty impressive - Luffy and his crew still haven't found it after like 800 episodes. :)
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Donkey Kong Country Returns) World 2 boss: We Bare Crabs.
(in response to Eye of Sol's review of Family Guy) "Esoteric"? Sol, Family Guy is not a food. :) Seriously, though, it's nice to see a non-negative review of this show.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden) Say what you will about Tesla's "Albert" disguise, he at least knows not to use his name and portrait in his text box when using it. :)
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations) Other commentator: So for those that remember Phoenix being in the hospital earlier on, I think we can conclude that the guy is legit invincible. Chewed and ate glass/metal that had poison kept in it, been punched on two separate occasions by massive dudes, threatened by gangsters, attacked with a 600,000 volt stun-gun, hit over the head with a fire extinguisher, and has now fallen into a river infamous for having bodies that end up in there never turning up. Phoenix is hacking the game so hard it's unreal. Me: And, worst of all...eating Jean Armstrong's cooking!
(in response to Resulka's Let's Play of Ultima VII: Serpent Isle) The fact that Voldin is the senior member of the royal council should be proof enough that the city of Fawn doesn't banish people just for being ugly. :)
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Duke) Look on the bright side: at least you aren't a solid gold lion. :)
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Duke) Other commentator 1: You know this movie doesn't sound all that enjoyable. Me: That's like saying the Pacific Ocean is moist.
(in response to Failous' review of Beauty and the Beast Bevanfield) So...wait. You don't hate the 17th century, or you don't know why you hate the 17th century? :)
(in response to Failous' review of Cricket on the Hearth) Other commentator: Old Man makes every movie better. Me: Let's agree to disagree.
(in response to Failous' review of Anastasia (Golden Films)) Other commentator: The only credit I give to goldenfilms that they at least know about the tsar tragedy and didn't sugarcoat they're tragic deaths...While those 3 godawful  crappy animated films of titanic took a crap on the tragic deaths of the million of people whom died on the titanic............etc...... Me: How can millions of people have died on a ship with a maximum capacity of 3547?
(in response to BCSBuster's Let's Play of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time) Maybe it's just me, but those eyespots on the back of Ruto's head are pretty disturbing.
(in response to BCSBuster's Let's Play of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time) Counterpoint: The Deku Tree is dead, so how's he going to stop you from going inside? :)
(in response to Lewtoons' review of Beauty and the Beast) This is automatically better than Phelous' review on the ground of containing 100% less Phelous.
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Swan Princess 5 & 6) Other commentator: Elise should probably be more grateful for her princess title and being adopted by the unrealistically nice royalty, considering she, you know, came from a family of wood cutters? Me: Agreed. After all, Derek and Odette didn't kill her parents and destroy her village, only keeping her alive so that she could tell them where the village's secret treasure was kept.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Katamari Damacy) My personal theory about why people don't notice katamaris is that they generate SEP fields.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Katamari Damacy) What would the "hunk" constellation be, though? I picture it being Hercules or Orion.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Other commentator: Bacula is the son of Dracula from Phoenix Wright. Explaining why Bacula has the Edgeworth voice. Because Bacula is Edgeworth. Edgeworth is part of the Phoenix Wright trilogy which has three games. Triangles have three sides. Illuminati has a triangle shaped symbol with three sides. Bacula is Illuminati. Me: And my brother is my sister and my sister is my mother and Sakunoshin is my sister and Akai Homura is a woman!
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Terranigma) And, of course, part of the path to becoming two-legged was to become a rabbit with the face of a cat.
(in response to Musical Hell's review of Peter Pan Live) I believe in coyotes and time as an abstract.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Spoiler alert: Rosebud was Charles Foster Kane's sled.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Other commentator: Aaaaaand Hifumi's dead. Yeah, no big deal. Seriously though, I still can't help but feel bad for the guy. A murder is a murder, after all. And he was a funny dude in his own way, so it's kinda sad because of that, too. Me: I officially lost any sympathy I might have had for him once he started creeping on Alter Ego. Sorry, but that's just how I feel.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Multiple killings with hammers...it must be Maxwell Edison! I know he used a silver hammer and these ones are wood, but you take what you can get.
(in response to Children's Film Riffs' commentary on Why Did The Bus Stop?) Why did the bus stop? Because it crashed. Why did the bus crash? Because Jimmy was driving. Why couldn't Jimmy drive? Because he didn't have any arms or legs. Why didn't Jimmy have any arms or legs? Because he was a potato.
(in response to Movie Nights' Mary Kate and Ashley Triple Feature #1) Say what you will about this, I do like that one twin's black tank top with the gold dragon or whatever.
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Legend of Frosty the Snowman) Karen doesn't need Frosty anymore because right after the first movie, she fell off the roof where Santa left her and died instantly.
(in response to Thomas the Riffed Engine and Friends' review of Fiery Flynn) "It would only make sense for Thomas the Tank Engine to have a fire engine character..." By that logic, it would only make sense for Fireman Sam to have a steam engine character to teach about railway procedure.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of StarTropics, specifically the My Country 'Tis of Thee/God Save the Queen snippet) Let's just split the difference and say that it was the anthem of the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen. :)
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Nutcracker: The Untold Story) In a world of living toys, I'd say that, yeah, toys ARE the worst things you could burn.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice) Too many glands...so he's the anti-Zucotti Manicotti?
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Equestria Bound) Other commentator: You know, as much as Mother 3 was a good game, I am still completely frustrated by its ending.  Was it a happy ending?  A dark ending?  I still have no idea. Me: It's whatever kind of ending you want it to be. Personally, I like to think of it as a happy ending because Lucas deserves one, dammit.
(in response to Top 10 Worst RPG Dungeons - PlayStation Edition) The Kislev Sewers is, indeed, the pits - literally and figuratively. :)
(in response to Miss Nightmare's review of Gumby: The Movie) I haven't seen the actual movie, but I have seen Bobsheaux's review, and you are right about the song being a total earworm.
(in response to a video of the Ritual of Fire going wrong in Ultima VIII) Other commentator: Lol in Ultima VII I would take items from dungeons and it would be "stealing," guards would come etc lol. I remember in Ultima V the best way to get good items is to steal magic keys from the merchant in Minoc then raid British's basement. I think the only thing bad it does is make the mage in Trinsic not tell you the mantra of Honor. I wish getting rich was that easy in real life! Hey could you do me a quick favor and tell me if you are able to watch my uploads or if they are blocked Me: And, considering that the mantra of Honor never changes... ;)
(in response to Lucahjin's review of D*ng*nr*np* 2) Other commentator: Remember when Lucah was so mad about Mahiru's murder? And really anxious to find the culprit? I guess we know just how much she actually cared for her. Let's not forget in our rush of sympathy that Fuyuhiko murdered a girl while in high school with a baseball bat. And that Peko murdered Mahiru. They might love each other but that does not make them good people. Me: I actually like Peko more because she murdered Mahiru. Good riddance.
(in response to Lucahjin's review of D*ng*nr*np* 2) Let me be frank: I'm mostly just watching these for the executions these days, and that last one was pretty weak. Not exactly heartbreaking, but definitely disappointing.
(in response to the Cinema Snob's Let's Play of Christmas with a Capital C) Personally, I favor Happy Boxing Day Eve. :)
(in response to MihariofMabinogi's Let's Play of Chrono Trigger) I think that those people talking about how Robo speaks were referring to the fact that in the Japanese version, he speaks in kind of a weird mix of hiragana and katakana. The closest English equivalent would probably be having him put emphasis on the wrong syllables.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Pony Fantasy VI) I like to think that the ghost isn't so much "unwilling" to help after that point as "unable" - the Train's influence prohibits it from proceeding any further without being taken over by its consciousness.
(in response to Treble0096's Let's Play of Mother 3) Another mole cricket fact: They're apparently edible. If nothing else, I saw them listed in an article on strange canned food in Uncle John's Ahh-Inspiring Bathroom Reader.
(in response to Treble0096's Let's Play of Mother 3) Who would make wallpaper look like a filled bookcase? Probably someone pretending to be an intellectual.
(in response to Golden Book Video Killers XXV) The song that you said was about slavery clearly wasn't, because it mentioned Jenny being paid, with the implication that she could be paid more if she worked faster.
(in response to Autumchild's Let's Play of Breath of Fire III) I recently had a dream about using the dolphin's battle form as transportation in another game.
(in response to His Theme from Undertale: The Musical) I'm not normally the type to cry over fictional characters, but this song can come pretty drat close to making me do so.
(in response to SlimKirby's Let's Play of Lemmings) Me: If I'm not mistaken, I think almost every level without a unique tileset gets remixed at least once. SlimKirby: you are mistaken. There are definitely some levels that are unique beyond that classification. Me: That's why I said "almost". :)
(in response to Musical Hell's review of Happily Ever After) "There's only one Shadow Man!" (referring to Dr. Facilier) I'm guessing you've never played Mega Man 3, then?
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Swan Princess 2 & 3) Other commentator: I think all of these characters’ mothers were hamsters. Me: But did their fathers smell of elderberries?
(in response to Laws Broken: Dark Knight) Can Batman use self defense? Yes, because he's motherbleeping Batman.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden II) Ah, Coronet. Jowston's leading producer of cheesy educational shorts.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Banjo-Kazooie) Clanker's Cavern is definitely the worst level in the game, but at least that means that it can only get better.
(in response to Top 6 Worst Characters from Good Cartoons) I know it's weird, but there is no South Park season 20. It just goes right from 19 to 21. Kind of like how there's no Leisure Suit Larry 4, I guess.
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of Miracle in Toyland) Other commentator: There is a woman with the word Nazi In her last name? Me: Ironically, Eskenazi is actually a Jewish surname. If you don't believe me, Google it.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Final Fantasy Tactics) If you're using Brett, better watch out for stray bullets. :)
(in response to The End of Time from Chrono Trigger: The Musical) "Unless time gets very desperate, in which case you could risk it." Anyone else have a feeling that this is foreshadowing?
(in response to the Media Hunters' review of Titanic: The Legend Goes On) Other commentator: The uncut version is somewhat better but that’s not saying much Me: Which is like saying that Death Valley is somewhat cooler than the surface of the sun.
(in response to the Cinema Snob's review of Gotti) Looks more like Ingeni-theta-us to me.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Illusion of Gaia) You say never to trust a man named Edward, but what about a blue engine named Edward?
As before, they literally are my comments unless specified.
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