#beep boop my ted lasso hyperfixation is rocking my life
remixedroses · 8 months
When Roy woke up it was with his head on the cold tile of his bathroom. Funny as he wasn’t even on the floor of this bathroom when he finally passed out.
“What the fuck happened?” A rasp voice asked from the open door. Roy squinted up and saw his sister glaring down at him with a glass of water in her hand.
He groaned and slowly sat up. “Just a bit of fun, you know how it is, Ruth.” He rolled his shoulders wincing at the loud crack at the motion. He reached up for his sister to help him to his feet, but his efforts were slapped away.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Roy, this was different,” She looked pissed, Roy realised. Not like the usual disappointment with a hint of fondness. “You know your limits and this was well past them.”
“It was a close win, some of the lads wanted to celebrate.” He shrugged and lifted himself to his feet. “Might’ve gone past my limits a bit,”
“A bit?!” She hissed, her eyes wide. “Roy, if I were not a trained medical professional, you would be dead!” She pulled a hand over her face.
“Why are you here?”
She stared silently at him. “You don’t remember?” Roy looked at her blankly. “You called me,” Her breath hitched. “Roy you were out of it, kept talking about how you’re nothing without football and-”
Roy cut her off with a snort.
“No. You do not get to do this. You didn’t hear yourself.”
“And what am I without football then, huh? It's all I’ve ever known-”
“My brother! You’re my brother no matter what.” Her eyes glistened. “Especially now,” She let out a deep sigh. “I’d hoped you would understand.”
“Especially now? What do you mean?” Roy looked her up and down taking notice of her fratled state. “If that fucker did something to you, I swear-”
“He didn’t do anything, relax.” She rolled her eyes at his antics. “Or well…”
“This wasn’t how I wanted you to find out and it’s early, it can change,”
“What’s going on Ruth? Are you dying?”
She rolled her eyes and stood up shaking her head. “I’m pregnant you utter moron.” She swiped her hair away from her face. “‘Are you dying?’” She mocked. “Jeez.”
Roy stared at her with his jaw dropped. “You’re pregnant?”
“Yes,” she nodded.
Roy jumped up and pulled her into a tight hug. “If this is a joke I’ll kill you,” He tightened his arms around her. “And if it’s not, congratulations.”
She giggled into his chest. “Thanks. And definitely not a joke by how many times I’ve thrown up this morning.” She let go of him and took a step back. “You’re gonna be an uncle Roy,” she said, her voice serious. “So you have to stop this,” She waved her hand at him and the floor, where he woke up minutes ago. “Cause I can’t do this without you and,” She shut her eyes tightly. “I’m divorcing him.”
“Good for you,” Roy . “Overdue, but good for you. That wanker can rot in fucking hell for all I care.”She rolled her eyes. “Good to see you’re back.” She pointed a finger at him. “And don’t think this conversation is over 'cause it’s not. You need help Roy, help I can’t give you.” She turned and walked down the stairs leaving Roy in his cold bathroom.
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