#before arniel gave me his quest I got into a drinking contest with Sam
beckiboos · 1 year
I have two questions regarding your Skyrim OC Calliope if that's alright. (Super new to Tumblr so idk the etiquette yet, sorry!)
1. You have a screenshot with earmuffs on with her and they are so adorable, which mod are they from? I so need them in my game too!
2. Do you have a backstory for your OC? I tried to use Tumblr search function to find out more but it hasn't helped me turn of a post of yours and it's kinda confusing
Anyway thanks for your time!
Awww thank you and welcome to tumblr! Always happy to answer asks that's what its there for. Firstly earmuffs! Lots of items and lots of colours
Secondly I don't have a backstory post so that's why you couldn't find it so I guess this will be it! Lol no one has asked her backstory before so this has been all in my head until now
Calliope is a breton born and raised in High Rock. Second child of a minor noble family, her elder brother stood to inherit the family estate and she from a young age wanted to study magic. She and her brother didn't get along very much and they played awful pranks on each other. Her mother and father were ambitious types but focused all their attention on their son. They let Calliope study magic to keep her quiet and thought a talent for magic and good education will get attention at court and she will attract a advantageous marriage to further their ambitions.
Calliope when she came of age then studied with the court wizard and worked her up until she got the rank of apprentice at around 26. However this is where her families plan sort of fall apart. During a masquerade Calliope caught the eye of a new handsome courtier she didn't recognise and had a passionate one night stand with him. Unfortunately for her he didn't disclose the fact that he was married and they are caught by his wife. His wife demands to her family she be removed from court or she reveals the whole scandal to the court and her families reputation will be ruined.
So her family thinks its best for Calliope to leave High Rock until the scandal blows over and continue her magical training. She is sent to the College of Winterhold in Skyrim. Her aunt Collette organises a place for her there and that's where I start my game. The cherry on top of it all is the slighted wife of her tryst heard she was going to Skyrim and just for good measure put a 1000 gold bounty on her in every hold in hopes she'll get killed by bounty hunters or get arrested.
How she meets Taliesin from that location is because when doing a training exercise for Arniel (in Immesive College of Winterhold mod) where she has to dive in freezing cold waters to fetch a crystal. She is quite sensitive to the cold and she passes out returning to the college from the ocean (frostfall) and a mysterious "Rider" picks her up and leaves a note on her saying they took her with them and dropped her off at their destination. They took no payment only hoped that she would surive and maybe show the same kindness one day to a stranger who needs it. She wakes up in an inn in MARKARTH (worst city EVER) so with no money and no equipment she has to walk back to the college avoiding guards and bounty hunters and the wilds of Skyrim. Going past Falkreath she meets Auri and Lucien and while heading back to the college via Whiterun (for some jobs for gold and gather supplies to survive the cold) She meets an insane sounding Thalmor surrounded by bodies covered in blood bleeding out and delirious. Remembering the note and pay that kindness forward, she decides to save his life and that's pretty much where I started posting a lot of screens of Tally and Calliope. I love them and am having lots of with playing their story.
Ohhh that was long sorry 😂 The Dealing with backstories mod helped me a lot setting up this backstory for her, its a very fun mod with consequences in your game and for your character. I do recommend that it's become a staple starting new games and characters for me. Hope this wasn't too long. I'll tag it long post anyway
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