#before y'all go ??? at Wallace's outfit
batscrem · 1 year
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Why yes I am tossing this one in at 1 AM, why do you ask
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atlantisunfound · 1 month
"Stan culture" in the zietgiest ruined being a stan
let's start out by stating that I am aware that a certain amount of celebrity on whatever level comes with lenses on that person
that in mind I'm quite discouraged by Stan culture in general, and right now as we experience it as my focus. it's insanely negative and has legitimately criminal acts construed as blasé(I'll go ahead and state ACAB here).
the pressure to conform, to be palatable, to fit in sound bites, to be role models seems astounding to me. you can have the cultiest following out there and divide millions in milliseconds.
my first experience with tumblr was stumbled upon while digging for Lady Gaga content after catching the wave mid-monster ball tour. getting to hear people's thoughts on the music, outfits, lives was something I hadn't lived before.
I had a similar experience with Halsey after the tumblr days on insta. I had followed fan accounts and muted their content once I got tickets for our HFK stop so that I wouldn't spoil the show for myself. 👏THE👏WAY I ate up tour stops before and after that was excessive. I've been a part of these parasocial relationships for a long time and I don't disregard that.
are we joking?
please tell me we're joking
I've been receptive of criticisms of my faves, increasingly as I've aged out of adolescence, I think. being a fan/Stan does not automatically mean you blindly back everything that they do in the public eye, which more often than not peeks into their private lives but I digress.
I always thought the core fan base dismissed the clickbaiting rumors and slander? I thought we were here to stand in solidarity with the artist and have a critical eye for the way they say what they mean through their art. obviously art is meant to be interrupted and so the discourse is open.
what a dream to go back to those days
I'm stanning Gaga and Halsey rn and for some reason I got into reddit before coming here and GOD what an awful place. 75% negative comments under posts, and I'm in groups unrelated to this topic as well.
for Halsey,
please let them be. let them rest. let her cook
sometimes while listening I think back to having a first listen through of Manic with my best friend I was living with at the time. at the end of the "meat" of the song she said something along the lines of "yeah, and the same 'halsey' outro"
listening to the end of Ashley, this dig hits even... deeper? I guess?
like, okay sure the vibe can be the same,
cathedral, harmonies, long notes
where is she trying to take is w/ these motifs?
why is this pretentious generation willing to sit through hours of lit like chuck palahniuk and david foster wallace but we can't even handle 50 min concept albums?
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