#before you ask no I didn't do a seder plate
solitarelee · 1 year
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THIS TOOK ME ALMOST TWO HOURS. WHY YOU ASK. Because I made everything from scratch. It was my first time making unleavened bread (easier than I thought) and baba ghanouj (exactly as difficult as I thought). It wasn't my first time cutting up a massive side of salmon, though. If you're wondering if I overcooked it; yeah sorry. ;-; I was cooking so many things simultaneously.
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Prompt idea: Holiday celebration get horrendously fucked (birthday, Christmas, Halloween, Passover, doesn’t matter really, dealers choice) and one of them has to comfort the other and help them through a meltdown over their favorite day getting fucked up
Happy birthday and hopefully your day isn’t as bad as you would make Ed and Stede’s!
I wasn't able to get this one edited and posted on my birthday, but it's still a precious prompt and I loved writing for it!! Here's the story of The Time That Stede Fucked Up Passover.
"The eleventh plague," Stede said glumly as he watched Ed open a kitchen window to air out some of the smoke, "easily misread cooking directions."
"Well, babe," Ed said over his shoulder, "I'm not sure why you thought that the oven needed to be set to 450 for brisket -"
"I misread the package, Ed," Stede snapped, trying to hide the wobble in his voice.
"Aww, no, that came out wrong." Ed, who had been poking at the smoking, thoroughly blackened brisket sitting on the stovetop to salvage for any edible parts, held out a hand for Stede to take.
Stede pretended he didn't see, looking down at his lap.
It was Stede's first Passover with Ed, and he knew it was a big deal. Ed's mama was coming over for the seder, and Stede had been trying so fucking hard to get it all right. Passover was Ed's favorite holiday! He couldn't fuck it up!
So he did all his research. He practiced reading the haggadah, the text read at the seder - even though Ed would be doing most of the reading, he wanted to be able to pronounce the prayers without asking for help and mark spots where he could raise interesting discussion or questions and (hopefully) impress Ed's mom. He'd figured out voices to use for all of Ed's plague-themed finger puppets to add a bit of levity, triple-checked what they needed for the seder plate, and he'd stressed over making sure dinner was perfect.
When the local synagogue had released sign-ups for pre-made brisket packs, of course he'd signed them up. He wasn't the greatest cook, and neither was Ed, so he figured that having the main course squared away would take a load off his mind and allow him to focus on getting the table set and ready while Ed prepared the roasted sweet potatoes, matzo ball soup, and an extra-big helping of charoset.
And now he'd fucked up his one contribution to dinner, and he hadn't even gotten the table ready, and he'd forgotten to put the wine in the fridge to chill, all because he couldn't even read the package -
"Stede, babe, you need to breathe."
Stede jerked his eyes open. He didn't even remember closing them, but now Ed was kneeling in front of him at the table. He put a gentle, calming hand on Stede's thigh, looking up at him with a small smile.
"I'm so, so sorry, Ed," Stede sighed, scrubbing at his eyes before his tears could fall. "I've ruined everything - I'm the worst boyfriend ever."
"Hey, don't talk about my boyfriend that way," Ed pretended to grumble. "You just misread the instructions. Could've happened to anyone, and you've never made brisket before, have you?"
"No," Stede admitted.
"There ya go," Ed said easily. "You do need to wear your reading glasses more often, though. Not even just saying that because I think they're hot."
"Ed," Stede snorted. "Was any of it edible?"
"Stede," Ed said solemnly, "that thing is burnt to a sizzle. It's basically a rock. It's an ex-brisket."
"Great," Stede sighed. "Your mom's going to hate me."
"She's gonna love you," Ed promised. "Wanna know how I know?"
Stede just pursed his lips.
"Because you tried," Ed said. "You tried so fucking hard."
"That doesn't change the fact that our main course is burnt beyond recognition, Ed."
"C'mon, man, get it straight." Ed rubbed a soothing little circle over Stede's kneecap. "If you think my mama is showing up here without more food than any of us can eat, you're in for a surprise."
Well. That made it a bit better.
"I'm just sorry," Stede said, his shoulders hunching inward with his guilt. "I wanted this to be the best Passover you've ever had -"
"It will be," Ed said, immediately. "Because you're here. And I love you."
"I love you, too." Stede cupped Ed's cheek in his hand, his heart swelling at the way Ed tilted his face into the contact. "Promise you're not mad?"
"Not a bit," Ed said.
Stede leaned in to kiss him, but they pulled apart when they heard a car pull into the driveway.
"The eleventh plague," Ed said cheekily, giving Stede a quick kiss on his way up. "Meeting your boyfriend's mom."
Stede shivered.
"C'mon, babe, she'll love you!" One last kiss, and Ed darted out to meet his mama before she had a chance to start trying to carry things in herself.
Stede took a deep breath, made sure no one could see him for just long enough to flip off the stupid brisket on the stove, and then he ran out to join them.
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fitzonomy · 2 years
Welcome to my post:
"The time I was almost murdered during passover"
That sounds promising, no? It was the early aughts and I had just started college. My grandmother had been living in Tennessee for a while but was originally from New York, had gone to a strict Jewish school, raised in an Orthodox family, etc etc.
During passover, she'd clean her kitchen and line the cabinets (and anything food would go on). She once got SUPER pissed at me for eating popcorn during passover (I think it might be legal now but it wasn't then). For as long as I can remember, she called me her "little schlimazel" and would watch me like a hawk when I helped during passover prep (no matter how careful or perfect I executed anything, the universe conspired against me I fucking swear and at least she acknowledged this).
She'd gone lax on a lot of things but passover was still The Show for her.
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Job security was pretty stable for her as well. The move had not affected her ability to slide back into a nursing position (oncology in particular). She made friends and would invite them to see what her traditions were about.
One year I was there when one of her friends came to passover. My partner was too.
Our cast in no particular order
3 white women (me, my mother, my grandmother)
1 black woman (grandmother's friend)
1 white male
Location: Tennessee
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I won't go into the whole ceremony. Suffice to say, it can get long. I think by this time, my family was down to only celebrating one night with a four-hour long ceremony with a dinner in the middle if memory serves. We'd been cooking all day, my grandmother was a perfectionist, I was tired and ready to sit down for a bit. Her friend was going to arrive at near the beginning of the ceremony. We'll name friend Jennifer.
Jennifer arrives, is pretty wowed by the table (got ourselves the family seder plate and other goodies all laid out all fancy like). Smells are A+, fucking LIT. We've got about a billion wine bottles ready to go and my grandmother tells Jennifer to sit and relax because she's the guest and to not lift a finger.
Ceremony starts. There's a LOT that happens before dinner (it's involved, there's a guide to tell you how to do the ceremony). After dinner, you're AT LEAST three cups of wine in. Now, they aren't a restaurant standard 5 oz pour and they've been spread over a few hours (depending on how long the ceremony has gone on).
When a probably well-known part of the ceremony happens. It gets shared around tumblr this time of year and I see it once or twice each time. It's time to give Elijah his cup of wine. Now, in my family, we poured him not only a cup of wine but sat a place for him at the table AND made him a plate of food. Traditionally, I think it's just the cup of wine though. My grandmother though just went all out.
But we didn't really explain everything to Jennifer. We just told the story about how Elijah really was DEAD dead. Just "gone."
Now, I'd been through this enough times that the magic of waiting for the food to be touched had disappeared for me. At this point in my life, my attitude in my late teens/early 20s me @ Elijah
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Just waiting for this old Jewish dude to hurry the fuck up or let me go back to snacking on the leftovers of my meal, leaning left like the baller I was.
Grandmother tells me to go open the door. Mind you, it's the middle of the night. She lived on the outskirts of a suburb of Nashville but still not like, a place to just walk around in the dead of night. I know the drill--time to keep the door open for a few minutes and see if Elijah wants to finally come back from his cigarette run finally.
Jennifer is just STARING. Mouth dropped, eyes wide. She finally asks, "What the hell are you all doin??"
I look at my grandmother. My mom looks at her. My partner looks at me. I shrug. Like I don't know what to say. We gotta wait on Elijah for a little bit. This is part of passover. My grandmother points to the part in the Haggadah (that book I keep mentioning) and Jennifer shakes her head.
"No, no, I understand what it's about. I'm asking about your survival instincts. It's the middle of the night outside of Nashville and you just open up your door waiting for just anyone to walk on through? Didn't we just get finished talking about the Nazis?"
To be fair, yes, we had because my grandmother's grandparents had fled from Austria during World War II.
Jennifer: And now y'all just asking to be murdered on Passover? God was nice enough to pass over y'all and then you just OPEN THE DOOR FOR SOME ANGEL OF DEATH TO KILL YOUR WHITE ASSES?
*silence for about a full minute*
Me, looking at my grandmother: uh... should I... should I shut, the uh... door?
My grandmother, just staring at Elijah's plate then back at me: *says nothing*
Me, now feeling a little uncomfortable near the door open to the night: ... uh ...
My grandmother: Go ahead and shut it. Elijah's food has gotten cold. We can move ahead.
Me with my newfound trauma for the long-awaited prophet:
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Anyway, that's just one of my many stories being raised Jewish. I don't practice or identify as such anymore but still feel like it's a part I can't escape. My religious and spiritual upbringing was a mess so I don't talk about it a lot but there are lots of weird things to get out of it.
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adventuresindolls · 3 years
Daisies & Daffodolls Day 17: AG Series (Part 1 of 6)
I originally intended this prompt to just be an idea of 'if my doll had a book series...' only I got really excited about it and came up with summaries. And collections. For all 3 dolls. I might even write and illustrate them next month, but for now I'm sharing what I have with all of you.
Note: I have many more pictures for Lexie and Summer than I do for Olive. this is ONLY because Olive is new and doesn't have a lot of clothes yet.
About Lexie
Lexie Sarah Gilbert is an 11-year-old Jewish girl. She lives with her two dads and her 8-year-old sister, Sophie. Lexie is autistic and loves to write stories. She's also really interested in sea animals. She's bright and empathetic and friendly but very awkward.
Book Summaries and pictures below the cut.
Meet Lexie, an American Girl
Message: The power of friendship
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Lexie's family moves to a new city right before she starts middle school. Change is really hard for her, so she struggles to adapt. To help with new school anxiety, her dads take the family to the county fair the week before school starts. Sophie wants to run all over and try everything practically at once, but Lexie just wants to ride the same swing ride over and over until the noise of the fair gets to be too much. She wanders off to a quiet corner and finds another girl sitting alone and reading a book. She introduces herself, and soon she and Summer are chatting like they've always been friends. They both go to the fair every day that week and meet up. They have a number of adventures, including one where they help someone keep his sheep. The book ends the day before school starts, with both of them feeling more confident now that they have each other.
Lexie Learns a Lesson: A School Story
Message: Stand up for and believe in yourself
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Lexie and Summer start middle school together, and almost immediately Lexie is having a hard time. In her elementary school she got to stay in the same room all day, and was allowed to sit in the back corner if she was overwhelmed. But here she has to change classes in loud crowded hallways, take classes with different kids, and try to focus on studying while others are being distracting. On top of that, she struggles socially. Summer is still her friend and they hang together, but Summer misses school sometimes, and then Lexie is alone. Most of the kids are nice enough at first but start to avoid her for her weirdness. Some of them are outright mean. But she eventually learns to stand up for herself and appreciate her own strengths and abilities no matter what anyone might say.
Lexie's Surprise: A Halloween Story
Message: It's ok to be interested in whatever you like
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Lexie loves the movie Frozen and can't wait to dress up as Elsa for Halloween, especially since she's helping her Papa (who stays home while her Daddy works) sew the costume. She initially feels very grown up because this year she'll be allowed to take Sophie trick-or-treating with no adults. But then all the kids at school start talking about a Halloween party that Lexie wasn't invited to. Even worse, Summer was. Summer offers to skip it, but she looks so disappointed that Lexie says it's ok. Halloween doesn't seem like it will be any fun now. It only gets worse after some of the meaner girls hear her and Summer discussing her costume and laugh about how they're too old to dress as princesses. But it turns out ok because on Halloween, Lexie's older cousin Naomi comes over and takes her to a haunted house while Sophie goes trick-or-treating with their Daddy. Naomi is dressed up as Snow White - and she didn't even know what Lexie's costume would be!
Happy Birthday, Lexie: A Winter Story
Message: Don't give up trying when you want to do something
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tLexie's birthday is the week before winter break, so she and Sophie get to leave school a few days early so their family can go on a ski trip! Just before they leave, Lexie is excitedly telling the school librarian a story she made up and he suggests she write it down. They stay in a mountain lodge and drink hot cocoa and go skiing and have a real fireplace in their room and it's amazing. Lexie makes sure to get a postcard for Summer. She also starts writing down story ideas in a notebook. One day in town, they find an old and relatively compact typewriter in an antique shop, and she longs for it. After seeing how much she's writing, her dads get it for her birthday. In the process of all this, she manages to convince her Papa to take back up the art he gave up and misses. When they return, she proudly announces to the librarian that she wants to be an author.
Lexie Saves the Day: A Passover Story
Message: the importance of mutual aid
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Lexie and Summer volunteer regularly at the soup kitchen with their scout troop, and their leader makes sure to discuss the problems of poverty and homelessness with them. At the same time, they're preparing for Passover, the Seder for which will be held at Summer's house. Two days before the Seder, Summer's mom's Seder Plate falls and shatters. Everyone is feeling really depressed about it, but Lexie starts asking people after synagogue if they can borrow one. One older man (named Eli because I have to have my inside jokes) donates his heirloom plate in exchange for a place at the table, saying he hasn't held one in years. Lexie also suggests they make too much food on purpose and donate the rest the next day. Once Summer remembers that food donations are a bandaid fix, like their leader said, they decide to do that and also write a letter to the mayor with suggestions of how to use the many old and unused houses in town.
Changes for Lexie: A Springtime Story
Message: there's more than one way to find success
The school year is almost over, and Lexie will have all C's. Again. And she's having a meeting with the school counselor. AGAIN. She does very well on homework but poorly on tests and class participation. Lexie wants to wear her noise cancelling headphones in class, but they won't let her. She is allowed extra time for her finals, which helps because she takes the test almost alone in a quiet room. But she's still coming home crying most days just from everything being So Much, and her teachers are frustrated that she doesn't seem to try. Eventually it's decided that they will try homeschooling next year, with her Papa teaching her. Even better, Summer will join her since she almost failed just from missing so much school.
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Better Together: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
"I don't know what it is about your kids," Steve teased his spouse. Using his finger to wipe the remains of the horseradish, "But they love the bitter foods."
Fondly, Bucky reached out and placed his hand on Atticus. The unborn baby enjoying the condiment just as his brothers had. Even now, Oliver was following Steve's lead and practically licking his seder plate clean. Meanwhile, Finn preferred the sweeter apple and walnut charoset.
Setting down a tray of lamb burgers on seeded buns, Winnie joked, "My goodness, it's as though you don't feed them at all."
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky mocked, "They're growing boys."
"Yeah, ma," Becca joined in, "They're growing boys. Just like Bucky."
"Just like papa!" Oliver loudly corrected, earning laughter from the adults around the dining table.
Chuckling, Steve leaned over to kiss the top of Oliver's head, "That's right, squirt. Just like me."
Content, Oliver started eating his half of the lamb burger that Bucky set on his plate. Jovially, Oliver danced in his seat, and Steve loved the little boy all the more. Just as he loved Finn who – on Steve's other side – leaned over to kiss his baby bump.
Getting emotional at how much love was emanating in the room, Steve attempted to discreetly wipe his tears and sniffle. Over Oliver's head, Bucky reached over to mark Steve's shoulder. Reaching up, Steve gave the hand on his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. Steve knew that his husband understood and appreciate their twin affection for each other.
The rest of their meal passed by with more teasing and even more laughter. Violet was asked if she was excited to graduate and wondering if there was anything else she needed for college. Which then had Becca calling out Winnie and George for spoiling her kids.
"It's our job to spoil them," George good-naturedly argued. Lucy climbed onto his lap and to prove his point, he let the six year old eat half of his slice of flourless orange cake.
Just like every other Passover, Steve was pleased when the citrus dessert he made was completely gone by the time they settled in the living room to watch A Rugrats Passover. Ollie and Finn passed out on Bucky's lap almost as soon as the cartoon started, and Sadie curled up around Steve, rubbing over his baby bump just like she had that first Passover before Oliver was born.
Always wanting to remember moments like these, he was glad when Aubrey snapped a quick picture of them. Reassuring Steve that it was a, "good one," and giving him a thumbs up. All Steve could do was softly chuckle, trying not to wake his sleeping pups.
And when the end of the night rolled around, Bucky carried the still snoozing toddlers out to their minivan. All of them exchanging hugs as they said their farewells, Steve grew misty-eyed when he noticed the tears starting to roll down Bubbe Ruth's cheeks. It was the first Passover without Zayde Harold, and Steve knew then and there that he wanted to honor their zayde.
When he climbed into the passenger seat, Steve said, "Atticus Harold Barnes has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?"
Fondly, Bucky nodded and confirmed, "Sure does."
From his womb, Kit kicked at him, putting in his own agreement. Steve smiled down at his protruding abdomen and marked over it. Even though he knew that Kit wouldn't be able to scent him, Steve still found comfort in the movement.
Listening to an old Jonas Brothers' CD, Bucky pulled into their driveway and then into the garage. With both of their guys still asleep, Bucky carried Oliver because he was bigger, and Steve carried Finn. Stepping over Greg who tossed herself down on the floor in front of them.
Under his breath, Steve warned the furry pet, "If I step on you, it's your own fault."
Greg didn't seem too threatened as she rolled over and meowed. Steve rolled his eyes and followed Bucky into the boys' room. There were some stray toys left around the room, but thankfully none in their way as they placed their sleeping sons in their beds.
Giving each of them a kiss, and making sure that they were tucked safely into bed, Steve left the bedroom. Glad that Bucky had turned on the nightlight considering he was having a little difficulty bending over these days.
The list of appreciation of his husband continued to grow as Steve entered the master bedroom to find the alpha turning down the bed. All Steve wanted to do was climb into bed and sleep for a good while until he was no longer fatigued.
And when the mates finally settled into bed, Steve loved how even all these years later and through their hardships, Bucky continued to cuddle up close. A kiss to the back of Steve's neck and a swipe of his wrist along Atticus soothed Steve down to his very core.
With all of their family's traditions, Steve liked this one best.
TAG LIST: @t3a-bag
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About Last Night (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Mpreg AU)
Admittedly, Steve wasn't sure what a, "normal," Passover was like, but the Barneses sure did make his first one a good one. And an informative one with the family being patient with him and explaining that the seder plate represented the hardship that their ancestors suffered before eventually escaping from Egypt. As it happened to go: (1) eating the hopefulness of spring with the tears of slavery (parsley dipped in saltwater), (2) remembering the brokenness that slavery represented (breaking the matzah in half), (3) tasting the bitterness of slavery (by eating some bitter herbs that Steve surprisingly liked best; Squirt sure is a weird kid), (4) and then spreading the maror (bitter herbs) and charoset (spiced fruity, nutty mixture) onto a matzah. Which was what Steve enjoyed the most.
Then, it was time for the real meal.
With his appetite being akin to a bottomless pit, Steve stuffed himself with the matzah ball soup (that George promised to give him the recipe of before he and Bucky left), hard boiled eggs, lamb meatloaf, and veggies. Lots of veggies. Even taking his nieces' leftovers from them. Besides it wasn't like Steve could get enough of them as of recently. Especially carrots. Bucky even joked that he was going to wake up looking like an Oompa Loompa because he had been eating so many carrots.
Although Steve had never been one to eat when he was stressed – being much more likely to bake when he was in that mindset – Steve had been carefully watching everyone's dishes while he kept chowing down. When his fingers finally scraped against the empty porcelain, Steve glanced down, shocked.
Beside him, Bucky discreetly slid his plate over to Steve while keeping up the conversation with his tipsy sister. Well, kept arguing with her, "I wasn't that bad."
"Right," Becca snorted, "That's why you played a tree."
Steve good-humoredly scoffed at that, taking a bite of the baby carrot. Bucky smirked over at him, quirking a brow in a mute challenge. Simply enough, Steve shook his head and rolled his eyes, even with a smile on his lips while he chewed.
"You can't be good at everything," Steve shrugged.
Bucky's smirk softened into something more affectionate. Leaning closer, Bucky kissed Steve's temple, "Who's ready for dessert?"
A flutter in Steve's stomach erupted. He had been thinking about this moment all day. However, now that it was here, he didn't know if he wanted to go through with it.
"Ooh! Me!" Tibby answered, hopping out of her seat, "Then, we can watch Rugrats!"
"Do we have to?" Violet asked while Camila informed, "I heard Miri's family puts on a play."
"Babe, your kids are so weird," Dum Dum informed his wife, shaking his head all the while.
Winnie agreed and said, "Just be lucky that you don't have to spend hours reading the Haggadah like I had to growing up."
The two older girls' faces scrunched up in dislike. Winnie nodded, silently communicating that they were lucky.
Removing Gracie from her highchair, Mandy changed the subject back to dessert as she joked, "I'm just glad that Steve is celebrating with us this year. After all, if this cake roll tastes half as good as those snickerdoodles, I'm going to marry Steve."
Before the cake roll could be cut, Bucky stood and raced to the kitchen after his sisters. Just as he and Bucky discussed, Bucky carried the special gender reveal dessert into the dining room. Setting it down on the large wooden table, Bucky gestured for his family to move towards the other side, "Stevie and I have a surprise."
"Wait!" Silas excitedly climbed out of his seat to be on the other side of the table. Mandy also moved along with the nieces. Tibby even nabbed Bucky's previous seat beside Steve.
Winking at Steve, Bucky made sure to cut the end of the dessert, so the inside swirl would reveal they were having a boy. Only, once the green frosting covered end was removed, showing the inside mousse, Steve slumped in his seat.
"Shit," Steve sighed, and looked around the table where some of the relatives were confused with the purple inside, "It was supposed to be blue."
It took a moment for the family to realize what was going on. The first person to realize was George, who gasped and covered his mouth. Large tears welled over his eyes and rolled down his cheeks into his salt-n-pepper beard. Winnie connected the dots next, and soon enough, Bucky's siblings and nieces were cheering.
Tibby hugged Steve, kissing his cheek, and Dum Dum's loud voice boomed, "Congratulations!"
"Oh my goodness!" Sadie cheered, covering her mouth as she giggled.
"Thank you," Steve patted Tibby's back while Bucky hugged Becca, "Thanks."
"This is so exciting," George wiped at his tears.
"Have you decided on a name?" Winnie asked, then suggested, "Because I think today is a good day to mull over Moses."
Eyebrows arching, Steve looked over at Bucky. Not wanting to turn down his pseudo-in-law. After all, Steve was still building a relationship with the Barneses. He didn't want to ruin that by possibly insulting the matriarch.
Fortunately, Bucky didn't fear that fragility as he flat-out declined, "Hard veto."
"Damn," Becca chuckled, taking the end piece of the cake roll for herself. Taking a bite, a moan escaped her, "Okay, this is it." Pointing her fork at Steve, "You're not allowed to leave. Ever."
Blushing, Steve rubbed over Squirt. All he could do was think, I wasn't planning on it. The flutter from Squirt seemed to agree.
When everyone had a piece of the pistachio-strawberry dessert, they made their way to the living room. Taking the spot in the loveseat beside Steve, Bucky draped his arm around his slender shoulders, holding Steve close. While everyone else tried to squeeze in where they could, Sadie and Harper climbed up onto the loveseat, joining their uncles.
Steve wrapped his arm around Sadie, holding the four year old close. Sadie hugged him, rubbing her tiny hand over his bump. Steve couldn't help but smile at that and drop a kiss onto the top of her head.
"Ready?" Tibby asked, getting the, A Rugrats Passover, episode set up. Looking around, the family nodded and continued eating their dessert. Nodding herself, Tibby pressed play before digging into her own.
Growing up on Rugrats, Steve vaguely remembered the episode, but was glad for the refresher. Especially with the new context. As Steve ate his slice – and half of Bucky's – he learned about the history of their heritage and adopted a new tradition to pass down to Squirt. Knowing the importance of one's lineage, and how the past can shape the future. All he could do was hope he could raise a kid half as good as his nieces were. And with Bucky's help, he was confident they would.
TAG LIST: @t3a-bag
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