#before you ask yes hes still in love with Paul eddsworld
baconcolacan · 7 months
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This is my genuine attempt at an ew adjacent artstyle dont come at me TTATT LOOK LOOK LOOK!! MY EDDSWORLD SONA/OC!!
His name is Nils, he's a magical boy, and he USED to be the "night shift" superhero, but ever since Super Guy dipped out on everybody, Nils had to pick up the slack and be the 24/7 super, this on top of dealing with his day job in an advertising firm, he's pretty pissed at Super Guy.
How does he know Super Guy is alive?? He called him and said he 'got embarrassed at work so it's all you now buddy'.
Nils and his cats fell into a skip full of trashy isekai anime, and a convenient miscellany of sciencey chemicals, which in turn gave him powers. He activates it by going 'nya'.
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lbat1901 · 4 years
Eddsworld: UTFTF Chapter 6
The Visitor - (Chapter 6)
[Present Day]
The sun was just setting on a seemly nice day as three people were seen walking down the block. You see these weren’t strangers, they were familiar faces. They were Tord, Paul, and Patryck. Each one was wearing a hoodie and were carrying house warming gifts. They kept walking down the block till they came to a stop at a door. “Alright, we’re here” said Tord.
“Oh thank god. Carrying this baby pear tree is a pain” said Patryck as he placed the tree down. “Are you excited as I am?” asked Tord. “Uh…why do I have to wear pink?” asked Paul. Tord ignores the question as he knocks on the door. There was a small pause before it opened revealing Edd. “Tord! You made it” said Edd.
“Of course I did. Well, there was a few stops here and there, but it wasn’t a long wait” said Tord. “Awesome! Please come on in” said Edd. Tord, Paul, and Patryck enters the house as they placed their gifts down. “So how are things going in your newly built house?” asked Tord. “It’s been great so far. Is that a pear tree?” asked Edd. “Why yes it is. I brought you guys gifts as a way to start things over” said Tord.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that Tord” said Edd. “True, but I wanted to. By the way, where’s Tom? I want to spend all day doing things with you guys like for old times sake” said Tord. “He went somewhere” said Edd. “Really? Ah Tom, you’re always ditching. If he’s busy somewhere else, I guess we can wait for him to come back” said Tord. “Fair enough” said Edd.
Just down a couple of doors was the residence of the Black Leader, aka Tony, himself. Tony was seen doing something in what appears to be a lab. “Finally, after many months of bracing my defeat at the hands of some certain individuals, I have created a serum which will give a person enhanced strength and superpowers” said Tony. Tony takes a look at two syringes that were filled with a red and blue liquid. “Luckily, I haven’t lost that much power when it comes to my own army. I still control parts of the earth. Hopefully I won’t have to suffer like my ancestor, Baron. Oh….after he got beaten by the town sheriffs and one mysterious person, he had to live through years of humiliation. It is something that I greatly fear myself” said Tony. Suddenly Tony’s moment gets interrupted by the sounds of a buzzing walkie-talkie.
“I read you loud and clear. What is it?” asked Tony. “Sir, it’s me Yamiyo” said Yamiyo. “Ah I see. What news do you have for me?” asked Tony. “I just had this group of soilders finish up raiding this village that you ordered to be found and secured” said Yamiyo. “Excellent! Does the village have any valuable resources?” asked Tony. “Yes” said Yamiyo.
“Great! I want those resources extracted” said Tony. “As you wish. What would you like to do to the villagers?” asked Yamiyo. “Oh that’s simple. I want them dead, but remember to kill off the livestock. The people love it when their livestock gets killed” said Tony. “Yes sir” said Yamiyo. After talking to Yamiyo, Tony decided to head outside into the dark dressed in his uniform. “Choosing black for your own army was a good idea especially when it comes to sneaking into places” said Tony.
What Tony said was true, nobody expected to see him as he broke into a jewelry store and stolen a couple of expensive jewels and diamonds. “Ahaha! That was almost too easy. Next up, the Tower of London” said Tony. As Tony passed by an alleyway, a bright light mixed with blue lightning bolts suddenly appeared before vanishing as a figure can be seen crouching. The figure soon gets up revealing to be a stranger wearing a red and black uniform. The main feature that the figure had was that they were wearing a red mask with horns and had two robotic arms that had a trail of flowing blue energy on each arm. By dragging a finger against the ground, the figure nods their head just before two blue glowing eyes turned on.
At the Tower of London, Tony was seen sliding down on a rope after breaking in. “Heh, those stupid guards make my job so easy. Now it’s time to head back” said Tony. Before Tony could walk away, he nearly gets blasted by an energy blast. Tony who was confused looked towards the direction of where the blast came from before seeing the same figure that was in the alleyway coming towards him. Tony quickly takes cover into a nearby alleyway hoping to get rid of the figure. Unfortunately, the figure manages to find him before roughly grabs him by the collar and throws him to the ground.
Luckily Tony manages to save himself from taking damage, but he landed pretty hard on his arm. “Ow…geez, that hurt. What was that?” asked Tony. He then hears the sound of footsteps as he turned to see the figure coming from behind him made him jump. Tony slowly moves away from the approaching figure but this made the situation even worse. Before the figure could do anything, the sounds of glass shattering could be heard just shortly before the figure collapses to the ground. “One hit from a bottle made you collapse? How lame” said Tom.
“What the? Oh it’s just you” said Tony as he looked up to see Tom. “Yeah it’s me. I wasn’t expecting to see you either. What are you doing in an alleyway?” asked Tom. “I should be the one asking you that” said Tony. “Well I asked you first anyway. Is there a reason why you’re wearing that uniform? Oh wait, don’t tell me. You’re planning on taking over the world again aren’t you?” asked Tom. “That’s none of your business. I just wanted some fresh air until I nearly got blasted by this person that you knocked out who decided chase me” said Tony. “I think they had a reason to chase you. You’re a wanted criminal” said Tom.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion” said Tony. “Well whatever the case is, I suggest you come with me” said Tom. “Yeah right. I don’t need a babysitter” said Tony. “Oh look, you’re coming with me” said Tom as he grabbed Tony by his arm. “Hey!” yelled Tony.
[Back At The House]
“Man, where did Tom go exactly? Did he went all the way to China to do his business or what?” asked Tord. “He must’ve of” said Matt. “Nah, he’s just running late. Uh..actually, I might call him” said Edd. “Don’t even bother, I’m right here” said Tom. “Tom!” said Matt. “What did I miss?” asked Tom.
“Oh you missed the party games that’s all” said Tord. “Wait, why is Tord here?” asked Tom. “Tom, don’t you remember? We’ve planned to do a hang out night” said Edd. “Oh yeah, that’s right. My bad” said Tom. “That’s okay. Where were you?” asked Edd. ��I was in town getting something till….well….some complicated stuff happened, but it’s over” said Tom.
“Oh I see” said Edd. Suddenly a scream belonging to Matt can be heard. “Oh god…” said Tom. “Matt, what’s wrong?” asked Edd. “Guys, come quick! It’s horrible!” said Matt. Edd, Tom, and Tord quickly rushed to where Matt was and to their shock they saw Tony trying to calm him down.
However, despite his attempts, Matt ended up hugging Tony. “Tom, is there something that you’re not telling us?” asked Edd. “It’s not what it looks like, I swear” said Tom. “You brought Tony here, why thank you Tom” said Matt. “We’re not friends” said Tony. “Alright, alright, I’ll talk. I found Tony in an alleyway being chased by some stranger that wants to kill him for some unknown reason” said Tom.
“Oh….is this a Tom thing or something else?” asked Edd. “No it’s not” said Tom. As Tom was trying to prove that he wasn’t telling a lie, the figure from before was seen standing outside as they’ve walked passed by a freshly destroyed home belonging to the neighbors. “My things! My beautiful hard to replace things!” cried Mark. “Forget about your things! Our lives are way more important” said Eduardo. The figure continues walking down the block as they were using a heat seeking scanner to search for Tony. It wasn’t till red dots appeared on it which the figure goes to.
Meanwhile, Edd and Matt were giving first aid to Tony. “God…..this is so embarrassing….” mumbled Tony. “Hey Tony, what’s that on your leg?” asked Matt. “Oh, it’s a tracker. The police gave it to me” said Tony. “For what reason? Did you get by authorities after what you tried to do?” asked Edd. “No, I didn’t. I got reported by the one of residents on this street for scaring away kids. I’ve gotten a bunch of restraining orders” said Tony.
“I would’ve given you restraining order on the spot when I find out who you really are” said Edd. “Actually the kids were playing on my lawn. I’ve spent a lot of my time making it look good” said Tony. “Oh….” said Edd. “I never thought that I’ll be sharing this, but do you know how hard it is to prove the world that you’re not different?” asked Tony. “I know that feeling….kinda, but it’s nothing to worry about. I have my good looks and charm” said Matt. “Yeah…..you sure do. What are you going on about Tony?” asked Edd.
“All through my life, I had a passion to make the world a better place which is why I try to follow in my dad’s footsteps” said Tony. “Your dad’s the actual true leader of the Black Army?” asked Edd. “No. He’s actually a business man, but he’s mostly one of the most wealthiest in all of Europe and the world. He works at a manufacturing company where he rose through the ranks to CEO. He eventually became the boss and placed a bank in there. Plus, he’s also a lawyer as well” said Tony. “I see. That’s pretty cool to have a dad that’s rich” said Edd. “That reminds me, I believe that one of my mirrors was made in his factory line. Sweet!” said Matt. “It may be a blessing, but it’s also a curse. You see, my dad met my mom, who was at the time a secretary and was in charge of finances, after settling a deal with another company in Japan. They eventually got married and I was the first child to be born. I also have two other brothers by the way” said Tony.
“I thought you said that your mom used to beat you whenever she was drunk” said Matt. “I’m getting to that, you-………I mean….that is true. I have always looked at her as a loving parent that would shower me with gifts, but it turns out that she was a really bad alcoholic. How I knew this is because I somehow broke into her liquor cabinet and immediately told my dad as tears poured from my eyes after getting a large cut from the shards of an empty bottle” said Tony. “Geez….I am so sorry to hear that. How old were you exactly?” asked Edd. “I was only 8…..” said Tony. “Again, I am so sorry that you had to live through that. Luckily you’ve spent the rest of your life right here in England without having to worry about your mom” said Edd. “Actually, I only stayed in England for a few days. German was still my primary speaking language at the time. I left with some of my dad’s top guards on his private jet at the airport in London to America leaving my two brothers to be taken by my uncle and aunt. Once getting off the jet, I was taken to live with my grandparents” said Tony.
“Ah! So…how did you form the Black Army?” asked Edd. “Yeah and where you get the high tech technology and weaponry?” asked Matt. “That’s a simple question to answer. My dad is a multi-billionaire who made a total of €100,000,000,000 in less than five years. He gives me about €500,000 every month. With that kind of money, I am able to build my own army from scratch along with uniting dangerous crime gangs such as the yakuza and the mafia. I did all of this when realizing that the world is a cruel place unless you put your foot forward” said Tony. “That sounds great and all, but you’ve did raids on natural resources along with killing the people who live in the area. Sometimes you would take them in as slaves” said Edd. “Yeah I know, but someone had to do it” said Tony. After the conversation had ended, Edd, Matt, and Tony went back into the living where Tom and Tord were seen arguing.
“I’m telling you Tord, there is literally a murder chasing both me and Tony” said Tom. “Oh come on Tom, that guy can’t be chasing after you forever” said Tord. “Yeah you’re right. The guy would’ve stopped by- wait….is there something burning?” asked Tom as he suddenly smelt something. “Oh, it’s just my robotic arm. It overheats sometimes, but it should cool down in a few minutes” said Tord. “I’m not talking about that. I literally can smell wood burning, more like it being melted” said Tom. “Get off your high horse Tom. I think you need to see a doctor about your nose” said Edd.
What Tom said about wood being melted was actually true. The front door to the house suddenly gets melted down as the figure from before was seen. “AAAAH!!! Tom was right! The figure is real! Shield me! I’m too pretty to get my face melted like the door!” cried Matt as he hide behind Tom. “GET OFF OF ME!!!” yelled Tom. The figure comes into the house, slowly approaching their soon to be targets; however, Tord stands in front of his friends with his hands in his hoodie pocket. “Not so fast! You’re not laying a single finger on us when I’m here. Now face my true weapons of justice. Presenting the-…..forks of fury….?” said Tord as he takes out two plastic forks.
“……Classic stupid Tord….” said Tom. “Hehehe……we’re so dead” said Edd. “Oh no we’re not. Alright tin head, you’ve picked the wrong time and day to come here. Now I, Tord, will be teaching you a lesson” said Tord. The figure lets out a small chuckle. “Oh, how naïve of you. I’m so scared that I’m shaking in my own boors” said the figure with a deep robotic voice. “It’s over! You’re a bad guy and I’m a good guy. Let’s not forget that the good guys always win” said Tord.
“Foolish boy, don’t you get it? I am the good guy. I’m basically you and you are me” said the figure. “Wh-Whaaaaat…?” asked Tord. The figure takes of their helmet revealing them self as Tord’s future self who was officially wearing his Red Leader outfit and an eyepatch. Tord’s future self also has a few large scars on his face. “…..Th-This can’t be happening! ……I’m-I’m a good guy. I’m not supposed to be the Red Leader in the future. GET AWAY FROM ME!!!” yelled Tord. Future Tord watches as his own past self takes a step back in fear and disbelief as he immediately pounces. It wasn’t till he gets frozen solid by Tony’s freeze ray just in time.
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lbat1901 · 5 years
Eddsworld: At World's End Chapter 13
Operation: Save The World Part 2 - (Chapter 13)
“Okay how do I dismantle a large drill exactly?” asked Edd. Edd was standing in front of a power drill trying to figure out on how he was going to break it or take apart its gears. “Future me didn’t give a blueprint on how to destroy this thing. I guess I can look around for something to use” said Edd. Edd begins searching for anything he can use on the drill so far he hasn’t gotten anywhere. “Darn it, I thought there would be something to- oh wait I think I have something actually” said Edd as he felt something in his pant pockets.
[Ten Minutes Later]
“So….you just basically put bubblegum onto one of the gears on the drill?” asked Future Matt. “That’s a good idea actually” said Edward Gold. “Good idea? How could putting bubblegum on a drill be an idea?” asked Tom. “Well….I wasn’t given anything to dismantle it according to future me” said Edd. “At least you tried, anyway where’s Matt?” asked Tord. “Uhh…..I think I left him…onboard Tony’s spaceship” said Edd nervously. “You’ve left him behind!? Why would you do that?” asked Future Edd.
“Well technically…we agreed to both go down separate corridors which was a bad idea” said Edd. “How dare you leave…ah forget it. Yelling isn’t going to solve anything. We need to get prepared to fight against the Black Army and somehow rescue Matt. So….Red Leader….do you have a plan or not?” asked Future Edd. “Indeed I do. I have a special place for you guys” said Tord. “Alright then. Uh can you do me favor and open this only and last can of cola for me just like old times?” asked Edd while holding up a can of soda. “Sure old friend, I’m really happy that we’re friends again” said Tord. Tord opens the can with his robotic hand before handing the can back to Edd.
Edd smiles at this before going over to Eduardo. “What you want, Edd?” asked Eduardo in the same tone that he uses when Edd’s around. “Do you have a straw that I can use? It’s for this last can of cola” said Edd. “Grr……ITS ALMOST THE END OF THE WORLD AND YOU WANT ME TO GET YOU A BLOODY STRAW!?” yelled Eduardo. “Eduardo please, just do it” said Edd calmly. “You…You do realize that we hate each other right? I mean I despise you way more than you do for me” said Eduardo. “Don’t make me repeat myself again, I said I want a straw. I’m waiting” said Edd sternly. Eduardo did what he never thought he was going to do. He gave a straw to Edd while cursing underneath his breath. “Thank you Eduardo, you’re a pal” said Edd. “We’re not friends. Since when are we friends?” asked Eduardo while giving a look of disgust at thought of being friends with Edd.
~At The Battlefield~
“This is the special place that he wanted us to be!? He sent us in the middle of a freaking battlefield!” yelled Eduardo. “Shut it Eduardo. Tom do you still have that piece of paper that I gave you for your birthday?” asked Edd. “Yeah I do. I was going to throw it away unless I get answers to whatever you put on it” said Tom as he was holding a piece of paper. Edd goes over to Tom and takes the paper from him before holding it up in the sunlight. The piece of paper then showed battle formations of some sort. “So you’re telling me that you actually wrote down battle formations yet you didn’t bother to tell me what all of those scribbles mean” said Tom.
“Technically those so called "scribbles” were from when I was playing tic-tac-toe with Matt" said Edd. “Well that makes sense” said Tom. “Enough with the talking, what do those battle formations say exactly?” asked Saloonatics Eduardo. “First we need to be in a long line before splitting it up in three separate groups. We got the future trio lead by future me” said Edd. “Okay” said Future Edd with a slight nod. “Then we have the wild western fighters trio lead by Edward Gold” said Edd.
“That sounds dandy, but Prince Matthew doesn’t have any combat experience nor any battle knowledge” said Sheriff Thompson. “What are you talking about? I have knowledge on how to fight” said Prince Matthew. “We both know that you don’t have any experience” said Sheriff Thompson. “Anyway moving on” said Tom. “Right, next we have the three bandits lead by Saloonatics Eduardo or simply Eduardo’s ancestor” said Edd. “Yay! We’re in the same group together” said Juan.
“Don’t push it or I’ll shoot you in the chest” said Saloonatics Eduardo. “Next we have our "lovely” neighbors lead by of course Eduardo" said Edd. “I want this day to be done with just so I don’t have to deal with you losers” said Eduardo. “Stop with the complaining Eduardo. You’re going to fight with us and to make sure of that, both Hellucard and Todd will be joining you since they’re considered to be oddballs” said Tom. “Fine, we’ll let them join our trio” said Mark. “Where’s Red Leader? I thought he said he’ll be joining us all” said Future Matt.
“That little gremlin! I knew that we should of never trusted him” said Future Edd. “Whoa, calm down. I’m sure Tord will come here eventually. You just need to give him some time” said Edd. “Forget about giving him time, we got company” said Tom. Up in the skies, about six fighter jets are seen flying over the battlefield. Each jet had a logo of a poisonous snake at its tail end. “I have a feeling that those jets are the Black Army’s right?” asked Jon.
The jets suddenly fired missiles which then indicated that they’re meant for the ground troops. “Everyone scatter!” yelled Tom. Everyone started running as the missiles came for them only to miss. The jets were about to fire another round of missiles only to get taken out of the sky before landing into the sea. “We’ve been saved” said Todd in relief. “Yeah but who’s piloting that Red Army- it’s one of the pilots that we’ve met” said Tom.
“Yes! Thank you Paul…or is it Patryck? I really don’t know what their positions are” said Edd. Suddenly rumbling was felt as everyone turned their direction at an incoming squad of tanks and other weaponry. “Alright, let’s get this show on run” said Tom. Suddenly the rest of Black Army came in after the Red Army showed up just as Tony’s spaceship came into view along with a giant red robot that seemed familiar. “So zhis iz zhe giant robot zhat I’ve seen in zhose blueprints. Heh….Yamiyo, come in Yamiyo, do jou read me?” asked Tony as he talked through a microphone on his ship’s control panel. “Yes I read you. Do you want us to attack first?” asked Yamiyo.
“Not just yet. Let’s wait for Red Leader to make zhe move” said Tony. “Sir, I can’t just keep going in circles in this jet forever you know. I suggest we attack first” said Patryck. “Alright it’s settled. Paul, on the count of three I want you to activate those land mines” said Tord. “You got it” said Paul as he got done counting the last land mine. “Here we go. 1……2…….3! Go Paul, go!” said Tord. Paul quickly takes out a switch before pressing the trigger button as a land mine under a Black Army tank exploded.
“I vasn’t expecting zhat but….okay attack” said Tony. Both armies lead by Paul and Yamiyo gave the signal to attack which then became a bloody massacre of land, sea, and air. “CHARRRRRRRRRGEEEEEE!!!” yelled Edd. “This is for ruining my day! Let’s get ‘em boys!” yelled Eduardo. Eduardo, Jon, Mark, Todd, and Hellucard ran towards one of the advancing squads of the Black Army only to quickly turn back around in fear. “RETREAT!!!” screamed Eduardo.
Future Edd who was standing on high ground only facepalmed at the sight of seeing Eduardo and his group running away. “Are you for real? Everyone should know that charging randomly at an incoming army isn’t a good plan” said Future Edd. “Edd, you need to focus” said Future Tom. “You’re right Tom. Do you two have your pistols ready?” asked Future Edd. “Yep. We’re ready for your command” said Future Matt with a slight nod. “Let’s fry some enemy scums” said Future Edd as he put sunglasses on.
The future trio put up of all of their pistols and pointed them at approaching forces before firing out separate multi colored lasers thus managing to disintegrate the soldiers of the Black Army completely. “No fair!” yelled Tony as he slammed a fist down on the control panel in anger. “What’s not fair, my fearsome leader?” asked the lead scientist. “Vhy iz zhere no more ice cream!?” asked Tony as he faced the lead scientist. “Oh….I don’t know. For a minute there, I thought you were talking about those laser pistols” said the lead scientist. “I vas referring to zhat as vell but forget it. It’s time to use zhe orbital power drill” said Tony.
“Ow…my lip….it’s so cold” said Matt. “Look vho’s starting to thaw out just in time to see jour friends lose” said Tony as he came over to Matt. “Tony listen to me, you don’t-Ah!” yelped Matt as he got slapped by Tony. “Shut up” said Tony. Tony then goes back the control panel before pressing a couple buttons only to finish it off by pressing a large orange button. “Heads up ya’ll, we got trouble” said Sheriff Thompson.
“Wait….I thought you put gum onto that power drill” said Tom. “I did but I didn’t say that it’ll stick” said Edd. There was some slight pause only for it end as a large red drill came out of the bottom of Tony’s spaceship in rapid speed only for it to get caught in the hands of Tord’s giant robot. “Tord!?” said both Edd and Tom in unison. “Vhat zhe- oh no, no, no, how iz he doing zhis? Iz he out of his mind?” asked Tony as he kept pressing buttons as an attempt to get Tord to let go of the drill. “Tord sure has a way of expressing himself even though he looks gross with those burn marks on his face. Say, is that a tint of sweat on your face?” asked Matt.
Tony runs a hand through his own hair before realizing how badly he’s sweating. “Zhat’s it! I’m going to have put an end to zhis tomfoolery” said Tony. “I can’t believe that I’m doing this but hey, I’m actually accomplishing something” said Tord. “Oh really now? Do jou really zhink zhat jour entire army of dorks are capable of defeating me? Tch…I have to say zhat I find it really cute zhat jou’re trying” said Tony as a holographic projection of him is shown standing on one of the shoulders of Tord’s giant robot. “Trying!? The only person who’s trying would be you” said Tord while making eye contact with Tony’s hologram. “Don’t play dumb Red Leader. Look around jou, I clearly have zhe advantage” said Tony.
“Nonsense! My best pilot in my air force will defeat you” said Tord. “Pilot? Are jou referring to zhe pilot zhat’s going to die soon” said Tony. While shooting down the Black Army jets, Patryck was about ready to aid the ground forces only to get nearly taken out of the sky by Blueberry who had his own jet. “Long time no seen you stupid Red Army pilot. Remember me?” asked Blueberry. “You again!? I have no time to play your games today” said Patryck. The two pilots duked it out in an epic sky battle as they attempted to shoot each other down by a rain of bullets and missiles.
It ended up with Patryck trying to fly in different directions just to confuse Blueberry. “I think that this should be enough for me to take this guy- Wah!” yelled Patryck as Blueberry came out of nowhere and managed to destroy one of the wings on Patryck’s jet. Patryck kept control of his jet before firing bullets at Blueberry’s jet this destroying the full wing of his jet. “Bingo. Now let’s get out here” said Patryck. Patryck opens the windshield of his jet and gets out with a parachute on his back before jumping. “See vhat did I tell jou? Zhere iz nozhing jou can do but surrender” said Tony.
“I ain’t surrendering to you! I will take out this drill, I will kill your forces, and I’ll defeat you because I, Tord, am the greatest. You’re nothing but second place since you’re basically took my plans of world domination and totally did the opposite” said Tord. “Iz zhat so? You know I tried reasoning vith jou but it didn’t go out so vell. Guess it’s time to do zhis zhe hard vay” said Tony. “What do you mean?” asked Tord. “Jou’ll see soon enough” said Tony just before his hologram disappeared. Back in his spaceship, Tony goes over to a record player before placing the needle down on a record disc that was already in. What Tord was expecting was to get blasted by a ray but he wasn’t this to be heard: Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, Everything that’s wonderful is what I feel when we’re together, Brighter than a lucky penny, When you’re near the rain cloud disappears, dear, And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHHHHYYYYYYYY!? I HATE THIS SONG! AHHHHH!!” screamed Tord as he covered his ears. “How did you know that Tord hates this song?” asked Matt who seemed surprised. “Zhat’s because vhen I vas a child, mein mom used to play zhis song all zhe time vhen she vas drunk. I never had a problem vith zhis song till zhe day she physically abused me vhile zhis song vas playing in zhe background. It explains vhy I act zhe vay I do now” said Tony. “Please don’t let this song go into chorus line. Please I’m begging you, stop it!” yelled Tord. “Heh, mein pleasure” said Tony as he smirked only to turn the volume up.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, That’s how this refrain goes, so come on, join in everybody!
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, Everything that’s wonderful is sure to come your way When you’re in love to stay.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, Everything that’s wonderful is what I feel when we’re together, Brighter than a lucky penny, When you’re near the rain cloud disappears, dear, And I feel so find just to know that are mine.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” screamed Tord again. What Tord didn’t realize was even though he was covering his ears with both of his hands, the robot’s grip on the drill was starting go leading the drill to put pressure onto it. “Tord! You need to focus! The drill is going to go right through the robot, killing you, and go through the earth’s crust” said Edd. “It’s no use Edd, Tony has him beaten by a stupid cheerful song” said Tom. “I find jour tolerance for zhis song to be very pathetic und yet so very…..lammmmmmeeeeee” said Tony. “Lame? THAT’S MY LINE!” yelled Tom.
Tom rushes over to a Red Army tank only to put one of his large his harpoons in the tank’s gun before climbing inside of the tank and firing the harpoon. The harpoon soared up in rapid succession and ended up destroying the sound speaker of Tony’s spaceship completely. Tony who noticed this had his visor cover his face in anger while saying, “THEY’RE SO DEAD NOW!!!” “Uh oh…” said Matt. “Hey commie, are you going let some sauerkraut eating, polka loving tyrant beat you with a stupid song or are you going to show Tony who’s boss?” asked Tom. “Tom?” asked Tord as he noticed that Tom was standing on a cliff in front of him.
“Go Tord, go Tord, go Tord” chanted Edd as he ran up the same cliff that Tom was standing on. Soon everyone was chanting Tord’s name in triumph as Tord looked around with a smile forming on his face as a tear came from his eye. Then suddenly Tord gathered up the confidence and took control of his robot just to push back the drill. “Oh yeah! Go me, go me, oh me, it’s my birthday! Take your drill back Black Leader!” said Tord. Tord presses a button causing the robot to fire out a powerful beam which managed to push the drill back and went straight to Tony’s spaceship. Tony’s visor uncovers his face just in time for him to say, “Oh I hate Mondays” before the drill destroys his ship completely.
“We did it!” said Mark. “Good work team” said Tom. “Yeah….but what about Matt?” asked Edd. Back inside Tony’s now destroyed spaceship, the ice around Matt was melting as Tony was seen caught between the large spiraling gears of the drill. “How iz zhis possible? I had an advantage yet I got beaten by a giant robot mixed vith some help by a couple of losers” said Tony as he was trying to free himself. “How is this possible you ask? That’s because it’s called friendship silly” said Matt.
“Friendship!? Oh no don’t jou dare say zhat” said Tony. “I get it now, you’re in so much denial because you just want to be friends with us” said Matt. “I’m not in denial! Vhat are jou talking about? I have friends. I have Yamiyo, no actually she’s just zhe second in command. Zhere’s zhose three solider zhat get zhe job done, oh vait….I yell at zhem at times” said Tony. “You do realize that no matter how much you try you can’t be friends with your fellow soldiers even though that you yell at them right? Take me for an example, I’m friends with Edd, Ringo, Tord, Tom…well sorta but you get the idea” said Matt. “Shut up! Shut up! Jou’re so annoying! No wonder vhy jou don’t make any sense, jou’re zhe biggest dork of zhem all” said Tony. Before Matt could counter to what Tony just said he was interrupted by the warning sounds indicating that the spaceship is going to explode in any minute.
Fearing that they might get killed, Matt manages to free Tony from a trapped space before the two collapses to the ground. Suddenly debris from the spaceships ceiling started coming down as machinery from anything electric bursted out into flames. Out on the battlefield, everyone looked up at sky for what seemed like two minutes just to see Tony’s spaceship blowing up before cheering in victory. “Edd what’s with the sad face? We just saved the world, you should be happy” said Tom. “But Matt…..he was still on Tony’s spaceship” said Edd as he sounded sad. “What are- oh my god look!” said Tom.
“Huh?” asked Edd as he saw a spacepod coming down from the sky. The spacepod landed in front of everyone as the Red Army pointed their guns believing that it was Tony and waited for the door to open. The door opens as Tony steps out of the spacepod just see the row of Red Army soldiers pointing their guns at him just before Matt quickly steps in front of him. “Don’t shoot him! I said don’t shoot!” yelled Matt. “You heard him lower your weapons now” commanded Tord. The soldiers lowered their guns as both Edd and Tom ran over and gave Matt and unexpectedly Tony a big hug.
“Matt thank goodness, you’re alright” said Edd. “Yeah, for a minute there we thought you were dead” said Tom. “I thought so too, but Tony here got us both into a spacepod just before the explosion” said Matt. “Matt…..I knew zhat I should of stayed on zhat spaceship but….vhy vould jou save me? I….I tried harming jour friends und everyone around me, plus I kinda destroyed zhe earth” said Tony. “Destroyed the earth? Oh no, since your spaceship was destroyed any materials that were in the drill got returned back to the earth in one swift blast” said Future Tom. “Tony, even though you did these horrible things, I still see you as a friend. By the way, these people who are here are not your enemies or my friends, they’re your friends now” said Matt.
“Really? Do jou….mean it?” asked Tony. “Yes Tony, I mean it. So what do you say…friend?” asked Matt with a smile. “All I have to say iz zhat….all of jou aren’t just dorks, JOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF LOSERS!!! Stop hugging me!” yelled Tony as he pushed Edd, Matt, and Tom off of him. “Everyone retreat!” said Yamiyo. All of the Black Army got onto many different helicopters as Tony himself was seen catching onto a ladder when one of them came by before taking off. “Did he just called us all losers?” asked Jon.
“How dare he call us losers. Does he know that I’m Numero Uno? He has a lot of nerve considering the fact he’s nothing but third best” said Eduardo. “Oh cheer up Matt, he’ll turn around eventually but for now we can celebrate with cola” said Edd. “Yeah you’re right” said Matt. “Thanks for blasting that drill right back at Tony’s face, com- I mean Tord” said Tom. “And thanks for stepping up for me Tom especially for that….song” said Tord. “So….are you going to join us in the celebration for saving the world?” asked Tom.
“I would love to but I have work to do. I might swing by and also I have a surprise for you” said Tord. “What is it?” asked Tom. “I can’t tell you, but you’ll find in the old neighborhood” said Tord. “Thank you me for saving the day” said Future Edd. “Thanks future me! Are you going to celebrate with us?” asked Edd. “Unfortunately I can’t. I have to send the Saloonatics back their respective timeline before heading back into the future” said Future Edd.
“Oh I see. I hope that we’ll see each other again” said Edd. “Yeah, let’s not hope on that yet” said Future Edd. Future Edd presses a button on his time watch before he along with Future Tom and Future Matt, including the Saloonatics vanished.
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lbat1901 · 5 years
Eddsworld: At World's End Chapter 8
Old School Reunion - (Chapter 8) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Both Edd and Matt were on the couch watching tv till the door to the apartment suddenly swung open which got their attention. "Edd! Matt! I've found something that you won't believe" said Tom. "What?" asked Edd. Tom quickly rushes over to them while carrying a folder. "I...I was just walking till I stumbled across Durdam Lane" said Tom as he was trying to catch his breath. "You were? How come you didn't tell us?" asked Matt. "Tell you? Why would I- forget it. I found Tony's house and I tried knocking on his door only to realize he wasn't there. I found an open window, climbed through, and got into his house" said Tom. "Wait...did you just break into someone's house? Tom, you do realize that's illegal right? You could've been caught by the police" said Edd. "I know, I know, I know, but that's not the point. I walked in his house till I found a room which was his office room and I found something completely shocking. I found out that Tony isn't all that innocent and that he's hiding a dark secret" said Tom. "Really? What's the secret?" asked Matt. "I found out that Tony is a leader of an army and he's a communist" said Tom. What Tom didn't expect next was that both Edd and Matt suddenly burst out in laughter. "Why are you two laughing?" asked Tom as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Tony's a communist? That's so ridiculous" laughed Edd. "I have no idea why I'm laughing, but this is just so hilarious" laughed Matt. "What? I'm being serious here!" said Tom. "Tom, I know that you can't seem to trust Tony, but you can't just make something like this up. There is no way that Tony can be a communist" said Edd. "But....but.....I'm telling the- you know what, fine. I tried to tell you, but if you're not going to believe me then, I'll find a way to prove it myself" said Tom before walking towards the door. As Tom was about to leave he was greeted by two familiar men dressed in uniforms. "Uh, can I help you two?" asked Tom. "Uh...umm....ah......let's see here....." said Paul while looking at a piece of paper that had pictures of Edd, Matt, and Tom on it. "Give me that!" said Patryck as he snatched the paper out of Paul's hands. "Eh....sorry about that. We were just walking down the neighborhood till we came by here and do you mind if we ask one question?" asked Patryck. "Sure, whatever. What do you what?" asked Tom. "Are you by any chance Tom?" asked Patryck. "Uh yeah, that's me" said Tom. Both Paul and Patryck looked at each other as Patryck gave Paul a slight nod before the two looked back at Tom. "What's with the looks? Did I do something wrong?" asked Tom. "No, just get in the body bag" said Paul while getting out a body bag. "Oh....wait....what!? Oh my GOD!!! THEY HAVE BODY BAGS NO!!" screamed Tom before getting covered up in a body bag. Both Paul and Patryck went inside the apartment to find both Edd and Matt on the couch before going up behind them and put them in body bags. "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!? I'M TOO BEAUTIFUL TO BE PUT IN A BODY BAG!!!" screamed Matt as he was being dragged by Paul. "Get your hands off me you fiend!!!" yelled Edd as he was being dragged by Patryck. Paul and Patryck threw Edd, Matt, and Tom in the back of a van before closing the doors. "Well that went smoothly as I thought it would" said Paul. "Paul how could you say that when you didn't know what Tom looked like?" asked Patryck. "I don't know. They all the look the same to me" said Paul. "Look the- never mind. Let's just get out of here" said Patryck. ~At The Red Army Base~ "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god......it's so dark. Where am I? How long has it been? What year is it?" asked Matt before a blindfold was removed from his eyes. "Relax, it's only been like 30 minutes" said Tom. "Just where are we?" asked Edd. Matt walks up and touches something metallic before gently rubbing it. "We seem to be trapped in some strange force of psychic energy" said Matt. "No, we're not. We're in a cell" said Tom. "Gahhh! Whoever put us in here is so going to pay!!!" yelled Eduardo. "Wait....Eduardo....?" asked Edd as he got a better close to see Eduardo and his gang trapped behind a different cell across from them. "Oh cheer up Eduardo, it's not all bad" said Jon. "Not bad!? It is bad Jon! We're in a frickin' cell!" yelled Eduardo. "Hey! Leave him alone Eduardo! What did he do to you?" said Edd. "Huh? Hehe....well isn't our lovely neighbors Edd....and his friends. Fancy seeing you three here" said Eduardo. "Yeah it is. What are you guys doing here?" asked Tom. "How we supposed to know? We were here way before you" said Mark. "Yeah and I was somehow brought here too for no reason" said Todd. "Oh.....ey Head" said Hellucard who was standing next to Todd. "Todd? Some random guy who seems to get my name wrong every time he sees me? Look.....do you know who kidnapped us?" asked Edd. "Unfortunately we don't. All I remember was that Jon here just randomly opened the door" said Eduardo. "Opened the door? Wait, I did same thing but I was only leaving till I was stopped by two men who seem to be soldiers. One of them had a scar over there right eye while the other seemed a little bit smarter" said Tom. "Aw someone recalls seeing us. How cute" said Paul. "We hate to break up this friendly reunion, but we got orders from the boss. He wants to see you three" said Patryck. "Well I hope he's happy, because I'm just about ready to break these bars wide open" growled Edd. Paul walks over as Edd, Matt, and Tom braced themselves only to see that Paul took out a key and used it to unlock the cell door. "Are you three coming or what?" asked Paul. Edd, Matt, and Tom slowly walked out of the cell and followed both Paul and Patryck out of the room. "Hey! What about us? You can't leave me here with these idiots!" yelled out Eduardo to the void. After a few minutes of walking, Paul and Patryck lead the three prisoners to a large room which appears to be very decorated before forcefully making them kneel on their knees. "That was a bit mean" whined Matt. "Who cares? I just want this day to end already" said Tom. "Oh Tom, you've always been just so uncaring" said Tord. "Wait....it can't be" said Edd who recognized the voice. "Of course it is Edd, I was waiting forever to see you again" said Tord as he swung his chair around before getting up and walking towards his old friends. "What the?" asked Tom who couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Tord, you're alive. This..this is so incredible" said Edd in amazement. "Heh, longtime no seen old friends" said Tord with a smile. "Hold on for just a minute, how are you still alive? I thought you'd died once your robot exploded" said Tom. "Oh Tom, I thought the same exact thing as you did, but I was lucky to survive only with these burn marks on my face" said Tord while showing off the scorches on his face. "Ew.......so disgusting" said Matt who was a bit disturbed to see the burn marks on the right side of Tord's face. "So anyway this has been great to see you but we're kinda busy" said Edd. "I understand that, but this is important. So important that I need to be alone with Tom. Paul and Patryck, please take both Edd and Matt out here" said Tord. "So those are your names. How nice to know" said Matt. Paul and Patryck took Edd and Matt out of the room leaving Tom alone with Tord. "How has the Jehovah's Witness been doing?" asked Tord. "What do you want, commie?" asked Tom with an unamused tone. "Oh I just wanted to check up on one of my friends that's all" said Tord. "I said this before and I can say it again, I am not your friend" said Tom. "Tom, I know you don't like me but please just hear me out" said Tord. "Yeah, yeah, can you make it quick? I need to get back to something" said Tom. "That's exactly what I wanted to talk about....and.....do you know anything about the Black Leader?" asked Tord. Tom's eyes suddenly widen upon hearing what Tord just said. "I have a feeling that you do" said Tord. "Yeah I do. There's something fishy going on here that doesn't add up. What are you up to?" asked Tom. "Nothing really. It's just that I recently gotten a report about him and decided to do some research. The Black Leader's real identity is Anthony von Rudolph and he's a cult leader" said Tord. "Cult leader? The last time I checked, he's actually a communist just like you" said Tom. "Does a guy who plans on draining the earth of its natural resources while leading a group of infamous gangs is considered to be a communist?" asked Tord. "Well no but- wait....he's planning to drain the earth out of its resources? I knew that there was something going on" said Tom. "Exactly. Where did you get your information from?" asked Tord. "I uhh....went back to Durdam Lane and found Tony's house. I went inside and got these" said Tom as he got out the folder containing all the pictures. Tord takes the folder before looking inside to see each picture. "I see. Did you mention this to anyone?" asked Tord. "I've told both Edd and Matt, yet they wouldn't believe me" said Tom. "I guess they'll have to learn it the hard way" said Tord. "Well not both of them, it's just Matt who thinks that there's nothing wrong with Tony" said Tom. "To be honest, Matt doesn't understand who he's actually dealing with" said Tord. Then Paul and Patryck unexpectedly suddenly came into the room. "Paul and Patryck, do you care to explain why you just barged in here?" asked Tord. "Uhh.........yeah......hehe....about that...." said Patryck nervously. "We....have a problem" added Paul. "Problem? What is it?" asked Tord. "Let me guess, Edd and Matt distracted you two and got away?" asked Tom. "Uhh....nooooooo...ehh...yes they did" said Paul. "How could you let two people distract you that easily?" asked Tord. "I wouldn't say that they distracted us, it's that Paul wanted a milkshake" said Patryck. "I-I....that didn't happen!" yelled Paul. "Oh yes it did Paul!" yelled back Patryck. "Both of you two shut up! Even if they had escaped, we're able to track them down with a special drone" said Tord.
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