#being Muslim being trans (my state is having a rough go at it rn) being a trauma survivor
violexides · 2 years
speaking personally as a Muslim it is EXTREMELY common for people to equate Islam and Christianity as both inherently oppressive. and I am not an idiot, there ARE theocratic governments that base their structures on Sharia law and those are undeniably corrupt (the way that any theocratic authoritarian government would be regardless of religion, but I digress because clearly y’all are not ready for that kind of conversation), but it has become more and more apparent to me that the only people who actually seem to understand what Islam is and what it values - are Muslims. and none of you will fucking listen to us.
having religious trauma, being part of a religious minority, whatever it may be - it does not automatically give you the stand to talk shit about Islam like you know anything. did you know that Islam supports abortion? that Islam, at its origins, is not homophobic or transphobic? do you know how Islam got twisted through theocracies and politicians to become something it is not? or do you just know the end result - do you only recognize a Muslim person if you see hijab, or if you see a war torn country? 
I’m so fucking tired of how Muslims are treated in this goddamn country. i have had to argue and fight with friends (WHO ARE OF COLOR AND OF MINORITY RELIGIOUS BACKGROUNDS AND OR ARE ATHEIST BTW.) to get them to stop praising men who caused my country to get genocided over in front of me. To stop telling me that I was basically white as if my grandfather did not get sent to an Iraqi prison for being on the wrong side of the political spectrum only for my fucking father to come to this country and have nobody bother to learn his name. Muslims are being killed & my country is fucking DYING my country has BEEN DYING. 
I feel like I’m screaming into a fucking echo chamber and everyone just walks past. I am WATCHING people walk past. There’s no place in leftism for religious people and that’s becoming more and more evident with the way that some of these ex Christian atheists act - I don’t have religious trauma, I have trauma from daring to be fucking Muslim in a country where my entire homeland is siphoned into the ISIS box and left to fucking die. 
this is messily worded but you can reblog. but I am too tired to argue so if you have shit like. I don’t care. I don’t. Learn more about Islam educate yourself fucking listen. I want to go to Iraq some day. I really, really want to.
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