#being able to sloppily dick around several disposable girls AND women?! jfc
magioftheseas · 2 years
Persona 5 protag for the bingo?
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Akiren truly is the most tragic fucking character. Imagine having all this style, all this potential to be as complex and as interesting as Tatsuya Suou My Beloved, all this Bisexuality, fucking wasted on dipshit writers deadset on having an especially garbage blank slate cishet self-insert with no actual personality of his own. (And this was the intent actually STATED OPENLY by the staff because god forbid we be able to pretend otherwise in this fucked society.)
It's so sad. And having the protag be a blank slate self-insert for a game with a plot like P5's is DOA to begin with!
Any personality or depth you can glean from Akiren is more often than not by accident if not actively in SPITE of the writing choices, but damn if this nasty crime boy doesn't make for a fascinating thought experiment.
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