#being dumber than a clump of nails (affectionate)
zkoh001 · 1 year
can you do some garmasako after seson 3. Ypu say you would like to rewrite Misako and I would like to see this.
Can you make some them agruing and them forgiving each other?And some fluff(If you want)
If ypu dont want to write that,no problem just please give me anything about them!
Please answear and make me know are you gonna do that or no.
I thank you in advance and look forward to your reply
Oh, wow an ask!
I'm not a big writer, but I defo think theey would be more couple-y with each other. They still love each other, but at the same time, a lot happened, since then.
I would imagine something-something being a bit standoffish. They would have some lingering resentment, that undermines their immense love for one another.
G: You abadoned our son (even if I know you never meant to leave)
M: Well, you abandoned me first... (even if I know you didn't mean to get venom-ed)
I want some domestic fluff moments, nothing extra, just hugs, and touches that last a bit longer. I could imagine Lloyd being like "I could have had that..."
So basically fucked up people trying their best to be better together, and to give Lloyd a childhood that was forcibly ripped away from him.
Garmadons sacrifice would happen, and Misako would refuse to grieve, dead set on being the single parental figure, and a steady point for Lloyd. I could see her getting a bit overbearing, maybe in her moments alone we would see her staring longingly at a picture of her, Wu, Garmadon and wittle baby Lloyd.
Wu would help her get her feelings out there, and just generally be there, no shipping involved. She would be very closed and hostile at first
M: You can't understand!
W: I can. That day, not only did you loose a husband. I lost a brother.
Oh wow, that got dark fast. Back to the fluff! They would be troublemakers as both young, and old people. Also, as a sidehobby, playing fiddle on Wu's last braincell.
Obligatory HoT, side tangent: Here we are, sons of god, masters of nature, and this random archeologist we found in the trash, we can't get rid of her halp.
Also, they both have a gremlin side, and they make each other ten times worse. Definitely pranked the EMs, but they couldn't do shit about it. When they asked wu he just said, "lol, now you know my pain"
But only they can break Wu's rules, and set his last braincell on fire, because you mess with my brother (-in law) you mess with me
Lastly, before the cat law applied to Lloyd, it applied to Garmadon. If he fell asleep on you Misako and/or Wu would just stand in the doorway. Watching. And waiting Making sure you play by the rules :)
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