#being vegetarian in florida when i was younger was a struggle then i moved out here and they have vegan restaurants
dragpinkman · 2 years
i got the coolest mushroom tea + lemonade idk what its going to taste like i have no idea what kind of tea it is im going to be honest i bought it solely for its great packaging it looks so cool
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standbyphoenix · 7 years
River Phoenix Ranks Acting Below Animal Rights and Music, NY Times, 1989.
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When River Phoenix learned he had just won the National Board of Review's award as best supporting actor of 1988 for his performance in ''Running on Empty,'' his first response was to ask what the society was.
A few months past his 18th birthday, Mr. Phoenix is not yet into glittering prizes. If the awards ceremony conflicts with an anti-fur concert at which he has agreed to play his guitar, the popular young actor says he will keep his commitment to the animal-rights group. He does not wear animal skin on his back, at his waist or, most of the time, on his feet. And he has been a vegetarian since he was 8 years old.
During his most recent trip to Hollywood from his home in Florida, he picked at some vegetables mixed with tofu and talked about the immorality of eating meat.
''When I was old enough to realize all meat was killed, I saw it as an irrational way of using our power, to take a weaker thing and mutilate it,'' he said. ''It was like the way bullies would take control of younger kids in the schoolyard.'' 
As Danny Pope, who has spent 15 years hiding behind false identities in ''Running on Empty'' and who must choose between betraying his parents or his future, Mr. Phoenix earned enviable reviews, as well as a nomination today as best supporting actor for the Golden Globes given out by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. But the film did poorly at the box office last fall, selling less than $3 million worth of tickets. In a quest for an Academy Award nomination for Mr. Phoenix, Warner Brothers re-released the movie at a theater in Los Angeles a few weeks ago and intends to reopen in New York in the middle of this month.
Mr. Phoenix's reviews have been glowing since his first appearance as the sturdy 12-year-old leader of four young boys searching for the body of a dead boy in ''Stand by Me.'' He even got away relatively unscathed when critics mauled ''Little Nikita,'' in which he played the all-American son of Russian spies, and ''The Mosquito Coast,'' in which he played Harrison Ford's son.
The young actor has just finished a cameo role in Steven Spielberg's new movie, ''Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,'' in which he plays Jones as a teen-age daredevil, ''with lots of mad escapes.'' He said he did not mimic Mr. Ford's Indiana Jones, but ''used him as a reference.''
''When Indiana Jones is in trouble,'' Mr. Phoenix said, ''he'll give a real laugh and dart his eyes to the right or left and freeze a smile, a perpetual smirk.''
The new movie will reveal the origins of Jones's phobia about snakes. ''I had to do a scene where I'm at the bottom of a crate in a circus reptile car and I have to deal with thousands of snakes,'' Mr. Phoenix said. 'Built-In Barometer'
Sidney Lumet, the director of ''Running on Empty,'' has said of Mr. Phoenix: ''The talent is original and the personality is original. River doesn't know how to do anything falsely. Give him a false direction and he'll look up helplessly. Henry Fonda had that built-in barometer of truth.''
Still a little awkward about being interviewed, Mr. Phoenix concentrated on squashing bits of rice into the paper tablecloth. With crayons supplied by the restaurant, he drew a rainbow of lines that eventually turned into ''either a spaceship or Flash Gordon's pistol,'' he said.
Mr. Phoenix already has to struggle against the image that strangers are drawing of him, including a paperback biography that he says ''is so bogus it's amazing.''
''They say I'm 155 pounds with the build of a football player,'' he said. ''I'm 137 pounds. And the image the teen magazines want to manufacture is goody-goody sticky-sweet.''
The actor is the oldest of five children: Rainbow is 16; Leaf, the only other son, who is also an actor, is 14; Liberty is 12, and Summer is 11. He had a childhood almost as strange as that of his character in ''Running on Empty.'' Street Guitarist at 5
In the film, Danny Pope's parents had protested against the war in Vietnam by bombing a napalm laboratory when he was 2 years old. When River was 2, his parents joined the Children of God, a religious cult, and preached in Mexico, Puerto Rico and Venezuela. By the time he was 5, he was playing his guitar in the streets of Caracas.
''That was my only reality,'' Mr. Phoenix recalled. ''I would sing at jails with my sister and stand on street corners passing out literature containing uplifting messages about Jesus. I was nearly 7 when my parents started to leave in the middle of the night.''
In 1977, Arlyn and John Phoenix walked away from the Children of God, although their decision stranded them in a foreign country with four children, no money and no place to live. ''The group was being distorted by a leader who was getting very full of power and wealthy,'' Mrs. Phoenix said. ''We were serving God; we weren't serving our leader. It took several years to get over our pain and loneliness.''
After a few months of living in a rat-infested beach hut, the family slipped out of Venezuela on a freighter taking a shipment of toys to Florida. 'Pure, Naive, Poor'
In Florida, Mr. Phoenix said: ''Rich kids gave us their old clothes, which were the best clothes we had ever had. We were these very pure, naive, poor children. The rich kids called us a lot of names, but it never bothered us because we didn't know what the words meant.''
River and his sister Rainbow won so many local talent contests that they were written about in The St. Petersburg Times. A copy of the article found its way to the casting department at Paramount Pictures, and the family received a letter saying the children could be interviewed if they were ever in Los Angeles.
The family loaded the old station wagon and drove to California, but Paramount wasn't interested. Mrs. Phoenix found herself a job as a temporary employee at NBC. Then River's musical skills won him a role in the television series ''Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.''
He has not been in a regular school since fifth grade. ''Whatever I missed, I exchanged for something else, and it was worth it,'' he said. ''I love thinking and writing and researching stuff, going to the library and looking at microfilm. Environmental concerns are top on my list. If we don't heal the earth, we're gone.'' In Support of Chickens
His attitudes and ethics obviously echo the 60's sensibilities of his parents, but it was the 8-year-old River who persuaded his parents to give up milk and eggs. ''The chickens that lay eggs are so frustrated,'' he said. ''There's no sunlight in egg farms. It's like a concentration camp. Just the squealing of thousands of birds.''
Although the movie industry is usually a quick cure for naivete, Mr. Phoenix has not yet lost an artless trust in the kindness of strangers. Despite the superficial similarities between his childhood and that of Danny Pope, the actor said he used nothing from his own life in ''Running on Empty.''
''It takes away from my character's identity if I cross my past with his,'' Mr. Phoenix said. ''He needs to have his own life. I find it funny that so many actors are so self-centered about everything.''
The family retreated from Southern California to Florida a year ago. ''They moved for the kids,'' Mr. Phoenix said. ''The kind of people you attract in Hollywood don't have their heads in the right place.''
At the end of last month he and a band made up of Rainbow and teen-age friends rented a local theater for $65 and gave a concert of the progressive folk-rock music he composes. The first 65 people donated $1 each. Everyone else got in free. Music has always been his first love. Now, Mr. Phoenix said, acting is starting to catch up.
—  By ALJEAN HARMETZ, Special to the New York Times | Published: January 5, 1989.
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sunsetboulevardrpg · 6 years
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Followers: 41.8M | Capricorn | Income: $$$$
LA got a little crazier with the introduction of Emily Moon, the 25 year old hailing from Key West, Florida. Nowadays she resides in Compton. She brings in her bank as a Victoria’s Secret Model.
People in this county tend to be fake, but those closest to her claim she is:
(+) Friendly, Protective, Vivacious
(-) Erratic, Selfish, Stubborn
Last three tweets:
@emmomoonx: Insomnia sucks so much. Someone come and distract me from my own thoughts. Please. @emmomoonx: Hanging out at Disneyland with my sisters. Got in for free today, perks of being related to Cinderella and Jasmine. @emmomoonx: Running errands in yoga pants. Don’t judge me… I can tell you are judging me right now. Don’t. If you plan on getting on her good side, you need to know that:
Emily is the older sister of October and Melody Moon. The trio were born and raised in the Florida Keys. She is super protective of them.
Emily is a tan addict and beach bum. She’s always been that way since she was little and hates when it’s winter when she has to get a fake tan at the tanning salon.
Emily is addicted to traveling. With an insatiable wanderlust you can count on Em’s passport overly stamped or her randomly flying somewhere.
Emily loves animals and is a vegetarian. She owns a dog named Hadley, a cat named Mimsy and a horse named Starlight. Emily often rescues animals and re-homes them reluctantly because she wants to keep them, but can’t.
It’s LA, everyone has their secrets:
Before Emily moved to Southern California, she was a married woman who wanted kids. Even though she had grown up in the spotlight with her younger sisters, October and Melody, Emily wanted some normalcy in her life. After marrying her high school sweetheart at the age of nineteen, she thought she would have this dream fulfilled, now she just needed a house full of children. However, this didn’t work the way she wanted because her ex-husband, Blake Huntington, was extremely abusive, mentally, physically and sexually. Emily did get pregnant a few times, but sadly would miscarry in Blake’s too often drunken rages. At the age of twenty-two, Emily had simply had enough and started plotting the death of her husband. A few months of arsenic poisoning after all that time was all it took and she got to play the part of a grieving widow. No one knows that it was her fault that he died. She still struggles with her self image and has been diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, Emily tells no one.
“It is scary what a smile can hide.“
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