bookishmomsstuff · 5 years
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Do we know a lot of accidents take place on a daily basis and have a certain number of deaths each day. I'm talking here about accidents involving kids. 📝These could be due to negligence, careless attitude or even improper safety measures. Dr.Chetan Ginigeri , who heads the intensive care unit of paediatrics @astercmi came up with the child safety initiative. 📝A beautifully illustrated book that talks about the day to day life, points that need to be taken special care and the possible situations for accidents to take place. 📝The initiative named safe child means Safety & Awareness For Every Child. Aster safe child are India's leading network, who work towards reducing the number of children and younger population getting seriously injured, disabled or dying. 📝The child safety awareness program is a small beginning to address the burning issue. First aid for students and teachers is a manual that is present in the kit. 📝The book playful is a complete safety guide that has colourful illustrations. Safety in water, while feeding, kitchen safety, crib management, medication, transport safety, poisoning, play safety, toy safety, playground safety, safe touch and internet safety are the topics covered. 📝A must read book for every parent that brings awareness about child safety. Published, marketed and distributed by @timesgroupbooks . #thatmadrasmom #sindhuvinodnarayan #chennaibookreviewer #chennaiblogger #chennailifestyleblogger #chennaiinfluencer #safety #awareness #childsafety #ChildrensBook #kidsbookswelove #indianblogger #ishtoo23 #sablikekrolke #nomorewaitingwx #playful #chetanginigeri #astercmi #beingtheparent (at Chennai, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KJ2NJFWEt/?igshid=1bqnx5a27f2v9
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alraednews-blog · 6 years
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للماميز.. ماتهمليهاش البطاطا أكلة “المناعة” والقوة لبطلك الصغير متابعه : هبه محمود  البطاطا تملأ الأسواق فى وقتنا الحالى، ولذا على الأم أن تقدمها لأطفالها لغناها بالكثير من الفوائد الصحية والفيتامينات والعناصر التى يحتاجها جسم الطفل للبناء والقوة. تحتوى البطاطا الحلوة وفقا لتقرير نشره موقع beingtheparent على فيتامين أ المهام والمفيد للجسم، وكذلك البيتا كاروتين الهام، وهو ما يجعلها أكلة صحية وغنية لطفلك الصغير خاةصة فى أيام المدرسة. ومن أبرز فوائد البطاطا الحلوة لطفلك الصغير، التى يمكنك خبزها داخل الفرن، أو تقشيرها وهرسها، أو غليها فى المياه الساخنة، فطرق طهيها كثيرة ومتنوعة، ومن أهم فوائدها   : ـ تعزيز صحة العظام وتقوية أسنان الطفل ولاحتوائها على كم هائل من فيتامين د الصحى والهام. ـ الحفاظ على صحة القلب عند الطفل تساعد على النمو وتطور الأعضاء لاحتوائها على فيتامينات غنية كفيتامين b 1  و b 6. ـ سعراتها الحرارية العالية والمفيدة للطفل يحسن من وزن الطفل الذى يعانى من نقصان فيه. ـ لاحتوائها على  مضادات للأكسدة وفيتامين سى الهام تعتبر البطاطا أهم الأغذية التى تعزز المناعة ضد نزلات البرد والأنفلونزا والعدوى الأخرى. ـ تحتوى على نسبة جيدة من الألياف مما يجعلها تحسن من حالات الإمساك التى تصيب بعض الأطفال.
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buddyrabrahams · 7 years
3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
One of the day-to-day struggles of a parent is bathing a child who absolutely hates being in the water. Make bath time less problematic for both you and your baby by following these great tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Ease bath time worries Lots of kids have legitimate anxieties about having water poured over their heads. If your children usually cry when you wash their hair, this could be an issue you need to be sensitive to. Make sure the water you’re using is a comfortable temperature, and always warn your kids before you start to pour it over their heads. Consider buying a bathtime visor (a special foam hat that protects your kids’ faces while you rinse their hair), which can help minimize the amount of water that gets into their eyes. Source: TheSpruce
Try new methods There could be various reasons that your child dislikes bathing. For starters you can try changing his bathing time, maybe bathing time is disrupting his play-time or maybe he is just lazy at a particular time. You could try to switch positions in the bathroom, try a different corner instead of the regular one; your child could like a corner better and cooperate while bathing. You could even start bathing your child’s feet first and make your way upwards since many kids dislike washing their face or hair; you could do this in the end and save yourself some crying time. Source: BeingTheParent
Remember to have fun! By far the best way to make bath time easy is to make it fun! Get some fun bath toys and play with them with your toddler. You can also sing bath time songs, talk to him or her, or just interact in any way you enjoy. Bath time can be fun for both parent and child, and there’s no better way to make any activity easy than by making it enjoyable! Source: MomTricks
We can help you pick a bathtub that your kid will enjoy. Call us today!
  Contact: Perfect Bath Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641 Calgary, Alberta Email: [email protected]
The post 3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2xkketW
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wayneooverton · 7 years
3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
One of the day-to-day struggles of a parent is bathing a child who absolutely hates being in the water. Make bath time less problematic for both you and your baby by following these great tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Ease bath time worries Lots of kids have legitimate anxieties about having water poured over their heads. If your children usually cry when you wash their hair, this could be an issue you need to be sensitive to. Make sure the water you’re using is a comfortable temperature, and always warn your kids before you start to pour it over their heads. Consider buying a bathtime visor (a special foam hat that protects your kids’ faces while you rinse their hair), which can help minimize the amount of water that gets into their eyes. Source: TheSpruce
Try new methods There could be various reasons that your child dislikes bathing. For starters you can try changing his bathing time, maybe bathing time is disrupting his play-time or maybe he is just lazy at a particular time. You could try to switch positions in the bathroom, try a different corner instead of the regular one; your child could like a corner better and cooperate while bathing. You could even start bathing your child’s feet first and make your way upwards since many kids dislike washing their face or hair; you could do this in the end and save yourself some crying time. Source: BeingTheParent
Remember to have fun! By far the best way to make bath time easy is to make it fun! Get some fun bath toys and play with them with your toddler. You can also sing bath time songs, talk to him or her, or just interact in any way you enjoy. Bath time can be fun for both parent and child, and there’s no better way to make any activity easy than by making it enjoyable! Source: MomTricks
We can help you pick a bathtub that your kid will enjoy. Call us today!
  Contact: Perfect Bath Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641 Calgary, Alberta Email: [email protected]
The post 3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2xkketW
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mrjohntatum · 7 years
3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
One of the day-to-day struggles of a parent is bathing a child who absolutely hates being in the water. Make bath time less problematic for both you and your baby by following these great tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Ease bath time worries Lots of kids have legitimate anxieties about having water poured over their heads. If your children usually cry when you wash their hair, this could be an issue you need to be sensitive to. Make sure the water you’re using is a comfortable temperature, and always warn your kids before you start to pour it over their heads. Consider buying a bathtime visor (a special foam hat that protects your kids’ faces while you rinse their hair), which can help minimize the amount of water that gets into their eyes. Source: TheSpruce
Try new methods There could be various reasons that your child dislikes bathing. For starters you can try changing his bathing time, maybe bathing time is disrupting his play-time or maybe he is just lazy at a particular time. You could try to switch positions in the bathroom, try a different corner instead of the regular one; your child could like a corner better and cooperate while bathing. You could even start bathing your child’s feet first and make your way upwards since many kids dislike washing their face or hair; you could do this in the end and save yourself some crying time. Source: BeingTheParent
Remember to have fun! By far the best way to make bath time easy is to make it fun! Get some fun bath toys and play with them with your toddler. You can also sing bath time songs, talk to him or her, or just interact in any way you enjoy. Bath time can be fun for both parent and child, and there’s no better way to make any activity easy than by making it enjoyable! Source: MomTricks
We can help you pick a bathtub that your kid will enjoy. Call us today!
  Contact: Perfect Bath Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641 Calgary, Alberta Email: [email protected]
The post 3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2xkketW
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mrharoldbeal · 7 years
3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
One of the day-to-day struggles of a parent is bathing a child who absolutely hates being in the water. Make bath time less problematic for both you and your baby by following these great tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Ease bath time worries Lots of kids have legitimate anxieties about having water poured over their heads. If your children usually cry when you wash their hair, this could be an issue you need to be sensitive to. Make sure the water you’re using is a comfortable temperature, and always warn your kids before you start to pour it over their heads. Consider buying a bathtime visor (a special foam hat that protects your kids’ faces while you rinse their hair), which can help minimize the amount of water that gets into their eyes. Source: TheSpruce
Try new methods There could be various reasons that your child dislikes bathing. For starters you can try changing his bathing time, maybe bathing time is disrupting his play-time or maybe he is just lazy at a particular time. You could try to switch positions in the bathroom, try a different corner instead of the regular one; your child could like a corner better and cooperate while bathing. You could even start bathing your child’s feet first and make your way upwards since many kids dislike washing their face or hair; you could do this in the end and save yourself some crying time. Source: BeingTheParent
Remember to have fun! By far the best way to make bath time easy is to make it fun! Get some fun bath toys and play with them with your toddler. You can also sing bath time songs, talk to him or her, or just interact in any way you enjoy. Bath time can be fun for both parent and child, and there’s no better way to make any activity easy than by making it enjoyable! Source: MomTricks
We can help you pick a bathtub that your kid will enjoy. Call us today!
  Contact: Perfect Bath Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641 Calgary, Alberta Email: [email protected]
The post 3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2xkketW
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mrtylertjones · 7 years
3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time
Content originally published and Shared from http://perfectbath.com
One of the day-to-day struggles of a parent is bathing a child who absolutely hates being in the water. Make bath time less problematic for both you and your baby by following these great tips:
Image Source: Flickr
Ease bath time worries Lots of kids have legitimate anxieties about having water poured over their heads. If your children usually cry when you wash their hair, this could be an issue you need to be sensitive to. Make sure the water you’re using is a comfortable temperature, and always warn your kids before you start to pour it over their heads. Consider buying a bathtime visor (a special foam hat that protects your kids’ faces while you rinse their hair), which can help minimize the amount of water that gets into their eyes. Source: TheSpruce
Try new methods There could be various reasons that your child dislikes bathing. For starters you can try changing his bathing time, maybe bathing time is disrupting his play-time or maybe he is just lazy at a particular time. You could try to switch positions in the bathroom, try a different corner instead of the regular one; your child could like a corner better and cooperate while bathing. You could even start bathing your child’s feet first and make your way upwards since many kids dislike washing their face or hair; you could do this in the end and save yourself some crying time. Source: BeingTheParent
Remember to have fun! By far the best way to make bath time easy is to make it fun! Get some fun bath toys and play with them with your toddler. You can also sing bath time songs, talk to him or her, or just interact in any way you enjoy. Bath time can be fun for both parent and child, and there’s no better way to make any activity easy than by making it enjoyable! Source: MomTricks
We can help you pick a bathtub that your kid will enjoy. Call us today!
  Contact: Perfect Bath Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641 Calgary, Alberta Email: [email protected]
The post 3 Ways to Lessen the Stress During Your Toddler’s Bath Time appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada http://ift.tt/2xkketW
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