#belated birthday Pablo fic✨😭
gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hey can you write a story about Gavi buying the reader a gift for their anniversary. Where Gavi and the reader are both going shopping for one another and end up getting the same thing for the other. It ends up to be a cute moment when they open their presents and realise how compatible they are. Thanks, hope you have a nice day :))
A very belated birthday fic for our favorite golden bird boy✨💖
Soulmate Thing -P.G6
Summary: As your third anniversay hits, it's time to buy some gifts for your loved one
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"You don't need to buy me anything, lindo"
"You also don't need to buy me anything, princesa"
"Then why are we doing this?" He laughs
"We think the other deserves a gift no matter what"
"Oh god, we are so cute" You smile hearing his laugh
"We are" His grip on your hand tightened as you leaned into his clothed arm "Ok, this is where we split now, we get our things and met at the KFC?" He asked as you nod smiling.
Your anniversary is in two days but you wanted to buy Pablo's gift now and eventually since he had a day off today after non-stop four working days, all he wanted was to be with you.
And if that meant, going around the mall, buying gifts for you and then spend the rest of the day together, he was going to do it.
"Yep, that's it" You smile nodding "See you in two hours, lindo" You leaned up to your tippy toes and kissed his lips quickly before he grabbed a hold of your waist and kissed you this time a little longer
"The longest two hours of my life" He sighed with a smile
"No seas dramático" (Don't be such a dramatic) You smiled "Dos horas se van así..." (Two hours pass by like this...) You snapped your fingers and kissed his cheek smiling.
"Te quiero mucho, mi niña hermosa" You smiled widely at his words and at the way he hugged you tightly against him
"Y yo a ti, amor" You peck his lips before getting out of his hold "Vamos... The sooner we end this, the quicker we'll get home" and with that you started walking
Pablo had been recently talking about a teddy bear he used to have when he was a baby but sadly lost at the park, how much it meant to him and how he hadn't been able to find another one like he had.
You, being the good girlfriend you are and knowing your baby deserved everything he wanted, you had "stolen" (It was more of an you had asked Belén for a baby Pablo pic with said teddy and she had happily sent you a bunch of pics. One of those, that you had made as your lockscreen recently) a pic of Pablo and said teddy.
Looking up at it you smiled seeing they had it on stock and went to get one, that's how you get here. His teddy was your first stop, then to the Apple store and then to the flower shop to confirm your bouquet for him and made it as well, after that you decided to go to KFC where you will be meeting, seeing he was already there and ordering something for the two of you.
You went behind his back and wrapped your arms around him, he quickly reacted by looking down at your hands and relaxed seeing they were yours. He leaned more into you.
"Hope you got the 12 pieces chicken service along with a coca cola because I'm starving" You spoke with your lips on his cheek before placing a kiss there
"I'm breaking my diet for you" He said after turning his head to you and give you a kiss on your lips, letting go of your hands before trying to stand up but you quickly moved to pull your own chair out winning a quick glare from Pablo.
You stuck your tongue out jokingly "Lindo"
"Preciosa" He called back as you blush and settle yourself in the chair pushing the gifts down at your feet
"Tonto" (Silly)
"Te amo" He said as you smile sending him a kiss
"¿Te dijo más o menos cuánto tiempo se tardaría? Muero de hambre" (Did he told you how much time it would take? I'm starving)
"Te amo"
"Lo sé" (I know) You replied giggly "Did he told you-?"
"Te amo"
"¡Joder, y yo a ti!" He smiled proudly before nodding
"Dentro de unos 10 minutos máximo" (In about ten minutes tops) He replied pushing himself forward with his elbows on the table, you mirrored him "What did you got me?"
"It's a surprise, you'll soon find out!" You smirked as his smile dropped giving you a look "Mi amor, una sorpresa no es sorpresa si sabes qué es" (Love, a surprise isn't a surprise if you know what it is)
"And here I was, about to say what I got for you" You laughed hard
"Eres hermoso"
"Y tú más, which makes us a beautiful couple" He shrugged his shoulders a bit "Why so many bags? Seriously what did you get me?"
"Just four lil things, the rest are for me" You laughed at his face "I just bought some new snickers, a pair of cargos, a new mousepad because the one I had did all it's work... And books!" You got Hush Hush out of its bag
"We need to get a bigger bookshelf if you keep doing this" He smiled
"These are really important"
"As long as you don't change me with Jerry, everything's fine"
"Jev, mi vida; Jev"
"That's same one" You laughed "Ready Player One?" You hummed pulling the book out "The giver?" You nod once more "Boy meets boy?" You nod once more "Atlantia?" You hum smiling looking at him "Across the Universe?" You pout shaking your head no
"They didn't have it!" You whine "Don't remind me of that one because I will go back into the store and put on a show as to why didn't have it" Pablo laughs "THEY NEED TO HAVE IT!" You exclaimed a little too loud as Pablo puts his hands on top of yours calming you down a bit and one of his eyebrows goes up and glances around to see if anyone heard and thank god, everyone was in their own worlds
"Let's better talk about something else then while we wait for our food" You giggle ashamed
"Yes, please"
Once your food came, you ate and when you were done; you went to your shared apartment, showered and spent the rest of your evening in each others arms.
Two days passed by and your anniversary was on, both of you being a little suspicious, giggly and lovely (more than usual), in the morning before Pablo left for morning training
"I'm all yours after 3pm" He had said before running to the door because he was running late thanks to your loving session on the morning.
You smiled remembering the light touches and the breathy love sentences shared in between you two, when you felt your hip bone shake. You stumbled out of your Pabloland and got into work.
You made his favorite cake and looked for his bouquet of sunflowers, after that you prepared a bath for the two of you and also did lunch, you settled the living room with a nice, romantic and low lights, some candles and prepared for everything.
It's not always you have three years with the love of your life.
And even though, you wanted to doll yourself up for him, it would be useless since you'll end up... well, you know...
So, you did doll yourself up but remaining basic. You let your hair down after washing it, did a bit of makeup and got into a black long sleeve bodysuit with a jean skirt overall and some socks. You smiled watching the hour in your phone. 2.45.
He would be here any moment.
And he was. Your smile got bigger once you heard his steps come in.
"Mi vida" He said smiling as you giggled and brought your arms out
"Happy anniversary!"
"Happy 3rd anniversary, preciosa" Pablo hugged you tightly swinging you from side to side softly "You didn't had to do all of this"
"Well... I did it. And it's done. Hope you like it tho"
"Like it? Are you crazy? I loved this!" You laughed softly "However, wait here"
"Pablo, no" You said whining not feeling his warm skin on yours "Where are you going?"
"For your gift!" Hearing his words made you run to the laundry room and get his things. You both looked at each other coming out from different rooms "Got it?" You nod smiling
"Got something else tho" You said before bringing him into the kitchen where his bouquet was
"Are you serious?" He asked smiling
"Why? You don't like them?"
He leaves his gifts on the counter before he runs to the back where he comeS back again with a bouquet of sunflowers on his hands... You laughed softly getting what he meant.
"We got each other the sunflowers" He said as you laugh
"They're gorgeous to be honest"
"Yes, I love them" Pablo said smiling sniffing the bouquet you gave him "But gifts now"
You laugh passing him his bags as he gave you, yours. You both sat on the floor, in front of each other, your legs touching
"At three... One, two" You said softly "three"
"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!" You screamed surprised, pulling out the same teddy bear you had brought for him "Why did you get it?!" Pablo was laughing with his back on the floor
"Joder" He said laughing
"Pablo, you ruined my surprise!"
"No, you ruined mine! I was planning to give you this teddy ever since we went to Sevilla!"
"I was planning to give you that teddy since you started telling me about it when we were in Sevilla!" You replied laughing. You laid next to him "Why you gave me this tho?"
"Wanted you to have something from me when I was a baby" He shrugged "You?"
"You told me you lost it and that it meant a lot to you. So I searched for it and found it!"
"Do we have the same gifts for each other?"
"Please as cute and pretty it was, I don't think my next two gifts are the same as yours"
"Does one of the gifts involves ourselves with a red ribbon at night for the other to unwrap, because if it is then yes we may have" You push his shoulder laughing
"Stop that"
"But don't you have it?"
"Not with the ribbon at least" You both laugh hard at that. You extended your hand and give him his other gift "Open it"
"A phonecase?"
"Well, yes... Your phone is suffering a lot with those falls, mi vida. But it isn't like any other regular phonecase, this one has our initials and the date when we started dating" You showed your recent changed phone case "I have the same too" Pablo smiled grabbing you by your face and kissing you
"Gracias, te amo"
"You like it?"
"Love it. My phone will be forever grateful with you" You smile against his lips before you felt him place a bag on your lap "Go ahead"
You opened the bag and gasped "You're kidding" He shook his head as you pulled it out "Across the Universe?!" You laughed weirdly and excited "I'll be reading it right before we go to bed!"
"We'll be reading it" He corrected "I want to read it with you" You smile shaking your head before kissing him
"Te amo" You said feeling like your heart ccould burst out in any minute before your gaze when to the forgotten teddies who were next to each other looking at you two "We're so cute"
"We are" Pablo nods "But I'd like to say this is a Soulmate Thing. Fate show us that we belong to the other. We're each other soulmates, so I think we should get used to this things now"
You smiled nodding "We definitely should, soulmate"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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